The Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man

The Word of God on the sixth Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the blind man

I am coming down on earth with the glory of word. My word is coming; it is coming with the clouds; it is coming above the Romanian land and it is setting down into its book and it is shared from East to West, (With the help of the electricity of the internet, r.n.), for it is written that the Gospel of God’s Kingdom will be preached all over the world, to bear witness to all the nations over the earth, and then the human things will be over and the Lord will be King with His things; He and His servants will rule, and he who endures to the end, that one will be with the Lord and will be saved, as it is written. (See also Matt: 24/13)

Peace to you, to those who know the Lord in this word, Who is coming with the clouds and is preached from one end to the other! While it is day I do the works of the Father Who has sent Me, for no one can work during the night. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world, as it is written. I am coming for judgment, that those who do not see may see; and that those who see may become blind, (See John: 9/39, 41), for those who say that see have sin and remain under the sin, for if they were blind, then they would have no such heavy sin against them.

Let the word of God be preached all over the earth, and let it enlighten every man who is and who comes into the world, for this word is the true light, and through it were and are done all things, and those who receive this word, receive power to become God’s sons, born of God.

I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, and I am working by the word over the earth as in the beginning, as at the creation of the world, and I am saying: Let there be light!

Oh, the darkness over the earth and over the people is very thick, and the Spirit of God, the Word, is going all over above and it is saying as at the creation of the heaven and the earth: Let there be light! Let the light be divided from the darkness, for the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.

Let there be faith in the word of God! Those who will keep My word will be kept from the hour of the testing which is coming all over the world on earth, and let them keep their crown, and let no one take it from them and they will be with the Lord, and I will write God’s name and the name of God’s citadel, the New Jerusalem, which is descending from heaven, and My own new name, the Word of God.

My throne is on your hearth, Romanian people, for My word flows from your midst all over the earth, the river with the living water proceeding out of the throne of the Lamb, as it is written, and that is why it is confirmed that the Lord and the New Jerusalem are here, and His heavenly mystery as well, the light that shines in the darkness over the earth, and which opens the eyes of the blind to see the work of God.

Oh, the blindness set over all the people is great. I want to come with the healing from blindness and that it may work over those with a humble spirit, and happy will be those who will let themselves be healed, for the antichrist man and his soldiers are on earth, all with a hidden face under a benefactor mask, but they are the cunning ones, and the Lord is coming to heal the blindness set over the people by satan’s lie, and woe, woe and woe again to the rules of the nations and to the rulers of the world, woe to those who have to do the work of the darkness of the world, and who want to throw God aside so that the antichrist work may reign on earth and to have a papal dominion over all the nations of the earth! (A sort of church with all the religions and beliefs taken together, including the Jewish one, each one „relatively independent”, under the leadership of the Pope from Rome, a Jewish pope, - see the prophesy about the last Pope, r.n.). Woe to the chiefs who have gathered together in one thought against God and against His church to take it over!

Oh, I am inviting them to sit in council with Me. Let these have their finger put on the pages of the Scriptures and let them read by light how the Lord will put them to shame, and they will not rise at the judgment of the righteous ones, and the wrath will come upon them and they will incur troubles, and it would be better for them to receive teaching and to tremble bowing and learning the way of life from Me. Oh, but how are they to learn from God?

Oh, keep your finger on the lines written in the Scriptures that announce this time, Mine and yours, you those who want to understand and learn from the Lord, and to see how are being fulfilled, line by line, all those that are prophesied to come, and that they are not dreams or lies, since they are fulfilled precisely.

Let all those who say that see open their eyes wide and all those who say that the Scripture is no longer in fashion and that there is a new fashion now, but let them also keep their finger on the Scripture, because it is written that all, all things, the heaven and the earth, all will pass except God’s words and their precise fulfillment, and there is no lie in the Scriptures, for God is true, and those who are God’s will overcome with Him, for they are sealed on their forehead with the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit forever and ever, and they will sing the song of the victors against satan and the beast, as it is written.

To those who are sealed with the name of God, I, the Lord, am giving them from heaven, I am teaching them from heaven and telling them this: Let you, those who are faithful to the Lord, those who do His will on earth, have your candle always burning with oil and prayer written in it, and soaked in it for the sealing with the sign of the holy cross on your forehead, on your hands, on your soles, and on all your joints and wrists, and fulfill everything in this way. Until the wrath (The corona virus pandemic and other plagues, r.n.) passes, enter and stand still, with the door closed behind you, for this is written for you to work now, it is written for you to come out of the world, sons, not to drink of its wine, of its wages, so that you may not fall into the antichrist’s trap, for those who will be caught and deceived with the sign of the antichrist, those will receive through the angels of wrath a painful abscess after that, because they worship the read best, drunken with the blood and always thirsty of blood.

You, those who dedicated your life and its works to the Lord, oh, sons, persevere more and more in holiness, in faith, in prayer with fire in it, and have hope. You have a great and eternal name on your forehead: the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and all the power of the antichrist becomes dust before this godly seal, when he may try to cross the border, for this was done once before against My work, against My today’s word, and God overcame for you, and you were kept from trials.

Satan flees, the antichrist flees from the power of this sign, he is afraid of My holiness in man, and that is why he wants to take the power on earth over the people too, and that is why he wants to set himself in the church to be believed that he is the messenger who saves the people from pains and troubles. However, I work with a threefold power and I am the Lamb of God, (John: 1/29) I am the One Who fights against the beast of the time, (Apoc: 19/19, 20) with the antichrist and with his people hidden under a veil; however, I will expose his hypocrisy and he will be overcome by those who make the sign of the holy cross all the time and those who fulfill all the holy and Christian ordinances will be victorious: fast and prayer, cleanness with respect to lusts, holy love between them and the Lord, humility, holy communion, Christ giving Himself to them and I am telling them this:

Be all gathered together in prayer, you, sons faithful to My word. Be united in one thought; this is how you should read with great godliness the book of Psalms. Read it through each one of you, and read the entire order of the Christian prayers from the Orthodox book called Horologion (Ceaslov in Romanian, r.n.). And then the Akathists to the saints, for the saints are gathered in groups around and to the benefit of the Christian saints on earth, and let holiness be multiplied all the more, let it be always, for the Lord always waits for your holiness so that He may overcome with you, sons.

Fear of God is needed, and you should watch in it, you, those who are on the side of the Lord on earth. When the angelic groups saw Lucifer’s army falling down and all becoming dark, they were greatly terrified and then they heard the archangel Michael’s voice calling in a loud voice: „Let us stand in fear and be attentive to God, and let us sing Him praises all the time so that we may not fall too”, and since then the angelic hosts sing continually: Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God Sabaoth, and the heaven and the earth are filled with His greatness through the angels, who sing to Him ceaselessly.

You those who have chosen God on earth among the people, sing and praise the Lord continually so that you may not fall from holiness and faith, from love and watch, from faith-fulness and goodness, for the time nowadays is for watching all the time. Lift up the cross like a victorious weapon, and let the faith be your power, as everything is possible by faith and by the works of the faith, sons.

I am not speaking these things with those who do not fulfill but with those who follow My word fulfilled upon them, for the man who does not love God is not used to obey, but, on the contrary, he is used to hide from man with his lack of fulfillment in God, and I see what man does, and I also see how he forgets that God sees him as did Adam in paradise when he hid so that God could not see him, oh, and then he got upset because God questioned him about his hidden behavior, and thus Adam grew cold towards God, towards the One Who had made him, oh, and the man falls down from God, he falls like Adam, and he who falls becomes dark. Why does he become dark? He becomes dark because he flees from light and that is why he becomes dark, and behold how easily it is understood why the one who falls becomes dark and why he falls from God.

Oh, keep away from hidings; keep away from hiding with your works, you, those who want to be with God! Oh, you cannot be both with the light and with the darkness. Actually, you can, but God cannot be with you, for God is light, and the darkness flees from the light, it flees from God, it flees and it hides.

You, Romanian, listen to the Lord’s voice upon you! Keep both of your eyes wide open, not just simply open. And even more, keep your eyes extremely open, that is: up and down, on the right and on the left, in front of you and at your back, and inside of you, too, but also in the Scriptures, Romanian sons, and keep your finger on the lines of the Scriptures of the today’s time, for the antichrist man keeps on struggling to catch and bring you under his scepter like cattle, and then God’s wrath to come against you as over those who are separated from God, (Apoc: 9/4) who will be stricken with a bad swelling by the angel, as it is written in the Scriptures about those who receive on their forehead and hand the seal of the separation from God, the antichrist’s sign. (Apoc: 13/14-17)

Oh, be wise and awake, Romanian sons, for the Romanian country is the country of the Lord’s coming, it is My country and yours, because over it, it flows the word of My mouth like a river to shepherd with it and that I may overcome the antichrist beast with the breath of My mouth, with My word, as it is written in the Scriptures to fulfill. (2 Thess: 2/8, 9)

Oh, Romanian son, come to My advice, for the antichrist’s work has caught you from all the sides and there is no one to tell you that the danger knocks at your door. I have told those who want their salvation and relief from hardship, I have told them ahead of time: „Come out of the world, My people!”. Oh, and few, very few have listened to what I have been calling. Oh, how are you to come, how are you supposed to come from the world when you have the world in your pocket (The Smartphone, r.n.), in your house, (The Smart TV, r.n.), where you have the icon to worship, and you stay all the time with your eyes in the world and in the lie by which the man who is against God manipulates you as he wants? Oh, how comes that you stand the stench that is in the world? Oh, the world stinks and you look and take from the mouth of those who love sin and speak to you through the window of the world and they are paid to spread the lie everywhere. (See what salaries have the “producers” and “opinion makers, r.n.)

It would be hard for the Christian, but here is what I see and hear, as every one finds an excuse, as though he has to take from the world what he needs. Oh, this is what I hear from all those whom I have taught to come out of the world, but what more shall I hear from them when I see them under the punishment of their disobedience from God, Who spoke to them the word from heaven? Oh, because they did not listen to come out of the world and they did not listen at the right time, because I have told everyone even with the beginning of My word in 1955, when I told them to have a little patch of land, a well in their little garden and a modest house and to live a holy life and wait for God always, oh, and My words have remained over them in its book. I told them with a long calling: „Come out from the blocks, My children!”, and this is My word with which I watched upon them, and it did not and it does not have to pump any secret out of Me for each one, but who hurried to listen?

Oh, Romanian sons, I am calling out to everyone because I am worried about you, since I see those who rule upon you that do not watch for you, but, on the contrary, they leave you on foreign hands, who keep gathering you like some mere animals, oh, and I do no longer see leaders from God and on the side of their people, and all serve the antichrist’s plan, willing or not, (First, by over indebtedness of the country, r.n.), oh because they do not like to be with God, but they like the things as on earth, instead; however, there are going to come plagues on earth for the sins of the people who do not care of the soul, and there is only pagan fun on earth, and the assembly of the countries who pretend that are Christians, (At various summits, r.n.), together with those who are really Christians, and this assembly wants to legislate even over the Romanian country the law of Sodom and Gomorrah, (The rights of the sexual minorities, r.n.), so that this country may also come near to the fire for this sin. However, I, the Lord, am calling out to the Romanian people and telling it that it is high time to get up to watch so that it may not drink of the wine of the wrath that is going to come for sins, because sin incurs death, as the watch for holiness is life and holy glory, and the Lord is on earth through those who become holy for Him.

Oh, behold, I see the antichrist man’s toys who are carried to and fro (or back and forth, tr. n.) over the people on earth and above it and I see how he is deceiving the nations on earth with them, and how those that are written in the Scriptures are seen that are worked by the antichrist to deceive the nations of the earth, and how he stays in hidden corners taking out only the weapons with which to deceive the world and to make a papal order so that he may have dominion all over the earth, in such a way that Christ may no longer have any inheritance on earth because of the one who is against Christ. Oh, what deception is going to suffer this murderer hidden behind the curtain! Oh, what laments, what blasphemies, what mockery will flow from the tongue of those tormented by the works of their own mind, with which they try to believe that they take away the share and the kingdom from the Lord, Jesus Christ!

Behold what came out from the people of Israel, that the enemy of Christ has come out and for two thousand years it has been fighting against Me and it has been completely blind, and it has kept saying that it sees. Oh, now I am also calling out to this nation, into whose midst My crucifixion was done, but after that My resurrection come too, and this people was already judged, as it is written.

Oh, I am calling out to you, Israel, Israel after the flesh; I am calling out and telling you: come to be on Christ’s side, for there is no lie in the Scriptures! Oh, do not let yourself again, do not let yourself to come to an adoption foreign to God, do not let yourself be deceived by the antichrist, for on your land I gave My body and blood on the cross for you then, and also for all the nations who would have been to be called to the salvation through Christ, for out of you came out Christ, the Savior, Who calls all the nations under His love! Oh, do not be unfaithful; do not remain without faith to the last hour! Soon you will see how the Lord is coming with power and much glory (Matt: 24/30; Mark: 13/26; Luke: 21/27) to throw down the work of the antichrist enemy, who want to be great over My church to take its life from My hand and that it may come under his hand. Oh, do not be unfaithful until then! Come to Christ, for Christ is coming; He is coming on the clouds to overcome the antichrist beast and the sins of Babylon, and I will meet the chiefs of the nations and judge them in Megiddo, the place of judgment for the lack of faith on earth, and everything will be fulfilled as they are written in the Scriptures. (Apoc: 16/14, 16)

Oh, people of Israel, do you think that you lose something if you bow to believe in the crucified Christ Who came to life with a great victory? Behold the lie from that time, paid with money to be set against My resurrection through the people of the lie of that time! However, I was truly resurrected, and I stayed forty days on earth and gave grace upon grace over My disciples and over all that were faithful, and now I am on the right side of the Father and I am word over the earth and I have a citadel of coming on the Romanian land, and I am telling you that I am coming with mercy and love as word over the earth and I am calling out to you, for behold, the work of life wants to make its place and to be framed up again and then to be sold as truth onto the market for those who are stiff-necked and without faith that the Lord is coming. Oh, the Lord is coming, He is coming, and even if there is no faith He is still coming! I am Who I am coming, (Apoc: 1/8) and I am putting faith in people and there will be faith.

Oh, you, kings of the nations, I am calling out to you, as well; Christ is calling out to you! Walk over the course of time, look into the history of all the times and at all those that have happened through the time: battles, tensions, wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, many sacrifices – as many as the people of the saints of the heaven, invading desires in the mind of the kings, much sufferance over the people because the ambition of the rulers over the nations. Oh, it is enough! Enough! You are putting God to a great test, and you also are bringing the faithful ones to much patience. The Lord God is coming, and His Gospel is preached from one margin to another of the earth and it is the sign of His coming as it is written. And I am calling out and telling you: let Me stay at the helm so that you may not sink the earth to the bottom, from where I took it out and set on the waters at the creation of the world and when I put over it heaven, sun and moon, beauties of all kinds above and below: people and animals, birds and various kinds of living creatures. Oh, it was not you who did these kinds of beauties such as waters and plains covered with flowers, woods and springs. Oh, it is enough! Give to the Lord the right to rule over the world, because it is not you who made the world, and you had better bow before the One Who calls you from heaven, and humble yourselves too, for you are mere men and that is all, and you are not gods, for I am the Only One God Creator, and do not be conceited too much, too high, oh, because you will fall like the angels who became proud; you will fall into the deep, where is the fire and brimstone, the gnashing of the teeth, as it is written for those who oppose God on earth.

Oh, My today’s country, oh, My Romanian people, I am coming down with the whole heaven above you to protect you. You are the land of My return from the Father to the people, and My Orthodox church is in you, for which I am waiting to prepare it for the wedding, and I call it Orthodox to distinguish it from so many names who have stepped aside and called themselves by all kinds of names on them, to the joy of the devil enemy, even if some of them boast so much about their love of God, but the Lord does not rejoice over their love for Him, because they forsake the ancestral way of the church left from the fathers, for in the end there will be many prophecies, but not from the Lord, rather they will be from the man’s pride who entices with money many of those who are saved and who do not know who their superiors over them are and what they do; in fact, these are not seen by those who are deceived from place to place all over the earth.

Oh, My today’s country, I am coming to you as word. My word is flowing from My throne into your midst. Get up at My voice upon you and watch so that you may not be swallowed up unexpectedly by the antichrist man’s stamp and by his number, for the unbelief on earth will catch many nations under this bondage, and tell this spirit, wandering and avenging on God, tell it that you are Jesus Christ’s church, and curse it to perish from your midst and to go to its sort and no longer to come and seek with My people.

Here is a Christian country. Here were brought sprouts of foreign people and were grafted into the trunk of this people, and kings and princes were baptized in the church and in the dogma of the Orthodox church, oh, and this is how God’s power has been preserved on the head of this country, which has been Christian from its birth on earth as a nation.

Oh, come, wake up, My today’s country, because it is the time for you to watch carefully day and night, and the priests of the church have to work repentance and raising to the tending of the flock, and they must not play into antichrist’s hands, because here is the Lord’s country, and the Lord shines in it by His word over the nations, and let all the nations come to take from the water of the eternal life, let them all come to repentance and to the reconciliation with God so that the Lord may bring victory for all those who have been humbled and faithful to Him!

I tell the antichrist man again and again, and I tell him with the breath of My mouth: Go! Do not touch what is Mine, and go to what you have earned through the father of lie, through satan, and go away, for here is God as word on earth, and He is breathing powerfully His word over you, and He is commanding you with much power: Go away!

Oh, come Romanian people; I, the Lord, am waking you to watch, for the enemy of your soul lies in wait and you are not watching and have no protection from the earth, oh, you do not have anything but My mother Virgin in heaven and the groups of the saints and those of My angels.

The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool, and I am on the Romanian land with My ruling citadel and the river of My word is flowing from My throne over the earth, and let the one who is thirsty come and drink, and there will be with him the blessing written for those who overcome with the Lord, and I will write on him My name and the name of My citadel, the New Jerusalem, and My new name: The Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13)

I am coming soon, and I have in My hands crowns for them, for those who have God’s name on their foreheads, on which it is written in large letters, the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.
