… Oh, My chicks, I ascended to My Father after My passion, and now I have descended on earth, unseen by anyone, to prepare this vessel (through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) chosen by Me, but helpless, and through him to prepare a holy people which are to prepare My way to come for judgment. My fearful chicks, do not doubt My words through this weak mouth, for I want to give you new birth from the Spirit. Do not be afraid. I will protect you and I will bring you up with milk for you are small. I will take you under My wings, as the hen takes her chicks to protect them against the hawk, for you will have many enemies.
Oh, sons, you know that the doctors learn many things until they catch the learning to heal the sick people and to give them medicine, needed to their sickness. Here, you too need great and strong faith, for the dead will be resurrected and you will heal the sicknesses.
Oh, do not seek without this work, for I want to unlock with you. You are a lump of salt that will salt this whole earth. You are the key of this age at the end.
If you are with Me, Christian, and if you are with the light into the hand, to the thousandth generation will you escape your people. You will say: „Lord, here is my mother, here is my son”, and God will fulfill your word and will tell you: „Chose your people and you will redeem it, but by prayer.”
… I will do with you wonderful things on the last moments and God will reveal His won-ders through His latter children.
Israel, Israel, let your life be in Me, and My life in you, dear son, for with this work of your life in the Lord I wrote the judgment of the world. I have brought you up and perfected you in the Holy Spirit and I put you in front of the people that man could see what God wanted to speak within man and so that man could be judged for the deeds of his life. Amen.
I have nothing dearer than you, My people, as you have been waiting for seven thousand years for Me to fulfill with you the last promises proclaimed to you; the new heaven, the new earth, and the new man after My image and after My likeness, so that God’s hidden and mysterious wisdom may appear, son; the one that I ordained before the ages to My glory and yours, faithful child from the end.
I cannot prepare My coming without a prepared people. I cannot make My coming with a visible glory without a house built of living stones. The house has to be seen and well-built and well adorned, as the heavenly gifts will be to surpass with a visible brightness everything that shines over the people without the power of shining. The brightness, which falls at any breeze of wind, is not brightness, and it is a lie instead, which the people wrote brightness on.
Oh, My longing is great, and behold, I made a house on the earth for Myself. My strong hand worked and I have a church after My will, and I have a path to it and with it, I have a way to the earth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for the time of this faithful people, which believes that the Father sent Me as word on the earth.
Oh, faithful people, may your faith never perish! May your faith increase and fill the earth with faith! May your faith pass into the endless age! Amen, amen, amen.
Prepare the garment of My glory for My people.
Oh, people, faithful to My coming, I prepare you to prepare My coming. I prepare you, son, and do not be idle; do no longer be idle with your preparation. Prepare the adornments of your faith and polish your garment and your footwear and whiten the whiteness of My holiness, for I am Light from the Light, and the Light is drawn to the Light.
Lift up your eyes and learn to have the heaven in you. Look up and learn from those from above; learn the work of the saints and of the angels on the earth. Do not look only sideways. Look also in the sky for you have to receive the heaven as adornment over you. If you look only sideways, you cannot receive those from above, for they are from above and not from the sides. I prepare you with a heavenly teaching, but you should not get lost on the sides, but rather get lost in those from above, so that I may find you in them when I will let Myself be discovered in you and over you and out of your midst over many multitudes. A man, who went to steal and to have, also took with him his child, in order to teach him to have, when he does not have. And when the man reached to take and to have, he worked stealthily, for he worked as on earth; and he looked in front of him and in his back, on the left and on the right, and then he prepared to take and to have. But the little child told him that he forgot to look up, and those from heaven came down and worked for the birth from above of the man’s heart, and the man learned to look with those from heaven over his deeds.
Oh, son Israel, I prepare you and you should not be idle in your preparation. Look up now! Amen. And look on the sides only with the eyes from above, with your birth from above, the one from heaven, not with the one from man’s birth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for your time on the earth among the people. I have been waiting for seven ages to be My faithful people, for I called you, son, to be with the heaven on the earth, and I chose you from the one that I chose you, and I made you from the chosen one, the faithful one, to have a way of coming. I do not lie to you that I come and I do not come. If the Scriptures of My second coming are false, then this word is also false. But the Scriptures are truth, and I come and become truth, for I am the word of the truth, the word of the Scriptures. Amen.
I have turned you into My body. You are My body, for I am one with you through My body, and you have to speak with Me, if you are one with Me. Son, I cannot speak without your little mouth. Teach yourself to speak with Me; get used to My speaking from you; get used to heaven, and get used starting from now, before the coming of the full sight when the sight of the spirit will fully see through the sight of the body. I have always said: „Grow Israel, grow son, grow up! The heaven will let itself be seen by you; that is why I have asked you to grow up”. I have always said that you are My hands. My legs. My eye and My mouth. Oh, little child, on whom I breathed and always breathe, look at Me to see whether you are Mine or yours. Look to see whether you are My hands. My legs My eye and My mouth. Look and then tell Me with your little mouth whether you are Mine or yours. If you are Mine, then you will bring the heaven into view, and if you are yours, you will close the heaven and you will not see it.
Israel. Israel, the things hoped for come to perfection. Get used to the heaven; get used to the saints; get used to the everlasting light; get used to the eternity; as all the saints have been waiting for you to open this door of eternity. I have told you son, that you are the key and you arc nothing else but the key, and this is your work. Open your eyes to see how it has been waiting at his gate for seven thousand years.
You are a good people and you know from Me what the Christian should do and be like within celebrations of saints. You are the people, who is taught by God, as it is written: «And they will be taught by God». You are a fulfilled prophecy, as I come from heaven to you and I teach you and fulfill the Scriptures with you, for I do no longer find a man on the earth who wants to give himself over to Me, in order to fulfill My Scriptures with him, the Scriptures of My coming, the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, the Scriptures of the new heaven and new earth, the Scriptures of eternity, My people.
I have told you, Jerusalem of My coming that I will come to you and reveal you the Scripture of My new people, who has a new name from Me, a name of Romanian, for this is the new name of God’s people. Behold, I give a new heart to those who believe in My coming in word over the earth, as told you, Romanian Israel, to become an example of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, so that the people may learn from you the mystery of resurrection, the mystery of the sons of God, who are the sons of resurrection, and the mystery of My image in man.
I have told you, Romanian Israel, that you are the true Romanian people, that you are the Christian people of the Romanians. No one else is Christian, but the one who loves My image in him. My image is My life in man; it is My will in the man that I am well pleased with.
I made holy you name, your life and the work of your hands and I make holy things through you, for the holy one works with holiness, and any work made by the saints is a work for Me, not for them. I made holy your name, your life and your work and I called you New Jerusalem, new people, a citadel of saints, heavenly citizenship on the earth, a new heaven and a new earth, as I have been waiting for the coming of My kingdom on the earth with the people for seven ages. Be new people day and night and be My coming and My kingdom every moment, and let your light never go out. Amen, amen, amen.
Behold the house of the meeting. When I told you to lay it down on the ground, I told you that I have it into My hand and I lay it down little by little through your little hard-working hands and then I will be glorified in it with days of wedding, My people. Behold the work of My word, which is well done and fulfilled. There is still a little bit of time and everything will be accomplished, and the house of the meeting will be established on the earth. Amen.
Oh, My people, you are My hand, which is at work to make with it a path for Me over the people. You are My tool. You are My day of wedding, which is dawning for Me. Amen. I would stay day and night with you in the word. This is what I told you to be, but I am God and I know the measure in everything, for there is work to do and it needs to be done both by hands and by legs, by eyes and by ears and by the whole body, and the body is weak and My Spirit comes and gives it power by breathing over it the days of rest, son.
Oh, My people, tired in your body, get rest from My labors. Put your body to rest in the days of rest, for day and night you labor with Me in order to fulfill My word. I see how your body hurts you when you kneel down for prayer at dawn and in the evening and in the middle of the night, My weary people. The body hurts you but your soul rejoices and My Spirit can and gives you life, My people. Your body is sanctified day and night for Me, for I hear you praying for My will in you, My people. Oh, I do not know how to thank you because you have got involved to serve Me at My word, at My request, at My calling, Jerusalem son. I sanctify the earth with you, My people. I take you in My hand and I sprinkle the earth with blessing the same way the priest takes the basil into his hand and he drops it into the water and then he sprinkles it on the ground and on the man. I turn the ground beneath you into a new word and I turn My spending with you in the midst of the people into a new heaven. I have taught you to be patient and not to get upset with those who do not understand My work with you. The true fruit of My labor with you comes into sight little by little, for I labor with you and I work out with you the new heaven, the new earth and the spirit of the new age and the language of the Holy Spirit, the word of My mouth and of My wisdom and of those that are hidden from the eyes of those who do not see.
Oh, My people, you should feel the thrill of My love in the end of time. You should feel it fully, so that you may be one blood with Me, for I have given you a name above sons and daughters before My Father, and I want you to be completely like Me, in My holy mountain, and to shine likewise over the earth, taking from My brightness completely, and for Us to pour ourselves out into each other and to give to the creation the purpose for which it was made. Amen.
Oh, My people, oh, children of the New Jerusalem! Two thousand years ago, I came out of the Jordan water, testifying about the making of the man out of water, then the Father and the Holy Spirit came, and the Father spoke and confirmed Me as His Son, and the Holy Spirit sealed Me before the people confirming the word of the Father, and His Son, in Whom He was well pleased on the earth before the people. Two thousand years ago, My Father testified about Me at Jordan, and now, when I came as seed on the earth, you testify about Me, people of New Jerusalem, which is laid down on the earth by Me, so that the man may have a tabernacle where to go and gather My seed, for My word on you is seed and you are the one who sows My seed on the earth, for the man to grow out of it, the new man that came out of man, and then out of My word. Amen.
And if you`re My secret to the end of time, I clothe you into My glory, into My light of great value, and I call you New Israel. And I will enlarge Myself with you according to the measure of My angel, with whom I have measured on the earth with a human measure, but also according to the measure of the angel, as it is written into the Scriptures. And with you, I will give light to the nations of the earth and to the whole creation, which is waiting for the first light, My glory from everlasting, the lamp of the Father: the Lamb.
My mystery that is kept in eternity for the end of time, this is how I call you, little people. The Mystery of the New Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth on the earth from the end of time, a new people that came out of the new seed, out of fresh word, a mysterious resurrection, a spirit of resurrection on the people, My people. I want to walk with you among the people and the spirit of the creature’s resurrection to hover behind Me and you; the Spirit of the Lord, Who hovers as in the beginning when He was hovering above the waters when I said to be light and it was and it became. Amen.
In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, over you. In the beginning, I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end, out of My work into your midst, My people. When I made the heaven and the earth, I made them in the light and at the light, because at first, I made the light and I called it day, the first day. Then I spoke to the waters to be divided, waters from waters, and while they did so, the heaven was made. The heaven broke through the waters in their midst, up and down, and it kept them this way, and this power, this expanse was called heaven, the heaven from waters; the heaven that came out of waters, and then the earth, after the waters received word to come together to one place and the dry land to come out from them; the dry land, which God baptized calling it earth; and He called the waters Seas.
In the beginning, the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the surface of the waters, My people, and He was preparing His word for the creation of the heaven and the earth and for the creation of the whole beauty and the life on them, and that of the man, My people. And in the end, the Spirit of the Lord is hovering over you preparing His word for the creation of the new heaven and the new earth. In the beginning I took the heaven and the earth out of waters, and in the end out of you, people born of God and of His creating word. I separated waters from waters with you and I called you heaven, My people. You are the tool, with which I work out the new heaven and the new earth. My Spirit hovers over you and becomes word, the word of creation of the new heaven and new earth.
The new heaven and the new earth on the earth, this is the portion that I have given to you. I have given it to you, so that you may carry the mystery of My coming, as I also gave John the portion in order to carry the mystery of My baptism, before I was to appear to God perfectly, by overcoming the power of death, and giving back his life to the man in a perfect manner. Since then and until today, I have been waiting for the man with the faith by which he may able to perfectly perceive why I came as a Man on the earth two thousand years ago. I have been waiting for you to perfectly understand your mission and mystery that I have given to you to carry, My people from the end of the time; the mystery of My second coming from the Father on the earth, the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, the mystery of the New Jerusalem, the creation from My coming. Amen.
The day of Epiphany was a day of creation. The Lord came out of the water and John knew Him and testified about Him. Behold, what a mystery in a day of Epiphany, My people, the mystery for which John came, the same as your mystery is the mystery for which you came, the mystery of My second coming on earth with the New Jerusalem from everlasting, so that I may entrust it to you for its work and for its complete fulfillment, for I love to come true through the weak ones with all the accomplishments, which still are, so that the man may no longer say that he created, that he knew, that he deserves and that he can. Let the man no longer say again that he can manage above God. And here is how I work. I make the weak ones into might, by which I divide the light from the darkness, the waters from waters, so that the new heaven, the new earth and the sea may come out of them, and I say again: the new heaven, the new earth and the sea, which is and which is not, for the world has and end over it, the reward of its transgressions, and its reward is lawlessness, for it is written: «He who acts unjustly, let him act unjustly still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him do righteousness still; he who is holy, let him be holy still, for I come soon, and My reward is with Me to give each one according to its deed». Amen.
Oh, Jerusalem, you have the light as your portion, little son. The darkness is everywhere, deep darkness, and My Spirit is hovering over you, and I said that you are to be light, and this is what I said in the first day of creation: «Let there be light!», and it was so; it was and it appeared over the darkness, My people, and the day was called light, the first day. This is what I have also told you, and in the end I have told you; «Let you be light!». And as the light submitted and appeared, the same with you too; you should listen and separate yourselves from all the darkness, so that I may call you day to the full, the first day, My day, for I am the first Who is and the last One, and I am the beginning and the end, because I do not start anything without finishing the work that I started. In the first beginning I started with the light, and in the end of My work I also start with it, and I have made you the beginning of light, and I illuminate with you the heaven and the earth and I fill them with the Spirit, the Comforter, the One Who speaks hovering over you in the mystery of the new creation of everything that are, either because they are seen, or because those that are have not been seen.
I want to teach you the whole of My mystery for the end of the time, in which I included you, but you should seek to be diligent for it and for its full wisdom, little and tiny people. Get up and be great for the wisdom of the mystery in which I clothed you and which I made it to come down on you even from eternity, New Jerusalem, because if you do not fully understand My mystery that has been kept for the end of the time and for you, you will not be able to finish it fully, and you will not be able to carry its love fully, its love, which helps you to be able to carry it and work it, so that the day of My coming may be made out with the resurrection of the creature and with the life of the age, which is to be fully on earth. Amen.
Oh, My people Jerusalem, the new heaven and the new earth break up their crust and come out of your midst, and you should work them and keep them in order to have them forever, for the sea does no longer stand against you; it is no longer into your way, for I separated the light from the darkness and the waters from waters and I made the expanse and I call it new heaven, New Jerusalem on earth, and I called it the first, the first seed that is kept in eternity, so that it might not be crushed on the earth. And now, I have given it an image into the midst of the people, for at the appearance of this mysterious fruit, it is the end of the time, but it is as true as God is. Amen.
Sing your song, if you have arisen on the earth, New Jerusalem, for your seed has been kept in eternity for the end of the time, and I say again: for the end of the time. Amen. You are the promise that I have made for all the saints and angels. All and everything have been waiting for your day and My day, in one another, and everything will be revealed in all the beauty from eternity, which is from the Father, and then everything will be submitted to the Father, for they have also submitted to the Son. Amen.
Sins your song, My loved Jerusalem. Learn your song and its purpose and sing to the One Who gave you life on earth, and sing, and you will sing forever your song from everlastingness, the song of the bride. This is what I said: «When the branch of the fig tree becomes tender and puts forth its leave, know and rejoice that your salvation has come». Amen.
Oh, tell Me, you Jerusalem, tell Me your mystery, the mystery for which you have come. Tell Me, My people; learn it well and tell Me to see your faith and stature and your working spirit and your walking on earth. Oh, My people, you should go on the earth more and more beautifully, more and more over it, so that we may meet in the time of your walking, to meet each other and embrace ourselves within glory, for it is written: «They will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so they will be with Him forever». Amen.
In the beginning the Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the waters, and in the end, He is hovering over you, speaking over you and testifying about you, My people. Tell Me, New Jerusalem, tell Me son, your mystery. I will hear you and I will take your word into everlastingness. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, son from the end, behold what a sign I give you: when your love will burn fully in your inside and outside, moment by moment, then you will see Me that I have come, and I will let Myself be revealed for the whole peoples, and then we will shine on this mountain more than any other brightness of Mine which I have ever released on the earth among the people, and then, son, I will take My day of rest back, I and with My Father will take it from your hand, for you are the man who is built by My Spirit, by My Spirit in the end, by the Spirit of My coming at the end of the time. Amen. The heaven and the earth have been waiting for this end of the time for seven thousand years to take back again their first brightness, their eternity, My people.
I have put you to work near Me and near My Father. I have put you near Me to work out the spirit of the new creation of the world, of the new heaven and of the new earth. I have put you a sign among the nations by My sign upon you, for this is how I have been well pleased, My people. And I ask you with the whole longing and with My whole Spirit to get well through My speaking upon you and stand well before this sign in such a way that it might pierce you and to be enough for you, so that we may not forget each other, because I have always, always remind you about Me and about My day of rest from the beginning, so that I may join it to the one in the end, and that I have desired with tears and sigh in Me and in My Father, My people, the people of the Spirit of the Lord. The day of My coming is with you. This is what this sign means, and the sign is the word, which flows over you of My mouth. Amen. All of the peoples will fully hear, soon, soon, that My Spirit is resting upon you working and that I have come in order to come. Amen. And as for you, My people, you should become My little boat so that I may be able to pass in it together with those that are not seen into those that are seen and to pass everyone from those that are seen into those that are not seen now, for all these wait to pass into view, so that they may be afterwards. Amen.
I wish you a burning longing, My people, so that I may come into the little boat and to reveal Myself perfectly with you and you with Me. And I tell you now with a burning desire: The sooner I come, the sooner I want to finish everything and to come to give you the reward of your faith and of your waiting, and especially to give you love for your love, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, My bride people, oh, what beautiful you are, made by Me, little child! I have made you this way by My word of today, which you have received and put it on you, so that it may make you beautiful. And it has done it. And I take you and show you to the sons of the people and I call you My sign, the sign from before of My coming, so that the man may follow you and arrive into My kingdom and that he might see how it is in heaven.
The sign of the Son of Man. There has been said so much and it is said among the people that this or that will be the sign of the Son of Man, by which I will be to come visibly. However, I, the Lord, the Word of the Father, tell to the man now, at the end of the time, and I say this: The people of My word from the middle of the Romanian people, this is the sign from before My coming, for two thousand years ago I said this: «Now from the fig tree, learn this parable. When the branch has now become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that the summer is near; even so you also, when you see these things coming to pass, know that it is near, at the doors». Amen.
Oh, sons of the people, I set the sign before you, the way to the life of the age what is to come on earth soon, soon. I have made out of these My way from heaven to earth, and from them to the heart of the man, who wanders away to find his house and his life.
Oh, My people, the saints celebrate you in heaven near them, for on earth you are Mine, and you are My will on earth. The Sunday of all the saints who rejoice in the Holy Spirit waiting for the first day, the day on which I will visibly make the great resurrection of all the saints, for there have been many saints on earth, and no one has known about them, nobody but I, the One Who have seen their love burning and shedding tears to quench in tears the burning of their soul, who has been longing after Me. However, I made you My torch into the midst of the darkness of the world from the end of the time and I set you to serve Me into the middle of the world and I appointed you to endure for an hour with Me for the raising from the dead of those who are alive and of those who are dead, to fulfill the Scripture of the resurrection of the creature, My people. I want that no one and nothing on earth may be like you, and this is what I want that you should also desire. I want you to fulfill My work from the end of the time, so that I may fulfill the My glory through the man, and all the others will be added to you by My power, by My care, My people through which I will be laboring for an hour before My coming. I want that every man on earth, and all and everything, may know of this corner of heaven, of this new thing, for I, My people, told you that nowhere else will it be more beautiful and more heavenly like here, where I have made My manger of descending and work for My coming on earth. Amen.
The saints stay near you burning with the longing after My coming. The saints stay near Me burning with longing for you, My people from the end of the time. You are the fulfilled Scripture, and more and more fulfilled, of the revealing of the sons of God, and I want to have you on earth with love, the love, which never falls and that will be forever, My people. Oh, receive Me from above and receive Me from below and fulfill My word and learn the work of the miracles and work out miracles by faith, My people, and set the time to obedience and put the man on his knees before the glory of My word, and see how much power I have to do this, but you should remain a perfect sign before the man, so that the man may see Me with you and believe in My love with which I walk on earth after the man, calling him to the spring of the eternal life and to youth without old age and to life without death, for there is where I want to arrive with the man that I love, My people.
Any man needs his tool when he works, when he does what he does. This is how I need you, Israel of today. I need you to be in My image and after My likeness, and you always need the Lord upon you, My teaching always, always, My people, so that I may see Myself with it in you, and for the man to look at you and to see God and to make him with My word upon you, for My word builds the man, and the man cannot be built for Me but only with My word. Amen.
However you, people who believe the coming of My word to you in order to exhort you with it, hear My painful sighing after the man, for I have been working upon you so much to turn the man back into My love, into the state of grace in which I was on earth among the people. My teaching is from Father and he who knows Me in it, knows the Father as well. I would advise you very much. I would tell you again and again that I did not choose you to serve Me with your hands and feet, and rather I chose you to work My grace upon the earth and to be full of grace so that I may come to the man through you. I chose you to teach you and you to fulfill My teaching looking at Me and not to yourself. When I walk to you to always give you a new appearance, always a new creature, you should know to stay before Me day and night and you should not be something else, and you should run from the one who makes you forget what you are to be, for I did not choose for your hands and for your feet but I chose you for grace instead. Stay always within longing and love and waiting and learn well to do these and do not stop learning to do this, for I chose you to teach you and you to fulfill looking at Me and not at yourself. I have always been looking at you. I stay above you with My arms full of grace, only to have you obedient and submitted to the work of the world’s creation, for I come to you to make the world, My people. You should not be content the way you are and rather you should be content with the way I am, to be like Me with thankfulness and with endless eagerness, My people, for I tell you again: look at Me and not at yourself. He, who looks at Me, that one sees and he, who looks at himself, does not see.
The mystery of My voice on you teaches you not to live a temporary life, but rather an eternal life on earth, holy Jerusalem, and to glorify the name of the Lord on your head, and to be a carpet of flowers of paradise, a carpet of lilies and roses into My way to you, and then with you into My way to the man, to graft the people’s lives with your life on the earth, My people of today. I want to make with you the miracle of the resurrection of the dead, and you should be perfect in your mind to be able to see those that are not seen and to bring them into view in such a way that all may be done for the building up.
Seek to have wisdom for what is good and to be innocent in what is evil, to destroy satan hastily, sons, and that the death may be taken away from the earth, for I speak to those who do not believe in resurrection, I, the Lord, because if there is no resurrection, I was not resurrected either. If the dead are not resurrected then I was not resurrected as well. However, I, the resurrected Lord, tell those who believe in the resurrection of those that are asleep, as Martha also believed, that I have been a beginning of the resurrection of those who were asleep and of the resurrection of the dead, and I tell them that the one who believes in Me has eternal life. Amen.
Oh, My people, the saints have been waiting for you with their reward from Me, the one from the end of the time. The dead have been waiting for you so that they may also come to life at My last trumpet, which will sound into your midst, for such a destiny have I meant for you, but seek with all your being to love and to listen to Me perfectly, for I am the God of peace, Jerusalem. I have My Spirit into your midst, and you should listen to everything that I have taught you, and you shall eat of the fruit of your happiness with Me, for such is the reward of those who listen in love. No one can listen to someone with love but only the one that loves him. Amen.
Receive of the spirit of My love and this is how you should love, children of the time of My coming. Praise the Lord and His new making on the earth, so that the Father may hear those that are Mine from the world. Bring Me love, sons, and do this for the resurrection of the creature, and sing and bless those that will be and for those that will remain. Amen.
I have prophesied about you, My people of today, since I, the Lord, was sounding My trumpet Verginica and I have told you that I will pass with you through the world and you will sing and your voice will resound into My name. Sing, Jerusalem, sing the song of My resurrection and the song of your resurrection and call the world to the resurrection, for the world does not know what resurrection and feast of resurrection are. Turn your ear for a little while to this little village in which I dwell with you in the spirit of the holy prophecies and hear what the world does and how it spends with its joy without God. You should also sing because you are My little child, My people, through whom I pour out the glory of My word and its fulfillment on earth. Sing over the world, „Christ is risen!”. Sing an angelic song, because in the world it has been sung humanly and devilishly and the world cannot sing heavenly, dear Jerusalem. Oh, if the world knew what sweetness I hide in your midst all its wisdom would go to the winds and it would take My wisdom instead and that one from you, and I would save the world from the hand of the devil and his servants who have been staying over the world enticing it even with My face under which they try to hide. However, I am deeply hurt from everything I see on earth and I comfort Myself with you, speaking to you, My people.
The devil that has enclosed everything makes Me angry to cut his way and to take My man back, My kingdom lost seven thousand years ago. I want to be able to speak with you; I want you to stay with Me; I want to be able to establish on earth together with you the resurrection of the dead and of those who are alive, for it is for this that I came from the Father two thousand years ago. And again, now, with the spirit full of the longing of My kingdom in man, I always come, always, and I speak with My voice from the sky and I give you, faithful children, to give to all, both who believe and to those who do not believe in My voice, which resounds from the clouds of My glory from above My little garden of word, to give the word of My coming to the man. Amen.
Sing, Jerusalem, sing as in heaven, not as on earth. Pray as in heaven not as on earth, for I, the resurrected Lord, want to bring with My word that is on you the new birth of the world. Amen.
Oh, My coming is very hard and the man is small and weak, but behold, the Lord does not come, because He has to be brought down instead, and it must be held on to the bridge between earth and heaven for I fulfill the Scriptures with the man and there was not and there is not a Scripture more difficult to fulfill than this one of My coming now, in the end of the time, when I, near the Father, make My coming full of word, a word as much and heavy as the river, for it is the judgment of the world without God on earth, and it is hard to carry on and to fulfill the Scripture of the new making of the world, for it is not with comfort but with pains of making that I work by the gentle spirit of those who receive Me when I come and become a book on earth, and I have asked you Jerusalem, to strengthen their power again and again. Give them your hand again and again to get up from pains and to open up to Me and to give Me to you, sons, because I glorify Myself through you on man and on the earth, and the time is coming to bring the multitudes together again near the spring of the word of life and to comfort My thirst after the man giving them to drink to their eternal life, to all who will come together soon, soon, near you. Amen.
I have come with thirst and I am tired, My people, and I see that you are also tired and I give you to drink and I give you of My Spirit so that you may be able to live through Me, for you cannot manage by yourself as the time is very bad on earth and the evil spirit is fighting against Me and against you and it makes Me worried for your life. However, I with all of My saints, give you from heaven and we give you of the living water, which becomes in the one who drinks of it a spring of running water to an eternal life, My people.
Behold, I have strengthened with all the heavenly powers My gates between earth and heaven, and I have opened and then I have come in to give you to drink to your life with Me, and be careful to what I tell you. I tell you a mystery about My coming and I tell you this: it is not God Who fulfills the Scriptures but the man instead, for God is with the spirit. The Lord does not come but He has to be brought instead and you need such a great faith as there has never been from everlasting to everlasting, and that is why I spoke to you, My people of today, that when you burn completely then I come. Amen. The man is the one who brings Me down: the man son, tired of the pain in you, of your pain after your salvation. And I, Myself, became a Man when the time of My coming arrived two thousand years ago, for the man is the one who fulfills the Scriptures, not God, for the Lord is with the spirit.
I wait for your insatiability, New Jerusalem. You are the people by which I, the Lord, glorify Myself before the people, and I come down with pain and with groaning for your life in those who carry Me to you, so that they may not let Me down, but rather to carry Me with all their weak powers, for the man is the one who brings Me down.
John, My loved disciple spoke testifying about Me: «In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God, and the same was in the beginning with God, and everything that has been made was made by Him». (John 1:1-3) And then he said: «In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness hasn’t overcome it». Amen. And here is what I tell you, My people from the end of the time: the Word is in the beginning as in the end, and This is from the very beginning and from the very end with God and everything is made again through Him. Amen.
This means life: My Spirit in man, My people and this is what I want to have in you, in your body, which is My house and My life, because that is why I have taken you from the world and I have given you work and I have taught you to do My works into the midst of the people, My people, and for the world to see the life with you, for life is My Spirit in man. Amen.
However, you, My people, you should not love the glory which the people give to you, but rather you should love life, for the life is My Spirit in man. And if you did not have This, then you would not have any life at all. However, you have to be the life of the people with your life, and you should speak with the man about life, not about those that are on earth, and let the man remain with life in him and not with you in him, for you have to be My disciple in everything I speak to the man for his light. My life in your life, My Spirit in your spirit, this is what I ask you to have and to be in your days of celebration, which come now again, and when I am glorified again into the midst of the people with the glory of My word and with you, for you are the people through whom I, the Lord, have been glorified on earth, as I had been glorified once with Moses’ people, Israel of today.
It is the time of the greatest Scripture that I fulfill with you, Romanian Jerusalem: the Scripture of My coming, the coming of the Son of Man, before Whom all the nations of the earth stand, either willing or not, even though they know or do not know this, but I know that I establish the book of My coming on earth, My word, which is coming with the clouds to bring together all its elected and to give each one according to its deed. Amen.
I am full of longing and I cross the heaven and the earth with the word, and with it I search the man’s heart to teach him the repentance for the forgiveness of his sins. I want to teach the man My love and I want to give him My advice and I want to give him My face. I want to save the human kind from the sin and to come into his way with My miracle from the end of the time, for you, My Jerusalem of Romanians, are My tool with which I cleanse My threshing floor and gather the wheat into My barns, to burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire, and then to come down on earth with eternal glory to bring together under it My elected ones, whom I have gathered from one margin of the heaven to the others with My loving word, with which I come to shepherd the man. Amen.
The saints had great joy when they confessed Me before men and it was in this way that they could go through the sufferings they had on My name, overcoming the pagan kings and the unfaithful world, which was not worthy of them. But behold, sons of today, they did not receive their promises until I, the faithful one and the beginner of everything, suffered the cross taking no account of its shame, and through it I stood on the right side of My Father. And it was not only that, the receiving of their promises, for behold, it was for the reward of My saints that I have come again down on earth to fulfill with you the Scripture of the revealing of the God’s sons in the end of the time, the smallest of the saints, without whom the saints do not receive perfection and the promises, and after which all the creature mourns to receive its redemption. Amen.
Oh, you are tired of My work upon you, for I lifted you up to preach Me with My coming, sons, tired under the burden of the coming of My glory on the earth. You are the sons of My kingdom in the end of the time, and I chose you from eternity to be with Me in the time of My coming for the reward of My saints, who have been waiting for you as the entire creature has been waiting for you too. I give you fresh powers and much, much peace and much obedience to My Holy Spirit among you, to My word from above and from below near you, to be able to preach over the entire earth the news of My coming to you and My wedding with you, children of the glory of My coming. I give you all you need for My work with you. I give you, and you should also give Me forever, in order to have you as a tool by which I may cleanse My threshing floor to gather My wheat into the barn, and to burn up the chaff with an unquenchable fire, according to what is written. Amen.
Oh, My people bride, I put order into your midst for the help of those who went down into their graves without a wedding garment. I have been teaching you to work out repentance for the man until you come with it at the beginning of the man, to be able to give My hand to those in the tombs for them to get up at your intercession, brought for them before Me. Work hard son, and you should also work hard for the entire nature, for if the man comes to life, and the body will put on him the garment of incorruptibility, the garment remained in those that are not seen and which wait for the sons of God to appear, those who are in the flesh will receive the glory of the wedding of the Son of the King, Who comes with the clouds so that He may give each one according to his own deed.
Love the mystery of the church. The church is whole and this is how My church and My body are called, and let My word dwell into your midst, Jerusalem, My mystery from eternity and the one from the end of the time, for I have been teaching you so much and this is how you should appear, for I want to make the man into My image and after My likeness and yours, for this is what I said to My disciples: I in you and you in Me, for the world to know that the Father sent Me and that the Father is in Me and I in Him, and I am with Him into the world. Amen, amen, amen.
— Oh, I have always become word with the saints over the earth, people of the plan of My coming. Oh, what shall I do with the unfaithful man, sons? I come with mercy into the man’s way before allowing him to see Me. I ask him to hear Me as those in the graves hear Me when I speak with you, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) and those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you to take them out with My word and to testify about My coming, which brings them again to life and to the redemption of their bodies. Amen. Be My tool for the wakening from the death of the man on earth. Set yourselves apart for this work of the resurrection of the creature, for this and no other is your choice and the work for which I chose you from among the sons of the people, and I made you sons of the Father with My word for the new birth of the world. Amen. I seal you by this word, and you should say amen, for My word and your word to be complete. And I will sit in council with you, sons, and we will work the word and we will fulfill it, for I, the Lord, am with My plan over the earth and I want to make the resurrection of the creature and the renewal of the world, for you are My tool. And I will give you power and word with power, which nothing and no human knowledge may stand against it, because the spirit of prophecy is working in you, and there is no greater gift among the heavenly gifts like the spirit of prophecy, sons.
Be great, sons, as great as My coming and My time with you and yours with Me is, and seek more than anything else to be filled with all the knowledge of My word upon you and seek to be workers like Me, and then to be My disciples, sons and children, for whoever is a child, that one can be a disciple as well, and the disciple does the work of his teacher upon him and upon those who are given by his teacher for the work of a disciple with a teacher upon him. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, children from the gates, teach My people what the Scripture means, which says about those that are written from the foundation of the world into the Book of the Life of the slain Lamb. When John, the Baptizer came to show Me to the world, he said: «Behold the Lamb of God, Who washes away the sins of the world», and in the book of the beloved John it is written about the book with the seven seals, which was opened by the «Slain Lamb, Who redeemed for God with His blood, people of every tribe, language, people and nation, and made them kings and priests, and they will reign on earth». Amen.
Each one of the three books of God has in it those that are written in it, and blessed is the one who is written into the Book of Life with works of life, for when John, the Baptizer, preached the Lamb of God and the repentance for the people, he said: «Even now the axe lies at the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire».
Oh, children confessors in these days when I have opened the seals of the Book of Life! See how I write Myself with the saints and with the angels into this book. Confess My time with you, My book with you, for there has not been and there will not be any greater work than My work with you and yours with Me since the ages, and we have to work, day by day and more and more wonderfully, because there are the days of My coming with the saints in this book and all confess God in it and them and you. The kingdom of the heavens is a great work in man and then it has to comprise in it people of every tribe, language, nation and race, for them to reign on earth as it is written into the Scriptures. And this book is My life giving Spirit, My word and My saints’ who have worked along the ages the work of the testimony of the Son of God, Who became the Son of Man two thousand years ago, to become then the slain Lamb, Who washes away the sins of the world in order to draw all people to the Father, as it is written into My word from the Scriptures. Amen.
No one knows but the Father that I was crying when I made the man, and I was knelt down when I did this kneading of the man’s body and the of his spirit, and now, in the end of the time, My Father has sent Me again to make the man and He said this to Me: «Go Son, after the man who came out of the man that was built by Your hand, go and teach him the sweet mystery of sufferance and not of happiness, Son! Go, Son, go, for happiness makes the man not to forget. Go and come back with the man on Your shoulders, for You have bowed much to the man and You spoke like him so that he might also speak like You.»
Oh, this is how My Father speaks to Me whenever I come as word on earth to you, My people, and I want the man to receive My teaching from you, and I want you to be a people of the disciples of My word and not to rejoice over everything that you do for yourself or for Me, but rather to rejoice over everything that I can do through you, for I told you that the dead have been waiting from you the fulfilling of the Scripture of their resurrection at the voice of My word upon you and at your voice, which takes after My voice, and for the dead and for the living to know Me in you that I am the true God, the One Who works out seed from seed, life from life taken from Me, My people, and resurrection from My resurrection, for I made the resurrection. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, My people, the word church is a great mystery. This mystery means prayer, it means repentance and it means prophecy in the Spirit and fulfilling, son. Oh, I have always, always looked upon you, for My watching eye waits for you as the dead wait for their resurrection, and I have always, always looked upon you so that you may fulfill this Scripture of the Holy Spirit Who comes out of My mouth. I fulfill it, for My voice flows from Me as I prophesied that I would work, and the dead hear and wait for your voice and for your prophetic work to wake them up. Amen.
And as for you, children of My coming, who were chosen for My glory, you should work and live day by day and more and more for it, for the payment of your work with Me will be My shining in you, and this generation will not pass until this takes place. Amen. I have created you for My glory, now in the end of the man’s time, and I have taken you from among the people and created you, for you have believed in Me and worked My coming with the judgment of the nations of the earth. Amen.
And now, persevere in your prayer for My victory and yours, for the time is near. Be Holy Spirit in word and in work for My fruit to be known in you, and the spirit of humility to clothe you, so that all the sons of the Jerusalem of My coming to be beautiful sons, for humility makes the man to be My pleased one. Amen.
I want to bring you as an offering to My Father for My work with you, as My mother, the Virgin, brought Me before the Lord after forty days since My birth among the people, and when the old Simeon was released from the days of his waiting, seeing Israel’s comforting through the Holy Spirit, Who was upon him, seeing Me, the Son of the Father and the Son of the Man, set before the people to the falling and rising of many, and for a sign which is spoken against. This is how I have brought you before the Father forty years after the beginning of My work of word, now, in the end of the man’s time, and you have been to the falling and rising of many and as a sign, which has been causing so much hostility, sons.
It was written about Me that after I was brought before the Father, I was growing and strengthening Myself in spirit, being filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was upon Me. This is how I also want to work today, and to do this in you, to appear in you and to shine from you, for I have set you as a sign on earth and this sign has been causing so much resistance, as it was with Me in the midst of Israel.
Oh, My people of today, strengthen the spirit of repentance and its works in you for the entire human kind from Adam up to you and from you down to Adam, for it needs repentance, prayer and watch for the resurrection of the human kind, who was and who is on earth, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, sons, who give being to My word, lift up the book of the judgment of the creature, the book of the resurrection of the creature; lift it up between earth and heaven and fulfill those things for the resurrection of the creature, for this Scripture of the resurrection is waited with many tears and with a wounded sigh in the spirit of those who wait for the resurrection from Me, for I am the resurrection and the life, as I said two thousand years ago that I was, and the same way as I ascended, so I would come down, hidden from the eyes of the people, but speaking the word upon the people as in the beginning, and that I would make him with the word. Amen.
Oh, little children who bring Me down on earth, I want the man to learn to bring Me down and not to wait for Me, for those who are dead wait for Me, and those who are alive bring Me down from near the Father closer to them, for they are the little ones of My Father, and My Father has given Me to them, and they bring Me to be and to speak and to bring to life the creature, which was swallowed up by death, and I will raise it to life, for this is the time ordered by the Father for the resurrection of the dead, and then the life of the age that is to be, the heaven and the earth in a feast of new age on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, Jerusalem, those from the graves hear My word upon you and get ready to stand up at My word, only for you to make Me a bridge to come on earth, for I have taught you not to have a greater worry than that by which you help Me to come on earth with more and more word, My people, for your mission is to listen and to hear My word from My mouth and to fulfill it. Amen.
By the voice of My mouth I have left exhortations of the resurrection of the spirit and of the body over all men, My people. Share them forward on earth, son, for you are My son, because I gave you this power by your faith in My resurrection two thousand years ago, and again, in My returning from now, the one after two ages of people, the one after seven ages, new Jerusalem.
I embrace you together with My apostles and with My prudes, to whom I spoke after My resurrection when I appeared to them: «Rejoice!». They drink in your love that you have for Me, for they were the sons of My faith and love, and you should have love for Me in abundance to feed them, My people, for this is their food, their table and their reward, and of all who have loved Me with power on earth, and since then they all have been waiting for their reward: the revealing of the children of God who will share the little crowns, new Jerusalem, child of the faith of My coming with the resurrection of the dead and with the eternal life on earth, for the whole heaven will come down on the holy earth. Amen, amen, amen.
With every passing day, I want to renew more and more the land under your feet and under which the hell and its servants groan, children and sons. I want to fulfill the Paradise on earth, and I have said this by the word of this book that I have been speaking for fifty years and which written with a letter on earth, because I will plant millions and millions of lilies and roses on earth, (It`s about people like lilies and roses, r.n.) to command My angels and the birds of the heaven, (Angels and saints from heaven, r.n.) which are part of My glory, to sing the song of the heaven on earth with you. Oh, I have always taught you, and I will always teach you not to forget that the children have been given to taste of My glory, and they feel it and become My glory. Amen. I have been teaching you the mystery of love, which teaches the man to become God and godly grace on earth. The word of My teaching is a spring, which never dries up and which springs forever, for how could you be able to watch otherwise for your meeting with Me?
My life in man is God’s commandment written with fire on earth. Show yourself in Me, for it is the time of the appearance of God’s glory! Show Me in you, for great and glorified is the mystery of My life in man, the mystery of the disciple of God’s Lamb, and get used, My people, to your life every moment, for death means everything that is not life, and you should be only life on earth, only word of Holy Spirit, and you should be wholly within Me and I within you, for it is the time of the Lord’s appearance on earth, My people, people of the new age on earth. I have separated the ages with you, New Jerusalem, and I have spoken to the nations of the earth about this mystery, and you should be the sign of the mystery of eternal life and you should live this way before Me, and always, always you should make My coming into your midst, so that I may make you My coming and to appear with you to everyone, and the entire heaven and the entire earth to see My coming with you, child confessing of life and of its mysteries on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, make three times the number of the holy confessing martyrs in the mountain lake of Sevasta, make sweet bread, morsels, a hundred and twenty, out of seven measures of wheat, as I have advised you for this feast, and serve the Lord with faith, for His mysteries are faithful to Him, because I have said that the people of My word of today is the mystery of the work from the end of the Scriptures, which still are to be fulfilled over the earth, and this mystery has been waited by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, those who marked and mark the work of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Israel’s children after the spirit and not after the flesh. Always remember Abraham’s faith, sons. He did not doubt of the being of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, when This came under his oak and preached the word of God, the one that was to come true, and by his faith it was accomplished, and Abraham has been called the father of his tribe, the tribe after the faith, the one after the spirit and not after the flesh, and behold, the saints are Abraham’s followers and they are in tens of thousands, and I, the Lord, come with them, for this is the prophecy in the Scriptures that says: „The Lord is coming with tens of thousands of saints.”. Amen.
However, you, My people, shall remember the saints and you should also unite with them in their prayer for you and for all the nations of Abraham, from you and up to it, Israel, newly chosen. However, you, My people, should say „Yes”, to your Lord, in everything He asks from you to believe and to be able and to fulfill then, to be Abraham’s child, the faithful one, son, and you should be gentle and merciful like him, and you should not refuse anything of what I ask you to fulfill, for Abraham was merciful to Me and he let himself be put to test, for he believed that I was and that I knew everything I had to fulfill and prophesy, and then to accomplish. I prophesied to him that I will multiply his seed like the stars of the heaven, and this is what I fulfill, for I have the heaven as holy followers of Abraham. I promised Isaac to him by prophecy and I gave him an example by those that I, the Lord, the Son of the Father, was going to suffer, as Abraham brought the life of his son as a sacrifice, at the Father’s commandment, so that he might take it back, just as I also took Mine back after I laid it down on the cross.
You will see, My people, the resurrection of the dead, and then you will understand My love on the cross. You will see, My people, My work with you and through it the new birth of the world, of creation, and then you will understand your love under My cross, which I share with you today, loving and waiting for the fruit of the love, My people. Oh, let yourself be seized by My mysteries with you! Oh, let yourself be overwhelmed by My love on the cross and cry under the cross of My love, rejoicing over the glory of the love, which suffers loving with power to make the world again. Oh, My work within these days is great! It is mysterious and full of patience for the appearance of its glory! Let yourself be disturbed by its mysterious love for the resurrection of all things, My people. The dead wait for Me to call them out as I called Lazarus from among the dead and I told him, after I thanked to the Father: «Lazarus, come out!».
„Come out, you, those in the graves!”. This is how I will call out through you, My people, until the dead will stand up listening to this commandment. Oh, and how beautiful and glorified will be the fulfillment of this Scripture and of the resurrection of the dead, My people! Take care, son, not to forget Me. Take great care not to live without Me in your thought and in your work and between brother and brother. Take care of Me, Jerusalem. Listen to God, son from the end. Take care like David and not like Saul, whom Samuel, coming out from the ground, being sad because of Saul’s disobedience and wandering away, answered him that disobedience is a sin as great as witchcraft, and opposition is the same like idol and teraphim worshipping. Behold what glorious will be the raising of the dead if you listen to be obedient to the Lord, your God, and if you obey His will full of care for you and for the whole heaven and earth, son! How praised Samuel came up out from the dead and rebuked the one who did not listen to God! How praised will be the resurrection from the dead, who will confess My work with you, My love for the man, My people!
Oh, My people, My rest longs after you just as the rest of those who sleep waiting for the last trumpet over them waits, to be revealed then with their house in heaven, with their body in heaven, not made by hands. Will come soon to you, the faithful one of My work from the end of the time, will come soon, soon to you, the sinful man and full of sins will come to you, terrified by the day of My wrath and he will tell you: „Fall down over me and cover me to get away of God’s wrath and to hide me from it!”. I want to prepare you to be more and more alive with this power of Mine in you, but you still have to learn to grow, and to grow as a baby, just as I grew, and to come to life, My people, like Mary Magdalene, and may your new life give life to those who are dead even in their bloom, son from nowadays.
Come, sons! I let you have rest and let us work now the word of the day of today, for I have no other work than the word, and you have the duty to fulfill it because you are God’s sons. God’s sons are those who listen to God and not to themselves and not to the people, and that is why they have God’s word into their midst. This Scriptures of God’s sons has been waited for such a long time, actually it has been waited for seven thousand years to be fulfilled on earth, and it is about the sons of this word in this Scripture: «All the creature wait with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed». Oh, how this Scripture cries! Oh, how, those who are comprised in its meaning, sigh! Oh, children sons, you should also cry, and let the spirit of your humility always seek after all those who cry by the mystery of this Scripture, for all the creature waits with eager expectation, it waits for the fruit of incorruptibility and it waits for it to come out and to be glorified and to give forth life and incorruptibility over all the creature, which has been waiting for seven thousand years.
Oh, My people, I would teach you more deeply, and I always look at you together with My saints to be able to ask you as much as I need for My power in you, by which you may be able to serve Me for the laying down on earth of the deepest mysteries which stay in Me to come out and to be fulfilled on earth, for the time is coming to be only I and you, to be able to work for the good of the man, and I wait for you to be only with Me, My people, and nothing on earth and in man may be able to draw you any moment from the way of My coming to you for My glory, which waits to overcome the world, and for your glory that is close to Mine by your obedience, by your dwelling near Me and in Me always, and then by your faith, which is working from obedience, because the faith of the righteous one can do much, by obedience with light, for I always walk through the Father and not through Me, but you should not understand My walking and My wisdom by your own wisdom, but you rather need to have understanding from the Holy Spirit, and by His order with work into your midst, looking in Me to see how I become the Father’s will to give Myself as an example to you and thus we may be able to work likewise and to become the haven of those who save themselves, and who will see the way to be able to come on it and to know its mystery, its power and its comfort, My people, Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, people of the coming of my Son, look into my life and take me for your help to make you the help for my Son, Who comes with the whole heaven to you, for you to help Him too, because I sustained Him with great care and with an endless love on His way to the people to draw them to the Father, and in the same way we also ask Him today to bring the heaven down on earth to you, and you should receive it and reveal it to the people, and you also should help God in His sufferance after man and ask Him tearfully to reveal the mystery of His coming to you for the people on earth to see the glory of the spring that is in your midst, my Son, the Word, the Lord in His second coming to the people, because this is written into His Scriptures, and it is written that He will come again.
Oh, sons of my Son, the heaven cries over the earth! Much water comes from heaven on earth! Let us raise forgiveness prayer for the Romanian people so that its way may be illuminated towards God. Come to work as your working with God is written to you, people waited by the saints. The saints have been sighing after you to set you down as their way to the man, to become a sweeter bearer of God and of saints to the people, the people of the waiting from above. The life of my body was consumed with longing to help God to the man, and you have to be consumed seven times more, because the entire human kind, from the beginning of the man and up to this day, has been looking at you that you declare its resurrection, and it will confess you, and the heaven will embrace the heaven and earth and they will become new, for the Lord is love, and it is the Lord’s power, and His mercy overcomes the judgment and it will open the eyes of the man, and you will have to know to give the light from above to every man, who grows you to be able to make God known on earth, people chosen from the world.
Behold, while speaking with you, the rain has kept silent. I urge you to prayer in everything that it has to come or not come over the earth, people of the Lord’s coming. Prayer is a sweet life between you and the Lord, and it is comfort, it is power and it is fulfillment. Take care to be a watcher, people praying to God. All the time you should take care that God may be with you and to be able to work for you and through you over the earth.
I give to Your people of my spirit, who has always prayed before You. And may the spirit of the fulfilling prayer come down upon it, but let Your people learn, looking into my life, taking of its light, of its power, which is the love of You, the longing of new man before You, to have comfort in sufferance and to have power by the prayer of Your people, brought before You, Son Lord. The longing of Your kingdom in man has become a wound in me. I am the mother of the prayer to You, as You also are the Son of the prayer to the Father. Bless the prayer of this day into the midst of Your people, because there is sufferance over the earth, and it is sad on the earth, it is much rain, Lord, and sun is needed on earth, and light has to be for the people, Lord, in such a way that they may see and know the mystery of the light and to receive You as their light, mysterious God.
It is the feast for my birth, and I ask you for the man’s birth from heaven, and give love to Your people to be able to fulfill for You everything You ask from him, Lord. My love as Your mother is the greatest love, and I give it twofold to Your people, so that it may give it further to You from me; to have great love and to stay with it before You and to be able to work through it for You and for man, dear Son.
Come, people of my Son, Who is coming to you; come that we may be the love which will give birth again to the world, but you should not forget to learn always the power for God from my humility. Amen, amen, amen.
— Oh, mother, your birth had carried My birth with it. Oh, mother, the birth of this people of My word carries with it the new birth of the world, mother. I bow and I kiss your prayer in the midst of My people, because I am an obedient Son and I listen to you, mother. This is how the people should listen to My word. Let it be My fulfilled word, mother. Let it be the power of the resurrection of the creature, mother. Amen.
My people, you should be power of prayer before Me. You should be careful how you go on the way with Me. Walk with great light, My people, because the darkness of the world keep the man comprised within it, and all and everything, without knowing, wait for My light, which will come to be again, as it was on the first day of the world, when I said: «Let it be light!», and it was.
However, I say again: Let it be light! And it is, and you should stay within it, My people, because we will work upon the earth with it, and it will remain, and it will be eternally called the day of the Lord. Amen, amen, amen.
I want, My people, to teach you more clearly My mystery with you and near you, for you to be able to love Me, and to be able to follow Me with a greater living, with more fruit of your faith in your coming to Me to prepare by the word the earth for My great day when My entire victory will take away death from the earth, because the garment on man is spoiled by man, by what he does and eats with his heart and his body. Israel was eating manna from heaven and when he was nourishing his body this way, the garment of his body was also nourished in the same way, and his garment was no longer spoiled. However, he worked out its death instead, and he has done this with his heart inside him and death has been reigning in him not God. Here it is how and where the man gets corrupted from, and then he dies not knowing God near him as his life, as his heaven and as his love.
Oh, My people, always, always try and then to can always, always, to be able to be My confessor first from your inside, and then from outside of you between brother and brother, so that the Father may see you from heaven, to see from near you that you keep His name holy on earth as in heaven in your body and in your soul, My people, and that He may see His living kingdom into your midst and the council of His will in you. Be easy and moldable into My hand and then into My heart, to be able to understand than all the time the mystery of the Lord with you on earth, because I and the Father made the man on earth, on earth and in heaven, all these together; and do not forget that the fear of God is love and it keeps you within the Father, and also do not forget that the Lord sits in heavens and He sits in council in them and with them, and do not also forget that the Father and the Son and the heaven are near you and We hold your little hand so that the Lord may have within you the heaven on earth, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
This trumpet was the place and the time of My coming on earth for the dead and for the living, for the saints and for the people. It was the mouth of My sighing, the voice by which I have worked out a way and disciples as two thousand years ago, for those that were have come to be again.
Oh, people of My coming, the Scripture of your time is great, that which I announced when I became flesh in the Virgin and I became Man. Take a look and see how the saints from heaven come at My table of word into your midst. My coming with them to you is a great feast, but you are tiny and very little you perceive the mystery of the great fulfilling, the mystery in the end, My coming with a new heaven and with a new earth upon time, the Scripture the prophets had been speaking by My Holy Spirit about, My people. With the man in the end I have been working out the greatest fulfillments, to which all those have been looking, those who have been on earth in all ages, and behold, I have prepared a vessel in which I have settled Myself with My word, which also was at the beginning of the creation, and I worked and work mysteriously, that I have little branches and it is written that when they come into leaf, the Lord is near, at the doors.
Oh, sons of the Christ Word, oh, little sons, you are those from the last, but the Son of God is your garment, your protection and your glory. Be always, always His glory, for the saints of the invisible heaven see this glory and get warmed up and are comforted from it. Be full of the love, which clothes you within it. Give to the Lord the most praised dwelling in you and among you. You should not say that you are small and that you cannot do it and that you do not understand. If you say that you are little and insignificant, then do not forget that the Lord said that the kingdom which is not seen by those on earth, the kingdom of the heavens, belongs to those who are little. Stay being comprised within this mystery and let yourselves be embraced by it. Learn to rejoice this way. Learn the great love, that which has no time. Learn the mystery of the Lord’s coming and do not get out of it, but rather stay clothed within it, with the glory of His coming, a glory which becomes word for a new heaven and for a new earth, a glory which has been waited from the beginning of the creature, sons.
The Lord has told you that the saints have been steadily looking at you and waiting for the spirit of the comfort from your table, and He has also told you that all the nature has been waiting for you and that it may want to release its sigh so that you may hear it and to have only mercy all the time. The nature has been waiting for your mercy, people of the Lord’s coming, for the redemption of the creature has been done with the work of the mercy full of the spirit of love, not full of the spirit of sacrifice, sons.
Oh, children of the holy people! The Lord has exhorted you with longing to be sweet. This work of grace comes from the work of the mercy. All and everything have been waiting for your mercy, people of the grace for the end of the waiting with sighing of all the nature from beginning to this very day. I have also been waiting with a sighing longing for your glory, for your mercy, and it will comprise within it the embracing of the creature, which has been waiting for the resurrection of everything that has been in God, and God in them.
I speak with the Father among those in heaven, among the saints and the angels, and We speak about the comfort that We had before Our descent into your midst, people of the word of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Whom the Lord waits from you to be comforted with you, for I sent Him upon the disciples two thousand years ago to be with My disciples to the end of the time, up to you, My people of today, and you should take great care to learn and to learn well the work and the love of a disciple. I expect nothing from you but the love of a disciple, the comfort of a son, for I have given you power to become My son and I have become one with you and I have become one with your body and this is how I have given you power, and you should work with it and do not let it be idle, because I do not put an end to My work, and He does not do it either, because the power is not idle. No power is stopped from its work, and I have given you power, and I have given it for you; I have given it to fulfill with your help the Scriptures of My coming with all that they have to be fulfilled, so that they may reign afterwards between heaven and earth on the chair of My greatness, the kingdom of the comfort over those who are saved who believed and believe the Scriptures which were fulfilled and are fulfilled with power and glory and with the renewal of all that are made by God and by God’s sons, who are My will on earth. Amen.
I have exhorted you to have faith, My people, and to have such faith as it has never been seen through the ages, and I want you very much to get used to the mysteries that are unfathomable by man, and I cannot come in another way to you but by the dwelling place of My kingdom in man, for I come down face to face with you, when I try to speak from Me upon you, and I have asked you for this to have faith as it has never been seen among the people and to be able to do these, for only in this way I am able to work over the earth and upon man. Behold, I will lift up between earth and heaven My book with you, fifty years of book from heaven on the earth! The man has learned ten or twenty years on the earth to know how to be great upon man, and I have been teaching you fifty years of book, and I now have asked you to comfort Me with the fruit of My teaching, My people. Take the book and open it to see My kingdom in man from it, because I told those through whom I want to exhort you from the garden, to give you to learn and then to look together with Me at you over the earth with the glory that I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world, My people, but for this glory I have needed the man, not because I am a weak God, but because I made the man for My glory, and the man will no longer find his comfort and rest until I, the Lord, will find Mine in him first, to be right with one another; the man to be right with Me and I to be right with the man, as there is no other way between God and man, between man and God; there is not, no matter how much the man would try to find a way without God in it, as he has got used to it for seven thousand years, having not understood the work of faith and its view, which is not the view of the flesh but the view of the faith. Amen.
Oh, people of My word, o sons who are taught from heaven! I have always, always told you: pass from your body into spirit so that you may be able to overcome during the hard times, as the saints worked, and who pray from those in heaven to Me and ask Me to fulfill the Scripture of the revelation of God’s sons; and you from the earth, you tell Me that it is because of the prayers of the saints and of the fathers that I should save you, and this is how you answer to each other, you answer them and they answer you by the prayer for the fulfillment in this way, for they cannot take away their crown of greatness unless the last ones will appear for them for the cleansing and for the forgiveness of all creature, which was and which is. I told you that it may have no longer been heard through the ages such faith like yours, the working faith for the fulfilling of all the Scriptures, within the entire obedience for My coming with the saints, who, together with the whole creation sigh and pray unspeakably, waiting for the revelations of the last sons of God. Oh, comfort their sigh, sons! Oh, pass from body into spirit more and more and with every passing day, and ask from Me to give you the wisdom of salvation and its stature in you and its work in you, for you do not need to be like the people on the earth, but you should rather be like God’s sons among the people, and you should stand by Me, and that I may be able to stand by you, as this work has to be done with hard work and in great obedience.
Oh, My people, the man does not want to know about his eternal life, and I formed you to speak with you on the earth that the living and the dead may hear the voice of God’s Son, as I said that this time would come, and here I am, speaking with those who are alive in their bodies, and those in the tombs hear Me more than them, for everything I spoke was fulfilled and is being fulfilled and the Lord is glorified in heaven and on earth and He shows the way to the man. My way to the man is the word of My calling and of My teaching over the man, and the man’s way to Me is his faith in this word, which was from the beginning and which still is. Amen.
Oh, My people, My work with you is to give birth to man from God and the man is to do God’s will, as the saints became God’s will on the earth and confessed God before the people, for their faith had power and a life giving spirit in it for them. They become a dwelling place of God and were like Me, and they saw Me and loved Me and confessed Me giving themselves over to people with their word and with the works of their faith. Oh, My people, I am the God of the saints, and the saints are My people on the earth and then in heaven, My people, for the saints are those who confess God on earth and in heaven, because they are born of heaven and they are after My likeness on earth and in heaven. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, My people, oh, My people, I have taught you beautifully the mystery of the bless-ing, My long dwelling among those who live together with the brothers into My name. Let your work be My joy from you. Let your love between brother and brother be My comfort. Let your life be God, My people, and this is how My rest has its dwelling in you, and this is on earth as in heaven the work of My disciples, the work of My grace among brothers, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Eight days ago, those who have gone to sleep from the beginning of the world and to this day, came before Me by calling and by prayer, and they will remain before My mercy un-til the feast of My resurrection, for until then it is order for their souls, and this is how I clothe in the robe of the resurrection those who wait with it and with My coming, and this is how I work resurrection from your midst, My people, and you should have progress more and more within the mystery of the renewal of the world, for this Scripture waits after you, and all and everything wait for you, My people from the end of the time. Amen, amen, amen.
I, the Lord, in this day of teaching, exhort the holy people to fulfill the entire word that comes from Me to him and to watch to be a son of the day and of obedience to God, for I have to redeem the man from falling and through the obedience of My people I am able to work this Scrip-ture, which I came on the earth and became man for. Amen.
I, the Lord your God, want you, My people, to be gentle and humble in your heart and to learn this work of Mine in you, and by its fulfillment in you to know to abstain from food, and with this fasting to do Me good, because it is good to work for the Lord and not for you, and the Lord will take care of you for your work with Him, for your love for him, My people, and He will give you all those necessary things that you need. Oh, look at the man built by My hand, who has been staying only in tears since he fell from Me and by this time, when I have raised a people to come to it with the saints and to speak out a word for the renewal of the world into its midst and to wipe out the tear of the man built by My hand, for I work with the word and My creation is not otherwise, My people, only that I may have room with the man and with the speaking of My word on earth, today’s son of My word.
Oh, people waited by the dead and by the living ones! Oh, people meant by God for the work of heaven on earth! Behold, you have to work with Me the work of the renewal of the word, the work of the resurrection of the creature and to be the manger, in which the word of God comes down, the word of creation after seven thousand years from man’s fall, for the man fell from God and has left many tears behind him, and he has made tears in Me, for My Spirit breathed over him and put life in him to have him My house then. Oh, the man has not given Me any shelter in him after he trespassed My word in order that he might not listen to Me, and He caused Me sufferance and tears and he has no longer loved Me, and behold, the Son of Man has nowhere to lie His head, as I said two thousand years ago, when I showed My pain to those of that time, who had to follow Me then and to put in them the faith in God and the obedience in Him and the work for Him, the work that was broken by the man, whom I built for My works.
Oh, My people, I speak into your midst My pain and that of My saints. Son, learn the work of salvation and comfort God with your saving life, for the people do not receive God and they do their housework on the earth, but the salvation is not worked by the work that is on earth, but it is rather received by its work in man, not by the man’s work.
Oh, My people of today, I, the Lord, your God, urge you more and more to come to-gether for prayer and to ask from Me everything I want to do in heaven and on earth, for I want you to be My heaven on the Romanian land and I want you to be My help in this hard time, when the man does not have God as his Master. I come to you as word, My people of today, and I come with it over the earth to help the man drink of My water, of the word of life, My people, but you always have to pray for the victory of My word upon the earth and upon the man, and you have to understand more and more because this is why I have chosen you from the people and I have given you birth to be Mine from My word, and that I want to give birth to many in this way, so that they may be Mine after that, just as you are. Oh, keep your humility of spirit, Jerusalem of today, and strengthen this resurrection upon you, for the sons of the people do not know the mystery of resurrection; they do not know where it comes from, where it starts from and how it works in man, and behold, their good nature helps many by their humble spirit in them, and which makes them bold with God for their salvation, and for many others, even their sins do not help them to come in order to have a humble spirit, in the spirit of resurrection, of salvation and of the fear of God, and then of that of love, for the people are not afraid of God but only when the reward for their sins comes to them, only then do they try to fear God, Who can give salvation to the man in his hard situation and by aton-ing forgiveness.
And as for You, victorious Lord by Your saints, set on the Romanian land the fruit of the faith of Your faith from its midst and the fruit of its prayer, and turn it into a people of prayer for Your great victory, for the fulfillment of Your coming now with glory on the earth, and give to the people on the earth Your word, which governs and glorifies itself calling the man to res-urrection, to a humble spirit in man, at Your will in man and on earth as in heaven, Lord, for it is the time to work, oh, Lord, and to overcome, for You are the Lord, the Victor, the One Who is and the One Who will be, Lord and Master in heaven and on earth, the Lord of victory of Your saints, and You are the Lord of glory, Lord. Amen, amen, amen.
The fallow land of the Romanian nation has come under the whip of the heavenly powers, for the heavenly powers are My obedient disciples, but you should be the mountain of My rest, sons, to be able to protect you and to call out the people from it to Me, to their rock of salvation, if they are faithful as the Scriptures of My coming with the new heaven and with the new earth require today. Amen.
Oh, My people, you should not be earthly, for the mystery of My work with you is great in your days, and I want you have great visible wisdom, for I enshroud you much in the mystery of My coming and I ask you much to work for its perfection, and to work as in heaven, and not as on earth, My people. In heaven it is not worked by hand for God, but by the spirit, sons, and that is why I have taught you that your work done by your hand should not be tangled with the one done by the spirit for Me, for I need you to be heavenly on earth, My people, and I need many disciples, for My coming to you is great, and the man cannot comprehend it, but I said that it was not good for the man to be alone, and I have taught you to gather together in little clusters and to have the Holy Spirit, the One Who shares, the Giver and the Worker of My coming to you, and then on earth, My people. I tell you all these to make you wise and to be heavenly on earth, and not earthly, for I closely taught My disciples, two thousand years ago, everything that had to be with Me on earth for My glory in their time, but they were earthly and did not understand what God meant and what man meant, because I, if I came incarnated on earth, I appeared as a man completely.
I speak you a word of great mystery, My people. I want you too, to change your face before the people, as I appeared before My disciples in the mountain two thousand years ago. Be faithful, for this will be My glory and not yours, but it will have to fulfill, as it is written in the Scriptures, sons. Therefore, brother with brother, exhort yourself, for I have given you the key of the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound, and whatever you release on earth will be released, (See also Matt. 16:19), as it is written about the work of My disciples. Amen.
Work according to My will, My people, work, sons, work, for little by little, My being gets ready for its appearance among people. Little by little, I pour Myself out, and by the word of My mystery with you I work this, and then I let Myself be discovered, My people, and I do no longer tell you not to tell anyone about My mysteries, but I tell you now to proclaim them instead, as then when they will be fully seen and understood, for the world to understand that the Father has sent Me to you and that I have been with you on earth and that the world has not known Me and has not believed Me that I have come to you from the Father as word, clothed within a cloud of word on the outside, and that I have come by a great name on earth and My name is called the Word of God. (Apoc. 19:13) Amen.
Oh, My people, this mystery is not only for you to understand, but you have to live it and to fulfill it as well, for I have come to you on earth and you are My house, son. Behold what kind of house I want the man to build Me on the earth! Behold a misunderstood mystery by the man, who, like Peter, wants to build Me a house on earth. My house is the glory, which I have from the Father from the foundation of the world, the glory, which cannot be comprised by the house made by man, and the man’s mind and sight cannot comprise it either, for I am as the heaven and the earth taken together, and I am their Creator. Amen.
Oh, son, who have not listened yet to the step of My coming to you with eternity! Take out of your house and courtyard everything I said that it has no room with Me. Do not get upset with Me that I ask you to be holy in you and around you. The earth cries after eternity on it. The earth has been filled with killings, and in the beginning, I told the man not to kill, and then I spoke with him about the other sins to which the man comes by killing. There has been seven thousand years since then, and the man still does not to understand what I told him not to do. In tears I bow before you, My people of old, for I have gathered you together at the well to cry together with you and to ask you to listen to Me. Stop killing, sons! Stop eating meat, sons! Do no longer eat meat, you people! And if you do not stop, then you will remain with your hands full of the blood from the killing, and it will seize you the terror in which there have died the lives you have been killing by your hands in order to eat and to become graves for them, and you will be filled by the illnesses from the pains, which I, the Lord, have been sending you now on the earth over all the people, who have killed a living being with a soul in it, in order to eat its meat. Oh, do no longer eat meat, you people! Let each one of you eat from his mother, sons. Do no longer mix the bodies, and do no longer do such a great sin, because it is from this heavy sin that the blizzard of the spirit of debauchery and of the desertion of God and then for the lust in man, has been blowing from the beginning of the world upon man.
Oh, man, do no longer eat from animal; do no longer eat any animals, and do not eat food from animal, either. Do no longer eat meat, sons! Eat from the holy belly, which I have made to give you its milk. Eat, son, what I said in the heaven that the man should eat and become holy, man, and do no longer stay as you do now, for the Lord Himself comes to you with the saints. Get used to receive and to make the Lord rest, for your Lord is wandering and tired, dear son. Oh, you are the people of My coming, when I come from the Father, now, the second time, and sanctify yourself for this, and be always holy, My people.
Oh, My people, on which I, the Lord, rely in order to do the work of My coming now! Oh, seek to take after Me, for I have come to build the man again, and I have come to build him again in man, and that is why I have spoken to you so much, since even the sons of the people wonder about what I have worked with you today, for the sons of unbelief are today as those in the time of Noah, who neither heard nor believed that I was coming to wash away the earth from unbelief and from the man who had given Me away with My image and My likeness in man. Oh, people nourished from heaven, you are My people by faith, and I have always given you food with the spirit of life, which gives you power to fulfill Me in you with My will, for the will of the Father and Mine is your sanctification, son. It has got great, great work in man, and My word over you has always, always sealed you, so that the evil spirit may see My seal, always fresh over you, and the evil spirit to go weak in his power, and it will be weakened, amen, and then the people will look for each other to advise one another to this spring and they will receive from it power of life, spirit of life giving, the spirit, which I, the Lord put into My word, when I speak with it over the earth. The sons of God are those who are nourished by God and from God, and this is how they have become known to the devils that they are God’s sons among the sons of men, and the sons of men will run after God’s sons, and they will ask for a vessel with oil from them, which gives light and burns within a snuff, so that they may also see the way and that they may come to the life, which I, the Lord, ask from the man so that he may stand before Me at My coming with the life of the age to be, for the new land, on which I have set My kingdom with you here, My people, will be spread far and wide and will grow, as it is written, and do not ask yourself how will this be, for all those that are written about My glory of New Jerusalem over the earth, all, all and everything will come true with your steadfast faith, that full of patience and love, My people but be the tool of My glory, by which I am supposed to plough, to sow and to take care of the world that is to be, for this is how faith is, bearing fruit out of its work, My people. Oh, there is no more beautiful image on earth than that of the man’s image, which becomes God’s temple, the Holy Spirit’s dwelling among people! This is how you are supposed to give light among the men’s sons, and this is how you are supposed to preach Jesus Christ, coming in the flesh, coming in you with His being, with His life, with His love, with His work, which works far and from far away, son nourished with the Spirit of life giving, and Who proceeds from God. It is a day of angelic feast, sons, and the angels comprise you within their glory from Me upon them, and they work heavenly powers for you, and behold what glory is here now! And those of My glory, which are not seen, comprise you within them too, and soon, soon, your eyes will be opened to them, and they will gift away the garment of incorruptibility, for you and I work at this glory, and it will give itself over in its day of visible glory face to face with the faithful man and with the unfaithful man, for some for eternal life, and for others for eternal sufferance, as it is written, My people. Amen.
The mystery of the child man, this is the mystery in which I have wanted to envelop you since you came to be Mine, My people. This mystery, which I had perfected in My mother, the Virgin, and then in Me, by My submission to the death on the cross for the man’s life, in you I want to make this mystery the strong citadel of God’s spirit, the spirits working through the angels; for the seven spirits of God, this is the work which I have had today upon you and through you, My today’s people, and I want you to carry it and to work through it. Amen.
Oh, My people, when I see Myself in you as I am, then I come visibly, but you should not want this, and rather you should work this, for the whole of My coming waits for your face, not for Me, not for My coming, and it is written: «The whole creature waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed, for those like Him and who will see Him, when they will see each other, God will see them and they will see God, they will be able to see each other», for this is written and it has to be fulfilled what is written, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, My people, My teaching for it is born from man, for I do not speak from Myself, but I speak as I see and hear, this is how I speak, and again, I speak from the Father over the man, for I do not do My will but the Father’s will, Who has sent Me to fulfill His will on earth and over the man. Amen. Oh, son taught by God, get used to be a grain which dies so that it may give forth fruit, for whoever does not deny himself to give Me then likewise cannot be My disciple and cannot give birth to disciples for Me. Oh, My teaching is very great over you. Love God with all your mind and come and fulfill Me so that you may turn My teaching into deed, so that you may leave yourself and take and carry Me, and you should be My new earth, in which I sow Myself, and I make you by My fruit in you, the new heaven and the new earth, for it is written: «Truth springs out of the earth and righteousness has looked down from heaven», and then let us be one from another, son. Amen.
Oh, people, well pleased with God because of your faith! Do not forget that because of his very great and praised faith, God called Daniel beloved and dear man and God revealed to him the hidden things of His wisdom, Who reveals the things unfathomable to men. Oh, take care of God’s working grace above you and into your midst, for this grace is working great signs if you know to keep it, to believe it and to let it work for you, for this is the wisdom waited by the Lord, to have it today for His works. You have to fulfill over the earth everything we, the Lord’s saints, did not fulfill, and in this way you will perfect everything needed at the work of the fulfillment for the man’s salvation from all ages by this coming of the Son of God to you with great glory of word, and Who has comprised you within His coming as it also comprised us, His working saints on earth in our time; He has comprised us now with His coming to His people, with His saints, on white horses, dressed in white robes of clean and white flax, and the Lord, in a garment sprinkled with blood, as it is written. Amen.
Oh, My people, oh, My house of coming! I have called out the unfaithful man out of you and I have called him out like a father. I have called the man out from your midst that he may be able to know that I am with you on earth and that I keep you in Me and I feed you likewise, and by your faith I pour Myself out into your midst like a river of living waters, which flow over those who have no water, without teaching, without resurrection over the earth, and whoever will get up and bow to drink will come to life from death and will come to life as you came to Me when you found My spring and tasted of its water, and behold, you are now My holy mountain, My temple, My Zion, My New Jerusalem, to which those who are thirsty of God head for and say to themselves: «Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to His temple, and He will teach us of His ways and we will walk in His paths, for out of Zion will go forth the law, and the word of the Lord will flow from Jerusalem to us, and the Lord, like a Shepherd Who shepherds His flock, will gather His lambs together within His arms and will take them to His bosom, and those who nurse will feel the rest», as it is written. (See also Micah 4:2)
I am establishing in this day into My book with you the word of longing between you and Me, My people of today. Early in the morning, I lift up My gates and I come in to you through the gates, for it is a feast among saints. I make My way to you in days of feast, for I have made a house with you to fulfill the Scripture of the coming of God’s Son, the second time on earth, and I needed a house for My coming. I become word and this is how I come down. My Father Sabaoth is in Me, and I am in Him. All the saints are in Me, for all live in Me, as it is written, and this is written about those who believe in Me on earth too, being workers for Me. Amen.
Oh, I have wanted you so much to be My people, My people! In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is how I dedicated you when I made you My people, to show My glory from you over the earth, My word, which rules and is glorified while ruling. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, and by your faith, have come out then as word upon the people to tell them too that I have come as word on the earth. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are this word, and These three mean the One God. Amen.
Oh, My people, you have to be and to live only for God’s glory. Do not forget that this is what I have meant for you. And in order for you to know how to fulfill this, become forerunner as John, My baptizer, did, for he was the one who went before My glory among people, and you have to understand like one grown by God what it means My glory that I have from the Father before the foundation of the world. I am the light of the world, I am the light and the word, and I live on earth through My church and I am in it the light of the world. Oh, become light from the light, son. Oh, turn your soul into light from light, sons, to be the forerunners of the light from the beginning, the light not created and which will comprise the world in the light with its threefold power in the last day, for it is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and it works through the saints form God among people and this is how it works them and this is how it is My forerunner. The fleshly tongue of the man cannot comprise the glory of My light, but the tongue of the spirit glorifies it from the inside of the one illuminated by it.
I am coming on clouds of cherubim and I am using My gates to enter as word into My book of today, and the gates are opening at My voice and this is how I am coming in to feed you from Me, My today’s people. Oh, open for Me to come into your being and listen to My word and fulfill it, for I am this word, I and My fulfillment, which I want to be in you in a great measure, My people. I speak with you sweeter and more beautiful then I spoke with Israel when I had Moses between Me and it, for you are at the end of the time; you are not at the beginning, and you need much comfort and much power to be able to be with God, for the evil spirit is worse than anytime and that is why it has become worse and worse, more wounded and more upset. However, you should not be afraid, people nourished by God, for I, the Lord has always given you My hand and I pass you over pains in My arms over the troubles and waves that try to swallow you and I have always cleaned your face and your little garment, for I know the hard time, as its poison is written into the Scripture and you cannot avoid it, but you can prevail against it with God, for I need a victorious people, now, at the end of the time, because I have to fulfill the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, and then the life of the age to come after the man’s ages, and I need you, My people. Oh, let any sort of wind blow, but you stay close to My bosom, for I am God and I can do everything, only for you to be able to believe in Me, to listen to Me and to comfort Me, because I feed you with the spirit of comfort and I give you the gift of holiness, and you, as a baby, come to My bosom and learn your protection from Me, learn to love Me and to believe Me, for he who has faith in My works upon man is great, and everything is possible to the one who has faith, because the Lord can work for him. Amen.
Oh, people led by God from heaven and from the earth! Come to be nourished, come, son, and stay and learn. As the chicks of the swallow stay in their nest and receive food from their mother, taking in their little beak from its beak, and as they grow to fly, in the same way you should grow to eat and to grow, to be able to be useful to God and to feed the people with the Spirit of God so that He may grow in people, in such a way that the people may be saved from the bondage of sin. Oh, My people, the Scripture of the resurrection of the dead is worked into your midst on earth. I have built you for the resurrection of the dead and I put into your midst the daily sacrifice and I have not put not in this world and for its children. Oh, My people, your mystery with Me frighten the demons. Therefore, sanctify yourself! Get up every day and be more and more with your spirit above your body, for behold, the spirit is that which gives you life. Amen.
Oh, we are speaking to you, faithful people, and the son of God’s word. Oh, set down to great watch, for you have to lift up a holy and strong prayer for all the sons of men so that the Lord may turn them to repentance to the forgiveness of their sins and to their illumination with the light from above, the light of the resurrection from the death of their sins, for sin is death upon man. Oh, strive, son, strive to a lively prayer, for you have to overcome with the Lord and with His saints satan’s deceitful work, which works mysteriously to draw the people after him, for behold, he and his servants work hard to seal the people with his seal, but the Lord has always spoken over this nation to wake up and watch for the Lord’s coming and for the coming of antichrist, and then for this nation to remain with the Lord and to listen to His voice of Shepherd. Amen.
The accomplishments waited by those who grow tired of waiting, I, the Lord, have to fulfill them with My people, but not alone, oh, not alone; however, I need to be helped by My people up to the end. I have never fulfilled anything alone on earth from My promises for man, but I have been able to fulfill with the faithful and steadfast man, and My walking was slow because of those who have doubted.
Oh, stay with Me and help Me, My people, because flocks will come to the spring, new flocks son, and you have to give them from Me and to exhort them on My way, for this is your duty before Me, and I will pay for your faith, love and steadfastness, but you should not seek after your own things, you shall not do like that, but you should seek only after Me with your work, son, as by My Gospel with you I take care of you if you take care of Me, and you should serve each other with faithfulness, I for you and you for Me, and do not be afraid of tempests, because I am the true One with you and I stay with you in your little boat and I guide you through the waves, for the waves are big and troubled, and I can stand against them for your protection, and you have to be small so that I may be able to work son, to protect you. Amen.
Oh, people from the spring, you are a great people and you do not know this, but I have you at My spring of word and I release My great word upon you in abundance for all those who take from Me by it, son. Oh, let those, who stand face to face to you and from time to time, not be afraid, for through you I bless those who are faithful to My coming of today and I give them power to become sons of God by the life of the sons in My image and after My likeness among the sons of men. You are My sign for those on the earth and for those in heaven, the sign before My coming, the sign of the Son of Man, and I carry you with the cross into your little hand when I carry you as My sign over the earth. Oh, if only the priests and the bishops of this nation would take from Me through you, to give to the crowd of people My work of yesterday and that of today, as you give for the salvation of many from sin! I have suffered in you from those gathered at the feast, for the people are like sheep without a shepherd and all live after the lusts of the flesh and do not follow My teaching from the Scriptures and from the saints. You are the sign of My judgment upon those who do not fulfill living a Christian life on earth. The wives of the priests and their sons and daughters walk with their head uncovered before Me in churches as well and they are halfnaked and even on the feasts they do not have a proper garment. All have forgotten about the garment of the forefathers and about that of the waivodes and of the ladies of old of the Romanian people. It makes Me suffer; the wound burns within Me and this haughty and severe sin of today makes My eyes suffer as well. Oh, man does not want to be beautiful before Me and before the fore-fathers, and he wants to be beautiful before the world, and the world is ugly; it and its sons are uglier than in all the ages now, and sin is the dough both inside and outside the man, and man is a foreigner to My will and he does no longer have clean pasture and shepherds to guide him for his life from Me. I have shown you as an example of love of God and of man’s conduct and beauty before Me. The crowds of people have looked at you as to the Lord’s adornment, sons. By My dwelling for a moment with you in their midst, I have shown My mercy and love for their life from above. Oh, let the priests and the bishops not be afraid of you, but rather let them bless you, for you are My good ones, and you are My beautiful ones among the sons of men, when I come with you to My joy and the joy of many who know to see and to understand. I, the Lord, have exhorted you to sound the trumpet and to give the news with your going to the feast and those that are upon the church to bless you, and then I have told you to dress within garment of praise and to go with Me and give joy and beauty to those who know to see and understand and then to put their hope in Me and in My work of salvation, which I make it come down through you in these days over many, sons. Now, I am telling you that many have looked at you with great love, with great hope. Many of the bishops and priests within the mystery of their heart love you and believe that you are Mine and working from Me over the earth, for you preach My word with you to everyone, but their fear for their earthly glory makes them hide in themselves with My mystery upon you. Oh, again, let the priests and the bishops not be afraid of you, but let them rather bless you and want you to be My blessing over the earth, as you already are, for this nation is standing now before Me through you, those who pray to Me at My word upon it. Within a great mystery, I have done great works with you over this nation, and it does not know that, for its eyes are kept from seeing. However, I open the eyes of many every day more and more, and I want them better see from Me through you, for I have on earth the work of the spirit of My testimony, the fulfillment of the Scriptures of new heaven, of new earth and of new Jerusalem, worked in times by the prophets and by the saints, and which have appeared now in the end.
Oh, let the servants of the church, let the Romanian people and all those who lead it, let them all look at you and take an example of the love of God in people, an example of faith and of holy conduct before Me and an example of holy power as well, for those who do away with sin are the greatest on earth and they are the first among many. Amen.
Oh, let the rulers of the church not be afraid, for you are hard working and good, you are beautiful and clean, because I, the Lord, have shepherded you from heaven with a fresh word more than I shepherded My disciples two thousand years ago. Oh, let the servants of the church not stumble against My work with you, as though My word of today, with which I am shepherding you and them even against their will, were not My Gospel, but let them read clearly in the Scriptures, which speak about Me that I will come in the end of the time and that I will work mysteriously and that I will shepherd the nations with an iron rod, with My word of the Shepherd of the shepherds and of the sheep and that My name is wonderful in the end of the time and that it is called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13.) Oh, let the man not wait for Me with My kingdom on the earth as he things that it will come, for when My kingdom is, it is in man and it is beautiful and shines where it makes its holy dwelling place, for it is written in My word of two thousand years ago and it says that: «He who believes in Me, I will come to him and I will become a dwelling place with him and I will dine with him and appear to him», and this is a true word. Amen.
Oh, let the rulers of the church not be afraid of you, let them not hate you, let them not envy you, let them not slander you, let anyone of them not blaspheme you, but let them rather believe that you sprang from Me and from My word from above and you were born and are, and I scatter only joys through you over the earth and I give only the word of making to everyone, and I do not give word of punishment, but I give the man power to believe and love and I give him from what is Mine. My sweet voice of Shepherd raises from death and wakes the man up from his sufferance for I am the good and gentle Shepherd and I lie down My soul for the sheep and I am He Who brings them together in a holy fold, and I do not scatter them, but rather I strengthen their steps and clothe them within My last glory, which I have from the foundation of the world and I have it from the Father for the end of the time. I love through you those who love you for My name and I give them holy and praised grace to those who love you blessing you when I appear with you from time to time to stay through you face to face with those who do not know what and how My kingdom in man is, the kingdom without end, as I am.
Many, many saints have seen in times, they saw ahead of time those that I, the Lord, brought and would bring mysteriously on earth by the faith of a people with a humble spirit before Me, for I find pleasure within those who let themselves seized with My word, in those who tremble before Me so that they may do My will by their faith, by their small power, but by their love from heaven.
Oh, those, who stay in the gates for Me to come as word into the book, are exhausted, and My word is much. I have Verginica with Me now, My trumpet by which I sounded My coming of today and I prepared and keep on preparing a people until I may remain with something very dear in My hand, for My people has to be dear and to become dearer and dearer, and happy are those who listen to Me for My great work with them! I have My trumpet with Me on the feast of the angels.
You, who are anointed from heaven, you, Christ’s today’s people, keep yourself under His grace, for by the Lord’s grace you are now the rock of the church which is to be, confessing church by Christ, by the spirit of the prophecy, which gives birth to God’s sons. Peace to you! I am ordaining the blessing of a bishop upon you. The saints from heaven are confessing you today, people earned by God from among those who call themselves Christ’s church, but they are not, and they lie instead, as it is written at the end of the Scriptures for the present time, in the end of the time. The time is coming when all will know among them of your little power and of the Lord’s great grace upon you, and many will know that the Lord loved and loves you, and willing or not, many will humble themselves before this work with you, the word of God with you, people of Christ’s grace. Peace to you from the saints in heaven! He Who is into your midst is great, and you are His body, His members, as it is written. Oh, strengthen you watch for a great and holy life and stay in the threshold for the Lord’s coming to you, and wait for His great glory, wait for the day when He will appear from your midst as on the Mount Tabor at His disciples, to His great glory and to the shame of those who are unfaithful because of their lack of humility! Grace, grace upon you! The grace of the Lord with you, for the Lord is Your Master, your Shepherd and your Savior! Amen, amen, amen.
I have taught the man the joy of humility and by it the joy of the feast of My resurrection from among the dead, My people, and the angels want to work with you over those who do not have understanding on earth for their love of God. My disciples were aggrieved because of My passions and they did not even want to rejoice over My resurrection then. They remained aggrieved and they went on like that on the earth, preaching everywhere My passions for the resurrection of every man who was baptized with the power of soul for his resurrection, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I am descending from the Father; I am descending to the people of My word to give it power and I have always given him, for I do not have greater care in heaven and on earth than the care for it, because I need a faithful people now, in the end of the time, to fulfill by its faith My coming of today, My descent from the Father as word on earth to make the new heaven and the new earth, and for this fulfillment I have to speak and to work by the word, as I also worked in the beginning. Amen.
Oh, always come to praying so that the Lord may also come to you and to be with you, little and tiny people, which has been eating of the voice of God’s word in this time of darkness, drought and hunger, as there has never been since ages on earth, as the struggling of Satan has come to an end and he has been seeking to put the Lord down everywhere, but he will only deceive himself harder than he deceived himself two thousand years ago, as his time has come to be prevailed completely by the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Rock of the church, on Whom it was and it is built the Christian people, the heir of the heavens, the people of the saints, who live according to the order in which we, the Lord’s disciples of two thousand years ago, were established and then we also established it as the life of Christ’s church on earth, the church seen out of a thousand, and you should be a great hope of the holy church and not overcome in the days to come, when all the lights from all the windows will be put out because of the tempest of the faith denial, which will blow everywhere through the man clothed within the garment of a shepherd to be able to kill the flock as well as and as much as he can. Oh, you are set to be preserved and to be loved, and whiten yourself son, as white as the light of the day so that you may shine in the darkness that comes and to give forth light over it, as the Lord is with you, and you are with Him, and the nations will understand and will bow after the wrath will have passed, as it is written to be. Amen.
We, Lord, are finishing our speaking, and by the word of today, we are speaking to everyone like this: «The Lord is in His holy church; He has His throne in heaven, and He wakes up for the oppression of the poor to bring their salvation and to speak to them plainly, and there are no voices or words whose voices may not be heard. On the contrary, their preaching comes out all over the earth and their words to the margins of the world», and this is how this word will go, and its light will shine on earth to the margins, as a written testimony. Amen.
Oh, My people, I am finishing My stopover into the book with the feast of My disciples of two thousand years ago, and We have remained the workers from heaven for God’s victory in time, I and My disciples, and all the confessing and working sons, and you are near Us. Peace to you. You are My house with heavenly guests, but you should also be obedient to Me and be My disciple and My son, for your Father is in heaven, My people son. Amen, amen, amen.
Peace to you, My people! You are little and gentle, but you are great in the sight of God for your faith in My coming and there is no greater king on earth than you, and no one has got your honor, because you are the son of the Lord, Jesus Christ, the man’s great wealth, the Lord, your Master, for you are the heir of the heaven on earth. Amen.
Man is too weak and that is why I have come now on earth, in the end of the time, and I wanted and want to make an obedient people with whom I may be able to work everything that is still written in the Scriptures to fulfill, until after the resurrection of the dead, when I will make the condition in heaven come down on earth, My rest after much labor done to harvest the fruit of My work of seven thousand years from among people, a people earned by God by great storms, by much sufferance and endurance, by My today’s labor, when the Father is sending Me on earth as word, for He has found faithful sons and has been able to fulfill My coming in the word, the time of the judgment of the men’s works and the announcing of the great day, in which the Lord will appear victoriously over man and in time and over the unbelief on earth.
Oh, My people from the spring, I thank you because you humble yourself to listen to My voice into your midst and bring before Me days of feast for My victory and yours on earth, as the days are full of darkness, son, and the devil works as well, and he is upset with you. Oh, get used, son, with every passing day, more and more, better and better and more faithfully to learn to believe that as the Father is in Me, likewise I am in those who take Me into your midst, and in whom I put My word so that they may speak to you, as I have whispered to them to come before Me with days of sacrifice and calling, to help Me in My victory against the serpent with many heads and with many horns and which I have to cut them one by one, whenever he gets them out, but without a tool, I cannot do My work. I, the Lord, have sent you word and I give you the power to fulfill it, but you should also give Me your spirit to fill it with My love, which stands for everything, for without My love you can do nothing. Then I told My disciples two thousand years ago: «Apart from Me you can do nothing!». (John. 15/5). And I am telling you today likewise, and I am also going to tell you, in great humility I am telling you, that I cannot work and fulfill without you as well, as I have given you power to become God’s sons so that the Lord may have a way to do His work on earth, the victory for the kingdom of the heavens with the people, after that the wrath will pass and after that faith remains, for faith will not pass away, because it is God’s tool before Him on earth, and with it He cleanses his threshing floor from unbelief and from those who are unfaithful, and this is how the Lord’s day will be on earth, and those who wait for the Lord to come with His day in another manner, these do not know what to say and do not know what they have been waiting for. However, those who are faithful wait for My promise for them: a new heaven and a new earth, and they have long endurance, not losing their patience like those who perish in this way then.
Oh, My people, I would change your face in an instant before the people, but I love you too much and I protect and keep you so much that I may have you, and up to the days of the revealed glory, you should glorify Me as I have been teaching you, by your being, deified with every passing day by My being on your table and by the fruit of My being in you, as I share and give Myself to you to have you as Mine, sons, and to know you after My seal upon you, which you have to leave it to be seen from now on. Oh, peace to you! Love the mystery of peace! Reconcile My Spirit, son, and keep it at peace, and this is how you are to love the mystery of peace. I do no longer have any Bethany on earth except you and the little fold of My people of today. I do no longer have anywhere a table of Emmaus in which to let Myself be seen and confessed after I share Myself on the table, for those who say that they are My servants keep on condemning My glory, covering it with their glory, because they want to increase theirs and they do not want to let Me reveal with My glory, and behold, I cannot reveal Myself into their midst and on their table, for they are far away from My glory. Behold, you are My Bethany, you are My Emmaus and I can come to you with My table, with My walking on earth, with My revealed supper, and which proves Me real near you with My word of Shepherd, for I like to stay on earth and I like to shepherd those who are faithful and to sit with them at the table of My kingdom among people, and which the people cannot see, for their eyes are prevented from seeing.
And you, My people, citadel of My word, My fold of today into the midst of the Romanian people, ask Me, ask Me what this nation has to be and what to have, for I have come down with the word of My coming into its midst and I want to make it the light of the nations, but let it also have its desire and serve Me like that, for you are a beautiful people and the Romanian people has someone to take after if it wants to be light on earth as I was.
I am into the midst of the Romanian nation as word with light in it upon man and I dwell into its midst with you and I work wonderfully, My people, so that this nation may know that I have you between Me and it as the forerunner to it and that I always come to it as word to make it the first among the nations when no one expects it to be like that, and the Lord to be with the people on earth. Amen.
Oh, people born of the word of my Son, Jesus Christ, see how you stay, always search out your conduct face to face with this great mystery, which gave you birth to be God’s tabernacle on earth during these days. You should always, always take and eat the food of the angels and of the saints, for the heaven joined the earth in your time with the Lord on earth and my Son is invisible and clothed with the angelic hosts into your midst speaking over the earth and the Lord has made you His messenger to the people and the people come to you to take from your table with the Lord, and like the Bridegroom coming out of his chamber, the Lord comes out from your midst to the people and He calls out from the door of your tent so that the people may hear Him, so that they may come, take, understand and then become God’s sons by the heard word and by faith and love, for love heals the man from sin and brings mercy to him and then forgiveness and resurrection.
Oh, how badly Israel treated You, oh, my Son, when You came to it bearing the burden of all the sinners and lost people, child born of my virgin body and then put on the cross by those who did not receive You to forgive the burden of their sins! Oh, they were afraid of You that you would take their right of inheritance and they showed their wickedness and their heart burdened with greed and sins, and then they have been afraid all the time, from then and up to this time, so that another people, which You have elected from among the nations of the world to show Your mercy on it, may take their place, and thus they have been struggling all the time for precedence among nations and even today Israel is ruthless and hard in its heart and work; however, You have a mysterious word and You perfect Yourself by it over the earth and You give birth and grow a new people, a new Israel, an invincible kingdom, the kingdom of the heavens with the people, the Christian people full of the spirit and body of holiness, Lord, a nation newly-born of Your new word and to whom You put Your new name on its head: the Word of God, Your word of today, which gives birth to a new people and which You will be to feed with the food of the angels, and not anyone is supposed to preach Your great work of Your word, because not anyone speaks this word to be given to the people, but only by those whom You call and teach and then You send them to become an example of Your kingdom among people, for You cannot be born otherwise in people. Oh, let the bad man not set down to take Your word to preach it, because You do this, for those who are sent are those who become an example of Your kingdom in them, and it shines from them and the people ask about it at its sight, as they also wonder when they see the people of Your word, which has become Your house of coming so that You may come and speak on earth, Lord Son.
Oh, My people, the man lives more on his belly, in which he takes delight within his heart. Those who lose their mind fall from their glory on earth and which threatens their possessions, and they are worse that the devils, poor of them. I can no longer help them for they are completely blind. Oh, I can no longer help them but only with the reward for their works to open their eyes and to see the deception of their life face to face with them, because they did not want to have Me, the Lord, as they gave their life to the emptiness of life. However, I want to have you, to keep you and to protect you as Mine, oh, My people, and to be My possession, to be My wealth on earth, for I have the heaven and the earth and I do not have any place on earth, I do not have any, for the man has become haughty and set Me aside from his way and he has forgotten Me, and then man calls himself God; this is how he calls himself, and he became My punishment, My heavy cross, which I am going to drop it off, for the time of God’s glory is coming on earth and the Father has always sent Me with it to you, to prepare the earth for My glory, oh, My people.
Behold, the people of My word is faithful and has listened to Me not to eat meat and those coming of out meat. I had no one to help Myself with for the fulfillment of the Scriptures, for the destruction of the antichrist and any kind of satan and for My entire victory, which will be done soon, soon, by the work of the church and not by other kind of work.
Now, My people, you should be good and work for Me great love, for it is the time for fast and prayer with greater power, but you should also take care of your sweet conduct with Me and to one another, so that the devil may no longer have anything from you, and that only I may have, I and My saints and My angels. Let your holy and sweet conduct sweeten your spirit and let it grow in you the confession of God, well sons. We have to build the paradise one earth. We have to be sweet, to produce honey, and to prepare ”milk and honey” for the saints and for the angels, so that there may be fulfilled the Scriptures, which are still left to be fulfilled and we have to ask for them to come and to be established on earth by prayer, sons. Oh, well, well sons, take care of the sun (Spiritual sun, r.n.) so that it may shine seven times more over among you, as it is written, and this is how you are supposed to be in the time that we are starting now for the preparation of the feast of the resurrection.
Be blessed, sons, praying for Me to come, to bring blessing and faith on earth and to put love in people! Peace to you! Do not forget to be beautiful during the time of fasting, for where fasting is written it means much and it means beauty, love and holiness; it means the heaven and the earth getting and working together. The human kind and the whole creation has been waiting with you, for you are the least and most gifted by God, for behold, I am a Shepherd among you and I teach you My fulfillment.
Oh, peace to you, My people! You have always needed this greeting delivered from Me into your midst, as your work with Me is hard; it is much and it is always, and you are always under the burden. Oh, do not be upset that you have always stayed under burden, because if you had remained into the world with the steps of your life, you would have been under the burden of the world and no one would have rewarded your labor and it would have been cut off once with you like the world, but I, the Lord, give you a high reward for the bearing of My burden with you during these days.
However, why My burden is that which I have been bearing with you during this time? You are My messenger on the earth and you are the sign before My coming, son entrusted with My burden. All you do and live are the things of My work with you during these days, for I have chosen you from the world to be My work, because out of My word upon you, I worked and work you always, because if I did not work like that and continuously into your midst, you would no longer be Mine, but you would be yours instead, like all the people who do the work their lives. However, I work your life and I have you work Mine too; I am to work yours and you are to work Mine, and what great work is our work together and the world that surrounds you and that which is heard in you from far away does not realize this, for the world has its world and it stays in those that are seen and the world does not have any hope, because it does not prepare anything for itself to have when this world will no longer be.
Oh, people from the spring, you have guests at the well. You have into your midst the well, whose angel, given by Me, is the Samaritan woman, remembered today in heaven and on earth for My meeting with her at the Israel’s well. The heavenly feast comes into My gardens with you, son. Oh, open your eyes and see, for I have called you again and again, and with much propriety you should turn the eye of your faith to great fruition, the eye which passes over the border and has the sight of God’s invisible things, Who waits at the border, and He waits for the faithful people, who are to open to the Lord’s glory and the Lord to be seen, just as I appeared on the Mount Tabor before My disciples with My glory from the Father. Amen.
I have set into your midst a great mystery, with power of resurrection over the people by your prayer before Me, for which I, the Lord, tell you to persevere with great love, with great faith for victory, My people son. The mystery and the power of the holy Liturgy of every day, this is My power of victory into your midst, for I have set you to stay as a clean people on the earth and I have given you to stay at a holy and living prayer before Me at My commandment left into your midst, to be and for you to work. The dead and the living come for remembrance into the bath of My blood and into the cup at My table, and the holy Liturgy washes the man from his sin; it washes the earth and the man does not know how to understand this bath and the mystery of this cup, in which, I, the Lord, am coming down fully to My memorial and to the memorial of My name over the dead and over the living, to their salvation from their guilt by My blood, shed for them, by their new birth of My word, born of God.
Oh, how great it was My teaching into your midst on My feast with you, the revelation of God’s mysteries with man, My people! Oh, take care of Me, of My mystery with you, for it is great, sons, and I will also take care of you, for great is My work, which I have to accomplish by your faith in My coming to you, by your love for My coming during these days, for the open heaven above you for Me to come and to keep coming so that I may speak over the earth, and you to be My house of coming, My homeland and the homeland of My saints, a good land for My seed of yesterday and today, of which I seed a new heaven and a new earth, the fulfilling of this Scriptures of the new birth of the world, of the renewal and of the changing into glory of all things, for everything, everything will be renewed; they will be changed at My working word into your midst, oh, My people! Amen.
Oh, come sons, come and learn the work of the life of God’s sons! Take from Me and from My saints the wisdom of the carried cross, and let the love in your hearts burn for those in heaven and for the things in heaven, for I need to do great work from the Father: a new heaven and a new earth for those who are My faithful ones, the kingdom of the saints, as it is written.
May the wisdom of your carried cross teach you the work of martyrdom so that you may be able to become My disciples and that I may also work with you the endless mystery in the end of the time: a new heaven and a new earth for My faithful ones, the kingdom of the saints, as it is written.
If I become here a spring of word, then it is shared with you, and those who come, they come to the spring, and they come with thirst when they come, and I, the Lord, rejoice with the entire heaven when I have someone to give from heaven that what I have also given you. I give you from heaven that you may grow from heaven and that I may have you with My heaven on earth and to put you to work for those on earth, for this is how I also work with the saints and with the angels and I always have work to do, well sons, for man makes much damage on earth and I have no one to built with, those that are spoiled from their place; however, I have to renew everything between heaven and earth and I have you as new seed, and I have to gather from it hundredfold and thousandfold crop, as I have to put back seven ages of people, because man is a kingdom for Me and he is very much corrupt and I long to heal him, but it is much to work and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, helps Me, as He is the One, Who cleanses, sanctifies, renews and teaches man, only to have a way to give Myself to the people, well, sons. I, the Lord, get comforted within My wound when you help Me, to be able to work upon man and to give him of My mouth, just as a mother gives from her mouth chewed food to her baby in her arms and nourishes him to his growth.
It does not come to your mind how much comfort I have when I carry with you the burden of My coming with the saints on earth, with the great work of the renewal of the world, the Scripture, which I have to fulfill now, well sons. The heavenly hosts have seen your greatness in which I, the Lord, have set you, for I have put you near Me, at the hard and new work for the work of the man’s creation, the work of the new heaven and of the new earth, well, well, sons. You are few and small, but I have set you near Me and I have given you this greatness for your faith in My coming of today, and for which you have to be careful always when it has to work for great and small work, which I am to fulfill with you, and that I may have a place with those on the earth by your faith, sons.
Peace to you, people bearing of God and bearing of My burdens with you! Oh, get used to them with the whole sweetness of your heart and appreciate My labor, for I will love you much because of your discipleship with Me now, when I have to do much and mysterious preparation for My appearance to those who are faithful and also before those who are not faithful, for even those who pierced Me and who keep on piercing Me have to see Me, as it is written.
I am glorifying Myself into your midst with a feast of birth, and you are My cave of coming; you are My mystery on earth and I keep you covered within mystery, for this is written, and tomorrow will be otherwise; it will be like God, oh, people loved by God and much working with Me for My today’s coming. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, I have longed very much to have in this time a people abstaining from meat and from those coming out of meat, to be able to lift up together with it the burden of My coming and the Gospel of the fulfillment of the resurrection of the dead, who have heard during these days the voice of God’s sons, My word of today, springing of My mouth into the midst of My people, whom I have ordained now to meet Me as word, for I am coming to it on earth as word during these days.
Oh, I have taken of your little hand and mouth of My servant the remembrance for the calling to life of those asleep until this time, oh, people working for Me and fulfilling My Gospel of nowadays in the end of the time! I have called them at your table with Me for them, at My table with you, son, and we have been giving them more and more relief to their resurrection by those that I, the Lord, have taken from your midst, which are worked for them, as you have been appointed before Me to work for the resurrection of the dead and to stay working and no longer live in the world without fruit for Me, as all those who still believe in Me stay and do not know how to build a Christian life in them. Oh, who is to tell them so that they may know how their life should be, that they may have a Christian life as they like to have this name?
Oh, My people, oh, My new and little Jerusalem, I am bringing you from among those in heaven the greeting of My resurrection: „Christ has risen!”. I do not have anyone else but you. You should believe what I am telling you, son Jerusalem. Oh, seek all the time to be only Mine, only with Me, for I have only you on the earth. When those, who have got high churchly ranks on the earth or those who learn from books, hear the things that I am telling you now, they start to marvel and have an evil soul, but whenever I speak to you the word, I know what I tell you. All those who have big faith, who have a big heart and good Christian work mind their own business and their salvation according to what they say that they do, but it is not so with you, My people. I have chosen you from among people to set you at the table of word with Me and you are to be My will between earth and heaven and you are to share My word over the earth, the word of the new creation, son, for I have to set a new heaven and a new earth between heaven and earth, as it is written into the Scripture for Me to do, and let these be after that, and I also need to have a people close to Me, freed from worries and completely dedicated to Me, for I bear a lot of worries with you for My victory over the earth, and you are so tiny and so little in number, as the Christians on the earth do not come under My cross, for they have to carry theirs, and My today’s cross is hard, and you do no longer have time for you, and how beautiful is this; that is, that man who forgets about himself and gives himself over to Me completely and to My very difficult hardships and so that he may live like this and not like all the Christians who do everything they want on their Christian way as they view it, and as all go, those who do not know sufficiently what God with people on the earth means, and those who do not know what it means man to serve God. Christians always ask everything from God, all from earth and from heaven, but you are other kind of Christians, for you do not ask but you give to God; you give your whole hard work and you are little, sons, and you are weak in respect to those on the earth, since you do not work for you for the master like all the people, because you labor in My vineyard, in My work, and you work hard with Me within My coming, well sons. Oh, you should not believe that you work hard for something else and otherwise. I have you close for Me and not for you, and I have you close for the salvation of many, sons, for I have always come to you as the word of the new birth of the world and of the man, and this is how I gather from here and there people who love God more than they love the flesh and the fleshly pleasures, pleasures, which go into the soul and then bring it into bondage to sin and to separation from God, sons, and I suffer, and I suffer because the Christians and the people do not love Me, well sons, and I suffer that they do not have a ruler upon them to teach them self-denial and then to teach them the seeking after Me, for I am the Master of the heaven and the earth and the Christians and the people do not serve Me, and rather they serve themselves day and night, and then they come to the end of the thread of their life and long after the paradise and after God’s mercy for their eternal life then.
Oh, sons, get up and speak words that come to be fulfilled, and that it may come their fulfillment for you work with the Lord. Learn the work of submission and get used to it for great fulfillments wait at the border, sons, and you are those who work with the Lord.
And as for you, sharing sons, give Me to the people, be godfathers for those who take God, the Word, from you, so that people may be born of God’s Word and to put on their shirt of baptism and to take care of it until the day of the glory, for surely My glory will come on earth, the Lord’s glory, and every man will keep silent, worship and ask for mercy, sons. Oh, speak holy words everywhere and over everything. Let My word and yours work everywhere from earth to heaven and for the new birth of the world, and the sky and all its laws will rejoice, but give help to My victory, sons.
— Oh, My people, it is beautiful, it is very beautiful here, and we are gathered under this beauty, in My little house of longing, My story of longing with you.
We are rejoicing with the heavenly hosts here on this day. Oh, let us lay down the heaven on earth, sons! Let us raise the earth to heaven, come on! My kingdom waits to come to fruition, to receive a face and country. Let us do it, sons, come!
Oh, sons, I love you with the love of the Father. Oh, sons, My longing and Spirit is crying and I am waiting for My kingdom and for its visible glory, and I need angels to work on earth. Oh, come, come sons, let us lay the heaven down on earth!
Peace to you, sons, and let us do the Father’s will, the new heaven and the new earth!
I am bestowing journey with angels on the way over those who have come at the angelic table, and let My peace be with them all until we meet again here.
Once again, we are proclaiming the word of encouragement: Let us bring down the heaven on earth, let us do it, sons, come! Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, sons in the citadel of My word, I am with you in the spirit and with the work of the first love. You have left father and mother, you have left wives, husbands and children, you have left brothers and sisters, the world and the walking in the world and stay in My spiritual family, and I, the Lord, in your midst, work the mystery of the resurrection of the dead, dear sons. You are worn out working the time of My Scriptures of nowadays, but the joy which I bring on those asleep, oh, this is great, sons. Behold, what they say to the Lord. Hear what they are saying to Me:
― Oh, what a great grace You have prepared for us here, Lord, how great! Oh, what a sweet church, in which we are remembered before You for our forgiveness and healing from You! What hard work, what an exhaustion brings to You for us those who serve here day and night like some mere disciples totally dedicated to You, for us and for many, and the work and the mystery of the first love is with them here as it was with the first Christians, oh, and glory to You for them, and glory to You for us, for Your mercy for us, oh, Lord!
― Behold, this is how they are speaking to Me at the sight of My citadel with you and of My work for them, sons. All those in this little village, who get rid of their bodies and come into the invisible things of the Lord, all marvel at what they see here for them, oh, and they have never known, as long as they have lived in their bodies, My mystery with you.
I have brought great mercy down on earth. I have come now and chosen a little hand of Christian sons and strengthened them to great watch for the Christian life, made of them the way of My word over the earth and I have set them as a gift of high price to Christ’s church, very much disobedient with respect to its duties left through the saints to be lived with holiness by the Christian flock and she has tried little to understand this mystery of Mine set in its midst, for I have taken out of her a little hand of sons and put them to the work for the redemption of the creature fallen from God.
My coming as word on earth, the little and tiny people that helps Me come and work My word spoken and fulfilled then, this mysterious work is still not understood, but it brings you great joy on earth, oh, and patience is needed in heaven and on earth for man is hard of understanding as My disciples were before seeing My words fulfilled.
Now, sons, behold what a great work we have to do, for we have to remove the guilt the human race that did not listen and for which I suffered on the cross in order to take it out from its pain, and I did, oh, and we still have work to do, sons. The angels work with Me incessantly and know from Me that I, the Lord, fight against satan to take the people out of his bondage. I and My little ones from under the cross of My coming, are fighting against the spirit of the world and against satan, the ruler over the people, and We will throw him down and free all from his darkness, and My angels are also fighting the unseen battle to overcome satan by My spoken word to fulfill it afterwards, as it is written for Me to overcome and then to set the feast of My victory and that of the angels victorious with Me, and here they are, confessing near Me My today’s work with them and with you, those under My cross, and the spirit of the world will be overcome for this is written to be.
— The heavenly powers and the angelic hosts praise You unceasingly and confess You, Lord, with the complete nearness of Your victory against satan, who separated You from man deceiving him so that he could fall from paradise and man to remain on his side. However, You awakened the angels and since then they have been working with You to defeat the thief, but man has stood against us, for man does not see You, and satan and the spirit of the world have always shown their goods in plain sight and delighted man with the visible things and in order to have victory one has to fight, and You bring man to helplessness in order to draw him to repentance, You give him the bitter medicine of humiliation, Lord, and this medicine is enough to make man seek You and take You inside of him in time of trouble, only that he may understand that he has always been stubborn as long as he could do something; however, then he wants You, Lord, oh, and how much mercy You work to bring him back to You, and we are always with You at work in heaven and on earth, and Your church, little and working on earth for the part of the prayers sent to You for the fulfillment of the Scriptures, for this fulfillment has to be asked according to how You have worked with Your people in all the times, and only You are the One Who overcomes even if man stands against You and sides with satan after his will, with his life; nevertheless, it is also written that Christ is the Victor.
We glorify You from above, we carry You on the clouds of angelic wings and now we are spending here, in the citadel of Your word, full of gifts now, on our day of celebration.
The multitude of the angelic hosts together with the multitude of those called at their table of memorial for their full resurrection, we all are bringing before You glory and thanks, for Your great glory, for Your coming as word on earth, for Your coming and close victory and then the celebration of eternity with all the sons of the holy faith, who will have kept their love for You in their hearts, waiting for You to save them.
Let us stay well with fear and attention to You, Lord, and the people of Your word, and let the true people for faith and obedience say to You: Surround us with Your holy angels, Lord, and be our salvation and refuge. Amen.
Therefore, let man learn from Me and let him learn from My Virgin mother, as he has nothing to take from the earth, and that is why man must take from heaven; he must take and work and always be with the heaven on earth, because I, the Lord, want to have a holy people and I want to bring with it the heaven on earth so that it may be on earth as in heaven, as it is written, and I want to put the mystery of the longing of heaven in the man’s heart to be able to work together with him the new heaven and the new earth and to have someone for whom to work and set them as happiness of those who love God on earth, learning this love from heaven, for there is other kind of love and earth and man falls through it from God.
We are going to set the table of Pentecost, we are going to sit at the table, but we will not clear the table of the meeting. We are going to remain here above the citadel for seven days until the birthday of My trumpet Virginia is fulfilled and then we are bringing her celebration before the Father and then we are also going to share the book of My history with her, and at the table there will be that feast for a hundred years since her birth on earth, oh, because it is great, great, sons, the mystery of My work with her! All the heaven marvels and the saints are amazed at the mystery of My second coming on earth by My word springing from this stone through which I have fed My people for more than twenty-five years, (From 1955 to 1980, r.n.) and this stone has kept Me, and she was the voice of a trumpet over earth, oh, but all the people who took My word of preparation believed, but the Christian of this word was not able to fulfill God in him, rather he only enjoyed and believed, therefore, I was not able to raised him step by step to My glory with him. I, however, wrote the history of My word and My trumpet and of those who suffered for a while together with her on My way full of lions and wolves as long as I had sounded from this pipe of My voice, and then she came up to heaven. Afterwards, she came back as I had prophesied what it would happen with her, because this is how the saints work, sons, they come back and work from heaven for the people, and Virginia’s work was the greatest in comparison with all the other saints, because I dwelt in her and I was the One Who was speaking not she, and the Lord had no longer been speaking so much over the earth up to her time, oh, it had not been so, sons, from the beginning of the time and up to My Virginia, there had no longer been any of the Lord’s work like this, oh, and Virginia is great in heaven; however, whoever reads in My word through her and does not understand My mystery, I have nothing to do more for the man’s mind and then for his faith and life with God, after that for such a long time I have spoken over the people with My last word and especially now, when I am calling out over the nations and over the kings, and I am going everywhere with the glory of My word which flows over the citadel and it divides into arms all over the earth, for the day of My glory is coming near and I must be ready with the new announcement, with My love from the end of the time, oh, and man cannot do yet what I want him to do, for he has got tastes, he has got his work, he has got his things, just like those of two thousand years ago, who did not have time to know Me, to receive Me, to believe Me that I came for them, and behold, all the time under heaven man cannot work with God as I have My angels at the work which I have to do and which I work with the angels and with the saints, for man has got his own works, and God suffers from the man’s lack of love, from his carelessness concerning the country from above and which mysteriously waits for its citizens in it, with the table set, with joys and imperishable beauties, and I, the Lord, still stay face to face with the man’s carelessness, who only believes My word and that is all.