The Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes

I am Who I am. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of My Virgin mother and I am the Lord, the God of the people of My today’s word, people chosen of the Romanian people to be My welcome house and My way now, in the end of the time. I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, and this is how I speak on the earth. Amen.

Open so that I may come in, watching children in the gates, for it is a day of feast between heaven and earth. The saints are coming with Me on the earth to testify about My coming with them. Peace to you! Chris is risen! We are in a spirit of celebration, for after I was resurrected, this spirit of My resurrection from the dead has remained on the earth. Behold, there has come a people to the spring and its spirit has to be revived with the spirit of My resurrection, and you shall strengthen My today’s entrance, for I have come with the male and female disciples of My resurrection, and I have come with those who are asleep, who have been waiting for seven thousand years for My today’s coming, more than they who had been waiting for My coming two thousand years ago; and I have come with those who condemned Me to crucifixion then, for they are also remembered on the altar of you, and they have waited for My mercy for them too. Oh, let us comfort their spirit as well! Let us put out the burning of the spirit, for My mercy and yours shows us that we are God’s sons, the sons of the Father. Amen.

Christ is risen, My people! The Lord who was resurrected from the dead two thousand years ago tells you this! Peace to you! You have come to the spring, and I give you from it if you drink; I give you to drink when you come, and I long for your coming more than you want for Mine. I have told you that I will also exhort to a holy walking those who want to come to see you on the feasts and to hear Me when I teach you and how I teach you, for if the man does not make room for My power in him, he cannot walk in the way with God on the earth, since he has indulged in pleasures and many other weaknesses, and also I give them as much as I give you, and happy is the one who knows to read and to understand My will and My word of life giving, which comes on the earth for the living and for the dead, for I am the Lord of the power, and when I come as word of life over the earth, I have always stumbled across the man’s unbelief and across the unfulfilling of God’s will over his life, and I cry over My mourning from man; I cry as I cried on the cross. Two thousand years ago it happened to Me everything that was written about Me in Moses’ law, in the prophets and in Psalms, and I have fulfilled in the same way today, and the scholars of the Scriptures know this, but as at that time, the same is now too; all are standing against the work of the Holy Spirit, Who, behold, is fulfilling during these days the Scriptures of My coming with the glory of My word to man on the earth, and behold, this is My way from My Father to man. Amen.

I am telling you, those who are coming at My spring of word to see My people and to hear My word into its midst coming down of My mouth, I am telling you that this people is My way, My house and My sign before My coming. I advise you as well to a spirit of resurrection if you hear from My mouth the word of My teaching of today. Two thousand years ago, very often the crowd was following Me to see the glory of My miracles over those who were weak, but they were not able to remain with My life in them, and they were turning back to the things of their nature, for the man lives his life on the earth like him, not according to God’s will. I am also advising you in this day of the feast of saints for the memorial of My resurrection. Oh, do not be content only to take and to hear My word for the man’s resurrection. Oh, it is not enough, but selfdenial is needed instead, for the man cannot serve God otherwise, but he serves himself instead. Oh, fulfill in you and over you Christ’s face, the face of His saints, and be careful that two thousand years ago I said that the one who would not stumble against Me would be blessed. Now I am exhorting you to learn the whole love and its proper behavior, which lies in your power to will for it, and then I, the Lord, will look upon you and I will see and rejoice or be upset, for the man, as much as he can he lets him to be weak, and everything lies in his will. Oh, if you come to the spring, change your life, and be careful for it is written that the body does not use at anything, but the spirit gives life. I, the Lord, will give you power for the holy things and pleased to Me in man if you take and if you want to crown yourselves with My face upon you, with My life in you. Ask and you will receive. Love My coming and I will help you to be after My will like some who want to keep away from the emptiness of the passing life. Be faithful, for it is the time of the faith denial, and many come and then go back to their evil things they had done before. Be gentle and humble in your heart, so that God may give you grace and then love for those in heaven over you, for I, the Lord, was resurrected for each man, only for the man to want this. Amen.

And now, My people, I am coming in through the gates with My disciples and with My prudes and those of My resurrection, and I am coming to your table with those who condemned Me to death two thousand years ago, for they are also remembered here for forgiveness, because I said that everything a man sins against the Son of Man will be forgiven, and they wanted to be understood that they were God’s advocates, that they were those who wanted Israel’s welfare.

It is a day with heavenly love in it. It is a day of memorial of those who wait for Me in the dwelling of the dead to give them My hand for their resurrection, for their forgiveness, and My male and female disciples give place to those who are in sufferance now at My table of word. My entire creature that has been is called at My table. Those who went to sleep with the hope of their resurrection do not wait in vain and they will be soon comforted, and others wait at the border between Me and man to confess their sufferance. Amen.

– The world of those who are asleep, Lord, has always come with You at the feast of the memorial of this world, and we call You the Savior of those who went asleep with the hope of their resurrection through You, the One promised by the Father to come on the earth for the living and for the dead. We look at your people and confess that it is Yours, it and everyone who, after Your word and after Your will, becomes the body of Your people, which has become Your way and Your house for Your coming now. Oh, come Lord, and fulfill Your promises about the new heaven and the new earth, written in the Scriptures to come and to be, and here it is how You come and fulfill! And forgive us our wrongdoings with which we left the earth, because we have intercession with You, Lord, and we have it from the midst of Your people. Amen, amen, amen.

– Amen, amen, I say to You. I am the long enduring One and I hear the mourning of those who sigh. Amen.

And now, I, the Lord, call those who condemned Me then, I call them and I set them at My table of word, and let them come and confess. I am Who I am, and I am the crucified and resurrected One and I have power over the living and over the dead, over the slaves and over the free. Let Caiaphas, Ana, Pilate and Judas all come and confess that I am the One Who have endured for seven thousand years. Amen.

– Oh, no one can have so much mercy than You have, the merciful One for Your tormentors, for whom You cried on the cross to the Father and prayed to Him saying: «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing?» (Luke 23:34) Then You said that it was fulfilled with You all that was written in the book of Moses, in the prophets and in the Psalms, and we, those that were two thousand years ago, came to be those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Your crucifixion. Oh, if You want, if you can, write us as the fulfillers of the Scriptures that were fulfilled with You as it was written. Willing or not, we confessed You as true God, for if we condemned You as a man, You were resurrected from the dead as God, and if we did not condemn You, You were not able to be glorified by Your resurrection for the resurrection of every man who wants it. Oh, write us as disciples, for we paid on the earth by the torment of our soul and then our body, and when we gave our soul, You were the One Who came and met us, showing us the signs of the nails on Your body, Master of life and death. We were feeble, we were weak, and we put each other off with fine words about Your death. We sent You from one to another and then we made the people say that You were Man against God, and the spirit of unbelief arose greatly in the people and Your sufferance was fulfilled on Golgotha, oh, Son of God, and we were then like blind people and our eyes were prevented to see, and this is how we fulfilled the Scripture for scorn against You and for Your sacrifice on the cross for the human kind guilty with sin. Now You have called us to a table of memorial for the world of those asleep, and who can stand against your works? Here we are! We are guilty before You and before Your people that confesses You into the midst of the Romanian people, the way of Your coming as word of judgment from the Father to the man on the earth. If You want, you can cleanse us from our sin by forgiveness and do not let us forever in the fire, for our soul has been burning within great torment, but it still hopes in You, the One Who died on the cross, put by us, and then the One Who were resurrected by the cross. Then we were ashamed of You and of Your glory full of humility, and behold, we stand with shame before You and before Your Father and Your saints and Your people of today. And now be it done according to Your will with us, but do not forget that You are merciful, that You are long enduring, if You want, for You have come now on the earth with great power, with much, much word, and Your word is like a river in which the man can wash away from his guilt. We can no longer do it, but You can wash us. You and Your people, interceding now for the salvation of the creature. May Your will be done, but we also know that You are enduring as You were two thousand years ago, when You endured with love the fulfillment of all that were written before about You, about You and about us, those who caused You great sufferance for the atonement of the sins of the world. Then we were judges, we and the world, and now You are judge and You are just, but You are also long enduring, for You are God, You are the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the Virgin mother, and You also come to judge the living and the dead, and You are without beginning and without end, and You are the beginning and the end as well. Amen. And now, if You also want for us, You know this and we receive. Oh, receive us; receive us for the prayers of those who have been praying on the earth for our guilt and for its forgiveness before You! Amen, amen, amen.

– I, the Lord, resurrected from crucifixion, am long enduring, and I am the same as on the cross two thousand years ago, when I asked from the Father for the forgiveness of those who fulfilled the Scriptures about Me to be crucified and to bear the burden of the sins of the world, to give My life for their atonement and to come to life again victoriously, and My resurrection wiped out the guilt of those who condemned Me as a man, for I was resurrected like a true God.

Christ is risen for you! I, the resurrected Lord, am comforting you now your heavy and long sigh, for My endurance is great. You fulfilled, as servants, those that were written about Me, and willing or not you did it, and I also fulfilled as it was written. Be comforted with My mercifulness! Be on hold. I come soon clothed in all the glory, which I have from the Father before the foundation of the world. I come to make new heavens and new earth and New Jerusalem, and I come and I have already come and fulfill as written, as I fulfilled two thousand years ago those that were written about Me and then to be fulfilled. I am Who I am, and I am the Master of life and death, and I have the keys of the Abyss, and the opposing spirit will no longer be; soon, soon, it will no longer be and the Spirit of the Lord will be on the earth. Amen.

Oh, male and female disciples, witnesses of My resurrection! Come at a time; come to the table of the word! Amen.

– Oh, Lord, behold, we too, Your disciples and the prudes of Your resurrection confess You as the Lord of resurrection.

We, the prudes, glorify You on the feast for us, for we were Your disciples and we loved You powerfully and we confessed You likewise, for we did nothing on the earth after we found You, nothing but Your confession and the love for You, Lord. We are interceding today before You for the victory of the work of today’s word. We pray for holy power over Your people, which is testifying about You today as true God. Give to it heavenly love, and let it give it to You back and let it glorify You before the people on the earth!

Oh, enclose, Lord, the Romania country with the belt of Your loving kindnesses and listen to the prayer of Your people of today for it! We intercede near You for the country of Your coming. May Your will be done over it, and may You overcome for it in this way and for You with it. This is how we ask for it. Amen.

Oh, the sons in the gates are tired bearing Your coming from the Father to man, You and Your saints. You are the greatest One, and they are small and do not have any help on the earth for Your coming, for there is much unbelief on the earth. However, You are the worker and You strengthen them. Give them from heaven, Lord, for there is disbelief on the earth, and the man lacks light in him. Your disciples are here, and we are witnesses of Your resurrection of that time. Glorify Yourself, Lord, for You are the Lord of glory, the Lord Who overcame by the cross, and You are long enduring and beloved by all Your saints. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, dear holy male and female disciples! Let us give a little bit of rest to those who keep us in our coming, and we will set ourselves in the book with the whole word of today, Mine and yours. I am aggrieved for the unbelief in people and I am long enduring. Two thousand years ago, those of that time said that I was a deceiver and that I was against God and against His law, and then this is what the people have always said after that for all those who have had Me in time and through whom I have always been despised and killed, for the unbelieving people have also spoken about Me and them that we performed miracles with the devil. My teaching had always been considered as deceiving because I was speaking about those that were written in the Scriptures. The rulers of that time said that I was proud, that I set Myself greater than God, and they thought that I was dangerous, and they condemned My teaching, but all that it happened, it happened and it also happens today as it was written to be and as it is written to be fulfilled, but the people did not understand because they did not want to, and the people do not understand from God because they do not want to understand. However, I have come and thrown fire on the earth, and those who try to put it out fire it up even stronger, for My fire burns and it does not go out, and those who want to put it out are burnt in it, for they are unfaithful, and all happen in this way because it is written this way. Amen.

I, the Lord, comprise you within My peace, within the spirit of My resurrection, people gathered at the spring. I will comfort you, I will shepherd you with all those that I will put before you in this day of My feast with the male and female disciples into your midst, and then you will go to your place, and I will speak again over this feast and give you news by My word, I and My saints. Oh, give your love to God, your life and your power. Give Him so that you may have, for if you give to yourself you do not have. However, be wise so that you may not go wrong. Oh, you should not submit Him to all of your wills without God then, and you should not call God over your works without Him because this is sin, because the man owes God and not the Lord. Amen.

Peace to you, people gathered at the spring! I have fed you on the spirit of God and saints. Christ is risen! Graze My grass, people fed on food from heaven! If you eat, then eat usefully, do not eat in vain from My table, for the food on it is expensive and this food is prepared with great labor. Peace to you for the wisdom from above in your spirit!

Christ is risen, My people; the Lord of the resurrection is telling you today, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and the God of those who are faithful to Him! Amen, amen, amen.


And, if those who have gathered at My spring of word and of grace sharing by the word have gone now at their places, I, the Lord, with My saints, set into the book all Our speaking of today over those who have eaten of My of today’s table of My coming with the saints.

Come, watching children for My coming, because I would like to be able to cleanse the man from all those things that eat his inner life, and to be able to save from death the man who finds Me with you. And let us refresh the people with the spirit of truth, for My saints are full of longing after man, as two thousand years ago were those who went by My sending from margins to margins to preach to the people everything happened with Me in Jerusalem, as it was written in the Scriptures about Messiah, the Savior, and behold, My teaching is flowing out of My word today as it was at that time and I want to help the man to allow himself be cleansed from those that suck his inner life and that are seen on the outside.

Oh, I leave over the entire nature My beneficial order against everything that is the enemy of the nature and life, and the nature has a holy law set by Me and it submits to it, for if the tree is sick inside then I meant a healing doctor for it to search its life and I have among the birds of the sky a bird that heals the inner sickness of the tree. It comes and searches the tree over and where it sees that the bark is sick it pecks at it with its beak and gets under the bark where the worm is and, getting in, it finds the worm and takes it out from the tree and this is how the Lord takes care of the trees, and some other doctors from the birds of the sky come and pick the cutworms that damage the fruit and this is how the Lord cleans the trees from their enemies, and in the same manner He also cleanses and takes care of the people who want or do not want to be taken care of. Oh, if the people did not put to the trees and grass so much chemicals made by people and which spoil their nature, then I, the Lord, would sent My doctors, just as I was sending them to the saints who were overrun by enemy plagues, by lice and evil flies, and I was sending some other living beings to cleanse the evil from upon man, and I was saving the saints from afflictions, and the saints humbled themselves by prayers and were not proud in their mind, but they rather glorified My care for their lives. However, when I Myself came to save the man from the enemies of his life, from the sin, which ate the man’s inner life, oh, the people did not welcome Me to do them good, as they also did not receive those sent by Me to clean them from their iniquities, by which they draw punishment upon themselves for their deed. Oh, the people do not know how to understand the help from the Lord upon them, the mysterious work and full of mercy for man, and if the man receives from the Lord, when the Lord gives to him, the man becomes haughty and then he forgets the One Who does him good from heaven by His servants on the earth.

There was once in David’s Judea a son of king who, taking over the throne of his father, did what was pleasant in the eyes of the Lord, advising those in Judea to seek to fulfill the law and God’s commandments, removing the foreign gods from the country and building cities and wall reinforcements all around them, and the Lord gave him rest in the country and all around it. And in one day, seeing an enemy army with weapons and many chariots marching against him, he came out to meet it and set the battle in array and then he cried to the Lord saying: «Only You, Lord, can help the one who has no strength against the mighty one. We rely on You and in Your great name we defend our hearth, and the man cannot stand against You». (2 Chron. 14:11) Then the Lord struck the enemy army and this fled, and the king of Judea pursued them to their cities, for the fear of the Lord came upon them and this is how the one who relied on the Lord prevailed against his enemy. Then the Spirit of the Lord came down and met the king of Judea and said to him and to those from Judea: «He is with you, while you are with Him; and if you seek Him, He will be found of you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you. Now for a long season Israel was without the true God, without a teaching priest, and without law: but when in their distress they turned to the Lord and sought Him, He was found of them. In those times there was no peace to him who went out, nor to him who came in; but great vexations were on all inhabitants of the lands. They were broken in pieces, nation against nation, and city against city; for God did vex them with all adversity. But you be strong, and do not let your hands be slack; for your work shall be rewarded». (2 Chron. 15:1-7) Then the king heard these words from the Lord and the prophecy of the seer and he gathered all the people and brought thanks to the Lord from all their hearts, and he who did not work that way had to die. This is how this king kept peace in his country, but when his hope in God was tested, being again under pressure from the kings, the king sought his own council and went wrong because he relied on people. And then the seer of God came to him and spoke to him: «Because you have relied on the kings and have not relied on the Lord as you did once, for the eyes of the Lord run back and forth throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him, but you have done foolishly; for henceforth you shall have wars». (2 Chron. 15:7-9) Oh, and the king burst into rage with the seer and put him in the prison house, and he also oppressed some of the people at the same time. Then the Lord struck him with an exceeding great disease and yet in the time of his disease he did not seek after the help from the Lord but he relied on the physicians more than in God and he did not recover any more until the end of his life.

Behold, My people, this happens to the man who relies on himself forsaking God, for the man in his good time becomes proud and then does no longer receive the one who can cleanse him from his inner things with which then he hides even while being face to face with God. Oh, the man is not like the tree, which submits to its cleansing from the enemies, and the man hides even from the face of God as Adam in paradise.

– Oh, Lord, we, Your disciples, taught by You for the work of the apostleship upon the nations of the earth, we are writing ourselves with You in the book of this day of testimony of Your coming with the saints and with the spirit of the feast with Your people on the earth, Your people chosen from the Romanian nation. We have confessed before the emperors and kings, Lord, and they did the same to us, those who did not receive the cleansing from their sins and haughtiness that was seen over them and which covers the man’s sin under it. Of Your disciples, I, who acknowledged Your resurrected body, speak to the sons of Your people and I speak to those who come to see Your people and hear Your word, and I speak to all the sons of men on the earth that the sin in man stands against God if the man does not condemn sin in him. I taught both the kings and the slaves to leave off the sin in their bodies and I preached You by signs and miracles seen then by the declaring of Your name over my preaching, but those who call themselves disciples and teachers on Your behalf over the people, as others of yesterday like them, these leave the people in their sins and are not healers to take the worm out of man and save the man from the sin which eats inside his body and soul. I taught those united through sin, kings and subjects, to die in them to the feeling of the sin and to be decent and fight in order to be like You and like me, cleansed and freed from sin in them. This is what we did, Your disciples of that time, when we left into the whole earth to preach Your kingdom over the people, and we exhorted the people to know it and to receive it, and many received it, and then we established the people in it, and we also established priests and deacons over them and Your church was built, Your kingdom on the earth. Oh, today there are no longer clean bodies among those who call themselves Your disciples and teachers of churches and among those who call themselves Your church on the earth, and the people love the sin and say that this was left by You! Oh, the church, which lives within itself once with the sin in the man’s body, is not Your church! Your church is the body cleaned from man’s sin and many others, altogether, loving Your holiness in them by their living and by their holy appearance, according to Your pleasure and not after the pleasure of the world, Lord. This is how we preached Your Gospel, in this way, and not for sin. Behold, the people are ashamed of Your image upon their image. The common and proud women are ashamed, those who call each other ladies, they are ashamed to become signs and examples to be followed after Your pleasure among people, and I exhorted queens and their servants to great humility and they were Your brides after that, clean in their bodies and behavior, and they were sacrifices of Your love, for they were not ashamed of You, but on the contrary, they confessed You by their sacrifice.

Oh, sons and daughters of the earth, take courage for the Lord, and sanctify yourselves if you hear His voice! Stop sinning and hate it to death and then kill it in you, and you will come to life! Stop sinning so that the Lord may not stop you! The sin comes from the body and from the devil, and the devil is the father of sin and of lie and he is God’s adversary and yours and the adversary against all the people of the earth. He who wants to belong to the Lord’s heavens let him put an end to sin and to the pride that comes with sin, for the sin will be condemned by a great damnation soon, soon. Anything you may be on the earth, by name or by rank, humble yourselves, for you are sinners and your sin humiliates you; it does not feed you nor exalts you! Come out of the fire and throw out from your bodies the condemning fire in man, for the sin burns in you like fire; come out, and come into the flame of the Holy Spirit, Who cleanses the man by the word! The Lord has come as word on the earth into the midst of the Romanian people. He is not the man, He is not the devil, but He is the Lord Word and works upon you and for you and you cannot hide beneath your lack of wisdom, by which you want to say that it is not the Lord Who speaks into the midst of the Romanian people the end of the sin and the new beginning, a beginning again, for the first things will pass away with great noise, and you will see soon, soon, that this Scriptures will be fulfilled. I am the disciple who touched by my hand the wounds of His body, crucified on the cross by the people, by Ana and Caiaphas and by Pilate, who, being ashamed for their sin, could not submit to the Christ’s truth, but they rather hid and struck in secret and punished the right One, because sin does nothing else in man when the man hides not to be seen with the sin in him. These bought Judas and then forsook him as the only one guilty after they used him, and this is what the priests do and all those who love sin, spending their body and soul on sin.

Oh, sons and daughters of the Romanian land, put an end to your sin as old as seven thousand years and live within the cleanness in your bodies and among you, for if the heaven asks you, and you will not be able to stop, then you have gathered sin upon sin. The Lord waits for you to be His saints on the hearth of the Romanian people, the fallow land of the Lord’s coming with His saints, as it is written to be, and a holy man is the man who does no longer commit sin in his own body, loving God and loving his enemies. Stop eating meat, for if you do not stop, you will be filled will all diseases, with all evil abscesses, which the Lord sends on earth over the people who kill the living being with soul in it and he takes it killed in his belly! Seek after this spring of word, for God Word is springing out of His mouth the word into the midst of the Romanian people now, in the end of the time! Oh, seek God! Amen.

And You, Lord of Your saints, with whom You come, give the revival to the people, for there is much longing in me for You and I long for You to be in the people as You are in me, if the people will be faithful to Your word in order to fulfill it. We, Your disciples of that time, speak to everybody not to be ashamed of God, and that rather they are to be ashamed of the devil and of his wide world full of soul and body biting snakes, and let the people have fear of God, for the one without fear of God sins immediately, and the sin, once committed does no longer let the man to live for God, just as Ana and Caiaphas could not receive the Lord, for they were very sinful, and they hid under the robes of their glory from above with all the evil things in them, and they put the Lord to the cross for them and gave Him to be denigrated as a sinner.

Have mercy and take care of the Romanian homeland, oh, Lord! We bless it from Your right hand and we bring prayer for Your glory in it and for the work of Your word, overcoming for You over it. Amen.

– The same has been with us, Your disciples and prudes and of Your resurrection, we wish Your glory in the midst of the Romanian people to be more and more known on the earth, oh, Lord, and make of the dead sons and daughters of this nation resurrected people, as You also resurrected us and filled us with Your love and then we were Your disciples.

Oh, sons and daughters of the Romanian people, come to life for the Lord as we also came to life and then preached the Lord’s kingdom to the kings and we became His heaven on earth! Open your eyes well, for you live in hard times! Seek for you with justice and do not stay under the leaders chosen by you, for those who are staying now over you with carelessness sell the land beneath you to the strangers, they sell you to the enemies of country and soul. Come and ask the Lord, so that He may exhort you from above, for you are in hard times and you do not know from heaven, but you know only as on earth! Take well into consideration the example given to you by the Lord today about the king of the Judea, who, fulfilling the law and the Lord’s commandments together with the whole people, had a long time of peace. Come to life and let yourselves be lead by the resurrected One, for the resurrected Lord has come as word on the earth and He is the Teacher. Christ was resurrected for us and for you! Come to life too and become God’s sons and daughters like us, full of His love, for there will no longer be sin, but only the Lord and with His sons will be. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, male and female disciples, you have released now dear and zealous exhortations over the people from among the saints! Let us also fulfill over them the kingdom, which does not fall down! Amen.

I, the Lord, am writing now with My mercy the forgiveness of those who, out of their weakness, condemned Me to the cross, and I put out their fire as long as two thousand years over their soul.

Oh, rest now sons! I have waited in tears for your relief. Cry with Me now in a spirit of comfort. I am giving you tears of comfort now. Give away your tears by this time and receive My comfort. There is still a little time and your eternal comfort will remain between heaven and earth, and you will be comforted for your sufferance of two thousand years too, after you have stayed face to face with the sin committed by you. Peace to you! Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, Lord of endurance, You are the Lord God of those who gave You over to crucifixion two thousand years ago! You were and are Our Lord God, but we filled You with great sufferance then, and we worked in this way out of weakness. Make that all people, sinful because of their weakness, may seek You and find You, and then work so that they all may let themselves be resurrected by those who have mercy on the people like You! Oh, is there any other place where we are to hear prayer of forgiveness to You for us, Ana and Caiaphas, Pilate and Judas?

Oh, people, this means the man to receive advice from God. This people, chosen by the Lord out of the midst of the Romanian people, receives advice from the Lord and works in this way between earth and heaven, and it works like the Son of the Father, for Christ listens to the Father in everything. Oh, priests from the earth, flee from the glory that comes from people, flee from weaknesses, for you hide with them from the people and from God, as we also did! Do no longer live in your sins! Do no longer serve to the altars being sinful! Do no longer lie to the people, for sin will no longer be on the earth! Cleanse yourselves in an instant, for we died in our sins and we have been crying for two thousand years! We wanted to believe that Christ was not true God, although we knew well from the Scriptures His time and His glory, but being full of weaknesses we hid behind each other and in this way we sinned, and this is how you are also sinning today with respect to His coming of today and towards His people of today, of which you all have heard. Oh, come to your senses as long as the light is with you, for the Lord’s word sounds its trumpet in the earth on the hearth of the Romanian nation! Sanctify your mind, your heart and your body! Love God’s kingdom in you! Become dead to the sin, for the sin will no longer be on the earth! Amen.

And as for you, Good and long enduring Lord, the Teacher of the living and the dead, comfort Yourself because of Your pain from us, for this day of Your endurance is great over us. Oh, glory to You, and give us the salvation from sin that puts pressure upon us, since that time and up to this day. Amen, amen, amen.

– Be full of comfort, sons! Be the sons of My peace from now on! Those written in the Scriptures were fulfilled then and they are being fulfilling now as well. I was blamed by scholars and by leaders only because I was speaking from the Scriptures over the people with whom I was speaking, and this was great wrath over their spirit and over their evil spirit. Oh, does anyone speak on the earth those that are written in the Scriptures to be fulfilled as I did, and also reading from the Scriptures and fulfilling as it was written to be fulfilled as I did? Oh, it was only I who spoke like this. I and My disciples. And I have been speaking today likewise and My speaking proves the Scriptures and that is why the ministers of altars and the teachers of the law did not love Me and do not love Me.

I am the voice of the seventh angel and I call out the trumpet to work out holy victory over the earth. Amen. I sound the trumpet, for I am God’s priest and this is the priestly order from God: that is for the priests to sound the trumpets. Amen.

Peace to you, My people! I have nourished you with much word. This day has been a day of comfort and a day of reconciliation. Amen, amen, amen.
