
Fulfillment of the law through Christ

… Oh, My people, I was born two thousand years in a poor manger in an oxen stable to grow up as a man so that Satan might not know that I came to save the human. Herod became angry and came to kill Me and in his blindness he killed fourteen thousand infants. Oh, how was he to take My days away when I was the Lord of the days and nights, when I was the Lord of life?


When I came in the flesh into the world to do My work that My Father sent Me with, I did not have room with it in those from that time, as they did not know the time of the searching that came with Me from the Father. And if all wanted to exterminate Me, I told them: «You seek to kill Me because My word finds no place in you, because you are not from My Father; for if you were from the Father you would know that I came from the Father and that He sent Me».


Behold, sons, what you are to say to those that do not know to value the first day. On the first day God made the light. On the first day it was made light at My resurrection from the dead. The first day is the day when we celebrate the creation of the world.


The first day is the longest day, because on the first day God made the light. This is what you are to tell those that do not value the mystery of the light, the mystery of the day. They do not value Me, the One born of the Father, the Light from the Light. It is written: «I am the Light of the world», and I am Light from the Light, and I showed Myself upon the earth as a Light on the first day, sons. The light was made in the beginning and in the end of the first day, for in the end of the first day of the week, I arose from the night of the death.


I sent the angel and I asked the Virgin so that I may sow Myself into her, and she received Me. By what did she receive Me? She received Me by her word, and she said: «Behold, the handmaid of the Lord» and in that moment the Word was conceived and grew up and was born: he was born by a closed door, as that door was not used and the Virgin remained virgin. Behold, this is what God worked, the One Who made the heaven and the earth and the man. God worked out a birth from the Virgin and did not spoil the virginity through child bearing, but the man has no longer wisdom.


But in the sixth age I made a new work, proclaimed by Me through the prophets. I came and I sown Myself into the Virgin, and I was the seed, I, Who came from heaven; I became Man in the Virgin and I was born a baby and I grew up a perfect Man, and then I stood with much love as a man to taste the death to break its power by My resurrection from the death.

My people, My people, who can understand what I did in the sixth age? I made the new man; born and not created. I made the work of the birth of the new Man. I came down from heaven among the people, as I had to give birth to every man from Me; from Me and not from man; from Me through the man, by the work of God’s hands. The First Man was the work of God’s hands, and I also want to make this kind of work in the end. In the beginning it was the man’s creation, a worked out creation, and in the end it is a man’s birth, a birth through the word, not through the man; a birth from heaven on earth, as it is written: «He, who is not born from above, from heaven, cannot enter into God’s kingdom».


Oh, how much love I have put in people, as the man fell from eternity and virginity! Why, Christian, did the man not understand how much love I have put for the man? I have first created all the beauties, all that can be more beautiful and blessed, and then I sat and worked out the man with My own hand, to have someone to give everything that I created. Oh, how much suffering on Me, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! How much suffering on Me, when I saw that the man fell from the heavenly good! Oh, My people, how much love I have mixed with My pain and how much I have suffered loving, loving and waiting to see the man near God again! I have worked afterwards for five thousand years to repair the things the man has spoiled. I have dwelt by the word in the prophets and I have let My anointment among the people, as My prophets and My anointed ones have worked with My word in them for five thousand years, My people. In the beginning I had worked for five days, and on the sixth day I made the man to give him everything that I had worked for five days, and the man had crushed them all; he had crushed the eternal life of those created by Me. Then I had worked for five thousand years to bring the man up into the eternity, and in the sixth thousand years I had been creating a new man. Oh, My people, and how had I done this? Behold, I was the Man, as I became the Son of Man within the sixth thousand years. I became Man, so that the man may know how he had to be, how he had to multiply and how he had to work before God. And behold, within the seventh thousand years I have been with the word over the earth, and no one is ready for this love, for this descending of love.


When I spoke at the Jacob’s well with the Samaritan woman, you know what I told her then. I told her that the hour would come when the true worshippers would neither worship in the mountain of worship, and nor in Jerusalem any longer, but rather they would worship the Father in the Spirit of Truth, in the Spirit of God, in Christ. This Scripture is big, and its mystery is difficult to understand even for God’s faithful ones. The hour has come, so that the Father may have true worshippers; the hour has come, so that I may choose a people and put the Spirit of Truth upon it and to worship the Father, as such worshippers Father wants.


Oh, how wise was that Samaritan woman! How well we got together each other, as it is great the gift of wisdom, which comes from the faith in God, in the Spirit of God, Who spoke and speaks through the prophets. This is what she told Me: «Lord, our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and you, the Jews, say that the place of worship is in Jerusalem». And I answered her: «Woman, the hour comes for the true worshippers, that neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem will they worship, but they will worship the Father in spirit and truth, as such wor-shippers Father wants. You worship that which you do not know, but we worship that which we know; for the salvation comes from the Jews, but the hour comes that the true worshippers will worship in truth and in spirit; for God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth». She was a wise woman and understood what kind of truth of the Spirit I was speaking about with her, and then she said: «We know that Messiah is to come, Who is called Christ, and when He comes He will teach us everything». Oh, and what a great joy she had when I told her: «I am He, the One Who speaks to you».


I went out with this well before the woman from Samaria; I went out with My word before her, and how beautiful was My speaking with her! And then I gave her water from the well of My word; I gave her spirit and truth, and it became a spring of living water in her, as this is what I told her: «He who drinks from the water that I give him will never go thirsty, and it will become a spring of living water in him», My living water will become spirit and truth in him.


I was working upon her to open her wisdom and knowledge, for she was wise, and she replied to Me: «Lord, You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. From where then have You that living water? Are You really greater than our father, Jacob, who gave us the well and drank of it himself, as did his children and his cattle?». Then I said to her this: «Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again and drinks again when he thirsts, but who-ever drinks of the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life». I was working upon her with the spring of My word, so that she may understand who I am, as she had power of faith and wisdom, and she understood My speaking and then she said: «Lord, give me to drink of this water, so that I do not get thirsty, neither come all the way here to draw». And then I cleaned her of her sins that I spoke to her about, and she saw in Me a prophet and asked Me about the worship, as she wanted to worship God and to belong to God. This is what she said: «Our fathers worshipped in this mountain and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship». She wanted to understand who comes to worship the Father, and I revealed it to her the true worshipping and I told her: «Woman, believe Me that the hour comes, when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father; for you worship that which you do not know, and we worship that Whom we know, as salvation is from the Jews. But the hour comes when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to be His worshippers». And when the woman was careful to the words of life, she remembered of the prophets and said: «We know that Messiah is to come, Who is called Christ, and when He comes, He will declare all things to us». And when I heard that she spoke about Me, I said: «I am He, the One Who speaks to you». I revealed Myself to her, so that she might know that I came and I taught her. And then the disciples came with food and saw Me speaking with her and marveled that I was speaking with the woman, but they did not tempted Me about what I was doing, and she left her little wooden pail there and went into the city and told to many to come to the well in Sihar (Sihem, r.n.) to see Christ. And then the Samaritans came to the well at Me, and I did not want to eat any more, as the disciples said to Me: „Lord, eat”. But then My food was to do My Father’s will, Who sent Me from heaven to do His will, and I told them about the work of the harvest and about the reward of those who reap, who receive a reward and gather fruit for eternal life; however, they rejoice together with the one who reaps, as the sower is one and the reaper is another one. He who reaps is not like the one who sows. He who sows works much, and he who reaps comes in the work of the one who sows and labors over the sowed crop field, and they rejoice together, as with God there is love; there is the reward for the reapers, for they finish their work and gather the fruit for eternal life; and the reaper rejoices with the one who sows, the sower with the reaper.

This is how the Samaritans received Christ, Israel. This is how My coming to them was;


When I was born a Child from the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin, I was circumcised at the age of eight days, to have the sign of Israel on My body and to be able to work over Israel as one who rose from the middle of Israel. Israel was circumcised in its body but it was not circumcised in its heart and ears because it did not receive the coming of the Righteous One. I became Man from the man, and I was circumcised at eight days old to redeem those that were not circumcised in heart and ears, and who has always stood and stay against the Holy Spirit, and behold the circumcision is nothing; it has no other power than to crucify God. I was circumcised, as then when I had to show Myself as true God of the true God, to be known that I came from heaven and I became Man, and My circumcision proved My human nature together with the spiritual nature. But no truth prevails over the unfaithful one, the stiff-necked one, and the deed of law enshrouds him into blindness, and there is no faith on the earth.


That is why the man’s hand nailed My hands and My legs on the sixth hour of the day, taking after Adam and his did, reaching his hand against Me in the sixth hour of the day. Then there was great darkness until the ninth hour, and Adam was taken out of the paradise by his own deed, the deed of disobedience to God. Since then I have had no longer rest and I have been walking sobbingly between heaven and earth, looking for the man who was created by My hand, the first created man, the man by whom the whole human race lost its incorruptibility and happiness from paradise. The Father sent Me from heaven on the earth two thousand years ago, to take upon Me the man’s fallen nature, and I took it fully, as on the sixth hour of the day, when the first built man reached out his hand upon Me to take My knowledge, I was spread out on the cross and nailed by the fallen man, and on the ninth hour, when the man was fallen from paradise by his disobedience, I, the Lord, being on the cross, gave My soul and Spirit into My Father’s hand, for the redemption of the man built by God.

I came on the earth to die like the man, and before of My passion which wiped away Adam’s sin, I had fasted for forty days praying to My Father to be wiped out the sin of the first created man, who did not want to fast from disobedience, who did not want to not to eat disobedience. Why did I tell Adam not to eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge? Because the knowledge was God’s not man’s, because the Lord did not want the man to die by knowledge. This is what I told the man: «If you reach out your hand to take from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will surely die».


We had existed before the heaven and the earth and before everything that is. But when We made the man, We had to bring everything together in a body, to also bring the man into it, and then to bring God, dear Son, by Your becoming flesh from the flesh of man, and in this way God became the Son of Man and taught him submission from earth to heaven. However, the man does not like to be under Our will, My Son and the Son of Man.


I taught him at the beginning and the man fell in humility, and then he grew less in faith, and then the man became self-confident and worshipped his own body. I had taught the man through the prophets then, and in the sixth age I came Myself and became flesh between heaven and earth and I spoke with the man face to face for thirty three years in so many ways, hiding My glory of divinity in such a way that the man may look at Me and not die, for My mercy for the man has surpassed all expectances.


My birth from the Virgin was obedience. I was obedient since I came down in her belly becoming so little as to be born afterwards, to be a born God; and My mother Virgin was obedient and received Me in her that I might be born a baby from her and to be her obedient child, and then to be perfect God in My appearance when John baptized Me in the water of Jordan to be confessed by the Father as His Son in Whom He was well pleased.

My birth was a great joy and a great pain. Joy for those who believed in the prophets, waiting for the fulfillment of their prophesies, and receiving Me with faith and longing and worship, and it was a pain for those who were after the elements of the world: kings and scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees and everything what the elements of the world mean. I cannot tell about My birth to the man more than the prophets spoke about in the Scriptures, and then My evangelists, for I took great care to be believed into the world as true God from true God. I was born a body from the body and I was glorified in the Spirit over the nations of the earth until I ascended into My Father’s glory, for My apostles perfectly obeyed My word when I commanded them to go into the whole world and preach the Gospel about Me, the one about the kingdom of the heavens on the earth with the people. My birth from the Virgin mother was a birth from heaven and not a birth from the earth, and it was as in heaven. Amen.


I have mercy on the man. The man is so old in his nature, which stays, with his will and without his will, a master upon him! I am so compassionate on the man when I see him so little in those that are new, which I brought on the earth once with My birth of the human body, of the Virgin body, a birth from heaven on earth to be God Man, and then the man to be God. And behold, I was God from the Father, God Man and Man God, because the man that was built by My hand in the beginning did not want to be obedient and thus to have a parent when he was made an adult and has been able to give birth to a man to have a heir. However, the Father has made him the second time through Me, His Son. He has sent Me to lay down Myself in a Virgin belly and to be born in the fullness of time a baby, and to grow up in My body like the man, like the newborn baby, born God, the new man, in God’s image and after His likeness in a perfect manner. Amen.

Oh, My people, the man from the beginning did not listen and died, as God told him that he would surely die if he did not listen to Him. And the Man from the end, Who was born, being sent by the Father, that One was the Son of the Father. I was that One, I, the One Who submitted to the Father to come on the earth in the fullness of time, God born of man, God Man, Son obedient to the Father, and then, to My mother Virgin. I listened to the man as Father wanted it and I have showed to the man the godly nature, and the man should also take of it if he wants to be the Son of the Father and to call Him Parent, as I call Him. Amen. No one can call someone „father” but the son. That is why the Father has sent Me into the world, He has sent Me to dwell in man, in the heart of the man, the Father’s messenger, and to call to the Father for the man, and the man to call to the Father through Me, calling My Father Sabaoth „Parent”. Amen.


Blessed will be all who will know to drink from Me, for those who will know to drink are those who will come to life in a spirit of repentance to the forgiveness of their sins, because I, the Lord, came two thousand years ago on earth and fulfilled all the Scriptures written about Me into the law of Moses, in the prophets and in the psalms, to preach the repentance for the forgiveness of the sins to all the nations, starting from Jerusalem. Amen.


I came down two thousand years ago from near the Father and I became a man being conceived within a body of a Virgin that I could be born in a body on earth so that the man may not say that he cannot become God from God by becoming one body with Me through My Body, which I left for the man in a mysterious way by My sacrifice on the cross, and to make the man the son of the Father and then to draw him to the Father, for I came into the man to make him divine by the grace with which the Father sent Me after the man. Amen.


I was with the sons of Joseph, the carpenter, when I started to call My disciples, and then I made them listen to Me and follow Me on earth. I was going with them from place to place, in Jerusalem, in Galilee and in Samaria, and I was doing near them the work of My Father, Who sent Me. I was My Father’s messenger as I am today. I was speaking the word with power over the man, and the Father is in Me now just as He was in Me then, for He was, He is and He will be, as I am. Amen.


Two thousand years ago, when My time was about to come from the Father and to become the Son of the Man, neither the scribes, nor the Pharisees, nor the teachers of the Law, nor the people of Israel wanted to understand My coming, which was written in the prophets, and they even today hear Israel saying that Messiah is still to come. However, I came then, and only few believed Me, starting with Zacharias and Elisabeth, who prepared the Virgin in whom I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, had to come down with a seed of the Holy Spirit and to be born as a Man among the people, being true God from true God. And then John, the Baptizer, knew Me also, as he was a little bit ahead of Me, incarnated from God through the word, having Zacharias and Elisabeth as his parents on earth. And My mother knew Me as well, and then My brothers, who were Joseph’s sons, knew Me after that, and when I still was a little baby, the three shepherds from the sheep, the three Magi, Simon, who was well advanced in years, and Anna, the prophetess knew Me too. And then sons, My twelve disciples knew Me, and from them, some of them also came to know Me, whom I sent through the cities so that I could enter them with My disciples and to be able to stay with them as frequently as possible into the midst of the multitudes, and to do My work of three years and a half, the man’s calling to the kingdom of the heavens, with which I came on the earth in the sixth age after I built the man, and then My people Israel put Me on the cross to die and no longer be. However, I am He Who is, and so I was then, and the death and the hell were overcome by Me, and I got up from the dead and fulfilled the work of the salvation of the world, and then I stood again in those that are not seen, on the right of My Father, the place of His Son. Amen.


Oh, how beautifully the shepherds of the sheep believed in the night of My birth! I sent My angel and there was a great light around them and he gave them the good news about My birth, and then a heavenly host got together at the news of My angel and they all sang glory to the Lord both in heaven and on earth, and good news and peace among the people, and then the angels went up from them into heaven, and the shepherds came to Bethlehem and found Me and believed and confessed with a great joy the sight of the annunciation of My angel. Amen.


I become the word of feast of the memorial of My birth of the Virgin mother two thousand years ago, for it is written: «He was in the world and the world was made through Him, and the world didn’t recognize Him. He came to His own, and those who were His own didn’t receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in His name». Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, how sweetly and how longingly My mother, the Virgin, read the Scriptures of My coming, by whom I made Myself known over the earth, and then I also made My Father known, for the beloved John said: «No one has seen God at any time. The One and only Son, Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him, for the Son and the Word of the Father became flesh and lived among us. And we saw His glory, such glory as of the One and only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth». Amen.


Oh, Jerusalem, I was God Man and I was obedient for the whole fulfillment with which I came. I was born of the Virgin, and after eight days from My birth I received the name of Jesus, spoken by angels before being conceived in the womb, and was circumcised according to the law, because after the flesh I was Israelite, through the body of My mother, through which I became a born man, because the Virgin carried Me in her womb and then I came out in a wonderful way, without spoiling the body of the Virgin mother, for God is wonderful forever and ever; He is without sin, He was conceived in the womb, He was born and grew and was crucified and was resurrected and then He ascended into glory and all these had been done without any sin. Amen, amen, amen.


Two thousand years ago, after I came out of water of My baptism of Jordan, the Father opened the heavens and made the Holy Spirit come down upon Me, so that He might make Me known. If someone asks himself why John had to come to baptize with water and to be called the baptizer, the answer is found in his mouth when the priests and the Levites asked him: «What do you say about yourself?». And he answered them: «I baptize in water, but among you stands One Whom you don’t know. He is the One about Whom I have spoken: after me there comes a man Who was preferred before me, because He was before me and I did not know Him, but for this reason I came baptizing in water: that He would be reveled to Israel and I have seen the Spirit descending like a dove out of heaven and it remained on Him. I did not recognize Him, but He Who sent me to baptize with water, He told me: „On whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit”. I have seen, and have testified that this is the Son of God». Amen.

The beloved John also testifies and says: «The world was made through Him and the world did not recognize Him. He came to His own and those who were His own did not receive Him». And My baptizer revealed Me to the world through the water of baptism and by the Holy Spirit descending from the Father upon Me and on the waters, for he was baptizing with water for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, speaking to everyone that the kingdom of the heavens had come near.


I remember how Abraham met Melchizedek and gave him bread and wine, which meant the Body and the Blood of the Son of God, for Melchizedek was God’s priest, and Abraham carried Me in his loins and I was the One Who was called its offspring, as the Scriptures, which speak about Abraham, say: «To him and his offspring». Amen.


Six days before Passover I was in Bethany and there came many of the Jews to see Lazarus, whom I brought to life, for they found out that I went there, and because of Lazarus’ resurrection many Jews came to believe in Me. However, the bishops spoke among themselves, after they had plotted My death, to kill Lazarus too, because they were losing the people, which arose to believe.

I prepared Myself to go up to Jerusalem, because the hour came for the Father to glorify Me. The next day the multitude of Jews who believed in Me, took palm branches in their hands and, coming into My way, were shouting: «Blessed is the King of Israel, the One Who comes in the name of the Lord!». And I rode on the colt of a donkey, and as it was written in the prophets, the crowds remembered that it was written: «Don’t be afraid, daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes, sitting on a donkey’s cold». And they cried this way saying «Hosanna!». And when the Pharisees saw this, they told their rulers that they had accomplished nothing because the crowds came after Me. Then I said: «Father, glorify Your name!». Then there came a voice out of the sky, saying «I have both glorified it, and I will glorify it again». Some said that it was a thunder; others said that it was an angel who spoke to Me, but I told them: «This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes. Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince of this world will be cast out, and I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself». And many of the rulers believed in Me, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess it so that they wouldn’t be put out of the synagogue, and then it was fulfilled the word, which says: «For they loved men’s praise more than God’s praise». However, when I spoke, I was saying to them: «If anyone listens to My sayings, and doesn’t believe, I don’t judge him. For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects Me, and doesn’t receive My sayings, has one who judges him. The word that I spoke, the same will judge him in the last day». Amen.


This feast, of the mother of the Son of the Father Sabaoth and My Father, Who was conceived into her womb on a day like this two thousand years ago, is a feast of Holy Spirit, for He was the messenger from the Father, and the angel was the intercessor, because everything that has been worked from everlasting to everlasting is in the hand of the Father, and His Son, the One served by angels, is carried and taught by the Father to work out the accomplishment of all those from the Father. Amen, amen, amen.

I had listened to the Father, for He told Me that He would make Me the Son of man, and that I would be born like a man on earth and that I would remain small, so that all may have the power to have Me from the Father, for the Father reconciled the world to Him through Me, and that by My obedience to Him all come to fulfillment. Amen.


I have longingly wanted to become word to the joy of the prudes of the passions, and then of My resurrection from the dead. Their longing was burning after Me and they had no peace without Me, and they were looking for Me among those who were in the tombs, because they had the undoubted faith by which they believed that I, the One loved by their heart, will stay for three days in the tomb and then I would come out destroying the death first, and that I would appear resurrected after three days, and it had already happened, because every jot that was written into the Scripture, which was prophesied about My coming from the Father on earth to live with the people, has been fulfilled. And after I will have destroyed the death by My death on the cross, I will come to life as the victor of death and of hell; and there was not a jot in the prophets that I, the Lord, might have not fulfilled once with My coming down in the flesh on earth, and then by My resurrection from the dead, coming with the saints on the clouds, fulfilling the number of the seven godly ages, and still after those from the dead will come to life by My coming with the saints. Amen.


I stopped by the well in Sychar, by Jacob’s well in My time with My disciples from among the Jews, while I was preparing them for the kingdom of God, with which I came on earth once with My birth from the Virgin, a Man among men and God from God, for the Father had sent Me to become the Son of Man on earth, and then to give Myself with love as a sacrifice of reconciliation of the man to the Father, by the crucifixion that My people did to Me, the people to whom I came to make him a partaker of the grace of My resurrection from the dead, and of My ascension into the Father, so that I may be able to draw all to the Father, all those who will drink of My water with love, of the spring of life, for I am its spring. Amen.

I spoke with the Samaritan woman, who came to take out water: «Give Me to drink!». I was tired because of My travelling when I stopped by the well. However, knowing Me that I was of the Jews, she asked Me: «How is it that you, being a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman, for Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans». Then I, Who came from the Father into the midst of Israel, spoke to her: «If you knew the gift of God, and Who it is Who says to you: „Give Me a drink,” you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water… for everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life».

I spoke with her in the spirit of prophecy, in the spirit of revelation, and she knew this and said to Me: «I see that You are a prophet». And, after I told her everything about her, she went on saying to Me: «I know that Messiah comes, Who is called Christ, and when He has come, He will declare to us all things». Then I revealed Myself saying to her: «I am He, the One Who speaks to you». And then she went away into the city and confessed Me, and My disciples, who came with food and saw Me speaking with her, spoke to Me: «Rabbi, eat!» but I told them: «I have food to eat you do not know about. My food is to do the will of Him Who sent Me, and to accomplish His work. Behold, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and look at the fields, that they are white for harvest already, and he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit to eternal life; that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together».


Oh, disciples, I had walked with you for three years and a half and I had revealed Myself to you as the true God and you saw how the Pharisees and the scribes were coming and tempting Me, but it was easier for Me to overcome the opposing spirit who tempted Me after forty days of fasting, according to the Father’s order, and then I told him to the end: «Get behind Me satan, for it is written: „You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve”». And then the devil listened to Me and left Me, and the angels came to Me and served Me, and I did the work of My Father before the people, and the angels were descending and ascending to God, and they were ascending and descending on Me and were working at My faith, accomplishing its works. Amen.


The Scriptures, My people, envelop in the mystery of the their word all its accomplishments, for two thousand years ago, I was announced by the Father and then by My angel that I would come, and when I came, I fulfilled all the Scriptures about My coming as God of God and a perfect Man among men, and all this wonderful time of My Scriptures, of the heaven on earth and of its kingdom was covered in a great mystery and it was wonderfully fulfilled, and the people of that time on earth passed by the fulfillments of the Scriptures and it did not know their power and work on earth, and the man of that time went on minding only his own business, and the generation of the people of that time was like the multitude, which comes out from the seeing and from the hearing of those fulfillments, and then it comes back into her daily things. However, then I worked for all the ages who were before and after that and I have remained the true God in heaven and on earth and I have proved so by the fulfillment of the Scriptures spoken beforehand for My coming, through which I became man to suffer in the midst of the people, to be despised by them, and once with it to be known by many through their faith, and then by My works in their midst beyond nature, from My birth and to My ascension again in the Father. Amen.

All My life, all My way was only cross, My people, for it was for that that I became a man on earth from the Father by the Virgin, and I was the Son of the Father Sabaoth and I was under the cross on the earth.


I have loved the man very much. I have loved him most in My time under the cross, the one worked for Me from the man. I have loved the man and the love for him completely drained My power under the cross, for the man to see and to help Me, and then to teach him to come under My cross with his cross, with his life, with his walking, with his body under the cross. Simon of Cyrene came and carried My cross for the man to see that he can carry My cross for My love for him, the love which totally consumed My body, as the man should love God by making his body grow weak and be giving power to the love for Me in him, for the body of the man always lusts against the love for Me in man, as My love in man always forgets about man and it comes up from man only to Me, and it loves God in man with a great sufferance, filling him with the image of repentance and with humility by which the man forgives and is forgiven.


My birth from the Virgin, the miracle by which, I, God, the Son, was born a child on the earth two thousand years ago, was the humility of the Father, a miracle that does not enter the man’s mind, for his mind is small in order to be able to humble himself when God speaks to him by miracles, and that is why God came on earth, was born and grew with a gentle character, both inside and outside of Him, covering His glory, for the man is small and is not born of the heaven in order to be able to perceive the heavenly things that have come on earth under the image of humility, covering their glory before man, for it is written: «The man cannot see God within all His glory and to remain alive». Under the way of My humility, the man could see Me for thirty three years on earth, and in whom I put the gift of the humility of spirit, those could see Me that I was God, the Son, the messenger of the Father sent after the man, and I fulfilled My work, for the man is the one who fulfills My works on the earth, and I cannot fulfill them without man, but I need a gentle and humble man in his heart, just as I am, because of the man if not so, he cannot believe in those that come from God among the people, which cover their glory in order that they may be able to come. Amen, amen, amen.

The memorial of My birth two thousand years ago would be to make the man even more humble, and to have more room within him for God, for I completely humbled Myself in order to be able to come down on earth, but if the man does not have any room in his heart for My humility, then he rejoices and exalts himself within him at the remembrance of God’s miracles and makes the days of My humility into his days of joy, for him, and not the days of the humility of spirit and of the fruit of holy faith, which is to bring forth in him the gift of the humility of spirit, which would teach him about this mystery, for great mystery is the gift of the humility of spirit, and the heavenly mysteries, which come on earth, for the man’s making does not enter into the man’s heart, because the man is not made and there is no one to make him after that.


I come down as word on the earth. It is My coming down after two thousand years from My ascension near the Father, after I became Man born of the Virgin to grow and to be crucified by the man, and then by resurrection, to ascend to the Father again.

I have showed the man how I was crucified by man and how I hated no one because of My sufferance from the man, who has been unfaithful to My coming. I let Myself to be crucified by a fearful judgment by those who were great among people and then I was put to death on the cross, and on the cross I spoke within great sufferance, with great mercy for the man: «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!».

As a blessed one of My Father, I did good to all those who knew Me by My godly power and who asked Me to comfort their sufferance of any kind, and I healed and forgave them and I did not judge them, even if many of them despised Me with blasphemy and called Me a law and peace and tradition breaker, a friend of sinners, a friend of immoral people and of tax collectors. And I told them: «Don’t think that I came to destroy the law, but I came to fulfill it; and I did not come to judge the world but to save it». Amen.

I glorify Myself by the word over every man on earth, for when I come, I come for everybody, as I also wanted to do two thousand years ago. Then I said that the time was coming for the true worshipers to worship the Father in spirit and truth, as the Father does not want the man to worship God otherwise, or in a special place, that is here and there. And this word, which I spoke this way, judged them and judges the people of that time and up to this day, because the people did not fulfill it and do not fulfill it, but they only boast about being God’s true worshipers.


My glory is dear, and it is as sweet as that one on the cross, for My love on the cross was sweet. No one has borne such a sweet love in his body, in his soul and in his spirit, as I had borne on the cross for the man to pay the life of the man by the sacrifice of My love on the cross. I was full of love on the cross. I was the One Who loved, as it never was and never is a greater love in heaven and on earth. My body did not suffer as much as My love suffered in the time of My cross. Those who sang to Me «Hosanna!» also cried out then to Pilate: «Crucify Him!» and I loved those who fulfilled the Scripture of My sacrifice and I asked My Father not to keep this into their account as sin because of what they did without knowing what they did. My love on the cross was sweet and painful, for love that has no pain has no power, and I loved those who brought Me pain, and the pain for them gave Me power for My sufferance from them, and then, for the love on the cross, at which Father looked and loved, because I listened to Him and I died for the man and I gave My live to the people.


Oh, My people, what a wonder was two thousand years ago on the day of My entrance into Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey! The news had spread everywhere that I called Lazarus out of his tomb, who had been dead four days. The Father had prepared beforehand to do this miracle so that Jerusalem might confess Me as King of Israel and to be able to bring Me as a sacrifice and that the ruler of this world could bring Me as a sacrifice on the cross, but they were afraid of the resurrected Lazarus, lest the people might arise to believe in Me and that they might lose their priority and their dominion and their vain glory.

How beautifully those that were in Jerusalem welcomed Me! They took branches of trees and sang: «Hosanna!» and their spirit did not know what it was doing, for they fulfilled the prophecies about Me as they were ordered one by one to their fulfillment, for great is the truth about God, My people.


I am the Word of the Father. Before the creation of man, I am the Word of the Father. I came on earth being born as a Man from a Virgin mother, and after thirty years from My birth, I chose, as it was written into the Book of My Life, and I chose My disciples, and then I chose the twelve disciples as disciples from among disciples, and I was the Lamb. And if I was the Lamb, what were they? They were the Lamb’s apostles, they were My little ones.

And why did My Father call Me Lamb? Why did John the Baptizer call Me saying: «Behold the Lamb of God!»? I was called so in heaven and on earth, because I am the Shepherd of the man. I am the Shepherd Lamb and I am the Lamb Shepherd, and I am the true One, and there is no other like Me in heaven and on earth, and the Father gave Me the name above any other name, because I give My life as life to the man, for I am the spring of life, and the man receives his soul from Me when he is born into the world. I gave Myself as life to the man, starting with the man built by My hand, for I breathed upon him from Me, and he became a living soul from dust, and he was made out of My breath, after I made his body.

After I made the heaven and the earth and then the man, I filled the sky with breath of life, and that is why the man receives this breath of life, when he is born, and behold, I am the One Who gives life to the man. No one besides Me made the spirit of life between heaven and earth, and that is why Paul, My apostle, said: «All live in Him».


Come, My sweet mother; it is My day and yours. In the day of My birth among the people I became your Son after the angel Gabriel had rejoiced you by giving you the news that you would give birth to a son and that I would be your Son. I was the Son of the Father Sabaoth, born of Him before eternity, and then the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Father’s being and Mine, dwelt in your virgin belly, and after the ordained time, I was born a child on earth, and since then the faithful people has been celebrating Us with songs of birth, mother, with the joy of their salvation, because I fulfilled then the redemption from the death of the man, by a death on the cross, the tribute paid to death to take the man out of eternal death, mother, and if the man wants to believe in Me, the perfect One, then let him no longer die, mother, for I spoke, and the man does not fulfill what I have said, and this is what I said: «He who believes in Me will never die». However, we lived in the spirit, soul and body all the sufferance of the fallen man, for We loved so much, mother, and within Our faultless faith we suffered on earth for the salvation of the man from the death, as it is for this that I had come down from heaven.


The martyr Stephen, consumed with the zeal for Me, the true God in heaven and on earth, humbled himself and lifted Me up before the haughty ones, who did not know to serve God according to the truth, and to whom I strongly stood against because of their haughtiness, and raising My disciples of My word that was upon the crowds that followed My teaching full of power, I overcame the haughtiness of those who ruled over the world into My name, and I confessed Myself as Lord and Master by the mouth of My disciples to whom I gave My Spirit of the rivers of living waters, sprung out of the river of life, after I gave them the grace and the gift of the holy life for the humility of their heart with which they embraced Me and then confessed Me. The martyr Stephen, by the miracle of this confession proved before those who were full of themselves his wisdom from the Scriptures for My coming down on earth to judge the world from the darkness calling it to light, I, Myself, incarnated in the Virgin and born among people, and then grown up to the perfect age, and then, My disciples, through whom I did great works with My Spirit, confessing through the Scriptures about the glory of the righteous One, judging the world by the word of their confession, for the world had already been judged when I came from the Father two thousand years ago, fulfilling all those that had been written about Me in the Moses’ Scriptures, in the prophets and in the Psalms.


I lay down as word on your table with Me to bring into memory My humility and My mother, the Virgin, for she took Me into her arms and carried Me, according to the tradition of Israel, to the Lord’s temple, to be circumcised within My body and that she may prove that I was the Son of the people of Israel into whose midst I had come from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin, as it was written into the prophets, and as I had to come.

After forty days, the old Simeon and Anna, the prophetess had waited for Me at the temple. Simeon took Me into his arms from the arms of My mother the Virgin, and he called Me the salvation of the Lord, made ready over the peoples and the light over the nations, to the announcing of the people of Israel in whose midst I sprang up, for the people of Israel was the Lord’s people on the earth because of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The old Simeon took Me into his arms, forty days after My birth, and he saw with his own eyes the Savior of the world and he confessed the fulfilling of the Scriptures of My coming by My mother, the Virgin, and Anna, the prophetess, announced by the spirit of the prophecy that I would come to be for the raising and the falling of many in Israel.


It is written that «the life is the light of the people, and the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it», (John 1:5) and after the resurrection I went up on the right side of My Father, I asked the Father and I said to Him: «Father, My disciples are in the world but they are not of the world. While I was with them in the world I kept them from My enemies and theirs. Father, keep them from now on, and make Our love perfect in them, and let they be one as We are one, Father». (See also John 17:12-26) Amen. This is how John, the Baptizer, worked, when he was finishing the work for which he had come on the earth, because John was born for the announcing of the righteous One and he announced Me baptizing Me in Jordan with water, and the Father baptized Me with the Holy Spirit, sending Him above Me in the image of a dove, and the Father spoke through the Holy Spirit: «This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased». (Matt. 3:17) Amen. And John testified about Me that he had to grow less so that I might grow bigger, and he told those who were preaching about Me: «After me comes He Who is mightier than I, the thong of Whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and loosen and He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire, Whose fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor, and will gather the wheat into His barn, but the chaff will burn with unquenchable fire». (See Mark 1: 7, 8; Luke 3:16, 17)

Oh, My people, I have always wanted to speak about the spirit of confession and I have always wanted to exhort you. Moses’ Law and the prophets of the Scriptures and the Psalms confessed about Me that I would come. And here it is how I come. I will keep coming until I perfectly finish the work of «new heaven and new earth», as this Scripture has said.


Two thousand years ago, John confessed Me at Jordan, and he said: «Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!» (John 1:29) Then he confessed that I would wash away with My blood, shed on the cross, the man’s sin and the eternal sufferance of his sins. He told the people to leave off sins, first by confessing them, for one confesses with his mouth and believes within his heart, and God shows His mercy to those who know how to get up from death.


My mother, the Virgin, and My father Joseph took Me to the temple to dedicate Me to God, for My mother and My father was God, the Father, and they brought Me to Him forty days after they received Me to grow Me, after I was born of the Virgin on the earth. Simeon and Anna welcomed Me, for they had been waiting for Me, and I welcomed My Father, Who received Me from the arms of those who were carrying Me, and who prophesied carrying Me into their arms that I would be for the rising and for the falling of many, and that I would be the light for the revealing of the nations and to the glory of God’s people, and to be the salvation prepared to all the nations. Amen.


When I entered Jerusalem, with My gentle body riding on the colt of a donkey, those who were gathered together at the feast of the Palm Sunday blessed Me, as it was written to be fulfilled, but it was also those who sent Me then to sufferance and cursed Me to death on the cross, and by My death, I blessed them raising their guilt on My shoulders, the pain which they inflicted on Me.


If those, who sang to Me Hosanna on the day of Palm Sunday, had been sweet smelling flowers, they would have not become thorns only after a couple of days to knit Me a crown of thorns. The thorns pierced My forehead and blood was shed out of My body; My blood also flew on the way to the cross and it also flew on the cross. Those who loved Me suffering deeply within themselves were not able to bring Me any comfort, when they were looking at My thorns on My forehead, and then at My body crucified by nails on the cross. However, I had mercy on those who had made My soul and My body bled, on those who inflicted sufferance on My gentle and humble Spirit. I had mercy on those who were guilty, on those who were hardened in their souls and in their deed, and for those who were suffering because My bleeding sufferings, I was grieving with the grief, which was after God, the grief that brings forth the grace of sufferance.

The sufferance of the day of feast of My entrance into Jerusalem as a blessed God was great, as it was written into the Scriptures to be that day. That day was the greatness of the sufferance before My cross made by man, for the branches and the praises had to become then thorns and curses through the same hands and mouths, which were carrying and blessing Me on the day of the Palm Sunday.


Oh, how beautifully they loved Me, those who had cried for Me on the way of My sufferance, when the thorns were bleeding My forehead and when the spear of the soldier took away My power of life, so that I might get ready for My resurrection, and then with it to go and to give it to those who had been waiting for Me for five thousand years, for I had come down on the earth to bring the resurrection of the dead. Amen. Behold, now it will be as at that time, and those in the graves will testify about you, Jerusalem from today, as the saints, clothed in their bodies, confessed Me two thousand years ago, to leave on earth the proof of My divinity, (See Mat: 27/52, 53) that is God crucified by the man, and resurrected from crucifixion for the resurrection of those who are asleep. Amen.


– Oh, Lord of those who are faithful, saints and confessors of Yours! Oh, Lord, we are within Your coming. Even now we are walking together with You, for we are Your disciples. The disciple does not walk without his teacher, nor in his way or in his work of a disciple, and blessed are those who become disciples on the earth for You, passing from body into spirit so that they may become Your work, Your comfort and the temple of the Holy Spirit, to be Yours, Lord, deprived of disciples. However, we became Yours on the earth and we comforted You, and You were comforted with us among those that were fleshly and earthly, when You were walking from place to place with us and Your power was withering as that of a God Who bears the men’s weaknesses, Lord. You were doing wonderfully among us working over those who were proud in their thought and were giving them Your voice with power as a God Who sees each and everything that belongs to men on the earth. Then we were learning the work of discipleship and You were telling us that those who would believe in You and in Your coming among people, then as now, would do greater miracles. You were so upset when You saw the men’s haughtiness, who did not know what God meant, for they mentioned God in vain from books. You were very, very much aggrieved because of the man’s haughtiness that could not grow less and humbled within his life. We were shining Your light and we were sorry for You because You had no fruit to gather from man, and You could hardly find someone humble in his spirit to give against his sins the light of Your teaching, with which You came from the heights of the Father to the people on the earth, Lord, full of mercy for the man, who has wondered away by himself among those have also wandered away like him. Oh, You have suffered from the man’s haughtiness; You suffer and suffer again, and the man cannot give You any comfort if he has got no humility in him. You have suffered Lord, because of the greatness in which the man settles alone with his mind and heart, and You have no room on the earth with the man, Lord, Who comes, always coming with Your saints. We were walking with You from place to place, but the people did not follow Your calling to become Your disciples. The one who does not become Your disciple, that one does not follow You, for those who follow You, have to be like You, to work like You, and then to confess through Your light in them and over them, as the Father was shining over You with His work and with its fulfillment.


Oh, Father, love is that which I showed it to the man when I was laid down on the cross with My body to save the man from his death by that time, Father. Oh, Father, I lay Myself down on the cross with the pain and its happiness for the man and the man nailed Me on to the wood of the cross, Father, and I stayed there patiently and I was submitted and obedient to the man’s will, to give Myself as an example of love before the nations all over the earth, Father. He who does not come with submission and obedience before You, that one is written with witchcraft, Father; however, I was patient, so that the devil might not write Me with those who were outside, Father, even if the man wrote Me down that way. When I sent My angel to John to testify about this two thousand years ago, I said: «Blessed are they that wash their robes that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates into the citadel. Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood». (Rev. 22:14, 15)

Oh, Father, woe to those who plot and love falsehood and who do not know its reward! However, I have loved You with the love of a son and not with the love of a servant, even if the people that was bearing the name of God on earth did not receive Me, at least as a servant sent by You. Oh, Father, the true loving son stays in his father’s will with his life and death, for it was because of the love for You that I let Myself into the man’s hand, Father, and there is no greater love than the love of the son among those who serve You, Father, for the son has got great and holy love, and he is thankful to his father, but the servant can betray him and he can deny his master. I was betrayed by My disciple, and by him I was given to be killed, because he, as a servant that he was, wanted glory for himself through Me, and such a servant can no longer be thankful to his master who is faithful to him. The faithfulness of the servant does not go before his master as that of the son, and happy are those who, by their not loving of themselves near God, become His vessels full of faithfulness to their blood, the same as I, Father, was faithful to You on the earth, from My birth to My death, then to My resurrection, and then to My reestablishing into those things that are not seen, near You, Father, covered by My angel without the flesh. Amen.


Two thousand years ago, I came on the earth being born as a baby from the Virgin, and I did not do this until first I had announced Myself through the prophets, starting with Moses and then, on the day of My birth in Bethlehem, I announced Myself through the angels to the shepherds from the sheep, and then I appeared newly born to the three Magi that had come from far away and to whom I revealed by the star of My birth that I would come with heavenly glory on the earth, full of mysterious glory and that My birth would cause opposition among those who were the rulers of the time, who love glory from people, glory for which the man cannot love God, My people, but you should take a look to learn how to be God’s son, just as I am, for behold, the people on the earth did not know how to be pleased to God, and they do not know to love God’s glory; the people do not know this, My people.

Behold, I have come closer to those on the earth with a feast of birth. The glory of that day was sweet for those in heaven, for those in heaven had waited long for Me to become flesh on the earth and to write before the Father the man’s salvation, which was by that time and which was then, and then it is in every time.

Oh, how humble should the man be, My people! I was born of the Father before the eternity, and I was born by the Holy Spirit, Who spoke about My mother, the Virgin, that I would become flesh in her in the moment of the angel’s message, who brought the message to her that I would come as a child on the earth, a child born of her body to become the savior for each man who would receive Me from the Father to be his way and to be his salvation, and I came with a great humility on the earth after the man and I worked humbly the whole mystery of the man’s salvation who comes to be with God on the earth.


Oh, My heavy cross, My people of today, was the man’s unbelief. I came from the Father to search out the people to whom God gave His promises, but that people was not faithful to God and to My sending to it from the Father as it was prophesied, and He treated Me as a wrongdoer upon God and upon man, for the man in whom God does not live with His will, with His Spirit, is a proud man, who spoils his body in him, the dwelling place of My kingdom in man.


When I came two thousand years ago from the Father on to the earth, the Holy Spirit, Who was a herald by the angels with His word, and He sown Me in the Virgin and I was born Man, and I was called the Son of Man, and I chose twelve men from the earth and made them My disciples by My great teaching of life upon them, and I put in them power from Me to follow Me and I helped them to believe in Me, doing before them healings over the sick people and resurrections over those who were dead and wonderful miracles and heavenly works, and then I announced upon them that the Scriptures had to be fulfilled over Me, those for which I had come from the Father on the earth, and then I let Myself given as a sacrifice and I appeared as the sacrificed and bleeding Lamb through death on the cross to pay the man’s life and to take him out from satan’s arm, and then I came to life from the cross, overcoming by it the power of death, and I opened the eyes of My disciples, appearing to them resurrected and exhorting them to the joy of My resurrection. They were aggrieved then in their little hearts and full of fear and they looked at Me with awe and pain and were perplexed and felt guilty that they were not on My side in My hard pain, but I had among them the one full of longing and faith and of holy pathos, and that one proved them that I was the crucified One and the One Who was resurrected from crucifixion, for he asked Me to show him the marks of My nails and the thrust from My rib, and I showed them and Thomas confessed Me, full of longing and holy mystery, and he said: «Oh, my Lord and my God!» (John 20:28). And this is how I wrote on the earth the proof of My resurrection from the dead, and I gave them power to believe and confess then and in time My divinity and My salvation for those who believe in Christ, the One Who came from the heaven on the earth for the salvation of the man fallen from life by his disobedience and by sin.


Oh, remember My people, the six vessels from the wedding in Cana, which were for the cleansing of the Jews, son, and you should know that this was an example and prophecy for the man’s preoccupation with his cleansing, for I went to the wedding in Cana and then I said to be filled with water all those six vessels, when there was no longer wine on the wedding table, and then the servants were to take and give it to the groomsman, and only the servants knew this, those who poured out the water into the vessels that I might turn it into wine at the wedding, and they were the friends of My mother, advised by her to God, and the ruler of the feast spoke to the bridegroom of the wedding saying: «Everyone serves the good wine first, and when the guests have drunk freely, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now!». (John 2:10) And the wedding guests praised the bridegroom. Behold, the vessels were prepared for cleansing before the wedding for the new wine, and this was an example, My people, prepared by Me for the wedding table, for I do not do as the man does, serving first the good wine, but only after the man cleanses himself for the wedding, only after that I give him the new wine, his union with Me, and for the fruit to be known, as it was known at the wedding in Cana, when I took My disciples with Me, and the bridegroom and the bride as well, and I saved them from the sin of the wedding, making of them the temple of My wedding, the temple of My rest, My people. I exhort you to this example of the wedding, son, and for which I went to the wedding in Cana. Cleanse yourself, son, from everything that is not beautiful to do before Me and before your brother, and only after that you should take of the new wine, of the wine of My wedding with you, prepared now in the end o the time, to take it anew with My new disciples, like the new Passover prepared by them. Amen.


when satan stood face to face with Me and tempted Me threefold, after I got out of the water of baptism at Jordan and when the heavens were opened for My Father to speak that I was His beloved Son in Whom He was well pleased on earth, I came back from the river Jordan full of the Father and of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit led Me up into the wilderness, and there I did not eat forty days, and then I went hungry. When satan saw that I was hungry, he tried to have a hold over Me and he said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread». However, I answered him, «Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God». Then satan took Me to an exceedingly high mountain to see his kingdom for a moment and he said to Me: «This dominion was given to me and I give it to whomever I want; fall down and worship me and it will be Yours». However, I answered him: «Get behind Me, satan, for it is written, „You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve”». And again, he tempted Me the third time up there on the pinnacle of the temple, and satan said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, throw Your-self down, for it is written: „He will give His angels charge concerning You”, and „On their hands they will bear You up, so that You don’t dash Your foot against a stone”». Again, I answered satan the third time too, and I said to him: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». (See also Matt. 4:3-10) And when I told him this, satan left Me, and I went into Galilee, into Nazareth and everywhere, and I was preaching about Me with the power of the word of My kingdom and all were marveled, and the Father was in Me. Oh, behold, My people, what God means in man! Learn, son, learn My work upon you, for the prophesying spirit knows satan and when he is satan, but the human spirit does not know him, and satan leads the man into temptation, well, well sons.


Oh, how beautifully I have come on earth to be the King of the kings and the Lord of the lords! What a mystery this beauty was, My coming among people within great mystery, under the glory not understood by people as glory above the glory perceived to be that way! My mother the Virgin was of a royal kind and it was the greatest on earth according to God’s mystery, but who knows this so that he may worship with this glory this greatness of the queen Virgin, My mother? The kings of the nations rule over them and those who belong to God reign over creatures, and the creatures serve Him within a mystery, and behold, God’s kingdom is not of this world, but on the contrary, this world is included in God’s kingdom, which the kings of the nations do not understand, do not see it and do no praise it, just as those, who had the opportunity to see Me while I was revealed on earth were not able to praise Me, but there were still some who saw and knew Me, confessed Me and preached Me, those to whom it was given by the Father to know Me as the Master from Him over the creatures, the Master of the creature, the mysterious Master, reigning over the faithful and dwelling in them and fulfilling through them, as I fulfilled through My mother the Virgin the coming of the Son of God from the Father on earth to the people and as I am fulfilling Myself today by My coming again from the Father to the man, clothed within the mantle of the word and speaking from under it, the robe which the man does not understand when it sees it written into the book and it being settled face to face with man.


You should give Me power, My people, and you should give Me faith in you, to be able to rely on you from now on and forever, and to have you as My people forever, the fruit of My coming after two thousand years since My fist coming again on the earth after the man. Let us give us one another and let you give My love back, that I may give it back to you. Let us give one another the love which I give you and which becomes word of comforting spirit over your being, for two thousand years ago I spoke to My disciples: «Love one another as I have loved you», and I also told them: «I give you My peace, and I do not give it to you as the word does». And then I was with a painful peace after man and after the comfort from man, and My heart was full of the Father, Who loved Me infinitely finding His likeness in My sufferance for man, and My little heart was full of My mother Virgin, who was suffering in Me as much as I was suffering in her, for this is how she loved the world as much as I have loved it, and she was born on earth for Me and then she lived for Me, for everything she was feeling, working and doing, this was only for Me, and man was My eternal longing, My people, and there was longing as in God, not as in man, and I told those who followed Me: «Love one another as I have loved you». Oh, I have always worn them, always to the Father and to Me and to the life without death in them and among them. And this is how I loved them, this is how I taught them to take after Me, and I showed them how I was and what I worked and how I worked, and I told them: «If you love Me, you keep My commandments», and they were the man’s love for Me, and then their keeping away from sin by the fulfilling of My love in them, their love for God, My people, and only afterwards I told them: «Love one another as I have loved you».

Oh, My Israel of today, oh, son, great and full of God, those who take from Me have always given you word! Oh, My people, this is how I was working with the disciples, for the Father saw what they needed every moment, for each moment brought forth from it teaching from God for it, and take a look into My Scriptures of that time, for I was speaking to them as every moment of them was before God, to know Me as God by the truth and by the power of My word, which was teaching them to know Me and to believe in Me, after they saw that I was in them, that I knew their inner things and that I wanted to exhort them, and this meant that I was teaching them with power and not like they did, those who were ruling over them as kings over their subjects, and I was teaching them not to get upset with Me if I taught them according to their stature and according to how I wanted it to be before Me and before the people, who had to see Me in them afterwards, and not only themselves.


the Lord came for the sinners, and the Jewish people blasphemed Him that He sat with the sinners and with the tax collectors and with the fornicators, sons. Well, if the Jewish people did not want to stay with Him and to believe that He came from the Father and then to love Him, then what was He supposed to do? The Lord bowed down to heal the sinful and repentant man, teaching him how to clean himself, confessing Himself as God before the sinners so that the sinners may also confess their sins and become God’s sons by this power, if the chosen people did not want to have His gifts, but Israel had waited only for ready-made glory from God, as they have been waiting to this day.


The greatest enemy in man against Us is not his sin, oh, Son, as painful as I, the Father, am, but his unbelief, for it deprives the man of God. Oh, I sent You back on the earth two thousand years ago and the man’s sins did not thwart Your coming or the work of the man’s new making, but his unbelief thwarted it, for those full of sins knew You and received You in them and then they had You and showed You to the world by their humility, because a sinner, separated from Us by sin, is more humble than a righteous man who justifies himself before God by the works of his justice and by his serving before Us, dear Son. Two thousand years ago, You took three of Your disciples, whom I revealed to You, so that You might be able to show Your work among people, and went with them up on a high mountain and You allowed them to see the glory You had from Me before the foundation of the world, for Your face and Your clothes shined as the sun and became as white as light, and You appeared with Moses and Elijah and spoke with them before the faithful ones and You talked with them about your passion, which had to take place for the man’s redemption, and Peter wanted to tell You to remain in the mountain and he wanted to make three huts; one for You, one for Moses and one for Elijah, but Your will was to suffer for the man’s salvation and then You, by a luminous cloud had shadowed the sight on the mountain, and I, the Father, spoke over them from the cloud and said: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». (Matt. 17: 5) After You raised them up, in their terror, they saw that only You were among them, and You asked them not to tell anyone of Your glory with them until You rose up by Your resurrection. Oh, dear Son, You showed them the Scriptures of Your coming with Elijah, as it was written into the Scriptures to be, and You made clear the work of John, the Baptist, who had made known at that time to everyone the kingdom of heavens and the people’s repentance to God, so that God might be merciful on them. Oh, dear Son, in the same way I have released in this day of feast My voice over the ones faithful to Your work on the earth and over man, and I am speaking to them in the same way and say: This word is My Son, in Whom I am well pleased; listen to Him! Amen.


Oh, My sweet mother! Oh, the reading of the Scriptures about Messiah’s coming, the man’s Savior, was sweet for you, mother! Oh, how much you had waited for Me to come on the earth and to serve Me with longing! Your love for God wanted Me and made you into a praised stairway for the coming of My angel to you with the news of My coming by My birth from your virginal body, and then you received Me and set Me then before the people either to their faith or to their denial, mother. Then I lived on earth and fulfilled all that were written to be fulfilled, and then I went to be again with the Father, that is in the glory which I had from Him before the foundation of the world and by which My Father has glorified Me on earth, for I am the Word of the Father and I am his power in the heaven above and on earth below, as it is written.


Oh, Son, Emmanuel, we go to those who have gathered at the spring and give them healing and faith, for this world gives falling and unbelief to the people, Lord. On this day we sit at the table with them and then we will give them exhortation again, for it is a great feast of word over those who come together in my day of feast at the spring of Your word. I have comforted You with my coming over those who have come to hear from heaven and to receive comfort. Oh, comfort them, for You are the Comforter and Savior, oh, my sweet Son and God. Amen, amen, amen.

– I comfort them, mother, and I will comfort them again in the course of the day. We embrace them at the dawn of the feast and We will embrace them again in the word to the end of the day, and the Father will have comfort from this work set before Him, for the will of the Father is man’s sanctification, oh, My mother, sweet in word as your love for man, for you were sweet for man, mother, in all your time on earth, and this is how you are also now from the heavenly glories when you comfort those that are faithful to Me, mother. Amen.

Oh, My sacrificing people, I bow to thank you because you have prepared a day of feast and stopover for those who come after Me and after you to listen to My voice. Be content and thankful, for it is a great work with Me for you to prepare a table for Me so that I may dine with the man and to exhort him to a life without death on earth and to make him a son of holiness, a son of the power, which overcomes the world in man. Amen.


When the unfaithful brought the sinful woman to judgment for my Son to judge her, He was revealing with his finger on the ground their written sins, the sins of those who prepared their stones to kill with them the one they caught to be put to death, and their judgment was greater than the wickedness by which they wanted to punish the wrong one, and behold, the man cannot hide behind another man, for no one is righteous before God, but on the contrary, he who tries to blame the man is no other than the one who went wrong more than that one.


I have set order into your midst the everyday sacrifice from Me for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, oh, and how mysteriously I work, My people! In the time of My coming on earth by My birth of the Virgin mother, I fulfilled then the Scriptures spoken by the prophets about Messiah’s coming and about God’s kingdom on earth with man and all the fulfillments remained mysterious for they have been fulfilled mysteriously for those who believed in them. Those who hoped in earthly achievements for My kingdom with man, they did not understand and then they did not believe in My coming, and I was telling them that God’s kingdom was not of this world and that it was in those who loved it in them, and Me as their master, the Master of their lives and love on earth. Oh, today it is the same.


I want to fill you with mercy for My wound, because two thousand years ago, I became flesh like man and My wound has always made Me suffer in My body, not only in My spirit. The scribes and the Pharisees in the time of My body were angry and got evil against Me when they saw Me that I forgave the man’s sins and that I healed him from evil, but I was doing this because man was My wound, and I was comforted when I heard him that he was speaking with Me and that he was asking Me for help and healing.


For seven thousand years I have struggled to reach out My hand and take the man back to Me. I have looked for seed to be put into ground to make the man again and then to keep him, helped by all heavenly powers, but man has always withered away, always under My very eyes. I have fought with him to bring him to remorse because of his falling away from life. However, he has always got upset with Me more and more and forsook even more. Neither love, nor reproach has made man come back to Me and comfort Me for My wound from him. I came two thousand years ago from the Father to man and I assumed a bodily form to be seen and to draw the man to Me and to the Father so that he might become love like God and thus to receive My comfort back. However, man has not been able to be love, and because he was not able, he remain in his body, he remained in this way then when I showed My love to him face to face more than I showed it in paradise. Then, in paradise, I told him not to eat of the tree of knowledge, and when I came two thousand years ago in the flesh among people, I gave to man to eat of the tree of life and to live forever, but even then the man was not able to love Me forever, because in paradise he ate of the tree of knowledge, and knowledge was supposed to be God’s, Who can work against evil, Who can work good things.

Two thousand years ago I came on earth as the tree of life and I gave the man to eat of it, and I taught him how to eat of it to be alive like the tree of which he eats. Oh, My people, do you really understand My sufferance? Oh, let us comfort each other our pain, let us give each other power for sufferance, because sufferance is hard, and it is mysteriously hard, for it has suffered mysteriously.


I bind My time of two thousand years ago with My time during these days and I set you before Me to teach you that which the Israel people was not been able to learn then because of his haughtiness and envy. I came to him to make him gentle and humble in his heart as I was, and I taught him in love, but he left My teaching and walked according to his teaching. I taught him by My works and I wrote Myself down with him on the earth into his midst, and My works have remained as a testimony into his midst. In this day of feast, remembered today for the works of life, bring to memory about My submission of that time, for I was an infant, but I was the Son of the godly Trinity, and My parents took Me to the temple to dedicate Me to God as one Who was the first born, bringing an atonement sacrifice for My birth.

Oh, in this day you have to learn the gift of the holy faith, My people, for the old Simeon, whom the Holy Spirit told that he would see the Lord’s Anointed One, was prompted to go to the temple even at that very moment when I was brought to be dedicated to God. Then the old Simeon took Me into his arms, blessed Me and announced Me that his eyes saw the salvation prophesied by the Lord in front of the nations, a light that was to be the light of the nations and to the glory of the people Israel.

Oh, My people, I have set into the midst of the Israel people the light of My coming, which was its glory among nations, but its unbelief was his carelessness. However, I have found in its midst the righteous Simeon and I had kept this one alive for many years to receive Me into his arms and to confess Me that I was meant for the falling and raising of many in Israel as a sign of denial. Oh, then I did not have a righteous man in Israel to believe and confess My coming in the flesh, and behold, I had found faith in old man and I had kept this one alive and by his faith to work a prophecy to the falling and raising of many in Israel and that he could fulfill those that were prophesied about Me and about Israel, and then again to find people to believe that I, the One Who was carried into the arms by old Simeon, was the Messiah, the Father’s messenger.


Oh, My people, the scribes and the Pharisees did not like My gentleness for the sinners, for I was telling them that if anyone of them who did not leave everything they had got, could not be My disciple, for the salt was a good thing, but if it lost its saltiness, how was it supposed to be made good again? It finds no longer its purpose, neither on earth nor in the manure, but is rather thrown outside. Oh, and who was to listen and have ears to hear from Me then? The tax collectors and sinners; they were staying around Me to listen to Me, and I was disregarded by the Pharisees and scribes, who were murmuring against Me saying that I received the sinners and I sat with them at the table. I wanted to get them used to the spirit of gentleness and I told them about the two brothers, one who went away and the other one, obedient to his father. The youngest of them asked for his inheritance, went for the pleasures’ sake and wore out his life and everything he had until he came to be a stranger and hungry, and then he came to repentance to the gentleness of his father, who had to save him from his destruction. Oh, had the lost son not come back to his father, his father would have not turned to him with gentleness, and you have to learn a great lesson from this, My people, and deep wisdom as well.


Oh, I did not lose My time with the work of My word, which for fifty years has been running like a river out of My mouth over the earth into the midst of the Romanian people, hardly making for Me a crossing among people in the time of hardship, but the who comes to be with Me and does not see like Me and sees like himself because of the haughtiness of this spirit, which is an enemy of his soul, that one not only that he has lost his useful time, but he has also earned a reward with those who are unfaithful, just as poor Judas found his, after he stayed with Me on the way in My time among people in order to write Myself down on the earth as the man’s Savior; and then he went, poor of him, and sold My mystery and gave Me over into the hand of those who had an earthly rank to judge Me as a mad man and as one who leads the man astray, saying to Me mockingly, when he gave Me over to them: «Rejoice, Teacher!» Oh, I was the Teacher, but Judas did not take of My spirit as the other disciples in that time did, and even if he took, he thought more than anyone that I would make great signs until I would sit as a great King on the earth and those that were chosen by Me would stand near Me, but he made a fool of himself, poor Judas, for his heart remained of the earth, and the spirit he had received from Me died out little by little; the spirit he received when I chose him to be among My disciples to work for Me a way to the people and in such a way that I could do them good, and not evil.


Christ has risen! Christ has risen! Christ has risen! This was going from mouth to mouth; the news and the greeting among those who were faithful of My coming among people, and then to My resurrection from those who are dead, after that the Jews, hostile and great in their human ranks, gave Me over to death on the cross as an evil doer against God. Those who cannot love God when He reveals Himself and those who despise Him because of their love of themselves and of their ranks, this is how they work on the earth for God, like the Jews who stirred each other within one cunning consent to blame Me and then to destroy Me from among them as a blasphemer, as an mad man, but in fact they were afraid of Me because they were cowards and they stirred their spirit to be able to commit the work of My crucifixion after that, as it was written by the Father for Me to suffer from man and then to come out victoriously from the grave, and in this way the whole world may be judged together with its ruler, who had not been seen by it, that who was full of hostile spirit to God, the spirit that fell down from heaven by the man who was haughty in his spirit, and by which the ministering angels in the time of his haughtiness fell down from near God once with the man who did not want to listen, who wanted to be greater than God at the beginning of God’s creation for man.


Oh, how much I like to speak from the Father upon you, My people of today! I have made you by the work of My Spirit, son. I have revealed Myself to you so that You may find Me and hear Me, and I have given you faith and then I have put your little soul on fire to follow Me, and this is how I was working in the time when I came on the earth in the flesh. I chose My apostles and I made My kingdom in them and I appeared with it over the whole earth full of power and love, and then I ascended again to the Father, but I also remained with them wholly and I worked from the Father in them, and they worked in Me, for I asked My Father in My prayer for them: «Father, I want to be in them, and they in Me, as You are in Me and I in You». (John: 17/21). And My Father listened to Me like that and this is how I gave them, I and the Father gave them the Holy Spirit, Who had knowledge in them and then they worked like Me on the earth, and they worked on the earth even more, for they were working by faith, not by sight, and this is the greatest power in man, God’s power in man. Amen.


On My incarnation, the Father sent the Holy Spirit to My mother Virgin and spoke upon her telling her about My birth and she was My mother, and the Father’s Holy Spirit was My Father and then I was born on the earth to be the Savior from the Father to the faithful ones, whom the faith brings to holiness and the holiness is the love of God in man.


Oh, it is very hard for the stubborn man and it is very hard for Me with him! No matter what I may do before him he does not understand to stand firm then and trustful, and he is always doubtful and he forgets, poor of him from his hand to his mouth, for he does not feel to love God. He wants to see black and white in order to believe, and the hardened one is doubtful. After the disciples buried John the Baptizer, who was beheaded by Herod, I went with them in a deserted place to eat and have rest, but they could not manage because of the crowds, who were coming and going, and then we pulled the ship to the shore, but the crowds ran through the cities and came before us to the shore, and I had mercy on them for they were like some sheep without a shepherd and I sat down to give them teaching for everything. However, My disciples, seeing the night coming, asked Me to release the crowds that they may look for something to eat. And then, I told them to give food to the people, but they, however, did not understand, and then I asked them to see how many loaves of bread and fish they had, and I told them to arrange the people by hundreds, and I, blessing the food, took and gave to the disciples to share with the people and they fed all of the them, and then I sent My disciples to the other side of the sea until I was to release the crowds, but on the fourth watch in the night a tempest aroused and My disciples were rowing heavily into the middle of the sea and I went to them walking on the sea wanting to pass by them to protect them from perishing. However, they thought I was a ghost, were afraid, and cried out but immediately I told them: „Do not be afraid!” and I went into their boat and the tempest calmed down. Oh, their heart was hardened and they were astonished, for they forgot that they had to understand many things from the miracle of the multiplying of the bread and they did not know Me but only after I pulled to the shore and got out of the ship.


Two thousand years ago, the sick people followed Me in tens of thousands to take away from them the sadness of their heart and the lack of the health of their bodies, but in order that they might do My will after that, oh, there were very few of them within My great and working stewardship, and the man’s lack of sight, his hardness of heart and arrogance among the things that are seen by man’s eyes and which are made by God, were great and branded.


I, the Lord, wait with those in heaven for the day when everything will be submitted to Me to be able to bring them all before the Father Sabaoth, like a little victorious Lamb, for I am the little Lamb of the Father and I listen to Him. I listened to Him when He sent Me from heaven on earth to become flesh and to grow as a Son of man and then to let Myself be sacrificed by the people through which My Father made Me known on earth, the people of My mother Virgin. Oh, I did not stand against those who denigrated Me to the death on the cross, mocking Me as the greatest evil doer, as the greatest sinner, for My denigrated and crucified body was put between two thieves who were punished by the law for their robbery deeds. And I stayed like that in submission to the Father for the work He had sent Me to do. That is why He had sent Me, and He had sent Me to be denigrated by all those who believed that I came to take away their kingdom, their freedom and their will. Oh, the Father had sent Me to be punished for the sin of all the sinners, who had ever been, who were and who would go on sinning after that on earth, who would write by their own hand the punishment of their works worthy of death, for they violated the commandments given by God as life in man and each man keeps on doing that, standing against the One Who has given them as the men’s life, and the Father had sent Me to make atonement for man.


Two thousand years ago, I gave My whole love to man and I became Myself a Man and I became the tree of life on the earth and gave Myself to man to believe and to take Me in his own body as the first fruit of his redemption from the sin of his fall from the beginning.


Oh, who has got mercy of My pain from every man, again, again and again? I have been wounded and My love is only wound. I have been wounded and God is only wound either. Oh, who suffers from My wound?

When Adam has come to suffer he has remembered Me and My sufferance from him

and repented and sought with Me to remind Me of him in his sufferance and to come on earth to redeem him, for he has waited for Me. When he left his body on earth in order to come back in Me, he found the cherubim of the sword of fire, whose flame turned every way in the gate of the paradise of delight to guard the way to the tree of life, and Adam had been waiting in the gate of sufferance after My promise for his redemption, until when I, God the Word, became Man on earth to die in My body like Adam, and I went after him to take him out of his fall and to make him see with his own eyes the One he made to suffer and then the One he tempted, by not listening to Him when He asked him to do this, while Adam was in an immortal body in paradise.


Oh, how humble I appeared two thousand years ago, being God of God! Behold, there have passed forty days since the feast of My birth of the Virgin mother and I have come now to the feast of My welcome by the old Simeon in the temple from Jerusalem, when I was taken by My parents to dedicate Me to the Lord, as it was the custom in Israel. We submitted to each other, I to Simeon and Simeon to Me, as this is how they work, that is, those who have the guiding Spirit of the Lord in them, and Simeon saw the promise of the Holy Spirit fulfilled on the earth, the Messiah, the Savior, the light of the nations and the greatness for the faithful people. Amen.


I am announcing Myself at the gates so that I may enter as word into the book. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth and through the cross, I have become the man’s Savior from death, only for the man to be able to believe within his heart that I came on earth two thousand years ago to do the work of the man’s salvation, and the man has to bow before this truth and to understand it, by its preaching to every man by My disciples from one to another, since then and up to this day.

I am the Lord, the Savior and the Teacher, as the Pharisees were calling Me; the Pharisees who kept coming there where I was teaching the multitudes that were gathering near Me for the word of life, My word of life giving, and they were questioning Me for the spirit of the teaching, and they were double-minded, and this is how I was also working with them because of their inquisitiveness against Me, and I was protecting them from answering, from the sin that they had been preparing to commit in finding Me fault after the law to give Me over to death according to their law, and when I let Myself be caught, because their hour had come, this is what they said: «We have a law, and by our law He ought to die, because He made Himself the Son of God». (John: 19/7) And having heard this saying, Pilate the procurator, wrote to Me over My crucified head, the name of the king of the Jewish people, ready, ready to be blamed as one who stood against Caesar, but it was not possible to retreat this anymore, and then he said: «What I have written, I have written». (John: 19/22) And he wrote on the tablet of the cross My name on the cross: Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews, (J.N.K.J.), and then I became the true victor over them and over death, for I had borrowed for three days the kingdom of the dead and I went to them on the way of the cross, on the way of sufferance and of death and they opened to Me as to the King of the creature, as to the One Who had the keys of the deep, and thus I took out from sufferance and from waiting the souls of those who were holy and righteous in their faith and I sent them as confessors on earth in Jerusalem, and then I removed from Me the power of death and I trampled it under My foot and I got up to resurrection, and this three-day work was great when I overcome death with death, and on the third day I finished it, for I had died for three days and then I was resurrected, and I am alive forever and ever, as it was written in My confession by My disciple John, to whom I showed that I would come again and I would speak again to the nations, languages, tribes and to many kings, and that I would do the work of My Father, Who has sent Me to do it, and the man has not been able to stop Me from doing it, for it is written to be. Amen.


Oh, I have gone through such a great pain, through such great sufferance because of the unbelief in Me of those who had put Me down by crucifixion on the cross; oh, I have gone through such great mourning until I had passed through death so that My resurrection from the dead could take place after that! I loved the way of the cross on earth, and I did not take another way. I came from the Father for the life under the cross with the people and I told the man that if he wanted to be with Me and like Me, he had to deny himself and no longer think at himself if he wanted to be with Me, as he could not love God otherwise; God, Who is the man’s life, and the life is under the cross if it really is, because life cannot be but under the cross, and those who are under the cross are those who love like God on earth and then in heaven.


I am the One Who was resurrected after three days from My placing on the cross, nailed by those who did not receive Me being sent from the Father to them, for if they did not know the Father, they did not know My either. Those who served as His priests, gave Me over to death on the cross, for they were afraid of Me lest they might lose their great position over the people, but I had nothing to take from them, for My kingdom was not from below, and they were afraid in vain, for I was from the Father and not from the earth, and I am now in the Father as I was before. Amen.


It is a holy feast, My people and I am speaking with you, and I am speaking with the man, sons. I revealed Myself by the angel two thousand years ago to the Virgin who was to take Me in her womb from the Holy Spirit and to give Me birth on earth and to make Me known to the people, and My messenger went into Galilee, to Nazareth, and wished joy to the Virgin, My mother, and he told her that the Lord was with her, filling her with grace and gift and blessing her among women, and he comforted her in her trouble because of his appearance and he told her: «Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a Son, and will call His name „Jesus”. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father, David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever». (Luke: 1/30-32) And the Virgin submitted to his annunciation by the angel and God fulfilled then His work as He had promised. Oh, this is how the gift of the faith works in those ordained by God to be faithful to the end, over the whole fulfillment; however, not so is with those who stagger in their faith for the mysteries from above with the people on earth.


Oh, God’s name dies away everywhere on earth in such a way that the people may not know, may not speak about God and that they may no longer see His steps. When Caiaphas thought to lose Me and to be only him, to be only him the great bishop, for he was afraid of My greatness among people, after he understood that I was the Christ, and then many were falsely confessing about Me, however, their confessions were not going together to be able to find any guilt for My crucifixion. And the accusations and the accusers were increasing and even more, their confession was not the same, and then the bishop asked Me: «Have You no answer? What is this that these testify against You? Are You the Christ, the Son of the blessed One?» (See Matt: 26/62, 63) Then I helped him to do the work of My crucifixion and I answered: «I am. Nevertheless, I tell you, henceforth, you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of the sky». (Matt: 26/64) And he, tearing his clothing in his foolishness to shed My blood, said then: «Why do we need any more witnesses? Behold, you have heard His blasphemy. What do you think?». (Matt: 26/65, 66) And all condemned Me to death, but first they all spit Me in My face to cover My face with spittle and fists and they put some of their servants to slap Me badly; however, I was the Christ, the Son of the blessed One, and Caiaphas paid the price of My betrayal, but that does not mean that he bought Me, and behold, the one who pays the price of My betrayal does not gain anything, for it pays it to sell Me and not to buy Me, not to win Me over so that I may be his gain.

Oh, behold what anger does, which comes forth from the desire to be greater than man is or more righteous than the other! The anger in man is the reward of his mistakes, and it comes in him as a punishment for him, and only after that he sees where this evil spirit takes him, which contorts his face and deed, and then it puts God far away; however, I am gentle and humble in My heart even in the time when I become angry for the correction of the man’s life who is stubborn in respect with his salvation.


‒ On the first day of the week, we, resurrected Lord, we came to You, for we looked and saw where they put You after You were taken down from the cross of Your crucifixion. While the sun was rising, we came to You early in the morning, and we were thinking on the way what to do with the stone rolled on the tomb, as it was very big. However, Your angel went ahead of us and moved the stone away, and we, coming in, saw him on the right side clothed in a white dress and we were frightened at his sight, and we did not know where to find Your body to embalm it for the resurrection, oh, Lord, but the angel told us: «Do not amazed, do not be aggrieved! Jesus, Who has been crucified, is not here. He has risen. Behold the place where they laid Him! But go, tell His disciples and Peter, He goes before you in Galilee. They will see Him, as He said to you». (Mark: 1/6, 7) We were thrilled, and we were afraid to tell something to someone, and then You appeared resurrected to us, and You stayed with Your disciples, and before Your ascent in the Father, You gave the proof of Your resurrection, and within our sight, within everybody’s sight who saw You, You ascended then into the sky.

Then great enmity arose against Your resurrection, and the rulers of the people of Israel hid You again under the work of falsehood, blaming us, as if Your disciples stole You from the grave. The work of lie was big and much even after You were resurrected, as great as it was before You let Yourself into their hands in order to die for as, the very sinners, Lord. The devil taught Judas to believe that You did not love him, and in this way, Caiaphas and his people drew him on the side of Your adversaries, and Judas fell into the dizziness of the love of money, which he had in his blood, and he gave himself to those who wanted You and to those to whom he complained with the wound of his heart against You, Lord, and then he did not receive anything from them but only Your death and his. Oh, he who complaints in his discontentment receives nothing but his complaint and those to whom he gives himself to their perishing and his as well.


I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, I am the Lord Jesus Christ and I am coming down to you as word, My people. I have made into your midst My spring of word and I am sitting in counsel with you as I sat with the Samaritan woman near the Israel’s well, when through her I announced Myself to the Samaritans coming down on earth into the midst of Israel, as the Spirit promised by the prophets about the Son of God that He would come. However, the Israel’s unbelief was great, as all those proud in their spirit took part of this sin as the reward of their pride, and Israel did not know Me when I came to them from the Father two thousand years ago, and even if they knew Me because of My greatness with which I revealed Myself to them, they still fought against Me and punished Me to crucifixion, for their pride was beyond measure and they also did not receive those that My Father had sent them for their illumination from above. Oh, I could not fulfill with them My Scriptures, for they believed that they were righteous, that they were good; however, I was able to do great work through those who were crushed by the devil, through those who were sick in their body and soul, whom I was cleansing, healing and giving them of My life, and they were standing up and confessing Me as the Christ of the Father, the Messiah prophesied by the prophets.

Oh, I did not tell in vain to My disciple to go and preach Me to the sheep lost from the faith of the house of Israel, and not to preach Me to the pagans or to the Samaritans. The pagans and the Samaritans were not as unbelieving as Israel was, and when I spoke to the Samaritan woman about Me at the well in Sychar, her good spirit knew Me, believed Me and confessed Me as the Christ coming from the Father on earth, and behold, those crushed by sin and by the devil of weakness over people, with those I opened the spring of grace and I was able to work with them and for them on earth. Oh, the same is today. I cannot come near with My coming of today to those who have taken the first seats over the people, as their glory from the people is of greater value than My glory from the Father, that from heaven and not from the earth.


I came from the Father two thousand years ago and fulfilled then the Scripture of the slaughtered Lamb and I paid by My godly sacrifice for the price of the man’s life, and I have taken this price into consideration from Adam and until the end of the man’s age, so that the man may have the first fruit of his salvation paid, of his resurrection by My resurrection from the dead. Oh, it was easier to take out from the hell those crushed under it than those who had seen Me doing God’s works among people on earth for such a long time, for more than five thousand years. I suffered and still suffer from the man’s hardening of his heart. The man’s unbelief has been making Me suffer for seven thousand years. The man goes and asks the man if I am this word. Oh, from where does the man know to give an answer, as from Me, to the one who asks? I have not asked the man who sits high over people, I have not asked him if I was to come on earth as word during these days. I am greater than man and I have looked into the Scriptures and found in them My coming of now and I have come, for if it was to come at the man’s will, oh, what would have done those that are written into the book of life that I would bring them the salvation? Those who believe and those who will believe in My coming of today as word on earth, those are written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, and I have to make their way to the Father if the Father has sent Me after them. I have great mercy on all people, and I want to draw them all near to the Father, but the devil of unbelief and doubt stands against Me and against them as well. However, I say that during these days I am working as two thousand years ago and building the man and making him into My church and I am fulfilling him with the gift of the holy faith, as there is no one on earth to help the man believe in My coming, in My salvation from Me, in the carrying of the cross, for woe to those without a cross and to those who cut of it, not knowing that it is their bridge towards God!


Amen, amen, I say to you, to those who have come to drink from Me the word of the river of life! I am coming into your way and telling you that My work of today is as in My beginning with My disciples of two thousand years ago, whom I took from among the Jews and made them God’s sons, My brothers, whom I was teaching the love of God from the Father, and then I established My true church with them, and I did not ask the rulers of that time if they allowed Me to come down with My kingdom in those who were faithful to My coming of that time. Then I worked wonderful miracles, as in the time of Moses, but the people of Israel has remained up to this day, callous for My coming to it, as it was written to come. However, I became perfect then by death on the cross and by resurrection and this is how I proved Myself out as God coming to them, and then I ascended again to be with the Father and I left a little and tiny people on earth in Israel and through it I have been bringing up the Christian people from then on and up to this day.


Two thousand years ago, I became known as true God of true God, as it was written for Me to come and to pay with My life put on the cross for the redemption of the man fallen from paradise and from life, and the sick knew Me, but those who were healthy did not want to bow. The blind man from birth knew Me, but those who were born with healthy eyes did not want to believe that I was the Christ of the Father, His messenger after man on earth. I took the clay into My hand, and spat into it to make it soft to be able to mold it, and I made eyes from it for the one born blind and I put his eyes back to their place and then I sent him to wash his face and the clay around his eyes to be able to see God clearly and then to see people then and to see himself as well, after he had lived his life without sight as he had lived by that time. It would have been enough for the people to believe that I was God coming to them from the Father, as it was written for Messiah to come from heaven to earth, but they got used to one another and did not want to get used to God into their midst, and then they crushed Me, and then I went back into the Father and came back sighing and waiting from then on and up to this day. I wait and wait. I wait for the man to know Me in My works and I ask him to open his eyes and see. I can open his eyes, as I have already done so many times with man, but I also ask him to open them, lest he may not be hurt if I deal with him and with his stubbornness, and then at the lack of the sight of his body, soul and spirit.


When it was coming closer the testing of My disciples’ faith, after I had told them that they would be made to stumble because of Me on that night, Judas left the disciples and lost the grace of the disciple, when he left. Even since he started to hate Me because of his envy of the other disciples, he lost the grace of a disciple, and not all My Christians have learned from this bad example in order that they may not fall into this sin, and he who has not learned, has left the brothers, for only those who have doubted and staggered in secret by joining those doubting, blaspheming and denigrating the brothers, only those have got out of the little boat of salvation, and it has happened to them as it happened to the disciple who lost his baptism only because he had listened to the speaking against God.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and I am from the Father before eternity; I am His word and I am the word of the heaven on earth, in the same way as man is his word over everything that he does and speaks either. The Father had sent Me two thousand years ago to receive a body from man on earth, and I did, and from My childhood and until the time of My cross, which the Jewish people made for Me in order to destroy Me through it from the earth, I was obedient to My mother, the Virgin, as I had also been obedient to My Father in heaven and then on earth, and My work was obedience, and when the time came to give Myself to the cross, I did this in order to obey too, because the spirit of the prophets preached about Me that I would come to fulfill this after I had come in the body of the man, taken from God and from man. Oh, it was also for the sake of obedience that I picked up My disciples when I chose them from among the people in order to make them Mine and to walk with them on earth, and they to be My witnesses, God’s witnesses, for God does not do His work without witnesses.


I am coming down within the voice of the Holy Spirit into My book of these days and I am becoming a feast of word for the memorial of the day, two thousand years ago, when I explained to My disciples, bit by bit, that I am the Christ of the Father, and I took three of My disciples, who were more strengthened in the wisdom of My mysteries, and I went up in the mountain with them and I revealed My invisible glory to them, and they saw, on that day, beyond those that could be seen by the man’s eye, as I allowed them to be there, for their eyes were opened for a little while so that they were able to confess to the other disciples, and then down from generation to generation and up to this day, so that the faithful ones might be able to speak the truth about Jesus, Christ, the One about Whom the Father spoke from the clouds on that very day over My three disciples in a convincing voice and He said this: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». Amen. (Matt. 17/5)


man cannot prove that is a true man, because his body has always, always overcome him, and man exalts himself by this after that, even if he does not find any greatness from man for him. Oh, it was otherwise when My greatness was confirmed on earth, when My face shone bathed in the light before My disciples in the mountain that was transfigured in an instant while God’s glory was upon it. Oh, it was otherwise with Me, for I did not exalt Myself but the Father done this from the clouds when He showed My greatness to the apostles at the time when He spoke in the sky and said: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». (Matt. 17/5) And on that very moment, the Father glorified Himself in Me and the Lord’s glory was shown outside, as white as snow over My body and over My garment, and then My disciples confessed My glory, and behold, I do not exalt Myself, but the Father does this within Me and over Me, and man is a liar when he glorifies himself, for I said that man receives his comfort from his sin.


In a spirit of heavenly feast and with love full of mercy, I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am becoming again word into My book of today, for man needs God as much as he does not understand this, but I have mercy on him and I speak so that he may hear Me, for where I am, he cannot come to hear Me, because the man is from those that are beneath and I am from those that are above, as I said at My first coming into the midst of the people to which I came then and I was telling them: «You are of this world, I am not of this world; you are from beneath. I am from above and unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins». (John 8/23-24) I told them this because the unbelief brings harm to the man on earth, and then in heaven, and I was exhorting the people to follow Me so that they might have the light of life, and that their life may have truth. However, they did according to their pride and said that My testimony was not true, because I testified about Me. Oh, what did they benefit if they said that? They died in their sins, because they did not want to know Me and to heal them, and I was telling them: «You judge according to flesh. I judge no one. Even if I do judge, My judgment is true, for I am not alone, but I am with the Father Who sent Me. It’s also written into your law that the testimony of two people is valid. I am One Who testifies about Myself, and the Father Who sent Me testifies about Me. You know neither Me, nor My Father, and you do not know where I come from and where I go, for you judge according to flesh and you do not know Me, as if you knew Me, you would know My Father also. I am going away, and you will seek Me. Where I go you cannot come and you will die in your sins unless you believe that I am He. Everyone who commits sin is the bondservant of sin. A bondservant does not live in the house forever. A son remains forever. If, therefore, the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed». (See John 8/21-36)

I, explained all things to them and I unsealed from the Scriptures the mysteries that could not be perceived by their mind from beneath, in order to make them believe and to forgive their unbelief somehow,


The Father has sent Me to you as seed from heaven in you to grow it into your virgin body and to be born of you a little baby, and I was made of your body and blood, mother, and your mystery with Me and My mystery with you on earth and in heaven are great, but the man is not wise enough to reach down with it and to understand those from above by the humility of his spirit, mother, and man does not know the heaven on earth, and the heaven above does not know him either, for he eats only bread, poor of him and he does not know of the angelic food, of the word that comes out of My mouth, of every word that comes from God to feed the people with it as the angels and the saints eat of it, mother.


Oh, by great faith, My mother Virgin received Me in her virgin womb and then she delivered Me as a godly Baby to the Jewish people, the people that did not receive Me and which was afraid of My coming on earth, and it has kept its throne on earth up to this day, (With money, r.n.), and they left Me to the heaven, but behold, the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool and those who are not faithful do not know this truth, oh, they do not know what they do when they want to erase My trace on earth.


Oh, son, the Lord ordained John, the Baptizer, to be on earth once with Me. There was less than two hundred days between he and Me for our birth on earth. Herod’s persecution separated them, and I am speaking here about Zacharias and Elisabeth, John’s parents according to the flesh, and about him, the son coming out from them. From the childhood, I had been persecuted by the king Herod, who sent cruel servants to kill the infants and among them to kill us too. However, the Father did not send us on the earth for Herod, but He brought us here for Him, and He put us under protection. I was taken by My parents in Egypt, and he left into the mountains with Elisabeth, his mother, and there he remained until his appearance at Jordan. When the killers sent by Herod, running after them, caught them in the mountains, the prayer of his mother split the mountain in two parts and the mountain received them in it and protected them from the death coming from Herod, and then, after a couple of days, Elisabeth was taken among the saints, and the child John remained in the mountains as a small baby, growing until the age of a mature man, when he came down and appeared at Jordan. Oh, who took care of him? Who taught him to speak the language of his people? No one taught him, no one bathed him, no one fed him, no one made him clothes or little sandals, no one healed this little child, orphan on earth, of his wounds and poverty. After he had appeared to the people, no one heard him complaining about his life or being discontent under the burden of his life, and he was right with the Lord, Whom Herod dishonored to much because of his much rest on the throne as king, from where he pushed the people to a life with weaknesses for his life without a master on it. John came out into Herod’s way and told this king not to do what was not permitted on behalf of God, but Herod did not listen, as he was befuddled with sin and wine, and then he put John into the dark, into the dungeon, taking him from before the people, after John had baptized many people and given them to God for the baptism with the Holy Spirit after that.

Was John a man not to deserve anything from what the people have and take from their life on earth? In his life he was a hermit and lived in the wilderness with God’s angels into the heart of the mountain who opened to receive him and to protect him from Herod’s persecution. He had not mother and father to take care of him and to grow him, to comfort him, for both his mother and father were sacrificed then to God; she, in the mountains, few days after she reached the wilderness with her small son, and Zacharias, his father, was murdered between the temple and altar by king Herod’s killers. The wilderness was mother and father to John and it was everything he needed to have and grow for God on earth, until he appeared at Jordan, full of grace, full of God, full of word and full of the spirit of prophecy and wisdom for the people and full of the knowledge of men and of their works. Behold a depiction of holiness of life on earth in man: John, the Baptizer.

Oh, look at John, you My people growing now within My word like John in the wilderness! My word upon him brought him up into the wilderness, in his paradise deprived of people. My word upon him taught him to speak and to become wise. I taught him to speak. My word was always, always above him and held his little hand like a father, as I would have done with Adam in paradise, but Adam was not born; however, John was born and he was born a baby and listened and then he grew up as much as Adam according to the number of years, according to the stature of the man who turned thirty years, for Adam was made by My hand like a man of thirty years old, just as John was in his years on earth and as I, the Lord, was too, when I started to preach about Myself as Messiah coming from the Father, born of the Virgin among people, as it was the prophecy, and then after forty-two months of preaching about the kingdom of the heavens on earth, I let Myself be given over to be sacrificed under the hand of man, who was God’s enemy and full of himself before men so that He might be able to fulfill the Scripture of the crucifixion, and of My resurrection from among the dead.

Behold, here is the patience of the saints; however, the man does not want to learn like this. I and John the Baptizer, showed before the Father obedience and submission, and before the people, I showed the patience of the saints. John and I are the model after which the man should take to live his life on earth. Amen.


I am setting the table of word into your midst, people of My comforting word, and I am sitting with a feast of Palm branches at the table with you, new Jerusalem, My today’s citadel into the midst of the Romanian people! I remember together with you of the great day when the Father glorified Me into the midst of the people before My passion, after I woke Lazarus up from the grave and when a great multitude came to meet Me because they heard of this miracle and then the Pharisees and the scribes said among themselves: «See how you accomplish nothing. Behold, the world has gone after him». (John: 12/19) All those who had come to the feast to worship wanted to see Me, and I told them: «The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified… If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me. Where I am, there will My servant also be… Father, glorify Your name! Then there came a voice out of the sky, saying, „I have both glorified it, and I will glorify it again”». (See John: 12/23-28)


Your pain makes Me suffer, for I am in You, and You are in Me, My dear Son, but Our pain is full of patience, it is full of love and it is Our sighing after man. I have been looking now at the day mentioned today when many were singing Hosanna to You, cutting branches from the trees and laying them down before You and when the citadel of Jerusalem shook, saying: «Who is This?» and many were saying: «This is Jesus, the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee», (Matt: 21/10, 11), and the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple and He healed them all on that very moment; however, the bishops and the scribes were upset and angry with You because of these miracles and because of the children who were calling out singing to You Hosanna in the Temple. Oh, how gently You told them when they said: «Do you hear what these are saying?». And You answered them and said: «Did you never read, „Out of the mouth of babes and nursing babies You have perfected praise?”» (Matt: 21/16) Oh, what a great day there was in Jerusalem for those with a big and sweet heart, and what anger it stirred into the hearts of those who did not welcome You as My messenger to them, My dear Son! Moreover, these people crucified You after that, woe, but they did not know that an even greater glory will shine before them through You, for the light of Your resurrection judged them after that; it overcame them all and they remained weak under a great guilt, but You were merciful with them on the cross and asked Me to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing. Oh, what great love You gave them when You asked Me to forgive them! Oh, how great Your love is, My dear Son! Let the man not forget Your love on the cross and let the sinful one not lose his hope, but let him rather come back and be alive, for You died for each sinner so that he may be alive by his coming back to You, to Your mercy for the sinful man.


It is a day of memorial of My encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well of Israel, a day in which My disciples wrote into My Gospel of that time. Oh, it is a day of grace with faith in it, with power of repentance and then with a spring of longing after God, for My work on earth was great then! I stopped at the well of Sychar, a Samaritan city. I left Judea to Galilee, for I had to heal someone of noble birth in Cana of Galilee. I still had to establish another sign for the faith of those in Cana, who saw My greatness coming to the feast in Jerusalem, and I went with them, for in Judea, My homeland, no one wanted to believe Me, and I said that the prophet is not honored in his homeland, and the Samaritans and the Galileans welcomed Me and took Me into their house and gave Me comfort, and I paid them with the forgiveness of their sins and with healing, and then I gave them the work of faith, My confession over the earth, to the small and to the great, even to those who sat on great chairs over the multitudes, to give them the news about Messiah, the messengers from the Father on earth on that time, as it was written in the prophets about My coming.

Then I went from Judea to Galilee because of the commotion of the Pharisees against Me, and while I was passing through Sychar, I came to rest at the well of Israel, and I asked from the Samaritan woman, who came to take out water, I asked her and said: «Give Me to drink!», as I was tired, and seeing that I was a Jew in My appearance, she humbled before Me, knowing that the Jews did not get along with the Samaritans, and after My speaking with her in order that she could see God in Me, she answered Me then: «Lord, I perceive that You are a prophet… I know that Messiah comes, Who is called Christ, and He will declare to us all things». Moreover, I answered her, «I am He, the One Who speaks to you». (John: 4/19, 25, 26) And after that, she left her water pot and went away into her city to tell all the people to come and see Messiah. And they went out of the city and were coming, and I did not have time to eat those that the disciples brought as food, because I had to do the will of the Father, Who sent Me to do His work, and I told the disciples: «Behold, look at the fields,…, and he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit to eternal life; that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together». (John: 4/35, 36) Afterwards, from that city many of the Samaritans believed in Him and said, «We have heard for ourselves, and know that This is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world». (John: 4/42) And My disciples heard this.


Those full of pride and fleeting greatness and full of high seats in Israel, they did all they could to make many in Judea hate Me, but the Samaritan woman, the one I spoke at the well of Israel with, did all she could to make the Samaritans love Me, and then she even died for My love. She had many sins, but this woman did not have the spirit of pride, as her sins made her repent in herself, even if she did not have power against them to stand against them in her body, for the burden of sins is hard, and that is why the man has fear in him, but who is to tell him this and give him freedom? Those who stumbled against Me in Judea wanted to do so if they did not look at their sins as the Samaritan woman did at her meeting with Me, but who is to tell to the proud ones the sin of their pride?


My birth from the virgin brought Me to the people on earth, and I grew within the sweet spirit of obedience, as My Father has made Me a sweet shepherd of souls and I have loved this, since I was born on the earth among people to be their Shepherd and to be their sweet Shepherd. I started on earth with My birth and this mystery is great for those who love God and give themselves to Him, and then I went on with the growth and with the sweet obedience for the growth, and this second mystery and its work are also great, and then I shepherded going from place to place, after the Father first revealed it to Me to choose the twelve disciples to go with them, and then to choose other seventy disciples to go before Us and proclaim among the people the news of the kingdom of the heavens, My coming with it, and I perfected it on earth, because I was coming into the people with it, into the hearts of those who heard My word full of the Holy Spirit, and I was teaching the people to be baptized in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. At that time, by My shepherding, it was proclaimed God’s name: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and I was the Word and I got together the beginning with the end, for at first, I was the Word, and God was the Word as it is written.


— Oh, You are the Way, You are the door, Emmanuel Son, my child Who came in Bethlehem from the Father and was born by my virgin body. You are the door and You came into my body without the need of entrance, but You asked only for my will to enter and to grow as a Child to be born and then to come out, and this was called Your birth, for You stayed into my womb which had so much place for Your birth, little Child, little Lamb, for You were born to be a little Lamb. You are the door; You came into my womb by my little heart, full of faith, and You came out likewise and appeared, and then You became fully God. You used my flesh and blood only to show the man that You made him in Your image and after Your likeness, for You grew up after You were born, and then You appeared before the people, according to the measure You built Adam at the beginning. You used my flesh and blood to be born of a human body and to be able to come on this way, which man chose, but it was not I that gave You birth, rather You were born of my body when You took being of my being. I did not give birth as the woman normally gives birth on earth, but I only housed You into my womb with Your work of birth, and You were the Only One born of the Father and then of my body, for only You were born in this way, and You did not spoil anything in my body, and I remained so, as I was before You to dwell in me for Your birth.

One cannot speak about the mystery of Your birth among people and among sons, Son Lord, for You were true God even before appearing as a born Child, and You are without beginning and without end, and there is no one on earth with whom We, those in heaven, are able to speak about this mystery, and that is why there is no holy wisdom in man for this mystery, and Your disciples spoke about that and testified about You and that You had come down from heaven for the people and became flesh of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, and You became a Man. Oh, it would be such a blessing on Us that it could be spoken between earth and heaven about the whole profoundness from God of the mystery of Your birth. You, Yourself, became a Man, You, the One born of the Father before eternity, born and not made, of one Being with the Father, and by Whom all things have been made of everything that has been made then. And You are working likewise now; You are making them all again, not being separated from the Father in this creation that will remain; and who among men is able to make the creation, which will be and which will remain?


I confess that I with my own hand I baptized You in the water of Jordan two thousand years ago when I said, seeing You coming: «Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!». (John: 1/29). And then I prophesied Your ascension on the cross, Lord, that You were to die for the world, as for this the Father had sent You at that time on earth. God, the God of mercy, had to die for the world bathing in sin, as it did not want and it does not want to die for Him as the saints have done for His name.

Few know that We had worked together, Lord, into the wilderness until Your appearance and mine at the Jordan. You were so humble in word and appearance before me! I had to ask the Father, Who had sent me to baptize with water, and the Father said: «On Whomever you will see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, the same is He Who baptizes in the Holy Spirit». (John: 1/33). And the Father was in You, Lord, and then I saw and confessed that You were the Son of God, so that my disciples may hear and to follow Him, that is to follow You, Lord.

You had to appear at the Jordan, little Lamb Lord. That is why I came, I, who was baptizing with water and I told the Jews about You, so that my confession about You might remain among them, and then all knew me as a great prophet; however, those full of the lust of sin were afraid, as they also were afraid of You after We appeared to start Our work of preaching when We were thirty years old.


Oh, Israel received Me, neither when I was born and nor when I was resurrected. From My birth and up to My death on the cross and then further to My resurrection, Israel had not been able to receive Me, but rather this people condemned Me to be cruci-fied. However, I gave birth to a people from above by My word over some people in its midst, whom I made the disciples of My love for man, and with them I went from place to place, making a way for Me with the miracles I did beyond nature over the weak people of Israel, until the day when I let Myself be caught and taken to its chiefs on the mount of Golgotha to be beaten in nails on the cross, and I stayed three days in a borrowed grave and after that I got up victoriously from the dead; I went into their dwelling place and I appeared before them to tell them who I was, for I was the One promised to Israel to come as the man’s Savior and Liberator, and then I did My work for which I had come. I have raised saints behind Me, and then the people of My saints have multiplied from one to another and from them I have kept from time to time the Christian people and its flock faithful to Me; however, in all the time, paid shepherds have been sneaking into the flock and becoming rulers upon it in My place and they have always shaken My things that I have established through the saints once and for all, and it has happened to those who have been good and faithful of My flock, shepherds and sheep, as it happened to Me; they have been taken out and given to be crucified, and behold, the rulers over the Christian people did and do what the people of Israel did to Me, to rule in My place, and the Holy Spirit to be silent and not taken into consideration, so that only they could speak in the name of the Holy Spirit as they want.


Behold, I am standing in the midst of My church in the Romanian people with a day of memorial of the Holy Cross, of the way and of the man’s walking with the cross, as I walked to the resurrection two thousand years ago, when I carried My cross on which I was crucified in order that I might come to life from the dead then. I had walked into the midst of Israel for thirty-three years with My godly step, and in the end of My time then, I walked with My cross, I walked to resurrection and thus I showed the man his way to resurrection, and then I told him to take up his cross and follow Me that way, if he wanted to come after Me in his walking, with his life given to Me and not given to himself. I am the Shepherd with the cross, and not the One dressed in fine clothes and having a mitre3 beaten with precious stones, as the bishops of the world wear before of the world to their glory on the earth and in no way to My glory, for My forehead was stung by the thorns and the crown of thorns was filled with the blood of My godly forehead, crowed with thorns by the Jewish people, and then I died the cross of My crucifixion with My blood flowing on it out of the wounds of My crucifixion, out of My hands, legs and side, as the soldier pierced My side, the one who helped Me to give My Spirit finally, as I came from the Father for the redemption of the man who went wrong through the woman, as the woman was taken from man, from the man’s side, and after that she harmed her husband, and I had to heal this wound made at that time and I had to fill it, as I had to heal the man’s whole body, both man and woman, for the woman was taken from the man, and I gave My spirit both for man and for woman and I threw Myself into the hell by My death on the cross, by the way of My cross, on which I was crucified, and by carrying My cross and in My obedience, I followed My Father and then I came to life to pay for the man’s resurrection and then I went to be with the Father; now I am at His right side and I am His work between heaven and earth; I am His word and His hand, which is at work by My body and Spirit, Who is working from the Father for man. Amen.


Adam was tempted and was overcome by temptation because he did not listen to fast for his own good, and I, the Lord Jesus Christ, had been tempted like a man by satan for forty days and I was not overcome by him, because I fasted, because I bowed before the Father and before the time of temptation sent by Him, and I stayed with humility before the Father and before satan at the same time, and satan did not know that Father was in Me, and I am in the Father, and that is why the victory was Mine by My humility before the Father and by My manhood for Him face to face with the tempting satan.


On a second day of Sunday after the Sunday of My resurrection and of those who were waiting in hell for their Savior promised to Adam, the first man created, I entered again into the midst of My disciples, while they were staying together closed because of the fear of those who were looking for them, and I said to them: «Peace to you!», as these hearts, crushed and full of tension, needed much peace. And on that day, I saw the disciple Thomas among them, who was not among them on the Sunday of the resurrection, when for the first time I appeared resurrected before them. As some people stuck to the earthly things, even after My resurrection, they still minded their things. However, I was walking after them and I appeared to them so that they might understand their election and to give other things or occupations on the earth away from them, as God hired them for Him, and they still worked otherwise. However, the Holy Spirit came and He gave Himself to them, and then they were able to work only for Me, only with My walking, and I had much work to be done through them and which was to be set on earth, so that I may have a house with the man on earth, to have the man as My church, to have a body made of faithful sons, and I to become one body with them by My body and blood united with them in their own body, so that we may all be one, and that they may be the sons of the Father as I am, and the Father’s love was so great that He called those who were faithful to Me God’s sons!


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am the One foretold by the angels in the night of My birth on the earth. King Herod could not destroy My coming, for My angel followed Me everywhere and proclaimed My protection step by step, and it was fulfilled precisely and the Father made Me a way through all that difficult time on the earth because I had nowhere to settle down with My coming, which was so mysterious and kept with so much humility, because I was not of this world and that is why My kingdom has nothing in it, and the angel prepared My birth in a manger near a hostel and this how the way was made for My coming on the earth, and I came down in a humble way, as in heaven there is humility, great beauty, and always glory, and the angels sang to Me on the earth in the hearing and seeing of the sheep shepherds and they spoke to them about My birth, for My angel stood before them and enveloped them in the light and he told them: «Don`t be afraid of this celestial vision, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in Bethlehem, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. You will find Him wrapped in strips of cloth in a manger of straw». (See also Luke 2:10-12) Suddenly, with My angel there was seen a multitude of the heavenly army praising God and saying: «Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and good will toward men». (Luke 2:14) And this is how My angel protected My being and this is how he announced Me, together with a great heavenly army. Then I lived on earth thirty-three years and I brought before people the Scripture of the Lord’s coming, the coming of the One Who was prophesied by the prophets that would come, and this is how I fulfilled My Father’s will, for the Father had sent Me after man.

Then the Father, by the announcement made through an angel, took Me into Egypt to protect Me from the hand of Herod who murdered all the little children at that time, and after the Father had struck Herod dead, and then again, He brought Me back again at the angel’s announcement, and I went to live in Nazareth; and everything was fulfilled with the humility that was given to Me to fulfill according to the tradition, and My birth took place according to its whole order, and the angels ministered to Me.

Oh, mother Virgin, you were aggrieved at that time, because I was a little baby, and you had to take care of Me, and then you had to bear the whole humility for My coming. You were going with Me from place to place, you, those who had My birth and its persecution that came from Herod, and you and Joseph were wandering in sufferance carrying My into your arms, as everywhere there was only oppression or Us.

It is a feast for My birth on this day, oh, My mother Virgin, and now it is the memorial of that great and praised night when you did not find any place to rest where to give Me birth on earth, the One born of your virgin womb, mother. Your joy because of My birth overflowed in your little heart, for your humility grew once with the pain that came because you and I had been rejected, and at the same it was also the whole persecution that came from King Herod, and because of that We went into Egypt, and then We came back again, and I grew up in Nazareth and from time to time I appeared to Israel after that, because I had to fulfill all the prophecies about Me, oh, mother.


God has never stopped from His working on earth and in heaven, but man is too limited in his faith and view for faith and in his love from above, and behold, man does not have any part of the Lord’s mysteries, as the Magi had two thousand years ago, who came from far away, following the faith revealed to them, for they were revealed once with the searching of the stars and their course, and they were shown a star, after the angel had told My mother Virgin that she would give Me birth from her virginal body, and after she had understood, she believed and humbled herself so that I could be conceived in her womb by the work of the harbinger angel from heaven; these three Magi saw that a new star appeared and started to watch its course all the time, and they followed it until My day of birth was about to come, when the star which guided them stopped over Jerusalem and they found Me born in the manger, and they bowed with faith and there they strengthened their faith in God, in the Son, King and Savior of those who have believed in Him since then and up to this day, and behold, blessed are those who have part of the Lord’s mysteries as the Magi had, who found Me born on earth in a manger, where My Mother Virgin and the old Joseph stopped in the time and on the day of My birth among people on earth, and then when the people, great or small, did not receive Me in their homes with My birth and its mystery, which was revealed to the world by the people of other nation, who had come from far away to bow before Me and left their presents at the manger of My birth.


— Oh, gentle and humble Son, we made each other as long as You were in my womb. You made me like You and I carried You, and I took care of You gently to grow up and to be our Savior, Lord. Your birth filled my being with a holy thrill, which did not leave me after that and gave me always strength and victory on my way with You in my arms while wandering about on the earth, after I fled from Herod’s way who persecuted the children, after he had found that You were born and that You would be great on earth; however, You were still a baby, and he should have not been afraid for his throne, only that all those who live like princes on earth do not have wisdom to think, and they have some other kind of wisdom and desires instead, oh, and even the thieves on the high way treated You more gently, because on our way to Egypt, when a band of robbers came into our way and one of them saw Your heavenly beauty in my arms close to my bosom, he wondered and said that even if God had been this baby, He would have not been more beautiful than the child in my arms, and he appeased his companions, and I said that You would reward him for this kindness, oh, and You did it when the time came to reward him, and what a reward! However, the king Herod was furious because of Your birth and caused great pain for the children and mothers, but God’s mystery kept going on and on and it has always advanced, and the world does not understand Your mysteries worked through the angels and settled visibly or invisibly to their place, and we go sweetly between heaven and earth, for the world has to be renewed as it is written, dear Son.


— However, I, Lord, I, the one who put my hand on Your head in Jordan’s water and showed You that You are the One confessed by the Father and by me, how can I not confess You now for Your day with Me and mine with You in the river of Jordan, on whose bank the multitudes were flowing to You for their baptism with water, the baptism of repentance, Lord?

— Oh, My baptizer, how can We not confess each other on Our confessing day by its mystery working from heaven? Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful everything was! What a heavenly taste was in the holy thrill in Me and in you on that day! What a holy mystery the river Jordan received in water on that holy time! How thrilled and how surprised all the angels were looking, and also all the Father’s saints and all the heavenly powers! Oh, how beautiful it is among the heavenly things, My baptizer! Oh, if only those who hear Us on earth believe this!

— Oh, little Lamb and Lord, let us help the people to believe. The devil has great power on earth, the deceiver, and all the people are weak, since their eyes are prevented from seeing. Let us help them with heavenly signs, Lord! The time has come, and here it is! You are coming on earth as word and light of the world by the word. Lord, enter everywhere with this whole word of creation over the living and over the dead! Receive my prayer and put it into Your bosom, and bring this fulfillment into view, for it is written for You to overcome, to be the victorious Lamb over evil and over all the emptiness which has settled between earth and heaven. I am Your confessor at the river Jordan, two thousand years ago. Oh, fill the earth with Your love. Bring all the wandering people, bring them to the Father, oh, little Lamb, Lord. Amen.


Oh, sons it is a feast of meeting on this day, this is how My feast on this day is called. The parents who grew Me up and watched upon Me in My time of childhood, took Me to the temple, while I was still a forty-day baby, in order to be dedicated according to the commandment of the law, and the Holy Spirit upon the old Simeon, a man with a holy life, blessed Me and told My mother: «Behold, This Child is set for the falling and the rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which is spoken against». (Luke: 2/34)

Oh, the Holy Spirit blessed Me and used a holy man, He used the mouth and voice of the holy man, well My people. The parents who took Me to the temple did not ask for this, neither did old Simeon, but the Holy Spirit, Who moved the old man to come to the temple and meet Me on behalf of the Lord and to tell about the course of My earthly life so that when the words of the Holy Spirit would be fulfilled, everyone who would have seen their fulfillment to be able to believe, and even those from that time and up to this day who will have passed through their earthly life, according to which they went or go before the Lord with their life and present it either for judgment or for salvation, as it is written.


Christ has risen! I Myself am speaking over the earth the greeting of My resurrection from among the dead:

Christ has risen! Two thousand years ago it began to be given this news of the greeting among those who believed that I, the Lord, was God-Son and that I came from heaven on earth and I set Myself at the message of angels in the womb of a Virgin and I was born and grew up and as a man I let Myself be laid down on a cross like one who was guilty, as those who crucified Me told about Me, and thus I was put on the cross on behalf of those who were guilty of death; however, I came to life again on the third day as I had said that it would happen to Me, for I had told My disciples ahead of time and those in Jerusalem that I would come to life again, and I fulfilled as it was said, and then this news was born: Christ has risen!

Oh, peace to you, sons! This is what I also told those with whom I spent two thousand years ago in order to leave the truth for them that I had come down from heaven and I appeared before people as a Son of man. Peace to you, I am saying this to you, too, as I said to My disciples! I would say everywhere and upon all this heavenly greeting and then I would appear resurrected as I appeared after My resurrection before My disciples as long as forty days from time to time, and after that I went up to the Father, to My place from eternity.

My disciples needed comfort, they needed quietness and peace from above after the way of My cross and after all their mourning, for after I had let Myself caught in the garden of Gethsemane to give them My protection and after I was taken to the cross, My disciples were full of heaviness and confusion, they were full of fear, oh, and how well it was with them when I went to appear among them without opening the door, for they locked the door with a latch for their protection, and then I appeared among them and I said: Peace to you! Oh, this was what I told them and then I sent them on to the earth as My Father had sent Me when He sent Me, and I said to them: «Peace be to you! As the Father has sent Me, even so I send you». (John: 20/21) And breathing on them I said: «Receive the Holy Spirit! Whoever’s sins you forgive, they are forgiven them. Whoever’s sins you retain, they have been retained». (John: 20/22, 23)

Oh, what a great mission I gave on that day to My disciples! I clothed them with heavenly powers, and I filled them inside and outside with the Holy Spirit, and their work was mysterious and it was to be fulfilled over those that were to believe and to be baptized in My name, the name of Jesus Christ, the One crucified and resurrected. All those who want to be Christians are baptized into this name, but those who baptize the people are strangers from the heavenly powers, and they are not like My disciples anymore, who were leaving behind them from place to place a Christian people after the truth, full of faith and zeal for the way and the Gospel of peace and full of life with God in men.

On the second Sunday after the Holy Passover, I came near again with My disciples to prove that I was alive to Thomas, too, first to him and second to My other disciples, and then they went all over the earth and preached about My divinity as I proved it to them.


I was going from place to place through the midst of the people of Israel and one day I was passing by the pool that was healing through the merciful angel sent by God for those on whom the Lord have mercy in times of trials. I have found there the paralytic who kept going there year by year, day after day, and he was waiting for the moment of his healing, too. When I passed by, I saw his perseverance for many years in his waiting for the coming of the healing angel and his sinking into the water, I came close to him and I gently asked him: «Do you want to be made well?». (John: 5/6) I knew that he had been sick for a long time, and he answered Me gently: «Lord, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but when I’m coming, another one steps down before me». (John: 5/7) Then I told him in a loving voice: «Arise, take up your mat, and walk». (John: 5/8) Immediately, the man was made well, and he took up his mat and walked, and his healing was on the Sabbath.

Then the Jews rebelled at the sight of this wonderful sign, especially after the healed man said that someone came and told him to get up and be healed. Going into the temple I found him and said to him: «Behold, you are made well. Sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you». (John: 5/14) Oh, and he went and told the Jews about Me and they followed Me closely to kill Me because of the violating of the Sabbath and because I was confessing that God was My Father and that I was taking and working from Him, not from Me, and that the Son was doing everything He saw the Father doing, and whatever things He did, these the Son also did likewise. For as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He desires, and He has given all the judgment to the Son. (See John: 5/19-22)


Oh, what a stubborn world is on earth, well sons! There were, at that time, and there are now great signs by which I, the Lord, work over the people in order to draw them, that they may hear, believe and seek after Me with love, but man hardens in his soul and opposes, and he does not stop to understand and know the Lord, the Master, oh, sons. Oh, behold what those of two thousand years ago did to Me! They found Me, knew Me, saw My power, My mercy for man, My coming after Man, and still they opposed, for they understood who I was, each one of them understood, they understood within themselves; however, their stubbornness was big and went over the edges and they agreed with each other to destroy Me, because their foolishness had blinded them completely and pushed them to the uttermost darkness, and they did with God as with the last one of the mortals and pinned Him with nails; however, immediately there came upon them great pain and it did not help them the lie for which they paid and spread against the truth of My resurrection three days after My sacrifice on the cross, oh, and behold how much stubbornness there is on earth in those who do not want the Lord in the way of their human life, sons.


and My word goes like lightning and enters everywhere, and it works mysteriously and powerfully, only that I may be able to put it into the book and you to put it on the way then, and you to listen to Me as My disciples at that time listened to Me, those whom I told My words and asked them if they knew who I was, and because Peter confessed Me as the Christ of God, then I told him Who I was and I also told the disciples that I would be denied by the priests, by the scribes and by the elders, and that I would be killed on the cross and after three days I would rise again; moreover, I also told them that if anyone wanted to follow Me, then he had to deny himself, to take up his cross every day and follow Me even if he had been to lose his life for Me, for in this way he would earn it for Me after that. Oh, and then I took them with Me and went up on the mountain to pray and while I was praying to the Father with so much spirit and fire, I changed My appearance before them, and My shirt was shining while I was speaking with Moses and Elijah about My cross, about My dishonor which I had to bear in Jerusalem, oh, and they saw My glory at that time and they also saw the cloud of glory which covered us, and the Father spoke to them from the cloud: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him!». (Matt: 17/5) Oh, and then the wonderful moment passed and I told them to keep silent about everything that happened there, until they could tell everyone, and that moment has remained as a memorial, My sons, as well as a memorial for Me and My disciples.


I am the Savior. I am the Messiah of the Father, just as I was two thousand years ago. I am the Christmas of My Christians, sons, and I belong to those who fulfill the mystery of faith and My will with them and over them on earth. Oh, the coming of Father Christmas is not a mere story and that is all, as the people have used to call the feast of My birth. This holy memory is true and it has remained from that time and up to this day, for on the day of My birth I received gifts at the manger from the three Magi coming from far away to found Me, to see Me and to announce My birth, and they were prompted by My Father to start travelling to the manger of My birth, for My Father wanted Me to receive gifts, as the little children receive from their parents, and the mystery of the Father Christmas started at that moment and has continued, and the mystery begins immediately at sight and the little ones receive gifts in the name of the Father Christmas, in My name, for Christmas is My name, the name of the One Who created the heaven and the earth, the visible and invisible things of God’s creation, and woe and woe again to those who lie under the name of science people to overcome the One Who was and is the Maker of all thing! Woe to them, woe to those who make bold to lie again and again and to tell that they know, that they have revelations, that they are intelligent, that they know the things that are under the control of the Lord God!


The spirit and the song of the angels is still in the air, the spirit of My Birth on earth, oh, because the comfort was great for those in heaven on that day, when I, the Son of the Father God, was born as a man to grow and to reveal Myself Who I was, and I did reveal Myself. I was the love that came after the man, lost from God. I was the mercy that was seeking to wipe out the sins for which man has separated himself from God. I was the Savior, I was the Messenger of the Father, and this is how I appeared, and I humbly came to reveal Myself.

Step by step, many have been wondering, how was it possible for Me to choose to be born in the fold of the sheep, in a manger of straw, among the little sheep and lambs, in a shepherd’s hut, as the carols for My birth sing?

Oh, sons who receive Me and write into the book My coming and My word on earth, I have come among the little sheep to be a Shepherd, and I have come to graze and tend My flock. That is why I have come into the sheep’s fold and among the shepherds of sheep. I have not come to be some sort of a Caesar, a king or to have some sort of a rank on earth. No, sons, I am nothing but the Shepherd from above, the gentle One, the humble One, and now, I am descending on earth with My voice of Shepherd to fulfill the Scriptures that prophesy that there will be only one Shepherd, and that One will shepherd the flock, and in this way it will be a flock, only one flock, and this prophecy cannot be fulfilled otherwise. If there is only one shepherd, then is it possible to say that there are more flocks, and then more shepherds? Would it be possible to be other kinds of shepherds when it comes to be only one flock?


I am the Son of the Father God and of the mother Virgin. Father had sent Me two thousand years ago to become a Man on earth by My birth of the Virgin mother and many have come to the Father through Me, to the salvation out of sin, to their salvation, to the salvation paid with My life on the cross so that the man’s guilt may be wiped out from God’s face and the man to come to Me, to the love coming from heaven to be on earth with the people and to teach the people the love against the sin in them, and here I am tending and calling to God those who are saved from the devil that separates man from God to do his will so that he might lose his eternal life with God, for your life, man, is from God; it is not from those who give you a body to be born, rather it is from God, Who gives you life when you are born and the Lord gives you the soul and then you catch life and breath from Him, and behold I am working a feast of birth on earth on this great day of the memorial of My birth among people of the Virgin mother two thousand years ago among people.

I am the One foretold by Moses and by the prophets that I would come on earth with the voice of My word and I would be the Shepherd of the people that receive Me to tend them. I am Jesus Christ, as My name was given at My birth. I came to be humble on earth and this is how I remained, humble and modest in My life, both in My appearance and work. The world of that time was not able to receive Me for the world lives its life in a worldly way and I came out of the heavenly glory, and this glory has nothing to do with the earth or humans.

I was received in a manger to be born on earth. This is how the Father worked at that time, to be like God’s holy glory in the midst of the foreign people’s glory and to be received by those who need God, by those who are poor and in want, who suffer and are not comforted, aggrieved and helpless. I am He Who heals from sufferance, sadness and estrangement and I give Myself to be their comfort and alleviation. For these and after these I came and come, for they need God and they receive Me to be with them.

I was neither known nor received by the rich ones, full of their lives and possessions that shine in a worldly way. Oh, these are not for Me! For Me it is the creation made by God, that which is beautiful without margins, without any borders, and in no way to come into narrow places and full of the gathering that is for man.

Oh, what shall I do with the barns and thrones in the houses of those who gather richness on earth? How shall I enter their palaces, on their royal seats looking like thrones? For Me it is the three-foot stools, the three little pillars, for I am the gentle One and humble in heart and appearance.


On the second day of the feast of the memorial of My birth on earth two thousand years ago, I am writing into the book My speaking with My mother Virgin, and mother, let’s awake the memory of My coming down on earth to you. You have received Me through the angel and then you set Me among the people on earth as a little Child, oh, and you had no rest; you found no place to rest with Me and to take care of Me, as a little and newly born child. Your arms were My place at My birth. You carried Me in your arms, you were My little cradle and walked a long way with Me in your arms, My mother. The angel immediately brought the news that the king Herod was looking for Us to take My life and its body, oh, and Joseph took you and you walked a long way with difficulty, mother, and it was full of dangers because Herod’s people were behind Us and were looking everywhere, and both your walking and Mine as well, you with Me in your arms, were always looked for, and this is how We travelled to Our exile to Egypt, until the angel came again and told Us to turn back to the Israel’s country, after the king who murdered the little children died of a severe death and then We came back into Our country, mother.


I came down on earth by the obedience to My Father, Who had sent Me to become flesh like a man and to pay before Him for the salvation of the man lost from God’s glory by his disobedience to the Lord. I, the Son of the Father God, had to come in the flesh, to obey and to return into My glory with the redemption of the man gained by the enemy satan, for the man did not listen to his Creator in paradise but to the enemy of his Creator and his, for he gained the man to do his will, and I was sent by My Father to be born on earth, to grow and to work for his coming back to God, oh, and this is how I worked step by step. I was born and brought to My parents at the temple after eight days and I obeyed according to the Israel’s law of the circumcision in the flesh and that confirmed Me as a man in the flesh, and then by obedience I worked everything I had to do, to fulfill by My coming two thousand years ago, oh, and since then I have been waiting for man, and the Father has been waiting for him too, to look at the place from where satan took him when he separated him from God, the Creator, oh, and I have been waiting to see that he is working for his return.


The song of My resurrection is sung everywhere on earth from midnight and until dawn, and I, the Lord, am thrilled with all the hosts of saints and angels before God’s love, for My Father had sent Me two thousand years ago to bring down on earth on His behalf face to face with the people the love crucified on the hill of Golgotha, God’s Son dying on the cross for His longing after man, the shattering moment when God the Son was rejected and brought to crucifixion between two thieves, enduring lovingly and full of longing to rise from death and to testify the truth of His coming from heaven on earth, the love that brought Him down from the presence of the glory of the Father to become known as true God of true God, the redeemer of the man fallen from haven through sin and the man to startle before this great love too, for the Lord suffered for all the men’s sins and there cannot be any greater love than this, oh, and then I taught those who followed Me and said to them: «Love your enemies and bless those that curse and persecute you». This is what I taught them, for I want to take after Me those who follow Me so that they might know the love, its mystery and its power, and there is no greater love than the love which God wrote on earth with His own blood, with His own sacrifice on the hill of Golgotha two thousand years ago.


Oh, what a sweet feast I have set today in the garden, here! All those sitting at the table are comforted. Unforgettable memories are to be reminded. I was with the Father in Me all the way of the cross and that is why I was able to drink the cup of suffering, for I loved the man as much as My Father did, oh, sons. Then My Father forsook Me for a while, the moment on the cross, the end of My suffering on the cross, and then I called out to the Father to come again, but I laid My Spirit into His hands and this is how I reached the end of the suffering, waiting to come to the place of the glory near the Father. However, I had to go to shatter the latches of the dwelling of the dead and to get out of bondage those before Christ (Mat: 27/52, 53) and then I appeared resurrected to My disciples and spent with them a little while and then I took My place near the Father, oh, and sweet memories I was spinning when I was spending with the people in the name of the joy of salvation of those who chose to be with the Lord, the spending with those in heaven on earth with the people when man is Christ’s Christian.

The priests of that time were My enemies and then they became wolves and tore down the Lamb of God, but the greatest memory of that time is My resurrection and meeting with the disciples and female prudes, rejoicing that I overcame death and satan and that I was and am alive from everlasting to everlasting.


Oh, the disciples cried and the prudes cried as well, they cried all the week before My resurrection and then I appeared before them resurrected as I had told them before, and this is what I told them: «Most assuredly I tell you, that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy». (John: 16/20) Oh, and it was so; and also cried those who prepared My crucifixion, and they cried with terror and his is how they ended, for I had told My disciples when I appeared resurrected before them: «Go in the whole world and preach the Gospel of the resurrected Christ to all the creature under the heaven, and he who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who disbelieves will be condemned». (See Mark: 16/16)


the heavenly and angelic powers are staying with the glory here above and are glorifying the day of My birth two thousand years ago and we are meeting in the singing of the carols, My mother.

— We are standing above within the spirit of peace, little Child Jesus, for You came two thousand years ago on earth, born as a little baby of my virginal body, for when the time came for You to come out as a man by birth, the Father took You out of my body into His hands and set You before me, and my body fully felt the hand of the Father Who delivered You at Your birth and my virginity remained unbroken, oh, and it does not rise to the man’s mind this holy mystery of the birth of God’s Son on earth from my virginal body. However, I, the Virgin mother, after two thousand years, testify that it was the Father, the Birth Giver, Who took You with His own hand out of my body, nine months after Your placing in my body by the angel, and showed You as God coming on earth and then angelic hosts sang for You and the heaven met the earth then, confessing from above and from below those hidden of God’s mystery for Your birth among men, for the angels confessed from above as well as the Magi, the shepherds, You, I and Joseph from below, and then those who carried You over the earth by their confession from the Holy Spirit, Who brings from God the revelations of the mysteries of the heaven on earth, and behold a miracle of holy feast, a feast of birth and then the confessing thrill of that time in heaven and on earth, and glory to Your birth, little Child, a Child submitted to the Father and to His work with You for the salvation of the wrong man from sin!

And man must hear and cleanse his spirit and body from sin and that You may sit with Your birth, with Your growth in man and with his salvation, oh, dear Son, born on straw in the cave of Bethlehem that received Us when You came from heaven down on earth.


Here is a holy memory on this day, when I, the Lord, two thousand years ago, before the week of My passions and cross, I first fulfilled the promise spoken by the prophets which says: «Rejoice daughter of Zion. Behold, your king comes to you, riding on a cold, the foal of a donkey». (Zech: 9/9) Oh, and so I did, and brought the joy of the fulfillment of this announcement through the prophets; however, this great day I had prepared with great glory before the people of Israel. And how did I work?

Oh, I carefully prepared the people so that they could receive Me as a King, and I worked the departure of Lazarus from Bethany and then his raising, his resurrection on the fourth day after his sleep, oh, and then a great announcement was made and a burning fire took place and I announced My entry into the citadel, and more and more Jews sought after Me, and the priests sharpened their angry because of the many people who followed Me everywhere they heard that I was or that I was passing, oh, and then the priests decided to kill Me because fear was growing in them.

The next day I entered Jerusalem on a donkey’s cold and a large crowd that came into the citadel waited for Me and welcomed Me with songs and palm branches, shouting: «Hosanna, Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!» (John: 12/13)

Oh, this is how the prophecy about Me was fulfilled on that day to rejoice Israel, and to prepare then the week of My passions, which had been approaching, and for which I came from the Father down on earth for I was going to pay the ransom for the man fallen from heaven and to overcome then so much opposition against Me from the people of Caiaphas and of the Phar-isees and scribes, who thought they were great on earth as this sin made them blind, and they could not hear of My glory, of the great wonders done in the midst of their people, and then of the people who followed Me singing Hosanna to Me.

Oh, and this is how My passion and crucifixion came to work, but also My resurrection afterwards, and this completely shook the rulers of the temple and people, and they no longer knew where to go and what to use lest they may be overthrown because of the truth of My resurrection and of those from the graves once with Me, (Matt: 27/52) oh, and they gave money to buy the soldiers guarding the grave to spread the rumor that the disciples stole and hid Me, but this fell because I was alive and I was walking and proving My resurrection, oh, and thus the unbelief was overcome and all those who wanted Me to perish less the people should perish because of wandering; nevertheless, they were afraid not to perish people but themselves and lose their authority, and behold, this is how it was on that day when I gathered the people so that it might be fulfilled upon them the joy of the daughter of Zion who greeted her King singing Hosanna to Him, even if after a few days they turned voices against Me shouting to Pilate: «Crucify Him! Let him be crucified!» (Luke: 23/21)


All over the earth of My Christians it is heard the greeting of My resurrection today: Christ is risen! This is how the news of the joy of My resurrection was shared among others and those at that time told one another that Christ is risen, and this news deeply tore those in Jerusalem who worked for Me and helped My resurrection to be able to show everyone My resurrection and to fulfill that what I had said by the words spoken to them before My cross, for I said: «The prince of this world has been judged», (See John: 12/31) because he crucified Me on the cross, and I was risen, and then great fear came upon him and upon the unbelievers and they tried to hide under the lie that the disciples stole Me from the tomb; however, they gave money to the soldiers that guarded the tomb to spread the lie, but those among them who did not receive any money left to their cities with the good news of My resurrection, and Pilate announced the Caesar that the centurion who crucified Me was proclaiming everywhere, he and his soldiers who believed and confessed My resurrection, and Caesar also promised money to Pilate, and those who confessed the miracle from the tomb of My resurrection were caught and martyred, and behold how great and evil power the money has and how much crushing it brings to those who receive it to spread the lie paid with money against God and against those who love God on earth!
