
The thousand years kingdom of the saints

The kingdom of God is taken by force. No one can take it otherwise but by force; the same way the saints of God have been taking it. Sons, I want you to be holy; they go to God and say: „How long God, until we meet your chosen ones?” Sons, get ready for the meeting.

My children, the church is being locked, all the books are being gathered and burned. My children, this king gathers everything. (The Communist regime, r.n.)

Oh, well children, the devil has never planted any of good fruit tree, but rather bad fruit trees.


Well, come to Me, children! Sons, those fourteen thousands of infants who were sacrificed for Me, all have bugles and praise My name. See why it is so great joy on that day of Christmas; therefore I make bagels which are shared. The same way you rejoice, likewise those in heaven rejoice.


the Lord, Jesus Christ came from the holy heaven to support you. You have as aid the hosts of the martyrs. You have as aid the hosts of the saints. You have as aid the prophecy of the prophets. You have as aid the services of the priests, not of those of nowadays, but of those from the old times, who became worthy to come to Me. You have as aid the prayers of the martyrs. You have as aid the prayers of the monks and of the votaries, of the patriarchs, of the deacons. You have aid from here and up to heaven; only services and only services. You have as aid the prayers of the nuns. You have as aid the prayer of My Mother, who comforts any kind of pain. You have helpers. Only if you see what helpers stand in front of you! It is painful to fall down.


Keep in mind that the things are prepared to lose you; and keep in mind; not a single hair of your head will perish.


Observe the feasts of the saints for they are of great benefit for you. There are many saints every day who sacrificed themselves for the holy faith and for truth and decorated the arch of the church. There is no sand in the sea; there is no leaf in the trees; there are not stars in the sky as how many saints God has, and I counted in this multitude those in heaven and those on earth as well.


But once with the trumpet sounding, behold, Gog and Magog (The communist dictatorship and then the dictatorship of money, r.n.) received the devil’s release upon them to fill up the cup of their errancy and then to be destroyed by the fire coming down from heaven, by the Spirit of God, Which is to clean up the lawlessness from the earth. Behold also the end of this godly week, which had carried into its midst the trumpet’s sounding of the covenant for the end God’s mystery and for the cessation of the sacrifice and for the coming of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And if I came, everything stopped if I came; and then I worked to save that was still to be saved and that is why I said then that the seat of the kings was taken from the earth, and that those who want to reign may stay like the Lord on the cross, and not otherwise. And it was not so! As the kings knew nothing and remained at their place. But they do not have My kingdom, and rather they have theirs instead; and it shall remain nothing at the opening of the books, which will be read, as I said to this people; as this is what I told it long ago: „Children of My people, it is still a little while and we will shake our hands, and we will read the book of today’s prophecy, from the beginning to the end, in front of thousands and millions of creatures!”. And I said that „That day will be great, when I, the Lord, will prophesy in front of many peoples and the first church will be built again”.

And behold, God and Magog, sing, cry and squirm, and the devil cries like never before, and the false prophet sees its lie, for the ages are into My Father’s hands; and there is no wise not to understand this. Neither the prophets perceived what they wrote; nor those from afar or those from near, and they stay and look from heaven and do not understand how it comes, as look, the mysteries are solved out on the earth, and the heaven and Jerusalem are established to receive those who will come to the celebration of that day when this book will be opened and it will be read it; and the great and small dead will stand before, and the like of fire will be opened for the liars, for the second death.


I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, was in the bosom of Abraham; I was promised by My Father and that it was put over Abraham the Scriptures, which says: «In you all the families of the earth will be blessed», that is in the loins of Abraham, by the word of the promise.

Here is why the man, who was before My incarnation among the people, was saved: as My Father prepared the place of waiting of His incarnated Son in the bosom of Abraham, as I am the fruit tree of life, children, and I was waited for to bear fruit and to be the iconostas is entrance into heaven, and that is why the Scripture says that no one can enter but through Me; and it says that I am the door, and the first step into heaven was made on it. I was raised from the dead and then each one, in the order of his division, as the promise was declared. And who was the first who got into heaven? Behold, the thief entered into heaven, and although he had the key on him, the door was not opened for him until I arose first. He arrived with the cross and told the angel in front of the heaven, but that one did not open for him until I arrived, as I went first into the hell and then I came to life; and I became the entrance door to the tree of life, which is in heaven, which is the Holy of Holies of Godly Trinity, and then the kingdom of God started over the living and over the dead.

But the ignorant world did not understand anything, as then God prevailed over the death and the death was swallowed by victory, as each soul has been raised since then in the order of its division, and comes to life, if it left towards Me and accompanied by Me, as it is written: «Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection, as over these the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him one thousand years». And those who did not left in Christ, they do not come to life, and wait for the other thousand years, and behold, satan has come to an end with his work of destruction and deceit upon the nations of the earth, and all the dead in Christ will rise for the redemption of their bodies, as they reign with Christ, and Christ’s kingdom is set to judge.


I want to join you with your beginning, son, so that you may not remain for the end. I want to bring you again at the beginning, as behold, the tree of life, which is in heaven, in the heaven from Eden, was the only one among the trees of the heaven that had no fruit in it; it was near the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil, but the tree of life had no fruit in it, for if it had had, the man would have taken from it too; and the man did not listen not to take and not to die, and that is why the man was expelled lest he stretched his hand and took from it, in the time of its fruit, and broke the fruit without being fulfilled; lest he took and lived forever in heaven without obeying. And the man was put again on the earth, and he was prone to it and came back into the earth. But I was the tree of life, and I was having fruit two thousand years ago, and I was the entrance door to the tree of life. I was the tree of life, and I also was the door to the tree of live, and I arose and bound the devil for a thousand years and I reigned into My kingdom. But you do not understand how this came, as the man who worshipped Lucifer, forced the sons of My kingdom; he forced the one who believed in Christ to bow down to the beast that was made by the man’s hand; and if he did not bow down, he was martyred for Christ’s testimony, as I had been reigning in those that believed in Me and I had been overcoming by the blood that was shed into My name and for My testimony; and I had been raising the crowds to belief and I had been reigning and sanctifying the earth, and the devil was bound. Let him, who hears well, understand, as the devil did not overcome My Christian, the sons of My kingdom that I was reigning over.

And here how strange you are from the beginning, Christian people from the end. As a fter everybody of that time, when the devil was bound, overcame, I raised everyone to reign with Me a thousand years and they are those that help you today, people from the end. This is My church from the beginning, the first one, but behold, the one from the end, helped by a great many of martyrs, who got up and reigned with power, let itself to be enticed by the de vil, by the one who was released for a little while, and the seed of error entered in believers, as the devil’s hidden face remained in the people’s minds; and the sheep separated from the goats, and the sheep remained only few and became goats and chose to the right and to the left. But the wondering wolf had always sought the sheep, as they were few, and put the sheep and the shepherds in fear, and the sheep did not fight and did not wake up the shepherds, and started to hide in the hills and in the mountains, until they did no longer know the way to the cowshed.


My kingdom in man is with power and much glory in man and is seen both from far away and from near, by those who are faithful and by those that are not faithful, and those who persecute My kingdom on earth also persecuted those who had it within them with its glory that passed through the fire and through the water and through torturing with them, and it, My kingdom in them, was glorified against the persecutors until My saints were passing over to Me, to their heavenly dwelling, and they left behind them on earth the seed of the kingdom of the heavens, the faith in the Son of God, Who came to save the man fallen from God and to make him, by his faith in Me, the man in My image and after My likeness, in which I have been shining with My kingdom, starting with My twelve disciples, and then with all those who have been following them by their self denial and by the cross, like Me, for there is no greater disciple than his Teacher, but any perfect disciple is like his Teacher. Amen.


– Oh, God of Abraham, of Isaac and Jacob! Oh, our Lord, of Your saints after Your coming down on earth, born of the virgin body of Your mother, the Virgin! Oh, our Lord, of Basil, Gregory and John, You are the God of the living ones! The man on earth does not speak with the dead when he speaks with Your saints, asking them for help in his sufferance and in his trials of life on earth. All of Your saints are alive, just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are very much alive, and there would not be any other happiness on earth for man as then when he speaks with You and with Your saints. You are the living One and so are Your saints, who have taken their life from You. You, Lord, are so mysterious and so great within Your saints! You, Lord, are the power of Your fulfilling word, but the ruler of this age, satan, has blinded the man so much, and soon, soon, he will come to an end with his pursuit after men’s souls because of the spirit of envy in which he fell in the beginning when he fell from heaven through man, for the man built by Your hand became haughty at the beginning in such a way that he could not listen to You as You commanded him to obey, and by his disobedience the man fell from heaven and then the angel who served the man near him also fell, and once with him fell all his man-serving host, and since then he has been feeding with the spirit of envy against You, Lord, and since then he has been trying to draw the people to him and always to make his kingdom and with it to make war against you, but behold, You have armies of saints, and the prophets of all time have been Your dwelling places from where You have always, always spoken the word of Your victory against Your enemy, satan, to make him humble and to pull the man out of his dominion, out of his darkness, as You spoke to him two thousand years ago, a prophetic word through John, Your beloved one.


‒ Oh, glory to You, Lord, Who are, Who was and Who come, and I am asking You with my burning longing to work much, much, oh, Lord, until there will no longer be unbelief on earth, for the man troubled with his own things can hardly understand Your work of today, and only those who are free from sin can do more, as I could, as for Your sake, I had not loved anything else on earth, but I have loved only to confess You, only this I loved, and the king of that time put me to the torture because of his idols and because of his pride; however, my love for You and its works in me touched the hearts of many and touched the heart of the queen and she confessed Your name near me and she died together with me for Your confession, oh, and in this way those, who are written into Your book, are selected when the time of their election comes. This is how are supposed to understand those who are chosen for You more than the others, and this is how they are able to remain on Your behalf into the midst of an unfaithful people, as the people of humans is today on earth, Lord.


I was rich because of my parents, and I had given to the poor of my wealth and then the king took it all away from me after he martyred me because I did not want to do his will and martyr the disciples after his will; but, on the contrary, I was teaching them what faith was, even more burning, and they loved You waiting for Your victory for them, as I waited, because the king put me in dungeon and You sent Your angel and at his sight my little heart startled looking at the crown of my patience, which You had sent me before my martyrdom, and when my time under the sword had came I raised my right hand for the first sword to mark me in my right side and to be like You by sacrifice, for I loved You with longing, and I wanted to do everything according to Your will and to show You my love, and after a while You showed me to the people and You glorified my body and gave it as a gift to the faithful ones, as a proof of my great love for You, my Lord and God, and behold, no one but the saints can give You the answer, those who loved You on earth having in them the wisdom of the cross, Your image and likeness on their way with You on the earth, becoming Your church, bearers of God among people and among kings.


I had among people the bishop Spyridon, the holy and great one in his life, in his heart and deed, and many miracles and signs, which I was doing for many by his faith, by his union with Me, made the rulers of the church of that time to set him as a bishop and to work with God for men, and he received so and worked so, with great gentleness, with great love over all the men’s bitterness, and there was no man to come back from him without receiving his salvation. I am sitting with him at the table into your midst, My people, and he is bowing much before My work with you, and with him he has companions, the holy fathers, the fighters for the spirit of the truth, which was one over the church in their time, and the whole spirit of Babylon was taken out of the church and there was light, and the bishop Spyridon, in the midst of the churchly assembly, was cutting the whole wandering that might have appeared, and he worked great miracles and overcame everything into My name; moreover, this bishop did not have much education, but who else was more than him a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, the worker of signs and miracles, which one has not heard of?


I am dwelling within you with the saints, people of My coming. Among them, there at his feast the Saint apostle Stephen, who saw the heavens open and Me on the throne, and My glory surrounding Me, for the testimony of My saints is the spirit of the prophecy, as it is written. Oh, how shall those, who hear and see from God, not prophesy? Who can close the mouth and the eyes of those who hear and see? Not even the stones that crushed him, being thrown at him by the killers, not even they could close the mouth of My confessing apostle, and who judged according to justice like God over those who were unfaithful, and there are not words or speeches whose voice are not heard, but on the contrary, their proclamation has reached all over the earth, and their words to the margins of the world, for they were written and they are, and up to this day they have been confessing and cannot be hidden, because I have given to the saints thrones of justice and judgment for justice, and the lawlessness cannot be hidden from its judgment, for the saints have judged it in their own body, in their soul, in their spirit and heart, in which God’s kingdom has dwelt at large on earth, and My saints have got a royal robe, the robe of King’s sons.

I am giving voice to the apostle Stephen, for he is at his feast among the saints, and the ruler of the world has been judged on earth as many times as My saints have been judged, for those, who have judged them on earth against God’s justice, have touched the light of My eyes, they have touched My saints, and the reward of the killers is mourning and gnashing of teeth, there where they have piled up the reward for their works; however, I have remained with My saints, and they will reign with Me as King’s sons, and My kingdom with them is endless. Amen.


The young confessor Demetrios is celebrated in heaven among the martyrs, the one who did not hide before the pagan kings in his time and proclaimed Me as his God when the rulers of the pagan time gave to be torn apart all those who were found with My love in them and among them.

In all the times I have had some of those who loved and confessed Me and this happened because those, who encouraged one another against the unfaithful ones, understood God, oh, but now it has not been seen such power of faith and love of God; however, behold, such times were also necessary because faith in Me had to be strengthened so that a Christian people may be preserved for Me through time and that I may have at the end of the battle against unbelief, to have a ministering and confessing church through its holy witnesses for Me and through the signs beyond nature when I, the Lord, worked through them to put to shame the unbelief of the proud who wanted to be strong gods; however, the young David killed God’s enemy with just a small pebble. Oh, and thus the heathen kings were put to shame through those who loved God on earth, and the Christian flock now has great intercessors in heaven, and faith and its gifts are to be nourished and stirred up and this makes the remembrance of Christ’s confessors and they are intercessors and supplicants in heaven for the followers, and behold, there is one church, only one, there are not many, and if there are, they are something else, they are strays from the flock and it is written about them in the Scriptures that they will arise to deceive many;
