
The people of Israel from the time of our Lord Jesus Christ

Well My little chicks, My mission from the Father is to bring up a new people, a new Israel in the Romanian people, for the people chosen by Me in the past had totally defiled. For this I came into the world; I came to choose from the world some meek and obedient lambs, so that I may feed them with heavenly food.


I came two thousand years ago to give life to the man, but what did Israel do? It killed Me and did not believe that I was resurrected, and to believe that I was the promised God. What did it do? It bought with money the guardians who kept watch at My grave and it told them to say that My disciples stole Me while they were sleeping. Oh, if it was true that My disciples stole Me while the watchmen were sleeping, then the watchmen had to be killed because they slept during their watch. Sons, sons, the lying of the bishops from the time of My glory by resurrection was big. Their unbelief was as big as of the today’s bishops. A lie bought with money and spread on all sides, as this news has remained until today, as though I was stolen from the grave by the disciples. Not until today has Israel believed that I was God and I was resurrected after I gave Myself as a sacrifice of atonement for the man. The lying word of the bishops has power, as the people are simple minded when they have not got the Spirit of God. Israel did not have in mind to believe in the Christ that was sent from heaven, and that is why the lie bought them so easily. Israel has not believed even to this day; it has known so to this day; this is how it has believed, that the disciples stole Me while the watchmen were sleeping. However, I was resurrected and the testimonies of My resurrection spoke more than their lie, but they still have not wanted to receive Me as God. I had a small people of witnesses who stayed within My closeness and to whom I appeared alive after the resurrection, and with whom I spent time after the resurrection, and Israel came out as a liar, but its pride has kept it opposing to this day.


and here, they sold themselves for money and for the riches and for a kingdom of straw; and the straw are scattered in a storm and are no more, and with a lightning from heaven they burn and are no more; the same way as the people of Israel who fell slave to the Romans who put fire to it and scattered it on the whole face of the earth. But I took out of it those who believed and I turned made them a bundle into My lap and I told them to be the salt good for taste, and they were and worked the Lord, so that all nations of the earth may have the Lord, and you too, My people, to have him as well.


Oh, who knows to crucify Me better than the wise ones, better than those who read My wills without taking them into their inner being? Who did the Lord’s crucifixion? Pilate or Herod? They did not understand who I was and where I came from. They knew their things, not Mine, but the priests knew for they were reading and learning from God, and still no one knew better than them to crucify Me. They would have not given even to God their seats and look who were the worst people in that time. The priests were the worst, the most astray from the path of righteousness. It is not that they did not believe that I was God, but they loved their kingdom which was for injustice and did not want to open the door so that their house may be seen, for their house was only gold, ornaments, silver and expensive vessels, gathered together in an unfrequented place, in a murky place, as it was written in the prophets. Oh, what damnation they have prophesied by their own tongue for they said that if they let Me prosper with those from heaven, many Romans would come and take over their country and nation. Certainly not! For if they had received Me, they would have become an invincible people on earth, for no one can do any harm to the one who sits under the tent of God, to the strong one in God.


If I did not come from heaven to Israel, to My Father’s vine, Israel would not have got any fruit; it was no longer My Father’s vine, of which to come out ripe grapes, as that vine yielded only sour grapes, as it was written that «she was broken and brought to the ground, and she was planted into the wilderness, into a dry land without water, and a fire came out of her and it consumed her fruit and there were no longer left strong and choice branches for royal scepters in her. She was a lioness and couched among lions and she nursed her cubs, but her cubs devoured people, and she was taken away into slavery by her foreigners». And My Father sent Me from heaven, to become fruit from heaven in Israel, and so that the vine of My Father may not be left without fruit and without wine. Israel was My Father’s planting, but that people did not want to yield fruit for My Father, Who planted it. And I came to you, sent by My Father, My people, and I made My wedding country of your country, as this is what My Father wanted, and My Father made a lioness of My wedding country, and she gave birth to lions and lioness. She gave birth to a people of sons of God, and she gave birth to them of My word, for I came as word from heaven over My wedding country, as Father gave it to be Mine; however, on her birth on the earth I also was born of My Father on the earth, and I was a new vine from heaven planted on the earth, and My branches spread all over the earth and they reached into Romania, which was just recently born. She was given to Me by My Father even from her infancy, and she was the mystery of My Father, the new vine of My Father, and a people of kings and waivodes were born of her, and My Father has protected her, so that she might give you birth of her, My bride people; you of Me, the Word of God, of Me, the Lion of Judah, the root of David, as it was written about Me, the Reconciler, Who had to come.

It has been written since the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; then it was written that «I will come and I will bind My foul to the vine, and the donkey’s colt to the choice vine; and I will wash My garment in wine, and My robes in the blood of grapes, and My eyes will be red with wine, and My teeth will be white with milk». And, when this was prophesied in Israel, My Spirit spoke then about the beginning and the end. I spoke for the Israel, the one from the beginning, that I would come to him and I would bind My foul to the vine and I would wash My garment in wine, and My eyes will be red with wine; and I also spoke for the Israel among the gentiles, the one from the end, that I will bind the donkey’s colt to the choice vine and I would wash My garment in the blood of grapes, and My teeth would be white with milk.

No one knows how to interpret My Scriptures. No one knows to interpret the languages of the Holy Spirit and how to build God in man through them, as then I spoke about the time of My wrath and about the time of My mercy, as I was angry with Israel because of his unbelief and his iniquities, and for his carelessness towards God, as instead of serving God, he was serving idols. The one chosen by God to be the choice vine was serving the devils made by him, and I had mercy on the Israel among the nations of the earth; I had great mercy on him and I called him with a new name; I called Romanian, the one chosen by My Father for Me to be a people of new vine for Me, a vine from heaven, and to bind the donkey’s colt to its choice vine and to wash My garment in the blood of grapes. I am the vine, and he is the branches, as I told to those from Israel, the remnant who has sided with Me: «I am the vine; you are the branches».

I chose those of today and I have gone with them to the gentiles, for Israel did not want to be with God, and he was uprooted and planted in a desolate and thirsty land, and he was mingled with the nations of the earth. But I want to make him wise and to bring him back to the first love, when his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob loved Me and proclaimed Me that I had to come as the Reconciler in the end of the time. Amen.

I came two thousand years ago, and I bound My foul to the vine and I washed My garment in wine and My eyes were red with wine. But the vine of My Father did not recognize Me as her Master that came from the Father, and cut Me down put Me together with the lawless ones, and I washed My garment in wine, as Israel, My vine, did not receive Me, and My eyes were red with wine, as I was angry with Israel like a drunken man; I was angry with My vine and she was thrown to the ground, and the passers-by passed over it and trampled it. And I came again, for two thousand years had passed since those from Judea fled into the mountains, as I declared by the word. Two thousand years had passed, and even at that time I spoke about this time that, «The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heaven will be shaken; and then the Son of the Man will appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn while seeing My glory. And I will send My elected ones for harvesting with a great sound of a trumpet, so that I may gather together My chosen ones from all the gentiles». And behold, as in the days of Noah, the people are drinking, eating and going to weddings and one will be taken and the other will be left, as it is written, because it is very little watch for My coming on the earth, and no one is expecting Me to come and to bind the donkey’s colt to the choice vine and to wash My garment into the blood of grapes.

It is written for this time that I would come and I will be called the Word of God. (Rev: 19/13, r.n.). It is written into the Scriptures, but who is to tell the people about My second coming? There are no more teachers on the earth to tell the people about My second coming. Oh, there is no one to tell them that I come, and even two thousand years ago I said: «I come soon!», and I have told to the bride of My Spirit to say: «Come, Lord, come!».

The priests of the church do no longer speak about the book of John, who I appeared to, so that I might announce the times of My coming. I showed John My coming in the word, and he wrote this: «I saw the heaven opened, and the Faithful and True One coming on a white horse to make war for Him, for truth, for He is the truth; and His eyes are a flame of fire; and on His head are many crowns; and He has a name written, which no one knows but He Himself; and on Him a garment sprinkled with blood; and armies from heaven, following Him on white horses; and out of His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which He strikes, and He rules with a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, and His name is called the Word of God, a name written on His garment and on His thighs: „King of Kings and Lord of Lords”».


In the Israel from the beginning I could not come with My kingdom for it had its kingdom even if it said that it was My people. It was My people because I said so, not because it said it, but the kingdom of God did not work in it and upon it. My word was coming to it and it did not understand it, for he, who does not fulfill God’s word, does not understand what God’s kingdom means.


I was the kingdom of the heavens, coming down from the heaven as a King on the earth, but Israel, the people to whom I gave the heavenly promises, did not understand how the kingdom of the heavens on the earth comes, as he does not understand it today either; but even today he says that he is waiting for Me, but I come now with the word and proclaim so that I may fulfill it afterwards, for this way I have always worked, always My people. I came to be on the earth and to put God in man, and to be a living kingdom on in man, and the man does not know and he does not want to perceive and know, but there are many who know and do not want that God to be in them alive.


Not even the people of Israel understood My days and their honoring, and the honoring of the seventh day, for he had done only what was evil on his way. And I was speaking to Moses: «Go and take the people into Canaan, but I will not go up in the midst of you, lest I consume you in the way, for you are a stiff-necked people. If I were to go up into your midst, I would consume you in one moment», and the Lord was coming to the tent of meeting, outside of the camp of the Israel’s tents, and there He would spoke with Moses face to face, as someone speaks with his friend, and Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord, because the Lord told him so: «Write these for a memorial in a book».

Israel did not understand what the Lord’s rest was, because he was a stiff-necked people, and the Lord could not rest in him. But God made of Moses His rest, and He taught him what to speak over Israel and He opened Moses’ mouth. When Moses went up the second time on the Mount of Sinai, so that the Lord may give him ordinances over Israel, for Israel to observe them and so that the Lord may rest in Israel from His work upon him, when Moses reached up in the mountain, the cloud of the Lord’s glory came down, covering the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day, the Lord called Moses out of the midst of the cloud, and Moses had been standing in the midst of the cloud for forty days and forty nights, and the Lord gave him ordinances over Israel. The seventh day was lengthened to forty days and the Lord had rested over Moses forty days and forty nights, and the man does not know what the day of the Lord’s rest means. I was resting over Moses with those good of Mine that I wanted to do and to put over Israel, and I was looking over them and all were very good; however, when Moses was coming to put them over Israel, so that I may rest from those of Mine upon him, Israel remained a stiff-necked people, and I was not able to rest upon him. Israel did not receive Me to rest upon him, and he kept saying to Moses: «Go and speak with the Lord, and speak with us yourself what the Lord is speaking upon us». And I said this: «Israel, remember the day of the Lord to keep it holy», for I worked six days for you to make your happiness, and rested on the seventh day. I made the heaven and earth and everything that I made for the man, and then I rested the seventh day and I blessed it, as the man blesses a church and sanctifies it after he makes it.


Oh, My people, Israel became haughty even since I chose him to be My people, and I made him great among the nations. The more I loved and taught him, the more conceited and far away from Me he became, joining to a foreign body, to idols and lawlessness, and becoming conceited over Me, and I made him raise his hand against Me to forsake Me and I to forsake him. Israel stumbled, and because of the multiplying of his iniquity, his love grew cold, and only a small remnant of it endured with Me, and it was fulfilled with Jerusalem the Scripture which says that the abomination of desolation will come upon it, and those from Judea fled to the mountains and they fled without their clothes, according to what was written: «Let him who is in the housetop not go down to take out his things that are in his house, and let him who is in the field not return back to get his clothes», and I burnt Jerusalem, for the rulers of Jerusalem of that time sold Me on money, the One Who was the gift of My Father for the people, and the damnation of the money fell on Israel. I said that the Gospel of My kingdom, which was put aside by Israel, will be preached all over the world as a testimony to all the nations, and Israel will come to an end, and the nations will be blessed by faith, and I will choose the New Jerusalem out of the gentiles, and I will come with the kingdom of heavens on the earth and I will redeem the man from death and I will give him everlasting life as I promised by the Scriptures to those that are faithful.


Sons, sons, I tell you a great mystery for the science, for as I, the Lord, came passing through the Hebrew people, the same way the immoral antichrist did, for it is written: «The man’s enemy will be his own family». The Hebrew people is fallen under the damnation of the money and the money curses him and damns it, because they put Me to death for money; I Who came down from heaven.


I come through Romania and for the Jerusalem of My passions, for I will gather together many haughty people, people who trespass the commandments and I will judge Myself with them there; there where I came among them in the flesh two thousand years ago. I will declare the word of My pain and justice here, and there I will fulfill it, and I will judge Myself with the people for which I willingly gave Myself to be crucified.

I had to die for the rest of the peoples on the earth to redeem them from under the ignorance, but it was not so, and I died for Israel, to redeem it from under the law, for it is written: «He who does not fulfill the law is guilty». He knew the law from Me and was guilty because he did not believe in Me when I came from heaven from the Father to be in its midst. Behold, I tell you a revealed mystery: the people of Israel knew that I am the Christ of the Father and that I had to be crucified for its sins. It was not Judas who was guilty for selling Me and My death. He was the tool by which Israel killed its God, and it is written: «Woe to the one by whom the Son of God will be sold and killed!». If Israel did not seek to kill Me, it would have not killed Me when Judas sold My mystery, for Judas knew that I am the Christ. The rulers of Israel were guilty of My death, and with them all the people of Israel, all, except a remnant chosen by grace to be without guilt so that afterwards to be able to testify about the truth of My coming from heaven in the midst of Israel.


I did not want to be judged by the Jewish people, who’s God I was, coming from the Father. I was exhorting them to repentance and they judged Me denouncing Me for injustice, and they thought that was right. I was appeasing them to humility and forgiveness and they took Me and crucified Me so that they might no longer hear Me, for the Israel people was sinful. Not only Gentiles were under sin. Israel’s sin was even greater, because he was sinning, knowing what sin was. However, I came from heaven to exhort him to repentance, and I could not do it because he pretended to be right. I came to be his forgiving Shepherd, but he was haughty and struck My hands and then he took Me out from him. Then I ran before those who were humiliating themselves through My sacrifice and resurrection, and I was taking them in Me and making them faithful by grace, and I made a people out of Gentiles for Me, and they are called those who are redeemed from among the people, the first fruits of God and of the Lamb, and there is no lie into their mouth, because they are righteous. Amen.


I want to bring the eternity on the earth, but first I have to make the man give up all his wickedness, so that I may not undergo with him as I underwent with Israel, which was sinning in its inner being. I made its food and clothing not to be damaged, but it torn Me down in its inside, in the inner man. Oh, why, did it not really want to become incorruptible so I may have had it as My people forever?


Oh, what Israel of old had done to Me! It was afraid not to lose its glory in which I established it in the midst of the nations of the earth, but it was not worthy of its glory from Me. And because it was not worthy, it was afraid of Me. If it had been used to the spirit of humility, Israel would have been glorified. However, because it was unworthy for glory, it tried to be glorified through the spirit of haughtiness and it had become great and it lost its glory by getting high against Me, for this is what I said: «The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified, and now is the judgment of this world, and its prince will be cast out». And it was so, because after My crucifixion that the rulers of the world put Me to, I was resurrected and they incurred an eternal disgrace because they loved human greatness more than God’s greatness. They glorified themselves before the nations, and they put Me down and tried to hide Me by the death they put Me to. They did not love My greatness and the one who does so remains in the darkness as the people of Israel has remained from then and until today. It was only I Who has been taking care not to destroy the fulfillment of My promises, and I have put aside a remnant beforehand, chosen by grace, so that it may be someone to judge Israel, from its midst.


Oh, My people, when I ascended into glory from the disciples, they put Me among the invisible ones to help the man not to remain in the spirit of the temptation of God, but I told them: «I shall be with you to the end of the time». This is what I told to My disciples who wanted to ask Me about the time of the kingdom of Israel. If the kingdom of Israel had been the kingdom of God, he would have not needed his kingdom on the earth as he wanted, and as even today he wants and believes it. I told them that My kingdom is not from this world, but Israel did not like this. It liked to be a king through Me and this is what it wants even today. But only he, who has God’s kingdom with the word and deed, can be the king; the kingdom of incorruptibility, and the kingdom of the holiness. This and only this means kingdom. Amen.


I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I am the same from everlasting to everlasting, but My people Israel killed Me when I came because I released the obligation of Saturday and because I said that God was My Father and because I said that I also was God.


I went to the sheep gate when the Jewish people was celebrating and increasing in number and I came near to the pool in which My angel used to come and touch those who were suffering to make well the one who would enter first into the water, and then the angel would leave; and I saw the one who had been suffering for thirty eight years, for no one was there to help him, and I said to him: «Do you want to be made well? Arise, take up your mat, and walk». And because it was Saturday, the Jews found cause to say to him that it was not lawful to take his mat and walk. Instead of marveling at him that he, who had been sick for so many years, could take his mat and walk on his foot they judged him and they judged Me as well after they found out that it was I who healed him and that I told him to take his mat and walk in a day of Sabbath. It was in vain that I told them that the Son could not do anything of Himself if He did not see His Father doing. It was in vain that I told them that My Father had been working by that time and that I had also been working.


The Jews saw My light when I, the Lord and the God of Israel made the blind from birth see?


However, My people of today, I made the blind man from birth see, and the rulers of the Jews judged Me that I violated their Sabbath, because I did this in a day of Sabbath, in their day of feast and their day of rest. They judged Me that I worked, but I worked out a miracle and not a human or earthly work and to the one who was blind and testified to them about the miracle of healing of his eyesight they judged him and said to him: «You were altogether born in sins, and do you teach us?».

Oh, My people, it was so blind the people of that time, which called itself God’s people by the grace of its forefathers from the beginning, through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and through Moses, whose disciples they said that they were! Israel was so blind and he said that everyone that is born with a disease is born in sins and of sins. Who was supposed to tell him that it was not good for the man to judge in the place of God? Who is supposed to tell the man if the man does not walk into My light? When My disciples saw the blind man from birth they asked Me: «Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?». And I answered them saying: «Neither did this man, nor his parents; but, that the works of God might be revealed in him. I must work the works of Him Who sent Me, while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world». Amen.


I came into the world and I said: «While I am in the world, I am the light of the world». However, the world does not want Me. Those of that time did not want Me either; those of that time did not want Me either, who saw the miracle when I spat on the ground and made mud with the saliva to get wet and then I anointed the blind’s man eyeholes with the mud, of which I made eyes for the one who had no eyes. The world does not want Me to be its light, but I am the light of the world as long as I am into its midst. If the world does not see Me, it is judged, because I said when I made the eyes for the one who had not have any eye: «I came into this world for judgment, that those who don’t see may see; and that those who see may become blind».

Every man who does not love My teaching is blind. The man has no greater sin among others sins than the sin that he does not love My teaching, to see than and to walk in light, because I am the Light of the world, at the beginning and at the end, and the light is the word, My miracle by which I raise the dead. Amen.


I had done great and much work in the time of Moses for My victory for the Israel people of that time and who were caught into slavery in Egypt as a reward of his sins, the reward of his haughtiness, and from it, the reward of not loving and fearing God. And if Israel cried with repentance and humility, I lifted him to be victorious and skilful in faith and humility and through Him I had showed My mercy to Israel, who was crying waiting for Me to stretch out his hand and to take him again into My bosom. I spoke to Moses and I told Him everything I was about to do by My strong hand and by his hand for those who mourned calling Me to save them. My power worked wonderfully against the power of the haughty man who was ruling over My people enslaved in Egypt because of his trespasses. However, My mercifulness is woken up when repentance and humility cries out to Me from man to show for Him My godly power, a power that the man cannot fight against, but who rather he gives up, because the man cannot do everything what only God can.


Now We have come down, in the end of the time, with the glory of Your word on the earth, and You work again the word of man’s creation as You did when You spoke to Moses for the people of Israel to make it a kingdom of God. God’s kingdom is there where God speaks and where He can work with His power, but the man has always stood against and become haughtier and haughtier in the face of God, as it also was with the people in the time of Moses, to which You had been speaking for more than forty years and into whose midst We had greatly showed Our glory and power spoken by the word to be and to work on sight so that God might have a people among nations.


– Oh, my Son, Who are full of word now, in the end of the time! In the time of Moses, when You had been speaking into the midst of the people of Israel for forty years on its way to Canaan, You had appeared as a strong God over the nations of the earth so that they might become the way of Your path with the people of Israel from place to place to the land of promise, but like Adam in paradise, Your people became haughty and fell from the way, and that people fell because of its haughtiness, because its haughtiness made it forsake You and forget You, Lord. However, You had accompanied the people with great word to support it somehow and that it might not deny You among the nations. You made it the light of the nations in that time, for You were that light into its midst. However, it became darkness, for it hid from Your commandments and it did no longer have You as its Savior, neither You nor Moses, for woe to the one who doubts after he believes before he sees! You are hidden within Your mysteries, but the man is not like that, he does not work like that and he is Your enemy instead, dear Son, and he makes You fear, Lord, for I know this fear that comes from man, and it made me suffer deeply when I had You on earth as my Son, given from God to me, to give You birth, to grow You and to protect You from the man who is enemy to God. However, both God and man fears the man hidden in himself and in man, and again, a man like that is afraid of God and hides, and he is also afraid of man and hides from man, for the one who is hidden in his self and in man breathes fear into another man near him, and the spirit of hiding is felt near when it works from man upon man.


Oh, My people, open the Scripture on this day and look at the spirit who testified through Stephen about My history with the people of Israel and their unbelief during all its time and of the last ones of those stiffnecked people, from its beginning and up to the day of the martyr Stephen, the witness of the truth, and then open up your wisdom to understand from everything that is on earth the stubbornness and Israel’s thirst for power and honor over nations, from its beginning and to this day, for this stiffnecked people has kept doing this into My name up to this day in order to rule over the world, in such a way that it may not lose its precedence, as it says, but I came two thousand years ago and took the kingdom out of its hands and gave it to those who believe in Me, for they rule over the kingdom of the heavens on earth and they are hated because of this by the people who stick to its precedence and which fights all over to put out My name and My trace from the earth; however, I do not dwell in temples, because those who worship Me, they do this in spirit and in truth, not in the temples that have no place for God and for His heavenly company, all the armies of His glory.


The heaven and the earth shake when they see the spirit of lies that comes to life seven times more against You in these days by the pride of the Jewish people, who has not ceased to persecute You in man, in the heart of the one who wants to feel You in him, Lord. Oh, what a mist of lie, what a mountain of fog he is trying to spread now on the earth against Your being as true God of true life, wounded Savior! Those who do not know what love is, either with their mind, or with their heart and with their life, those are punished to their lack of love, for the man’s pride that stands against another man stirs up rivalry between man and man, and Your not being in man causes great pain on earth, in the one who does not know what he wants, poor of him. However, we have remained examples of faith in time and then love full of Holy Spirit in You for You and for those who are and will be Yours on earth and in heaven, for their heart in us was kneaded again by Your word of life giving and we have remained alive forever and ever, and this is how the faithful ones are and who know to keep and follow their faith and its fruit, from earth and up to heaven, oh, Lord Who are resurrected and confessed by us as resurrected.


The Israel people did not know, because of the blindness coming from his pride, it did not know and it did not want to know what it did when it denied Me and gave Me over to the cross and then cursed Me by death on the cross, and the one blinded by the pride of life, that one speaks in vain about God, about truth and about beauty, for the spirit of pride stands witness between Me and him, defeating and pulling him out of the book of life, and there is no prouder man than the one who does not recognize and does not see its pride, for the one who eats and likes eating does no longer see his face, but he sees only those that he eats and their taste pleasant at its view and then in his stomach.


I am the God of the faithful ones, as I have also been all the time to this day, and I am not the God of those who are many, for I am called the God of the elected ones. I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, and in all the times I have appreciated a faithful man more than a whole people, and I have worked miracles for many by one faithful man, and I left Israel live only because of Moses, who was righteous, and I did not listen to the great people of Ahab’s kingdom, but rather I listened to Elijah, My prophet on behalf of that people, and this is how I, the Lord, confess Myself by My faithful witnesses.

I chose Abraham and I told him: «Get out of your country, and from your relatives, and from your father’s house, to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you, and make your name great. You will be a blessing. I will bless those who will bless you, and I will curse him who curses you. In you will all the families of the earth be blessed». (Gen. 12/1-3) And from then on I kept speaking to Abraham because he was listening to Me. And then I spoke to Isaac and I told him: «I am the God of Abraham your father. Don`t be afraid, for I am with you, and will bless you, and multiply your seed for My servant Abraham`s sake». (Gen. 26/24) And those who hate Isaac came and told him: «We saw plainly that the Lord is with you». (Gen. 26/28) Oh, and I also appeared to Jacob and I blessed him and then he confessed: «I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved». (Gen. 32.30)


Oh, glory to My birth of your virgin body, My mother Virgin! What beautiful, oh, what beautiful was upon you the message of the angel, when through him, I asked you to be My chosen one, to be My path, mother! When the angel came to you, while you were in Joseph’s house, the son of David, he wished you joy and called you full of grace, full of Me, mother, and he told you: «The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women. Don’t be afraid and do not be troubled by the word of my message. You will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son and will call His name „Jesus”. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord will give Him the throne of His father, David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end to His kingdom, for everything is possible with God». (See Luke 1/28-33) And you answered the angel and said: «Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word». (Luke 1.38) Then I, by your faith, was seeded into your bosom and I became flesh as a Child, and I was born on earth, and there came at the manger of My birth shepherds and Magi, and the angels coming from heaven sang all that night long on earth and announced Me as born. Then the shepherds related how they came there after the angels told them and saw Me, mother, sleeping in the manger near the cattle, as I wanted to be born on earth as the King of the creature, humble and foreign to all those that belong to the people, but full of spirit and grace and of the word of the man’s making, for I grew and the Father glorified Me with My glory from Him, who is not like the glory that come from the people, but it is from the spirit of humility, mother, a spirit which will make any man to be born of God, as I was born of you, true God of true God, for you, mother who became heaven and earth for Me, a new heaven and a new earth made of man, as I want to work this Scripture, fulfilled with those who are faithful, as faithful as you were, and to be able to work now on earth the birth of My word through them, which is My iron rod by which I crush the enemies of My coming and build in their place a faithful people on My way of coming, for the word is My way, and I am its way, mother. And I have faithful sons, who keep Me at their bosom with faith and they are helping Me when I am coming as word on earth into My book of today among people, now, oh, My mother.


I have built on earth by Abraham’s faith, I have built a people whose parents were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I called Jacob Israel. Then I worked into the midst of this much-blessed nation a lot of word from heaven by the spirit of prophecy, as I am working My word now into the midst of a faithful people to Me by the teaching from the fathers. All the time I had been announcing My coming and I had always told the people of Israel that I would come, that I would work, that I would glorify Myself and that I would make new heavens and a new earth; I had been preparing and advising this people and I had kept on preparing the thread of My coming; I had kept on speaking and revealing that I would be working into the midst of this people when I came. It is not for something else that I had separated this people Israel from the other nations on earth; oh, it is not because of that, but only because I had to come on earth after five thousand years from the man’s creation and from his fall from God then, for I did not create the man to die, to fall, but I rather created him as My house and I longed to rest in him after that. Oh, how was God supposed to show the face of His love, His Being, made out of love, if He had not created the man to give him His entire love and to make Himself known as God? Then He decided to make the heaven and the earth and all that are, and then man, to set in him and upon him His love and then the man to confess God as his love and as his spring of love. Oh, it is for that that God created His people among the nations of the earth in the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and then their people after them. With much workmanship, I took Abraham from his land and I set him in a new land and I let My voice come upon him and spoke My blessing upon him and upon My seed blessed through him. I had worked step by step then the way of My coming into the midst of the Israel people, and by the word spoken through the prophets I made My coming on earth, My descent in the body of a Virgin to be born of her as the child of the Father and of her and to grow up into the midst of Israel that I called My people, to prove My origin and My divinity into its midst, and all the nations of the earth have known since then and up to this day that Israel was My people and it did not receive Me when I came; and more than that, it rose against Me by those who ruled upon it and they took Me away from them; Israel took Me away of its house, for it wanted to be the master over the earth.


Sons, you need food from above, healthy food. Oh, peace to you! I, the Lord, am the One Who protects you, for I am your Shepherd sent by the Father, as I was sent two thousand years ago to take to the pasture from above the people of Israel, the people of the Lord at that time, but the people that was blessed to belong to the Lord on earth did not know Me, and I went to be in the Father after the rulers of Israel crucified Me like a sinful man, and then, on My second coming, I did no longer go to them but I have come to you, to the Romanian people; I have been sent to you into the midst of this nation, for I am the Messenger of the Father, and the One Who was speaking with the Father and taking counsel together with Him about how to work and in this way We were working.

Oh, I am going to tell the people of Israel more clearly about its lack of knowledge, wisdom and humility and about its great pride, which made it at that time not know the One sent from heaven, the Messiah, when He came to them from heaven, oh, and Israel will feel ashamed when I tell it all these things in a clear language, for it forgot what it did not have to forget then, and even if I helped it know Me two thousand years ago, it still gave Me away from it, and when it embraces Me, it will blush with embarrassment and this people will humble itself, because it did not want to see the Son of God in Me, and the Father in Me, until the time when He withdrew from Me so that I may come closer to the death on the cross and in this way to pay for the man’s salvation, and then to rise again and sit again near My Father, on His right side with a threefold power, and to work over those who are faithful like Abraham and to give them My kingdom, the Lord as King over them and with them, as I work with you, oh, sons.


This day of great feast is remembered in heaven and on earth by all angels, by all saints and by many people, and the people of the prophets have great joy face to face with the feasts of the great fulfillments of the written words of the Scriptures by the spirit of the prophecy, the Spirit of God by the mouth of His prophets, for the great promises were written over the people of Israel, and all those written were wonderfully fulfilled according to the map and at the appointed time for each promise, and My time, Messiah’s time, was to test the faith of the chosen people powerfully, its love for the Lord its God, and its stature, but this people was broken in two at that time and it made two ways, and Israel was tested at that time and fell from faith; however, a remnant, chosen by grace, remained of him, to be the new seed of God’s people, a new nation, the nation of Christ, Messiah, that Who was promised by the Father through the prophets as a great Savior, the Son of God coming on earth by the birth of a Virgin, the Holy One, Who was to renew the world and to raise a people of saints before the Father Sabaoth, a new Israel, after the grace, after the spirit and not after the flesh, as the promise made to Abraham was spoken, a great people, as much as the stars of the heaven, a people of saints, that laid down its life for the faith in Christ, the Messiah, promised by the prophets to be the Savior and the Lord.

I am Who I am. I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth, as I was in the beginning when the heaven and the earth were made. Oh, I am entering now as I did two thousand years ago; I am coming into Jerusalem, and the white horse is My word. I am not asking the Israel people whether I am welcomed to come in to him or not, but I am coming through the walls, which are between Me and him, and I am coming through the closed doors because I am the resurrected Christ, and there is no boundary to stop Me, as they could also not prevent Me from coming out of the tomb from under the great and heavy stone. Oh, all things bow before Me and know My name, the grace and the power from the Father in Me, and behold, I have given to the people of Israel My speaking with him after two thousand years from the day of My entrance in Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, and when it was fulfilled the prophecy, written ahead of time, to come out into the midst of Israel, to the glory and appearance of Messiah, the Son of God, the Father.

Oh, I am coming and I am coming in again to you, Israel, people with a great name among the nations. Oh, peace to you! This is My seal when I enter a house or a citadel.

Oh, sons of Israel, in order that you may receive Me, I give you the greeting for the disciples: Peace to you, peace to you, sons of old! Peace to you in a day of remembering of God’s works into your midst, sons of Israel! Oh, here it is what I am doing on this day of great remembrance! I am taking them here with Me, at My spring of word into the midst of the Romanian people, where I came with My mysterious horse, for this is how My Father Sabaoth has ordained for Me to have now, in the end, a new country of My coming as word on earth, and I am taking them at this table full of word; I am taking those of that time from Israel who chose not to receive Me from the Father among them in the image of Messiah, and who signed the act of My death on the cross; I am taking them, showing them and speaking to them that which they did not want to see and hear when they were on earth in My time, and they were able to believe but they turned their face and ear so that they might not see and not hear Messiah, Who, behold He is speaking now and here His word in the end of the time as it is written to be fulfilled at this time His coming on earth under the name of the Word of God, (Apoc. 19/13), the Lord clothed in a cloud of word speaking to the earth.

I am sitting down with you at the table of word, Israel of that time and now. Here I am, being fulfilled on earth for two thousand years by a people of saints in heaven, but also on earth in this time and to the end, My time with a people of saints, to whom I told by the prophets: «Be holy for I am holy».

Oh, Israel, remember of that time when, one day before My entrance into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey, I was coming from the city of Lazarus and of his sisters, Martha and Mary, and I was going to Jerusalem when a multitude of Jews found out from one another that I called Lazarus, who died four days before, and I said to him: «Lazarus, come forth!». And He came out and stood alive. However first, I asked Martha: «Do you believe that your brother will rise again?». And she answered: «Lord, I have come to believe that You are the Christ, God’s Son, He Who comes into the world». (John. 11/27). Oh, behold faith in Israel on that time, when some believed in Me and others did not believe even if the pigs that spoke with a human voice through the spirit of a devil called Me God’s son, for the devils in the pigs were afraid of Me, asking Me not to torment them ahead of time.

Oh, behold, after the remembrance of the Saturday of Lazarus’ resurrection, the Sun-day of My entrance into Jerusalem follows, and I am sitting with you in the world and coming into the city, Israel people. I want to speak clearly to you about God, about the Son of God, about the Holy Spirit and about My coming to you in this time, about the unbelief of the rulers upon you at that time, and behold, about the holy faith of many in Israel, who, like Me, had died for their great confession, for the One sent by the Father to raise a great people to the Lord on earth and that many nations and languages may flow to His teaching, as it is into the prophets to be fulfilled.

Oh, I am, Israel, open to Me! I am Who I am, as I told Moses up on the mountain to tell you who I am, so that the people of Israel of that time and the people after that time may believe in Me. Oh, I am, but you did not want to know Me and you found it right to be you and you did not want Me to be after that. Oh, you did not take well into consideration then so that you might no longer go wrong. You stayed with the book of the prophets closed by your eyes and mind and went wrong bitterly before God the Father and you put the Son God on the cross, and in order for you to understand that there is is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that is God within three aspects, behold, I am reminding you now, and you are to open the book on your table once with Me and read in it what I am reading to you from it so that you may know that Messiah had to come from heaven, not from the earth, and I descended from heaven and entered the womb of a Virgin to take the image and body of man and to pay by My death on the cross for the redemption of the man fallen from God by his disobedience from the commandment put on him in paradise, and behold, I came down from heaven and proved that I came from near the Father, as He had sent Me, and you have to understand the name and the mystery of messenger, of the messenger from heaven, Israel, stubborn people and which the Lord even today is calling you to the love from above.

And now, behold, seek, because everything is written clearly in the prophets what I had fulfilled on earth since My birth and up to My resurrection, and then it is written about My ascension back to My place near the Father, on His right hand side, because I fulfilled everything He had given Me to work on earth. Moreover, in order for you to know that, and all those on the earth, that it is the Father and the Son, I am reminding you, Israel, that at the creation of the world, on the sixth day God said: «Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness». (Gen. 1/26). And again, the Lord God said: «It is not good that the man should be alone; let Us make for him a help suitable to him». (Gen. 2/18)

Keep your eyes and ears open, Israel, and you, nations from the earth, for the Father and the Son were speaking in the days of creation, and They were speaking after each of the works God had made.

Oh, and then the man went wrong, Adam went wrong by his disobedience and the Lord God said: «Behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. Now, lest he put forth his hand, and also take of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever…» (Gen. 3/22) Oh, Adam had to die because he did not listen in order that he might not die, for I told him in paradise: «In the day that you eat of it you will surely die». (Gen. 2/17) And behold, disobedience is death and that is why man dies; he dies because of disobedience, and the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden and put him to till the ground whence he was taken. And He placed Cherubs with the flame of a sword to turn every way and to guard the way to the tree of life, as it is written. (See Gen. 3/24)

After that people and nations multiplied on earth and minded only their own business, and God was looking upon them and at what they wanted to do and the Lord said: «Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they intend to do. Come let’s go down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech and we scatter them abroad from there on the surface of all the earth, so that they may no longer build the city and the tower. Therefore the name of the city was called Babylon, the tower of Babel, the place where the Lord god confused their languages». (Gen. 11/1-9)

I am telling you all these written from the book to remind you of the Father and of the Son, Who were speaking and working the creation and then all things. And God’s Trinity appeared to Abraham under the oak and spoke to him as today, when, behold, into the midst of the Romanian nation and earth, the Lord has got His river of word (Apoc. 22/1), the word of His mouth to the healing of the nations, as it is written, and the promise made to Abraham calls the nations to salvation, to a holy church, as its foundation was put at its beginning, on My sacrifice on the cross, and the cross has re-mained for Christians the sign of the victory, My embracing with them from generation to generation, and the cross has become the sign of salvation by My sacrifice on it, and woe to those who despise this nation, which I, the crucified One, have left over the church, be-cause My church needs to take after Me and not after the sons of the world, not after those without a cross, who cannot deny themselves in order to come after Me carrying their cross, as I told those who wanted to follow Me.

And God appeared to Abraham, and Abraham spoke with the Lord as with three faces and beings and he said: «My Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please don’t go away from Your servant. Now let a little water be fetched, wash Your feet, and rest Yourselves under the tree. I will get a morsel of bread so You can refresh Your heart. After that You may go Your way, now that You have come to Your servant». (Gen. 18/3-5)

Israel, oh, Israel, I come to you to comfort you so that you may be gentle with God and so that I may soften your heart and wisdom and to ask you to read the Scriptures, son, in such a way that you may find in them the Son of God spoken by the prophets, and Whom you did not receive when the time came for the Father to send Him to you. Oh, it is in vain when you say that you wait for Messiah. I am. Welcome Me, at least welcome Me now, before My dreadful glory, when I will give everyone according to his deed.

I cannot come down with the day of the judgment of all people until I call you out again, people with great promises spoken by the prophets for the Lord to work in you. I cannot force your love and faith to open the book of My Gospel and My witnesses, worthy to be believed, who sacrificed their lives for My testimony, but I ask you, and I ask you with longing and with fatherly sigh, I ask you together with Abraham, with Isaac and with Israel, the fathers from the beginning, I ask you to seek and want to hear Christ in His Gospel left on earth by messengers, and by which many holy people like Him have risen in love, sacrificing their life in order to give it to their Lord, for My Gospel has filled the earth with love, and My love and the love of My disciple of that time is sweet, those chosen from among you for a holy mission on My way with them, when I have come from the Father by the birth of My Virgin mother, and of whom My Father took Me out miraculously at the fullness of time, and her virgin body remained holy, as God also worked as in the beginning, when He took the woman out of man and filled the empty place with flesh, and two thousand years ago, took God of the Virgin mother and closed up the flesh in its place, as by the Virgin sleep, and the Lord put the child near the mother, and she brought him up as His mother, the mother of Christ, Messiah, the One sent by the Father on earth.

Since then many people have come out of your nation, Israel, and they keep on rising now, but I want you to make peace with Me perfectly and to put you on My wounds, for I suffered for you, having My hands and legs nailed on the cross and thorns on My head that pierced My godly forehead, and that pain broke My power, and in My pain I called out to the Father and I told Him: «My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?» (Matt. 28/46) Father came out so that I could pass to death in My flesh like man, but He immediately comforted Me and empowered Me to come out from the heavy stone on the tomb, which sheltered Me, and out of which I had to come out being resurrected so that My resurrection to be spread everywhere, high and low and from margins to margins. However, you, Israel, were the one that was judged, for the judgment changed from Me to you, oh, and it was in vain the lie so badly devised in the hurry of that moment, as though My disciples took Me out of the tomb while your guard was sleeping aside. Well, if they were sleeping were they able to see those who supposedly took Me out from that heavy stone, so hardly rolled over My body’s tomb, which was also borrowed?

Oh, that lie was not very well devised; it did not work and it did not last long, and the shameful news spread all over about the rebellious Israel against Me, and you, Israel’s sons, since then and up to this day, have been staying under this seal of shame. However, I have come as word on earth and I come in to you on a white horse to wipe out your face and to embrace you so that I may have you stand before Me with faith, sons, and that you may be My Orthodox people, for the right faith is only in the Orthodox order, among the names put over so many kinds of people beliefs without a guide from above upon them, and the Orthodox order is that which has been kept as in the beginning, even if those who are baptized by this church are not followers in their deed.

Oh, do not vindicate yourselves, but rather repent deeply, sons, as you know how Israel did whenever he fell into bondage because of his departure from God, and when he called out with repentance, the Lord heard him and saved him; oh, and I would also like to do likewise with you, but if you still keep on vindicating yourselves, you will remain in your sins, sons, but may them bring you to humility to have a hope, oh, sons, for the sinful tax collector cried out with hope and humility and he received mercy.

Oh, man cannot bear his guilt and he does not know what he loses, for he loses God’s image upon his being and takes after the devil, who cannot humiliate himself and always stands stiffly.

Oh, Israel, Israel, open God’s book, Who was speaking once with you and on Whom you rely as your foundation, as the Lord’s people, for behold, even that you do not try to understand, and you interpret it according to your desires, but it teaches you the faith like that of Abraham for God’s mysteries with Him and then with His seed, that after the spirit and that after the flesh, for that after the flesh has embraced the unbelief, but if I had not come down from haven to come then and now, oh, it would have been very hard for all people on earth, and people do not know what God means, and they remain in this ignorance and perish because of their lack of knowledge, poor of them, as those who do not have God in their faith.

Oh, it is written, Israel, that not even with the closed book, not even with it open, did you not want to believe the miracle of My coming to you, and I came and died for you and for your unbelief, son. Behold, I have been calling to you now to heal your heart, to make you again and to work you to be Mine again. When man gets dirty and he becomes filthy with many things, then he washes, or I wash him if he asks Me to wash him inside and outside to make him new again. This is what I did with the earth when it became filthy with the men’s sins, and as I took it out of the waters, and by the flood I brought it back into waters in order to take it out new again, oh, and I am doing this now too, I want to take the man out of the fire to save him from all his sins and make him clean and holy, but behold, I have been calling out all the nations on earth to their salvation, and I have been calling out to you even louder, Israel, for I have a written history into your midst and I have been staying face to face with it and finding you unfaithful to My fulfillments with you and I want to renew you and tell you that you do not wait for Messiah, as you say that you wait for Him, for at My coming of that time I was foretold by many of your people, and I healed and led many to My sweet and healing waters of sin, and then a great people arose, a people of holy martyrs from you and they are Christ’s people and are your ancestors, with whom I have spoken the heavenly things and sat in counsel for your salvation from the sin of unbelief and from the love of silver and of the greed of riches, and the rich are the poorest, for Mammon, that is the money, is not wealth but rather a curse, and it dries the man out of his life, and this is what the money does.

Oh, do not forget Israel, do not forget that Judas, by whom I was sold for thirty pieces of silver, given to him by your rulers of that time, oh, he confessed Me too before he gave Me over to destruction and he said: «I betrayed innocent blood». (Matt. 27/4) And then he threw the money he received before the bishops, and they denied him then, for they only used him and no one felt sorry for Judas; however, it was only I that I felt sorry and I feel sorry, and behold, he who walks alone, not being supervised, that one is worked by satan, and he who is watched over is protected.

Oh, Israel, the devils confessed Me and called Me the Son of God and they were terrified when they met Me, and everything was written down. These confessions, seen while they were fulfilled in plain sight, have to be believed, and you are not exempted from the answer for everything that happened to Me at that time, before My resurrection, and then after that, to the fourteenth day, when I was covered by a cloud and went to stand at the right hand of the Father, promising that from there and from near them I would be with those of Mine to the end of the time, for My mystery with the people is great, well, well Israel, oh, and I long for you and tell you that I miss you and I wait for you to My love, to My church and to its mystery, and I am giving you power today so that you may believe; I am coming towards you for you to hear Me; I have been waiting for you for two thousand years to wipe out your guilt and to embrace you through the church, son Israel.

Oh, on this day of feast I have entered Jerusalem, I have entered Israel and spoken with him My mystery of that time and up to this day, working over the nations on the earth, for I was resurrected from the dead and I proved that I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, Who confessed Me from the clouds in My days of glory into the mist of Israel two thousand years ago.

And as for you, Romanian Israel, people of My grace during these days, take this book and put it on the way to the people of Israel everywhere on earth, for on a day of Palms I have spoken to him after two thousand years from My resurrection to tell him that I, the Christ resurrected from the dead, am Messiah, and I am from that time and up to this day and to the day of the great glory and of My appearance in glory, as it is written. My word is My messenger to the people of Israel in a day of the feast of Palms, for I confessed to him as the Son of the Father, coming down from heaven into the midst of Israel two thousand years ago.

Oh, peace to you, Israel of old! Peace and faith to you in Christ, and if you are not faithful, let My peace come back to Me. However, I will speak to you again and again, for My love for you cannot forget you. Amen.

Oh, peace to you, My watchmen into the way of My word, when it comes on earth and goes where it sends a book! Oh, sons, it is a feast of Palms. Be full of spiritual gifts and rejoice over this feast and give glory to the Lord, for behold, I set you as a witness between Me and you because I have spoken on this day to the people of Israel, My people of old.

We get ready for a feast of resurrection, sons. Soon, the saints and the angels will sing with you, „Christ has risen!”. From heaven and down to earth, from earth up to heaven, there will be heard the song of feast and resurrection and the joy for the resurrected One will inter-twine and the joy from Him will be over all.

There will be a feast of resurrection in heaven and on earth, soon, soon, sons. I, the Lord, let My peace upon you, and I put My hope in you for all My work of today and that of tomorrow with you, for I long and it is dear to Me to set on earth the word and its fulfillments, so that the sweet rest and the reward of the faith may be over those who are good with the Lord, and for whom I am their sweetness and goodness, I, sons, I. Amen, amen, amen.


Behold what came out from the people of Israel, that the enemy of Christ has come out and for two thousand years it has been fighting against Me and it has been completely blind, and it has kept saying that it sees. Oh, now I am also calling out to this nation, into whose midst My crucifixion was done, but after that My resurrection come too, and this people was already judged, as it is written.

Oh, I am calling out to you, Israel, Israel after the flesh; I am calling out and telling you: come to be on Christ’s side, for there is no lie in the Scriptures! Oh, do not let yourself again, do not let yourself to come to an adoption foreign to God, do not let yourself be deceived by the antichrist, for on your land I gave My body and blood on the cross for you then, and also for all the nations who would have been to be called to the salvation through Christ, for out of you came out Christ, the Savior, Who calls all the nations under His love! Oh, do not be unfaithful; do not remain without faith to the last hour! Soon you will see how the Lord is coming with power and much glory (Matt: 24/30; Mark: 13/26; Luke: 21/27) to throw down the work of the antichrist enemy, who want to be great over My church to take its life from My hand and that it may come under his hand. Oh, do not be unfaithful until then! Come to Christ, for Christ is coming; He is coming on the clouds to overcome the antichrist beast and the sins of Babylon, and I will meet the chiefs of the nations and judge them in Megiddo, the place of judgment for the lack of faith on earth, and everything will be fulfilled as they are written in the Scriptures. (Apoc: 16/14, 16)

Oh, people of Israel, do you think that you lose something if you bow to believe in the crucified Christ Who came to life with a great victory? Behold the lie from that time, paid with money to be set against My resurrection through the people of the lie of that time! However, I was truly resurrected, and I stayed forty days on earth and gave grace upon grace over My disciples and over all that were faithful, and now I am on the right side of the Father and I am word over the earth and I have a citadel of coming on the Romanian land, and I am telling you that I am coming with mercy and love as word over the earth and I am calling out to you, for behold, the work of life wants to make its place and to be framed up again and then to be sold as truth onto the market for those who are stiff-necked and without faith that the Lord is coming. Oh, the Lord is coming, He is coming, and even if there is no faith He is still coming! I am Who I am coming, (Apoc: 1/8) and I am putting faith in people and there will be faith.


Oh, how much, how much the people of Israel wanted to be with God in Egypt! They were under a burden, under oppression, and they were sacrificing the power of their body and were working very much, for because they were slaves they were required to work much; however, when the time for their visitation came to be taken out from Egypt and from slavery, they all came out, and there was no one sick in all their seed, oh, there was none; instead all of them were healthy and were working being helped by their health, and this is how anyone can protect his health, by dedicating himself with self-denial, or by breaking his own will, and if someone protects himself then he is no longer healthy, because health is good only if you are useful with it, and otherwise you do not need it; on the contrary, it harms your soul, which remains without great works, without any earnings for it in heaven.

Oh, who can understand this word, this mystery of the carried cross? Salvation came and took all of them out of bondage, out of sufferance; it took out all the sons of Israel, and not even Joseph remained with his bones there, oh, and it will be the same when I will separate My bride in order to give her salvation, for behold, I have always come after her, and I want to prepare a beautiful bride for Me, and this is the work that I have to do on earth today.

Oh, people of Israel, you had forgotten My love at that time for you and you departed from your God with your life then, and when I came from the Father to bring and to give your forgiveness and repentance, oh, only a small remnant of you sided with My coming to you when you did not receive and did not open for Me. My Father had sent Me from heaven to come to you, but you did not receive Me. You thought that I would take your house and your possessions, but I was not of this world to need your things. I had nothing in this world but you alone and I came to you, but you hated Me, you did not love Me as I loved you leaving the heaven to come down to you on earth and to bring you back to the Father, from Whom you had been running away through the breaking of the commandments of life, and you did not receive Me. However, Peter, Paul, James and John, Andrew and Philip and all of the twelve of My disciples from among you received Me, and your history has kept on being written with them, the history of Israel; it has kept on going with Me and with them, and you have fallen for the second time from the arm of Our Father God and He deeply suffered when your coldness crucified Me, especially after I had done so much good to you, at that time of your people, who were sick and all over wounded, from their head to their sole, as it is written in the prophets about the wounds of Israel. However, you were stiff-necked and forgot about what was written about you and about Me, about My painful cross, on which You put Me to stay crucified together with the two robbers, and you did this only to increase your guilt and to see then what you did, and that you may not be able to run away from your deed, of which for two thousand years you have wanted to run away without being ashamed before the nations of the world of your deed, with which you had come to hate God in such a shameful way for you.

Oh, what a great salvation I had prepared for you when I took you out of Egypt and freed you from all your enemies whom I sent to sleep in order to be able to save you and to forgive you from all your guilt, and as a result, you paid for My love for you with My death, oh, and I long for your longing of Me. I miss so much that you may feel hurt and sorry for what you did to Me, oh, for you cannot say that you did not know Me, that you did not know that I was God’s Son and that Father had sent Me after you, and even if you knew that I was the heir, you were filled with more wickedness and protected your wealth and rank, which I did not need. All I wanted was to bring your forgiveness, to reconcile you with the Father through the Son, and this was only because I had come, and after that I ascended into the heaven and I left My disciples to go all over the world and share Christ from one to another promising that I would be with them to the end of the time and that I would be with those who would receive Me to be their Savior and to lead them to green pastures.
