Sons, sons, humble, unite, love and consecrate yourself and do not stay indifferent, for the Lord has prepared the boat of Elijah, of Enoch, of Noah and John and of all on the earth who were lifted up to heaven. You do not know how you get there; in the body or in the spirit. But I say to you: be prepared with everything.
… My little children learn the parable of Moses, for he was slow in speech and I made him speak the way he had to speak and for how long he had to speak. This was his measure for his voice. I sent him and gave him courage to go to Pharaoh to tell him My commandments. I did with Moses a great work, extremely great. It is written and is read at the judgment.
the old Simeon made God angry when he did not believe the prophecy, which wrote about the Holy Spirit and about the Virgin, who was to give birth to Immanuel and still was to remain Virgin; however, he wanted to wipe this prophecy out, but My angel added it into the book again, and again he hardened his heart and erased these words from the page of the book, but the words were unfolding again into their place in the book, and then I became angry and I declared upon him: «You shall not die until this Virgin is born, so that you may see her then, and also to see the Lord that will come out of her». And the old Simeon lived four more times over the life of a man and was no longer dying. But it came after three hundred years the time of the Virgin who was born and grew up and she gave birth to the Lord, Jesus Christ; and Simeon saw the fulfillment of the prophecy that he could not believe, and then, burdened by time, was forgiven by God.
as the day is coming so that the world may see that you have My way under your steps. You do not have to see it. The unfaithful one has to see it! Elisha, the prophet, did not see with his eyes the heavenly host, ready for battle for him and for his escape, but Gehazi saw the chariots and the heavenly host; the disciple looked towards the Lord at Elisha’s request and believed into the word of Elisha’s faith.
Zacharias, who was a great servant of the temple, a great fulfiller of the Lord’s laws, and faithful in those prophesied by the prophets, believed and asked for the fulfillment of this Scripture and he worked as a faithful man, to give place to the Lord’s fulfillment on the earth, as the Scriptures promised; moreover, this minister of the faith worked in secret and with courage of great faith, and I fulfilled through him all the preparation of the coming down of the Son of God among the people.
When I had to lift up Jerusalem again, which was ruined because of its sins, I heard a calling from the earth, to come and save Israel oppressed by the reward of its iniquities. I heard Daniel, who reminded Me of My promises for Israel, confessing before Me the sins of his people, and humiliating himself for Israel, and I came down to him and declared: «Seventy weeks are decreed on Jerusalem until the lawlessness will overcome its limitations, until the Holy One of the Saints comes to suffer for the man, and He will thrown the city down and it will be hard until the end. But I will come in the end and I will make a covenant with many in one week, and many of those, who sleep in the dust of the earth, will rise and the wise people will give light». And Daniel was praying, saying: «Master, when?». But I answered him: «Daniel, all these words are sealed until the end, and in the end many will be cleansed, whitened and cleared, and no one among those without law will understand My words, but only the wise people will understand, for the wise people keep aside from the way of the lawlessness and they stay only with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor of the wise people. And you, Daniel, you will get up and you will receive your inheritance in the time of the end. Amen».
It is written: «The man cannot see God’s face, and still stay alive». The man has to die within himself after he sees and perceives God’s face, and after that, the Lord must come to life in him, as Moses did, sons, for when he asked to see Me, I told him that he would no longer stay alive after seeing Me. And it was so, for after he saw and heard Me, he died, and I rose in him and I shone in him, and when he went down from Me to Israel, no one was able to look at his face, and Moses had to put a veil, lest the sons of Israel might be afraid of the light of My face into the new man.
o one can say in truth that the prophets had been only until John came. It is not true this meaning that was misinterpreted by those who have been throwing with stones in the spirit of prophesying, without which the church cannot be church. Then how comes that My first church and the one in the time of the apostles had prophets? How? Let those, who say that there have been no longer been prophets since the time of John, the Baptizer, answer Me. Oh, if there have been no longer prophets, it means that there has been no longer a church either, and the Apostle Paul wrote in vain through his Scriptures to the church exhorting it to desire the gift of prophesying. The spirit of prophecy is the Spirit of God and any prophecy, which comes true, must be believed. Amen.
And I also tell you: the life is in Me and the life is the light of the people, and this is what you are to be in the midst of the people, for the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. However, you should have life in you, for the life is the light of the people and this is what it gives light in the darkness and which the darkness cannot overcome it. Be very careful to My teaching upon you, for My word carries life in Him, My people. Amen. I gave light into the world with My life that I lived and I proved into the midst of the people, and My life has had power in it, which surpassed the vision and the understanding of the man without life and without any light in him. My life, filled with the Father, with His teaching and with obedience to Him, that was the power and the light of the people, for the life is the light in the darkness and this is how Moses could become light and guide and greater than any man that was without God in him into the midst of Israel. What was Israel supposed to do if I did not have the faithful Moses into the Israel’s midst and by whom I led the people through the miracles done by Moses? For I was speaking to him and he was raising his hand and it happened as I was telling him to work, the same as I was receiving the work that was to be done from My Father. I had protected Moses before his coming into existence and I brought him in front of Israel and I made him My vessel and I dwelt in him with My Spirit, and Moses was My Spirit, and where My Spirit is, there life is as well.
There has been no man on earth more despised than the prophet, a man more despised then God, the Son of Man, Who works with His Spirit among the prophets. There has been no man on earth and in heaven more crushed than God in Himself and in all His prophets, from everlasting to everlasting. If the people on earth had listened to the prophets and had followed in their life My word delivered by the prophets and that I Myself spoke in the time of My visible body on earth, the happiness would have been with the man. But behold, I speak today too, and I Myself come from the Father and I speak and the man does not want to put his happiness on him, the love for God, by which the man has all the peace, all the happiness and all the joy, which makes the man like Me. However, the man wants nothing from Me but his good, and when My longing is no longer in agreement with his desires, with his pleasures, with his joys, then the man throws Me away, dishonors Me for his name, and then My name, the God’s name is despised through him.
When I spoke to Moses to go up on the Mount Sinai, My glory came down on the mountain and covered Moses, and I called him out from the midst of the cloud of My glory and then I covered Him within the cloud and I spoke to him everything that I had to tell him for the sons of Israel, and the image of My glory on the top of the mountain was a consuming fire in the eyes of the sons of Israel. When Moses asked Me to show him My glory, I told him this: «I will make all My goodness pass before you. You cannot see My face, for man may not see Me and live. You shall stand on the rock and while My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft on the rock, and will cover you with My hand until I have passed by, and then I will take away My hand, and you will see My back; but My face shall not be seen».
When I told Elijah: «Go out of the cave and stand on the mountain before the face of the Lord. Behold, the Lord passes by and before the Lord will be a great wind, which will break and tear the mountains and the rocks, will come, and then, after the wind, there will be an earth-quake, and after the earthquake a fire, and after the fire a breeze and the Lord will be in it». This is how I showed My glory to Elijah. When My voice speaks upon you from the breeze, My glory with you is invisible and I cover you with the cloud of My invisible glory, that I may be able to speak and that I may write My word on earth by your little hands and to tell My people and the man on earth everything I have to speak. And the image of My glory is still unseen in the eyes of those on earth, for I am still merciful.
I had been speaking with Moses and I had been speaking between Me and him, between him and Me for more than forty years on earth, and I raised him to crush My people who was guilty of the murder of his son, (Joseph, son of Jacob, r.n.) who did not die but came to life instead and I put the world of Egypt under his dominion; and after I had protected the nation of his parents in the land of Egypt against hunger on their land, I wanted to make him free from the bondage of the strangers and to give him back the country of his parents. Then I raised Moses and I spoke with him and he with Me, as it was My speaking between Me and Adam in Paradise. And because I raised him, Moses had fasted for forty days and forty nights, in order that I might seek through him, to bring the man back into incorruptibility, and to take him up into Paradise. And I took him up, for Moses remained in his body alive and he did no longer die and his body was not spoiled, and I walked with him within those that were not seen, and I walked with Elijah within those that were not seen, and I have walked with those who have remained in a incorruptible body between hearth and heaven.
I redeemed Moses, the man of God, because He lived in Me as long as he stayed visibly on earth after I had spoken with him from the burning bush, from the cloud and then in the sky, after I had spoken to him and after I had put him on the sea to take Israel out of tears and bondage, out of his selling to the Egyptians, for he sold his brother, as then he was also sold Me later on; however, now, I try again to release him again from the world, because I took over the human body and I was true man and true God, coming out of the nation of Israel with the body received from the Virgin, as it was written ahead of time in the Scriptures of creation, and then into the prophets: and Israel sold Me to death, and then I died, and then I was raised to life and I appeared to Israel as a true God out of true God, and he has been wandering away for two thousand years and he has no longer been coming back to the God of his parents yet, because he has fallen to the damnation of the money, because he sold his Redeemer on money, Who was sent by the Father on earth to them.
I sent Moses in Egypt to save Israel from the bondage of corruptibility. When Moses was forty years I made him the redeemer of My people, his people, but his people did not receive him in their heart and he did great miracles and with a strong arm he took Israel out of Egypt, and I wanted to establish Israel again in incorruptibility and I sent to it food from heaven and I made its garment and shoes imperishable, but Israel did not want to clothe within life without death. However, Moses wanted this and I made him the redeemer of Israel after four hundred years of its dwelling in Egypt, and I gave onto Israel laws through the angels. And if Israel did not want to take on incorruptibility, I stopped Moses for Me to have him as Mine, and I gave to the Israel’s sons, who were born on the way of forty years through the wilderness to Canaan, the land of their parents, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Since then, I, the Lord, I have been struggling for the man, for if Moses prophesied to the sons of Israel that God would raise from among his brothers a Prophet like him, so that Israel might listen to Him, I came from heaven and I clothed Myself in a body born of a Virgin so that Israel might receive Me as his God, sent by Father to him.
Oh, it is very hard to take the man again into Paradise, because the man does not receive Me, as Israel did not receive Me two thousand years ago either.
I spoke in the time of My body that was seen among the people and I said that faith does not belong to everyone. There has been nestled on earth the heresy that the people who make a building for a church and go into it, they also are people of faith, but I, the Lord, tell them that it is not so. Faith does not belong to everyone. It is the gift of the saints who have proved out the works of their faith and who have fled from the joys and pleasures as Moses fled from the debauchery in Egypt and from the deceit, which came from the sinful and fleeting sweetness, and he rather chose to share ill treatment together with the people of the Lord, looking straight to the reward after it.
Oh, My people, if Moses did not have the gift of faith, he could not remain faithful like the man who saw the One Who was invisible, and he could not split the sea in two, he could not appear as god over his people. Behold, faith does not belong to everybody. Israel could not left Egypt, because he did not have any faith, but he came out of it by Moses’ faith, and behold, faith does not belong to everyone, but only to those who do the works of faith, and those who do not do its works, those are the ones who have no faith in the things that are and are not seen, for the Holy Spirit has been carried only by the saints, because He dwells in the humble spirit of the saints, and He does not dwell otherwise in man, and the man cannot work the Holy Spirit if he does not have a humble and a holy spirit.
I am a great God and I sit on the cherubim. Clouds and haze are around Me. Righteousness and justice are the strong foundations of the throne of My glory. A fire goes before Me and burns up My adversaries on every side, and My lightning lights up crosses and lights up the world and the earth sees and trembles before the face of the Master of the earth. Amen. My glory is like fire, and I let Myself be seen with it by the faithful disciple of My prophet Elijah. I became a chariot of fire and with My glory I covered his teacher and I took him up into those that are not seen; I took him within the chariot of fire of My glory, for a fire comes out of Me and goes before Me and it cleanses My going from all My enemies in the sky and on earth and from the deep then when the lightning of My glory crosses the sky and lights the world, and the earth trembles before My face, for I am the Master of everything on it. Amen.
The fire of My glory is not the fire which burns like the fire on earth, and which is consumed while burning. My glory is a fire which illuminates and gives wisdom and brings the world and its kings into submission, for «God is a consuming fire», as it is written. For two thousand years, the fire of My glory has become the grace of Holy Spirit over the faithful man who has been following Me, who has been living in Me and I am happy with the man I live in and from whom I shine with My glory and with the word of the glory of My word, for the Word became flesh and dwelt in those who saw My greatness as that of the One born of the Father, full of grace and truth. Amen. Oh, for two thousand years I have become grace and truth in the one who I have been dwelling in and glorifying Myself among the people to make My saints on earth by the work of My glory upon the man. The fire of My glory is not consumed, but rather it is glorified before the man by the work of the grace, as in the days of Moses the burning bush, which I was hiding with My voice in, was not consuming because of the fire in it when I was speaking to Moses, and the word of My mouth was written by fire on the stone, to remain on earth as the commandment of life and full of grace. Amen.
John, My baptizer, had Me in him, for he was born a man on earth by God’s promise brought by Gabriel, the archangel, as he also brought it to My mother the Virgin, for My birth of promise. By the working gift of the prophecy, John wanted to separate king Herod from his sinful love, for Herod was king over Israel, but the king did not want to separate himself from his seductive love and he ordered that John might be killed.
However, you people of My word in this time, you should pray earnestly before God, and you should pray painfully and faithfully, for the true prayer asks for God and not for man, and it is the work from pain and faith and from much earnest prayer, and it is that which makes the man to be loved by God, as it also made the prophet Daniel, a dear and beloved man, a man who amazed the kings with the work of the Spirit of God that was upon him, and Who made a dwelling place in him by his endless love. His life and heart were a sea a love, a sea without shores, and they comprised within the heaven and the earth, for this is how the man made by God is, whose spirit is a dwelling place of the Spirit of God, the Spirit Who came down over My disciples in Jerusalem, two thousand years ago, the Spirit Who confesses God before the people. Amen.
There is a feast of saints, and I have with Me My prophet Elijah, and he has got the zeal for My coming with the saints on earth after two thousand years after My glorified appearance from the Father, perfect Man and God among people, calling them with longing to the glory of My life, which I wanted and want to give to the man as his life and salvation from the corruptibility to which he has been drawn for seven thousand years. The Holy Spirit is My mouth and I have put Him in the mouth of My prophets all the time, and I called the man from death to life, because I have had no other work except the making of the man in My image and after My likeness, after I made Adam in the beginning, and after he pulled back from Me and left Me without any comfort and he left Me sighing after the man; he left Me working hard at the making of the man who comes out of the man to have somewhere to bow My head, to have a man, in whom I may find My rest, My day of rest, which I have asked the man not to forget about and to remember it and to honor it, to remember himself and to honor his life from Me in him, for the Lord to able to have rest and a day of rest, for the Lord to be able to have a house in man, because I made the man for My rest in him.
Oh, My people, My Spirit full of longing after the man, I have always put My word into the mouth of My prophets, and My Spirit has cried in their mouth and in their speaking, and their joy has been like that of Mine, because the man has not listened to My prophets, he has not pulled back from him to give himself back to Me and to comfort My wound and its pain from the man’s departure from Me. I have been crying all the time and sighing with longing after the man, and My prophets gave Me speech on the earth to bring the man together in Me and to clarify to him the law of the heavenly love, the calling of the heaven, which sighing, it calls the man to the obedience from where he fell, to the repentance for his sin, to his rest and Mine, to the victory against the spirit opposing to God and to the man, for the man made by God is the beautiful man, just as I made the man, but his opposition gave life in him to the spirit opposing to God.
Oh, My people, I have been speaking for fifty years now, in the end of the time, and I have been longing to make My disciples of the same work with Me, but those on whom I have been sowing the word of life have been seeking life for them from Me, not for Me in them, and I have not been able to make them My disciples, because My disciple has nothing of his own things, and he does not give himself but to God alone, so that he may give God to the people afterwards, as John, My baptizer did, when he came out and became My path to the people, testifying about the light, about the repentance, for this is what the light does in man, when it is able to enter him and to renew the man by the spirit of repentance. And behold, in all My work thorough the prophet John, the Baptizer, the more it was overcoming for My mystery among people, the more it was overcome by the spirit of the debauchery of the man’s body and soul, for the man does not understand that he does not need to give his soul to debauchery, neither his body, because the licentious love is that which does not take after God but after man, and when it is touched by man from the sides, the man is ready to kill, losing first his mind, as it happened with the king Herod, who by a licentious love forgot about God and sold himself without waiting for the oath and who had then to put the prophet John to death. Only the spirit of the licentious love has killed the prophets in all the times, and this spirit says that it sees well. It is right; it sees well, but it sees to kill well God and His prophets, as it was in the time of John, when after his very long time of imprisonment from where he was teaching his disciples the way to Christ, was martyred in the day of the banquet of Herod’s birthday, who being intoxicated with drinking and eating, confounded in his mind, agreed with John’s beheading, a death of a prophet, conspired by a woman intoxicated with the spirit of debauchery, a spirit which kills God’s prophets, and this is how John was killed in the martyrdom city of Sevasta, (Sebaste) after he did the work of Christ’s disciple, light from the Light, condemning the sin on the earth and the darkness in which the sin makes its couch.
Oh, My people, John the Baptizer is great, because he lived on earth like the birds of the sky and like the lilies of the field, not taking care of himself but only of God in his body and in the people, for he was born for God and confessed for Him, and for Him he was martyred in the day of memorial of the birth of the king Herod, the son of his father who killed fourteen thousand infants only to lose Me, the One born in Bethlehem as a baby by the order of My Father.
Woe to the haughty one, the one who cannot receive the ray of the light, which comes to him by the angel! Woe to the one who runs away from angels, not having got a saving and receiving mind through the angels, and who does not know how to be small before the Lord! The prophet Samuel was made by God, first a prophet by the angels’ ministry, who were speaking to him from the Lord, and only after that he became a priest, and My angels were whispering to him, revealing to him the things of God. He told Saul: «When you were little in your own sight, weren’t you made the head of the tribes of Israel?»
Oh, My people, a great man is not the one who is great by his own words and by his own name, it is not that one who is great, but great is the one who has My Spirit within him, just as Samuel had, who received My Spirit in him, the spirit of revelation, by which he was judging the disorder in Israel, for this work has to work out the spirit of the revelation in the one who has got it from God. By the angels’ intercession, I was revealing to the prophet Daniel, those things that he did not know about, and I worked with him so wonderfully, until the king Nebuchadnezzar exalted him before his people. This was how I worked with Joseph who was sold and I exalted him over the entire Egypt by his patience, humility, wisdom, by his good conduct, and by My light within him.
Oh, My people, I am at your table with My forerunner, John. He was My disciple, and the gift of the prophecy, which dwelt in him from God, had as its work the testimony about Me, the Lamb of God. He has given Me his disciples, and then he went to the Father before Me and confessed Me before the saints of the heavens, and then he also confessed Me to those in hell, for the gift of the one who confesses God is so great, and those in hell, who waited and wait for their resurrection, leaped within the spirit and were relieved of their pain at the hearing of My name and of My work, which I work for the man’s resurrection, My people, because as Moses was God’s messenger to be enabled to take Israel out of bondage and to give it the land of promise, in the same way I was the Father’s messenger on the earth and in hell too, to take the man out from the darkness to the light, from death to light, and I was the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I was His disciple. Amen.
The man, who thinks that he is capable for himself, always, always overturns God; not considering God, for the man is capable to do it himself. Oh, this happened with Adam, and behold, this it happens always to Me with every man who can do it by himself, but I become word in order to teach the man, and if he does not take, I cannot guide him to his eternity from Me, I cannot, because he is body and he does not like to live in the spirit, even if his tongue says that he likes it. Aaron with Miriam did the same, and I could not lead them by Moses, for they were always, always striking in My power from Moses, and they could not pass from body into spirit, if they wanted to do it by themselves. I made Moses into a god for Israel, but even then I could not have a bunch of gods so that I might be the Lord in their council, and so that I might be able to work for Israel’s life; and because I could not do it, Israel got lost in himself and could do by its will itself, for My will had no room in its will. Woe to Me in the midst of those with a man’s mind! However, I become watching word for man and I try to turn the man back to Me and that I may come with him and the man may believe in Me that I come to him, and to receive Me, when I come. Amen.
Oh, the reward of those who stand against their own good by their rebellion and by their haughtiness is ugly, sons! What use were the sons of Core if they murmured and stood against Moses, by stoning him? I took Moses and took him out of his house and I made him a prophet and savior for Israel, who were enslaved in Egypt, and then the people crushed Moses and did no longer believe in him and in My words through him, and only Joshua believed My word. When Israel did no longer want Moses as its guide, it blamed him because of his Ethiopian woman, from where I called him and made him My prophet for Israel’s salvation, but behold, the rebellious ones do nothing better than what Israel did, who fell into the deep by the sin of rebellion, sons.
Oh, cleanse your hearts, you, those who rebel like Israel, for Elijah, My prophet, stood at the woman in Sarepta more than three years, as I had sent him to stay there, and he did not go there by himself, and then he also prophesied and worked out powers, and he even raised Jonah from the dead and made from the widow’s resurrected son into My prophet, and the Elijah’s disciples did no longer say that he was immoral.
King David did not get upset when the spirit of prophecy came to him to heal the Lord from the wound from His anointed one, and then the Lord had mercy on him when he had mercy on the Lord with the repentance of his heart before the one who spoke to him about his sin as sin, and David has remained a judge for those who do not repent and an example of repentance for every common man and for the kings over the people.
I am Who I am. My name is the Word of God. (Apoc. 19:13) When Elijah, My prophet went up into heaven in a chariot of fire, I, the Lord, gave him word to establish kings and to set Elisha into his place, as his following prophet, and Elijah went to him and found him working with his plough, and Elisha left his work and followed Elijah, who spoke then to him: «Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you», and he answered: «Please let a double portion of your spirit be on me». And Elijah said: «…nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so to you; but if not, it shall not be so». (2 Kings 2:9, 10) Moreover, as they still went on, and talked, there appeared a chariot of fire and horse of fire, which parted them both apart, and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. Then Elijah took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and they divided here and there and Elisha went over through the midst, and then the disciples of the prophets said: «The spirit of Elijah does rest on Elisha». (2 Kings 2:15)
Oh, sons, My enemies were and are the people in My household, not the foreigners, sons: they are those near My work, not the strangers. This is how I was also regarded by the unbelievers, who set their faith in My works according to their mind and not according to My Spirit Who works in the prophets. I could not work in My homeland, for the man’s enemies are those in his household, as it is written. Elijah, My prophet, was helped by those who were strangers for him. When mourning threw him down because of Israel’s departure from God, he delivered a prophetic word for the rain not to fall on the earth, and there was great famine in Israel. However, I told him: «Arise, get you to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow there to sustain you». (1 Kings 17:9) And he went because of My sending and spoke to the woman: «The jar of meal shall not empty, neither shall the jar of oil, until the day that the Lord sends rain on the earth». (1 Kings 17:14) And if her child fell sick and died, she spoke to Elijah: «You have come to me to bring my sin to memory, and to kill my son?» However, seeing this, he spoke the word and said: «Lord my God, please let this child’s soul come into him again». And then the woman said: «Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth». (1 Kings 18-24)
When the spirit of prophecy does not have any room on earth, when man makes out of his mind his guidance and to all those on the earth, then the Spirit of God is kept in prison in such a way that it may not blow upon man and to wake up men to watch, but not matter how much God’s Spirit is put to silence, the man is not able to prevent Him from his breathing over the earth. No matter how hard it is, the Spirit of the Lord makes His room in the prophets and enters and opens the ear of the stiff-necked due to their human haughtiness against godly greatness, which rules the world, for the making from God has the Lord as its Master and it acknowl-edges his Maser and serves Him. Amen.
My prophet Daniel was despised by those who worshipped the kingdom of the world; however, his steadfastness with Me did not go weak even for a moment in his little heart, but with so much room in it for My place in it, and for this he was praised on earth and then among My saints.
Oh, sons I want to teach you beautifully on this day; I and My disciple that I love so much because of his love for Me and for his faith and perseverance before Me. The work of My graces started to dwell in him even from his childhood, and I was the wonderful One in him, great God and a spring of heavenly grace over the faithful and over the unfaithful and also over the kings of the world. He has got great prayer before Me, for he knew My will and My expectation and reminded Me from the Scriptures about the work of My kingdom and My works on earth, and I promised him a great inheritance after his going to rest, since then and to My today’s coming, by which I have prepared a faithful people for Me and with which I will fulfill to give a reward to the saints and prophets of that time, as it is written in the Scriptures about its coming and about My coming with the saints to this table, the table of the giving of reward for the work of the holy grace to My workers. Amen.
In this day, I have some work to do with the saints, upon you, My people. The host of the prophets has come down with Me at My table with you, at their inheritance of today, and I have Daniel among those who are celebrated by them, a man pleased with God, as I called him in the Scriptures. I give you My teaching sweetly and greatly, and the saints work upon you the same, and you seek to be the fruit of the teaching from heaven, so that the Lord may not speak in vain on the earth. Learn, son, from Me and from the saints, for I have humbled Myself very much in these days of the end of the time and I have longed very much to have a holy and faithful people with power for Me and for the saints, for the saints, son, have waited for a long time for My last people. Amen, amen, amen.
– Oh, good Lord, I have waited with consuming fire in my little heart for Your coming and for Your kingdom on earth with the people in the time of My body. You were coming down on me and comforting My prayer for Your people of that time and You were alleviating the burning of my heart, for the longing after You was consuming me. You have put the gift of wisdom and prophecy into my spirit and with it I served the kings of the earth, for it was for my wisdom from You that they set me to rule over their people, but only to You I dedicated my life and my wisdom. Oh, You should have such a people in this time, for great are the fulfillments, which have to come out now, but Your people should also be according to their measure.
Oh, people so much supported from heaven for your faith in the Lord’s coming and for its entire fulfillment on earth! The kings of the nations and their people submitted me to their vain glory so that I might no longer worship the Lord, but to worship the man instead, but I remained faithful only to God, and my little heart was only in heaven, and I asked the Lord to bring the heaven down on earth and the fulfillment of His kingdom, as His promise was. Even from that time the Lord showed me the Scriptures from yesterday and today, His coming and the resurrection of the dead, and the quenching of the faith for these Scriptures, which will come out suddenly, and the Lord showed me how the wise people will shine in the last days, and I prophesied from the Lord, that these, who will exhort many people to walk in the ways of justice, will shine like the celestial vault and will be like the stars forever and ever. This is the destiny which the Lord has ordained for you, people of today, and that is why He is coming with such a great river of word to you, as it is written that: «The river of the Lord has been filled with water; You have prepared food for them, for this is Your speaking». Oh, the Lord struggles to exalt to great faith and to great resurrection, the Romanian country, which I saw in the spirit, for it was meant to be the country of brightness in the end, (See Dan. 8: 9,17,19; 11: 16,41) because of the Lord’s river, which flows from Him over it, and you are the new seed sowed by the Lord to growth and fruit bearing in the soil of the Romanian land, and do not forget the wisdom from above, so that you may perceive it and to be able to turn it into deed into the midst of this nation, for we, the Lord’s prophets, saw it from afar and we saw today’s country of the Lord shining. However, you, people of today, have to understand deeply and with great faith the Lord’s work in your days on the hearth of the Romanian people, for this nation has its election for the Lord’s coming to it, and here it is how the Lord is coming and becoming word over this nation to call from its midst to His happiness the nations of the earth that have heard the Lord’s glory in you! Oh, open my book with the Lord and read in it with prayer to the Son of the Father so that He may give you understanding from the Father and to know to bring this nation to holiness by your prayer, by your sacrifice and by your love, for the Lord will work to be like that. Amen. I exhort you to be humble and full of burning after the Lord’s glory, as I was, but seek with great prayer to the Lord, so that He may fulfill. Amen.
Oh, be afraid of your falling from grace! Be afraid of ignorance and of lack of your sacrifice for the Lord’s victory! Keep and fulfill all the Lord’s orders! He has taught you everything with great abundance of grace and word and you know everything. Seek to kindle your longing after all the great fulfillments, the eternal ones, as I also longed for them. Stir this longing to one another, as we do, for I had disciples faithful to the Lord, friends loving of God like me, and we were eating clean food, of clean seed, and the Lord gave us great wisdom over all the wise people of that time, and I, Daniel, took from Him the gift of the knowledge of the visions and dreams, and with great grace I stood before the kings, in the name of the Lord, and I had beautiful humility, and because of this the kings loved us, they loved me and my friends, and the Lord saved us from the hand of those who wanted to kill us because we were worshiping only Him. Oh, this is how you are to worship too and you should not be afraid of man, for man is weak and does not know to grow up, neither to grow less, for on one hand, the man has to grow, and on the other hand, he has to grow less for the great work of the Lord, and here the depth of spirit is needed for the man to perceive this mystery. Oh, stand up to fulfill with the Lord beside you the last Scriptures, for we, the Lord’s prophets, waited with great longing for the Lord to be victorious in time and for His kingdom on a holy land. Amen, amen, amen.
there will no longer be comfort for man on earth and man will face the sufferance which he does not expect, because the father of lie, the devil, will no longer have power to give his lying comfort to the man, and I am speaking now over every faithful soul to receive power from the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Who was glorified and will be glorified on earth through the prophets and by His speech announced by the prophets, for all the prophets had spoken about the time of yesterday and about the time of today, and they had spoken by the Holy Spirit. I, the Lord, have always relied on man to be able to speak on earth, for I made the man to be My dwelling and then My help, so that man may be able to help man and thus the man may not be without God on earth, because it is hard without the Lord on earth for man, oh, it is very hard and the poor man does not know where this difficulty comes from; where does pain and sadness come from, his weakness and unbelief, his wandering away and then his punishment through these.
I come on the earth to guide the man and to help him to live from Me, not from him, for there was once on earth John, the Baptizer, who baptized Me and he lived from Me and did not die by his living deprived of earthly work, but he lived through Me and by his love of God, which became life and word from God in him and upon him, and John was a prophet. He learned from Me how to know God, and the Spirit of the Father revealed everything to him and the Father worked upon him and he knew how to have mercy on the people. John, cleaned the people from their sins and gave them to God, putting in them the spirit of repentance for their sins, which had separated them from God, and he rebuked or scolded those who did not repent, for John was full of God’s grace and had mercy on the people and preached to them that the kingdom of God had come for those who wanted to have it in them against the wrath that came from God on the earth for the sons of disobedience to God.
You should receive great teaching, as I, the Lord, never made use of the rulers of My time with man to seed My faithful people from time to time on earth, but I rather used My unfathomable mysteries and I gave faith to man for them, and this is how I stepped in time for all that were prophesied to be, and they were after that, for Moses prophesied about Me, and David and all the prophets did the same, those to whom I gave the gift of the faith in My mysteries, unfathomable by the narrow-minded man, and I have not given them to be known, but I have rather kept them between Me and the faithful and wise ones in their mind, and this is how I fulfilled Myself by Abraham’s word and Moses and David’s and that of the prophets, for I am Who I am and I have not asked the great man in his rank for permission when I fulfilled Myself with My works on the earth.
The baptism in faith is great, sons, and woe to the one who loses it or sells this garment of baptism! Look at David, who by faith saw from far away, he foresaw the time and he foresaw Me a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek, through whom the Father worked, and David said: «The Lord said to My Lord: You are the priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek!». Oh, and My people of today was foreseen in time by the prophets, but the prophecy is only for those who are faithful, and only through them God can fulfill on the earth with His kingdom among people, working it and its mysteries in them, which have been fulfilled, just as those mysteriously prophesied by the Father through the prophets were fulfilled with Me. This is how I have made My work of today and its people and I have witnesses in heaven from among it, and I also have on earth, and I have because I am a Teacher with great power of word and I elect those who are faithful to the end, which will also be through them, and I cannot do anything with those who are not faithful, for they backslide in the time of trial to their shame.
It is a feast for John, My godfather of baptism, My feast and his, one after the other, as the saints have known from My Spirit to set this order for the feast of My baptism to Jordan. Oh, how shall I not have John, My baptizer, at My table with you within a feast of Epiphany, who had suffered for My name persecution from the middle of the world even from his childhood, and then he also suffered martyrdom for the preaching of My Gospel upon those who believed and upon those who did not believe that I was Messiah, God’s Lamb, on earth? Oh, My people, there is no greater work for man like that to appear into the midst of the people as word and life according to My Gospel full of the resurrection for man, and then I said: «Blessed is he who endures to the end, and blessed is he who does not stumble against Me, and again, blessed is he who does not stumble when it comes to believe from Me by My messengers to the people». Amen.
My baptizer suffered death from those who were proud in their spirit and who covered themselves with unbelief to protect their pride and the work which they pleased, as death gets ready with many ornaments and becomes beautiful and charming at the first sight and state in such a way that the man may never forget, in such a way that man may not manage without it, and it enchants the man in every way possible so that the man may do its will, and man dies with the death into his arms, with that which destroys him. This is what happened to king Herod from his relative after the flesh, who worked over him only weakness, only death, only shameful passion, but the prophet John, because of his mercy for Israel, told Herod that he worked lawlessness, and that he was not allowed to violate and that he became an example for the falling of Israel. Oh, but death is a well-dressed woman with charming ornaments and it became death for Herod and for God’s prophet, and the mother was found guilty until death because of her daughter, who got up to dance, seducing the king’s look and laying a snare for him to swear for the death of the prophet John, and, again, the daughter was found guilty until death for her mother, who asked then the death of the prophet John.
The Holy Spirit has spoken through the prophets and the prophets have not seen God, but they have only heard Him. They have heard the invisible One, the One surrounded by angelic hosts, for the angels are bodiless and they are a curtain between man and God and they cover the Lord, and the little angels are not seen as well for they are bodiless, but still they do a wonderful work between heaven and earth, between man and God.
I, the Lord, am coming down into My book of today with the day of remembrance of My prophet Elijah, with whom I spoke in a breeze, and he spoke with Me either, and We spoke to each other closely about My pain and his, the pain caused by the unbelief and the wandering away of the people of that time, as I am also crying with My saints today because of the people on earth, who separated and keep separating from God, making their own paradises from place to place and gathering in them their happiness so that I may no longer be the man’s happiness, so that God may not be on earth with the people. However, I have always been on earth through My prophets all the time and through them I have been fighting against the unbelief in God of the people, who intoxicate their minds with their works without God, and I have appeared greatly by the word and by its fulfillment, so that the people may know from generation to generation that God is and that the Lord is great face to face with those who are unfaithful, and who have no humility for their life lived on earth and who have no hope in another life, but only as they make their thought and as it is not from God to be with man on earth and then beyond his body.
Oh, do not be proud by the nothingness of your mind that God is not, that He is not this word! It is God, and if it is, He answers to the one who speaks with Him and He answers to His saints, and His saints are those who believe in Him with power and are those who believe in Him when He comes with His works on earth. Oh, it is God and He answers the man, as He answered to Elijah, the prophet, when this one prayed so that it might not rain for three years and a half, and then he prayed again for the rain to come down, and he prayed with fire and fire came down from heaven on his sacrifice at his prayer and God answered with fire and the wood, the stones and the water were all consumed by fire, as a sign that God was and that He was with those who burn for Him and that, at their prayer, He could make the fire come down from heaven over those who were not faithful, as the zeal of the prophet Elijah spoke the word for the fire to come from above and to burn those who searched out for him, who were sent to bring him to the unfaithful king, who wanted the death of My prophet only because he was prophesying against the sin of those who sinned, against those who served the idols and pleasures and who did not serve God on earth. Oh, this word is God and it has power by His servants of today to make fire come down from heaven upon those who do not believe His word of today, who is true, just as God is, and behold, I am writing Myself into My book of today with the day of My prophet Elijah and I prove it out from the Scriptures that God speaks on earth face to face with man, and in each time, He does His work, as the Scriptures may require, as the works of God and their time are ordained in them. Amen.
I was with Moses on earth and I was speaking with him all the time and he was not able to run away from My speaking with him, and I was speaking with him face to face, and he heard Me and was writing all My words and he was working according to My word and he was also prophesying and everything was fulfilled and this brought salvation to Israel and victory against the enemies, who were standing proudly against My people, and I was true by each and every word upon it, as I also am today in the face of those who harden their hearts before My voice released upon them, so that those, who do not want to believe that I am this word, may fulfill it. Oh, only those who are servants at the altars today would do like the priest who had the child Samuel, given to the Lord by his parents, as it was the prophecy of God’s man against that priest! He believed that God was the One Who called Samuel and spoke to him, and he did not say that Samuel was lying, but he rather taught the child to give ear to God’s speaking and to receive the Lord and tell him what God spoke, because the time was hard and at that time, there was neither any vision nor any voice of a prophet, and the people did no longer know the Lord’s will in order to catch powers under the hardships of that time, and then Samuel was received on God’s behalf by those in his time and the Lord was with Him over kings and over people in all Samuel’s time.
And now I am giving voice to My prophet Elijah, with whom I spoke on earth then and with whom I am speaking today too in heaven and on earth, for My work is the word, as My name is for My second coming, a name written into the Scriptures to bear now in the end of the time: «God’s word». Amen. (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.)
‒ Oh, the Word of God is the name of all Your prophets and saints, Lord, who speak like Your saints, who are Your word, God’s word, as I was Your word upon those in my time, faithful and unfaithful, and I was crushed with pain in my heart for You, and the pain increased my zeal, until I avenged You against those who were unfaithful, who sought after my life, which I gave it to You to do Your work with it upon people. Oh, I was even able to destroy the whole world for my zeal and mercy on You, for the great sufferance in me because people did not love You, and because they served the false idols and not You, the One and true God. The burning within my little heart overcame me to the power for You and it lifted me up, until the fire in me lifted me up completely and hid me from the face of the people, for Your glory was burning within me, the vision of Your glory, which came after that on its wheels, on the wheels of cherubim and hid me from the face of the people, for otherwise, because of Your sake I was consumed with burning to destroy the whole opposition on earth, which hid You from the people, all the disbelief which stood against Your divinity.
John, My Baptizer, such a messenger before My face, such a dead man to sin and dead to the unbelief on earth, only such a man can be man’s the neighbor. The people do not welcome this kind of people, for men are used to those who are from among them and like them, as John went to Herod, who was a stumbling block to the people because of his iniquities and estranged the people from God, and he told Herod that he was not permitted to do those things which he took the freedom to do, but those who loved sin as Herod did, cut John to the ground because of their lust, which took shape in them and which they allowed within their life.
when I called out so that someone might hear Me and speak about Me, Isaiah answered Me and I made him My prophet; I made Him a prophet of God, and I spoke to him in a vision helping him and telling him: «Behold, this coal has touched your lips; and your iniquity is taken away», (Is. 6/7), and I made him a godly man, for he believed and followed Me within light, and I told everyone: «I am the light of the world and he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life». (John 8/12) Oh, this is how the one who follows Me on earth is born of My word, and this is how I have made prophets and disciples working with Me and then they have no longer belonged to this world but they have been from the things above and I have no longer taken into account their iniquities, for I touched them, cleansed them and set them on the way of love and they have listened to it after that.
Oh, Herod did not want to receive from John, My Baptizer, his forgiveness and the salvation from his sin; he did not want it and as a result he remained on the side of the sinful lust, which always killed him, until it pushed him to make a bad promise, in which he was caught unknowingly and then he had to respect it and thus he cut John’s head. Oh, the man has to shudder, for his lust becomes sin and it comes through the gates in his body and it brings him to the sin of pride after that, sin that leads him to make promises while he is drunk, and then his soul falls in fetters and hardly does he receive Me when I have to come and save him somehow, for man hardly knows Me and hardly receives Me to believe and to follow Me. He is used to knowing the sin and to receiving it upon him, because man is from beneath.
Behold, Herod did not receive his neighbor, the one who tried to do him good, and because of the sin that he loved, he did not love God, and Herod loved himself instead and that is why he loved to lust and to rejoice in this way.
I speak like that to be able to help the man to understand My work over the earth with the faithful man, when I, the Lord, come and speak to him for him and for many other after that, for the one who is faithful to Me fears God, because Isaiah, the prophet confessed and said: «I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up; above Him stood the seraphim and then I said: „Woe is me! For I am undone, because I am a man of unclean lips, for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Sabaoth!”». (See Isaiah 6/1-5)
I am sitting down with you at the table, people of My word. I have been spending days of heavenly feast on earth, as I have nowhere to go anymore, as man is everywhere, but you should be a child receiving of God as Samuel, the prophet, was, when he was a child and when I, the Lord, set My Spirit upon him, the spirit of prophecy, and he worked with this guide, working from Me, and then he took care of My way over the people and over the kings, as there was no time for Me to be absent from the earth; I was in those who were faithful and full of My grace for their faith because of their submission before Me, as I bestowed them as gifts upon them. Oh, it would be so well with Me, it would have been so well with them, and it would also be well with those who sit highly over the flock of people too, if they knew Me with you as word upon them, just as I was known by the priest near whom I had set Samuel to stay with him at the middle for the spirit of prophecy! It is not, it was not and it will never and nowhere be My church, but only if I have room within it with the spirit of prophecy, as it was in the time of My disciples with whom I walked two thousand years ago, and with whom My Spirit, the spirit of prophecy, remained, for they were prophets in its midst, as I ordained by My church so that I might be with it to the end of the time, as I promised.
I am reminding them of the faithful Abraham and of his joy whenever the Lord was coming into his way and speaking with him about those things coming from heaven to the work on the earth. How much joy God had because Abraham knew Him! Let the one who reads the Scriptures about God’s coming on Abraham on earth stop his mind for a moment, for this man had great love. I mysteriously anointed him through the angels and then I spoke with him, and he heard Me and his heart was filled with the holy fire for the Lord, and then the Lord sent the priest Melchizedek and anointed Abraham with oil and fed him with bread and wine on the Lord’s behalf, and Abraham was rewarded for his love full of faith for God, the righteous one, and then with his love, he lived within Me and through it he worked for God on earth.
Behold what I am telling you: the confession is for those who see, for those who hear and see, as the angels see and here, and they confess, as Abraham saw, heard and confessed, and as I, the Lord, saw him, heard him and confessed him as faithful to Me and righteous by his faith, for not even a bit did he doubt of My meetings with him, of My speaking with him, after I had decided to speak upon him. Only those who hear and see from God, only they can confess, as otherwise man confess from him. I, the Lord, confess from the Father and I do not do My will, My thought or My word, but I do My Father’s will Who is in the heavens, and My confession is the spirit of prophecy; it is the spirit of testimony. Amen.
Behold, the prophet Elijah has arrived in his zeal for Me and he will reveal the power which is released from above against the sins of men who forget the Lord completely, for the Romanian people and land were powerfully struck in a few days by the wrath of water, wrath which is born from sins as in all the times under the sky when the earth and the heaven can hardly bear the multitudes of men’s sins, drunkenness and debauchery, the lack of watch for the soul and for the Lord, laziness and carelessness, ignorance and the lack of the fear of God, and the prophet Elijah brought day by day wrath and took away the men’s rest, as people trample without mercy over God’s rest, leaving aside all the order coming from above and given to be kept by the people, for behold, the Lord endures much from man, but if man does not want to listen to the Lord at all, then the zeal of the saints on earth comes and cleanses angrily the possessions of the man without God.
Furious waters have furrowed the Romanian land and the possessions of the people. The waters have overflowed over their beds and pulled apart the men’s rest from their way, their possessions in which their soul have rested, while I, the Lord, was crying and cry being whipped in My face by their sins.
Terrible sins come up from earth before the sight of My saints. Women stay completely naked before the Lord and before people and they undress more and more and bring trouble towards sin in all men. This brings about wrath and the prophet Elijah is full of zeal and is raging with it against the sin of sexual immorality in men, as it was in the time of his body when he rebuked the sinful state of the king of the time and when this one was looking for him to tear down the prophet; however, he was a son of life, a son of the love of God and a great prophet, and he was also full of life, full of zeal from heaven against sin on earth and full of mercy for God.
Oh, man likes to reign himself, and not You, Lord, and I was crushed with mourning on earth under those who reigned upon people as kings, as king Ahab was who worshipped his idolatrous woman, with whom he turned away the people of Israel from worshipping One God in order to worship the creatures. I caught fire and pain, zeal with fire in it, and I took with me Your power and dominion and I started to make miracles to scare with them the lawless ones. I closed the heavens and I called fire from heaven so that the miracle of my prayer may be seen clearly over the sacrifice on which I poured out water three times, but the fire did not started over the sacrifice brought to the priests of Baal, and it consumed my sacrifice soaked with water, and then by prayer with sacrifice, I brought rain on earth and I stopped the drought with my prayer full of the zeal with fire, and the saints left for the Christians prayers full of spirit in order to teach them to pray with fire, and the Christians of today still cannot make any miracles by their prayer. Oh, I was not praying with the book, but with the zeal I was praying and speaking with You, and I hoped for You to come and fulfill, Lord, those that I was asking from You, and this is how I was working great miracles in Your name. I stopped over in time of drought at Zarephath in Sidon in the house of a poor widow, and I multiplied in her house the drop of meal and the oil in the pot; I brought to life her son who died and then I came out and prophesied to Ahab his shameful end by which both he and his Jezebel perished: Ahab was shot by an arrow in the battle against the Syrians and died in the evening, and Jezebel was eaten by dogs, (see 1 Kings: 22/34-35; 2 Kings: 9/33-36), and this is how the word was fulfilled, Lord, as I suffered much from those who had departed Israel from You, the true God, and I sought to built faith in You upon the people of Israel, because I was an offspring of the priestly seed of Israel, and when I was born my father saw angels of fire wrapping me up and giving me food with flame of fire, and this is how You gave me to eat through the angels; You nourished me since I was a baby, and I was growing up, I was walking through the wilderness and I was praying to You, Lord, standing before You. The kingdom of Israel was broken in two parts and there were unworthy kings upon it, and I was suffering for it and for You, Lord, and who else suffers on earth like me when he sees so much iniquity with the rulers everywhere, and when he sees so much separation from God over the multitudes?
Oh, I get up, for the zeal consumes me completely, only for You to want to bless me and to protect those with their heart for You, and to rebuke those who deceive You day and night, even if they recognized You as their God in heaven and on earth, for behold what the rulers do, and behold what the servants do at the altars. As they have noting from You upon their lives, and all give themselves over to the idol services as it was at that time, they worship the creatures, Lord, and it is worse on earth now than in Sodom and Gomorrah, oh, much worse, Lord, and all Your commandments are trampled down, and people do not know that they do this, and there is no more holy teaching on earth to wake them up.
Oh, I am asking You, the Good One, with burning prayer I am asking You to give me time of miracles to work with them for the people’s turning back to You, because the prayer full of zeal has to be fulfilled, and I am telling the sons of the people of Your word that it is not possible that the prayer full of the zeal for God and for the people not to be fulfilled; it will surely be fulfilled, and the heaven is waiting and the saints are waiting as well for Your help, their prayer always together with the prayer of those in heaven, for I, Lord, have in my schedule of work for this time the fight for the destructing of the antichrist, Your enemy and the enemy of Your Christians, and I am consumed with zeal to bring into fulfillment those that are written for Your victory and for my work with You during this time from the end of the time, and we have, the people of Your word as great help on earth, and I want in this way to turn back to You and to the saints the people, the fathers, and the children, as it is written for me to do and to fulfill. Since I was born and up to this day, this is what I have been waiting for; that is to fight against antichrist, Lord. Oh, bless this moment of mine as soon as possible, Lord!
Oh, arm the people of Your word of today with the graces of Your saints and call this moment upon it so that Your age may come on earth as in heaven, Lord! The people stay far from You and perish because of their lack of knowledge. Oh, help them and help me to turn them back to You too, as it is written for my work of today with You, Lord.
Oh, make me a worker of miracles upon people, to make them find You out and to know You in this place where You set the word of Your coming with the saints and its trumpet calling everywhere on earth! Oh, make those who walk with You on the way, make all the people see You for a moment, as they saw You, as they saw us, You, Moses and me, as Your disciples saw us on Tabor, when You removed Your veil and revealed Your brightness, Lord!
Oh, sons of Jesus Christ, the Word, Who speaks to you and upon you to give Him further over the earth, oh, little disciples from the end of the time, catch powers, sons, as together with you I have to put down the enemy antichrist, and the Lord Jesus Christ is with us in this battle for the victory of His enemy. Receive from my zeal of fire, as the Lord feeds you with fire, even if you do not know this about His food upon you. The prayer full of zeal is being fulfilled, and let us come together for it and with it, as we have to win over the world on the side of the Lord and we have to save it from the destruction which it works for itself with every passing moment, not knowing what it does and what it does to itself.
I am praying to Christ for you and I am saying: the fire with which You had fed me even since I was a little child, take it and feed them with it, too, and set them with power near me, Lord, so that we may prevail against the antichrist, for You are our God, and we are Your people, we are Your work, and we call and praise Your name. Oh, Lord, bring peace to Your saints, for Your saints wait for it! Amen.
— Oh, what great love, how great! Oh, how much love you have, prophet! Behold, I unfold My mystery and say: the entire love does not leave man to die, and he who has loved has not died. Those who love do not die, and this is the mystery of those who do not die, and they carry their body and pass with it into those that are not seen and work and they go much with the Lord on earth and do the Lord’s work. Oh, those who love only the Lord are great and immortal in their body and spirit, and you lived only for Me, great prophet. Oh, I cannot refuse the will of your prayer. The fire made you great; it grew you up and it kindled you in prayer and this is how you stayed before Me. Who does something else on earth has weak love and is small in his life.