for the time is coming for the heaven and the earth to be shaken, and those that are shaken will remain steadfast, a steadfast kingdom and a pleasant worship to God. And in this new beginning, I want to have you as a foundation, as for this you were born, and if this was written to Me, I had to have your word as a foundation, and let this word be yours: „Behold, I come to do Your will, my God. Be it to me according to Your will”.
behold, we set a rock of witness, and you will be My faithful witness. This mystery will be hidden under this testimony a very little time, but I had to send you to the one who is great on the seat of the church, (The Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, r.n.), for if he had not known, he would have had no sin and he would have justified before Me.
Do not be afraid of them, for they are no stronger than you. Be determined like Nicodemus from among the priests of My time,
Take My wisdom and make a foundational work with it and put your name at the founda-tion of this word of new foundation; and put into this word the name of My anointed Michael, (King of Romania, r.n.) for I want to speak his name from the top of this rock when we will finish working this rock. I am the One Who will bring My anointed. I am the God of the powers, and what is impossible to the weak ones is possible with God.
Now you will come and I will set by your own hand the beginning stone of the dwelling of God’s testimony, who is and works by the word, and everything will be worked this way until we finish; and we will work quickly the new beginning from which the resurrection will arise upon this nation, and all others shall be added to you by God. Seek first the embodiment of My word which is coming upon you, for My word has to become flesh after I speak it, and the others will be made easy to you by the Lord, and will be worked out by His power, by His angels, who are always sent to your service, for your protection and around you.
I am with you and I will be, and all will be worked out, but let My love be your love. Let your love serve you now for the happiness to come, and we will rest and celebrate new days, a celebration of resurrection and of Holy Spirit, as from this rock it will be heard a hymn of resurrection and the song of the Holy Spirit, the song of the redeemed who will wear white garments and a garment of grace and of righteousness.
You should put a celebration of resurrection and of the Holy Spirit coming down upon the blessed people. This is how these days of feasting shall be upon this holy place, which is build now by the power of God in His faithful ones.
Let this rock, which is set now by My witness Ioan-Irineu, be blessed and be a rock of foundation of the righteous and wakeful ones, for he will sit on the chair of My church and will speak out My clean and holy laws, for he is the witness of My work in this time.
Blessed it be the Romanian crown and the house of My anointed Michael, king of Romania, for he is from God upon this people, and behold, the time of God’s Romania is coming, and it shall wear a clean garment, a pure and white garment and a work of the Holy Spirit upon the earth. Romania is the one that is clean and chosen and the faithful one of this time, for it will be faithful to God.
Blessing, eternal myrrh and a heavenly anointment upon this place of testimony all over the ages, as in this time God has been working in Romania by the word, and the word, which flows from God into the midst of this chose people, will be perfected. Blessed are you, My faithful wit-nesses, who have sit in counsel with My word on this day of testimony, and behold, we will quickly finish this stone, and then I will be with you to all the margins of the world, and I will be by the word and work out miracles greater than those at that time, as I spoke then. I am the Lord of the powers upon the heaven and the earth, and there is no God beside Me, and I will achieve My perfection upon the nations, as in the heaven so on the earth.
Blessed are you, who will work this holy place. May your heart, hand, power, love and time be blessed, for I bring the time under your submission, and we will get out soon above all the powers from the earth; we will get out by this new beginning, delivered by a godly commandment.
Peace to you and rejoice as My Father is coming with His kingdom! And behold, My kingdom is in you and all the nations, which will see the glory of this work of living stone and you beside it, will know.
Peace to you, My witness, the witness of My clean and righteous church, for only those that are clean, undefiled, faithful, shall come into this sealed land, and this place of testimony of the work of My word will have power, for I rest in peace and in generosity into this clean manger.
Peace to you as well, king of My Romania, from here, from the first stone of the new beginning! Peace to you, Michael, king of the blessed one! Peace to you and to your house and your offspring, which shall stand by your right!
Glory to those that are in heaven and joy for this day of heavenly testimony, and also peace upon you, My witnesses!
Peace and good order upon My Romania!
This is a day of testimony. Let it be written this day as a heavenly memorial, in heaven and on earth, as on this rock I will build the living church of the new beginning which shall arise upon the nations. Amen, amen, amen.
I would like to comfort the one that is aggrieved and humbled by the worldly church servants, the one who is denigrated for My name’s sake, the bishop Irineu, who is in chains, for he loved Me when I needed his love and faith, for I wanted to wake up Romania in gentleness, but she did not want it through the unfaithful over it. Now I wake her up and tell her that her unbelief did not cut My way to her, for I am King over Zion, proclaiming My commandment and say: sons from the garden speak your word, and I will come. Pray for My coming, for the great ones in their spirit would want to prolong their time. However, the earth cries to Me and asks Me to come and clean the man’s haughtiness from it. I wanted to work out gently My coming for Romania, for it is the country of My second coming from near Father, Judge over the earth. I was not received to come in a spirit of gentleness, as the rulers of Romania and of the church in it, took Me as a demon and denigrated the one by whom I wanted to reconcile it to the Father and to wake it up for the glory of My day. I have not found anyone worthy among those that call themselves My church; I have not found anyone but Him and I sent him to knock so that it might be opened for Me and that I may enter with the day of My glory for Romania. Now, the bowl of mercy was emptied, but the bowl of My wrath was filled up, for Romania received Me with unbelief through the one who was sent by Me from its midst. Now, I command My angels to go from place to place pouring out the cleansing bowl in order to destroy the spirit of unbelief from the way of My glory, for I am glorified over Romania with the glory of My word, and I put to shame those that are unfaithful in it.
I come close to the one who is aggrieved for My name and I comfort his forehead on which I have My mark, and I confirm the seal on his forehead. He will stay before Me for those who love My name and My word in the day of My coming. Eight years ago, I set him as a word of testimony, and I turned his testimony into an accomplished deed, and he fulfilled over the earth the foundation of My word for the new age of New Jerusalem over Romania, through My people in it, the people of My word, a people of children born from above, at the hearing of God’s voice, Who is speaking over this garden. And as a reward of unbelief, I will send blight to eat the wheat and barley, which the people of the church were proud of, and who do not know to present the church before Me; however, I will ask from their hand the blood of those who perish because of their unbelief, for it is written: «The watchman who sees the sword come and does not let the citadel know so that it may repent, that citadel perishes, and its blood it will be required at the watchman’s hand, who did not do his duty». However, you should announce the Master’s coming, sons from the gates of My word, for woe to the watchman who hears the trumpet and announces the city to repent for the coming of the Master!
Blessed it be the day of the feast of the beginning of My word with you over the earth in a work of a new age. Blessed be the patience and humility and the tear of My bishop Irineu, who suffered and still suffers the wickedness of those who want to be great over the people in My name. He is great before Me, because He opened the way of My coming over the entire earth, and I will reward him at My coming with glory over the earth, and I will give him the crown of the patience of My saints, for it is written: «The one who will suffer to the end, will be saved and will be called great, and I will give him My kingdom for the saints». Amen.
I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down with the saints and with the angels in tens of thousands of thousands above the manger of My word in the last days and I bless with a new word the memorial feast of the laying down of the foundation stone for the building of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem on the Romanian land. Amen.
I am Who I am, and I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth. I celebrate in heaven and on earth My day of victory of the end of the human age and of the beginning of the age of the kingdom of the heavens on earth. There have passed twelve years since through My word, born of the Father, and with your hand, those that are My sons and settlers here, in the garden of My Holy of Holies, and with the blessing and with the unforgettable testimony of My bishop, anointed from above by My word in your days, Irineu, the faithful one of My coming, I laid down the foundation stone of the altar (or shrine) of the Holy of Holies, for the ground under it is the table on which he was established by My word to stay. And he did, and then He confessed, because by this building of unfathomable mystery I fulfilled the little white stone, and on it, My name from the end of the time, for it is written in the Scriptures for the end of the time: «His name is the Word of God». Amen.
I told you to write on this stone all around it: «Behold, the Lord is coming with the tens of thousands of His saints!» and I wrote Myself if you did not write. I wrote because I said to be written this way, and this writing of Mine witness in those that are not seen, from all that are not seen, but they are, adorning and testifying about the little garden of My word, through which I am over it. Amen.
Peace to you! And write into the book of the testimonies a day of feast as twelve years have passed since the laying down of the foundation stone of this building and of the fulfilling of this Scripture of New Jerusalem, established on earth by My word, which comes with the clouds with all My heaven of saints and angels.
Write into the book in which you bring together all My word that is upon you; write for twelve years ago I had My faithful witness, the bishop Irineu, Whom I, the Word of God, set on the chair of My church, the church of Jesus Christ, and I wrote his name on this stone, and this means his establishing over this time, as a witness of My coming and as word on earth, and his word in that day was set near My word and his word testified and it remained written into My book, and My book is called the Word of God, My name from the end of the time. Amen.
Oh, sons, chosen and anointed by My word in this time of My second coming from near the Father! I have come now as word on earth to establish the kingdom of the heavens and the end of the world, for the end of the world is holiness, son. And if you do not hear, I hear, and it is heard from margins to margins by My word, which flows and does not stay, and by which I, the One Who am, testify with the word in heaven and on earth that even I cannot erase your name on this stone of beginning, and you cannot erase it too, and nor those who did not receive you on My behalf with the news of the new beginning, of the new heaven and of the new earth on the Romanian land. Your name is carried by angels and saints from margins to margins in heaven and on earth, and so is your protection and your little crown, which no one in heaven or on earth can take it from you, for you have remained to testify, and the prophecy, which the Holy Spirit spoke through you, cannot be erased either; the prophecy for this land on which I, Who I am, established the fulfilling of the announcing of My coming and of My kingdom with those who are My faithful, the holiness, which brings the world to an end; for I established the New Jerusalem on earth in the year of 7500 from the making of the world, and from My birth as an infant from the Virgin mother, the churchly year 1992, for I built the altar from the table of the Holy of Holies in the first three months of this year, (The ecclesiastical liturgical year starts on 1st September – see also about the Julian and Gregorian calendars, r.n.), and in the fourth month, on the 12th day of the month of December, I sealed with My name and with your name the holiness and its sons and the land under it too, and I wrote with it the end of the world and I came out above all who want to be. And behold, I am the word on earth and I reign through it and give with it to each one according to one’s own deed, for it is written in the prophets: «Behold, take heed of the word of the Lord: A voice of tumult from the citadel, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that renders recompense to his enemies», and «The Lord will destroy them with the breath of His mouth». Amen. And as for you, by your testimony of that day, you have remained My faithful witness, a testimony that was no longer erased, even if the opponent, the man of lawlessness, brought you forward to strike Me with the stone, put by his unbelief into your hand. But the stone will turn back against all who did not receive you on My behalf, for whoever did not receive you, did not receive Me either, and again a Scripture was written as that one of two thousand years ago, when My people did not receive Me when I came from the Father to bring its salvation and its repentance for the forgiveness of its sins.
You are My faithful witness. There are twelve years in a row since your word has been testifying from near this little white stone, which I wanted to give it as a gift to the church of the world from which I chose you to be Mine, and I have exalted you because of your faith, to give through you the hand to all those who wanted to become sons of God through holiness and the apostles of My word, which comes with the clouds, and which is taken by the four winds and went from margins to margins, so that the nations of the world may come to this mountain of Mine to receive My glory to their holiness, for the holiness is the end of the world. Amen.
You have been in chains for such a long time, but I secretly send you the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and I enshroud you with His protection and I tell you: peace and happiness to you because you are patient for the fulfillment of the endurance, until I send away all My enemies and yours, either by their resurrection, or by their condemnation, for I speak this word in order to fulfill it. Amen.
My godly hand is blessing from the Father with power and with the work of the angels and of the saints the feast of the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem on earth. My hand is steadfast covering with all the heavenly powers My place of threefold feasting of the New Passover, and My disciples of two thousand years ago always work with powers of bishop, always at My table of new Passover within the new kingdom of My Father, for I give My Father all My earnings, all My work and I also give Myself always to Him, for He gave all things to Me, and I work in Him and I give Him everything that I work, and I also submit Myself to Him, for I am His perfect disciple. Amen, amen, amen.
Oh, My people, it is the feast of the heaven with you on earth. It is the day of feast when I, the Lord, separated the ages, the heavenly one from the earthly one, and I have made the kingdom of the heavens in a place chosen by Me from the beginning of new heaven and new earth. Amen.
Behold a feast of word, a day of memorial, when I, the Lord, stretched out the tent with a strong hand upon you, children anointed in this time by the hand of the Lord and of His angels. I am the One Who has the clouds as ascending and descending, walking on the wings of the winds and making My angels spirits and My servants flames of fire. In the beginning I founded the earth and its foundation and it will not be thrown down forever. In the end I will found a new heaven, a new earth and a New Jerusalem, as it is written, and that which is new makes what was before to pass away, and I founded a throne for Myself, and out of the throne I speak the word over the earth and I make My winds messengers and the flames of fire My servants, as I did on the mountain before Moses when wrote the commandments of life with flames of fire. This is how I will also work out the heaven and the earth in the end and I adjust Myself with the work of the Holy Spirit so that you may carry it, sons. However, the spirit of My word is also a flame of fire today and there is faith in those who have it as their worker from Me over those who are sanctified, and blessed, seven thousand times blessed are those who believe and sanctify themselves for Me, the One Who have the clouds as ascending and descending and I walk on the wings of the winds with the angels and with a chariot of fire. Amen.
Oh, My people Jerusalem of today, sixteen years ago, I have made the little garden of My word on earth. First I built it out of sons, faithful to Me and to My coming from the Father to man, and only after that I brought into being, by their little hands, the visible deed of My little garden for My coming in the end of the time, as it was My place of work when I built the man in the beginning. I bring My work to remembrance, the day when I, the Lord, and with the sons built by Me in this little garden, set the first foundation stone of My new beginning on earth with the man. Oh, behold what it means the man do work for God on earth! Before everything else, it has to be the word of God upon man, and then his accomplished work. And the man does his works on earth in the same way. First he says and then he does, but it is one thing for God to speak and another thing for man to speak and then to do. The man’s work is not one and the same with God’s work. The man works for himself, and the Lord works for man. The man works like another man, and the Lord works like God. Amen.
Sixteen years ago I have built on the Romanian land the little garden of My word from the end of the time, and then I showed it to the people, that it was and that I become in it a table and word of Holy Spirit over the man. A table of word from God over the earth, this is what I set on this little patch of land, chosen from the beginning to be My resting place at My coming from today on earth with man, but if I had no house in man in this little garden, I couldn’t show the face of My word, the deed of My spoken word over this little garden of sons, for I built in it the ark of the covenant which is in it before the eyes of the people, and then I wrote over this little garden, I wrote a holy place, a place for the Lord, so that those, who pass by and those who see, to know when they see, to know that «there the Lord is», as it is written in the Scriptures for the name of this little garden. Behold, I come in it from the Father as word of My suffering from man, and I come in it crying in the word, I come in it calling out after the man, asking him as My house and My life in him; in it I pour out My sighing full of mourning, in it I can stay cleaned from the spirit of the world, for I have enclosed it with a boundary to be the place of God’s mourning after the man, the place of My voice, crying after man, My cry, which becomes a book before the man so that the man may learn. Oh, I did not bring into being this little garden then when I brought it into view and made it known that it was and that it had become visible on earth. Oh, and how much opposition its appearance aroused on earth! Behold what the Lord’s work wants to speak in comparison with the man’s work! When I came as a baby on earth, old Simeon prophesied, carrying Me into his arms and saying: «Behold, this Child is set for the falling and the rising of many, and for a sign which is spoken against». (Luke 2:34) Behold, what the work of the Lord is in comparison to the man’s work, My people, and I celebrate with you today the sixteenth year since I, the Lord, set this new foundation of New Jerusalem on earth, a building coming out at My word, for I said and it was done, and this sign is set as a sign spoken against. Amen.
Oh, I look and I look again at that day when I, the Lord, had in this little garden with the sons of My word, My bishop from the end of the time, the one faithful of My coming from the Father, as word of creation, word of the renewal of the world, as the Scriptures predicted that I would work. I look with divine affection and I take into My hand that day of love and I comfort it with My saints and with My angels, and I comfort the head and the little heart of My bishop and I make him feel My comfort where he is. He is in the midst of the pain from man’s disbelief, who by calling to each other and one next to the other, he calls himself My house to the people, and the house of the people to Me, but he is a liar, because here it is how My coming to the man is, for I am God and not man, and I am not like man, but I am God. Amen.
I am writing Myself into My book of today of the memorial of My victory, when I, the Lord, had power to lay down, with witnesses in heaven and on earth, the stone of foundation of the renewal of those what have been spoiled by the people for almost two thousand years, the laying on its stone of My first church, as it was founded by Me through My apostles and then, through them time after time, until the man from the outside has interfered and shaken My foundation, and he has done it as he wanted and not after God’s will, and for such a long time, I have been suffering until now when I have laid on earth what it was written to be, before the man of lawlessness to wipe out completely My traces from among people, My face, through the church according to My will before Me.
I am comforted by that day when I had the power to lay down the foundation of the mystery of My new beginning of holy church, in which, I, the Lord, to be able to work wholly, body and word, and from the midst of this mystery to come out as word over the earth, but this memory also hurts Me, and the pain is My comfort. The pain has been My comfort during all the time of the heaven and the earth, and the pain has also been the comfort of those who have joined their life in with Mine either. There has not been a more beautiful face on earth, a purer smile and a clearer look than that of those who bear in them the pain after God, the pain, in all the time of deception, for the life is that which is in heaven, not that on earth as the man may believe, the way man is enchanted for the life he makes on earth; moreover, I have also spoken into My word about the most beautiful people by My pain in them. The earth is the way on which the Lord appears to man, who does not know to come back to his house, but whoever does not have eyes to see, then he has got them for something else, if he has still got them, and that is why a man like that gets enchanted by his life on earth.
I am receiving you into My Spirit on this day and I am comforting you with My pain, those who have remained faithful to My coming of today; those, with whom, nineteen years ago, I started My mysterious work of the church, according to My will on earth, being body and word on its table, as I wanted and I have not been able to have by this time, because I have no longer found faith on earth for My holy walking with man, and not as he has been trying to walk and to call himself Mine. I am full of comfort in My pain because I have you, those who have remained with Me in all My trials. Be, therefore, My protected ones, and protect My people from unbelief and disobedience and from the lack of humility and steadfastness, and then from joys that lose the man!
I mark this day and I say: twenty-two years ago, on the twenty-two day of the seventh month of that year, I put to its place My church on its first stone and I rejoiced the holy ancestors of the Romanian people, for ninety years ago, the church of the Romanian people went wrong mostly among the sons of the Orthodoxy on earth and headed for great errancy, but now, I, the Lord, have taken a sprout out of its midst (The Bishop Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.) and set it to bring forth fruit, and thus I have got a holy church into the midst of the Romanian people and I tender it as My dear vineyard and from it I make good wine so that it may have it on the table and the Lord to be always with it.
Twenty two years ago, I took a faithful servant to My word from the body of the Romanian church, Irineu, and I put on his head the crown of bishop and I brought him and he blessed the little garden of My word, that which was destined from eternity to be Mine, and I blessed the foundation stone and the school of the heavenly teaching over the sons of the church, the highest school between earth and heaven, of which I raise My disciples and disciples from disciples, for I do not call them professors, but I rather call disciples those who teach My flock and walk with it on My way; sometimes I also call them religion professors to speak in the language of the world, but in My language I call them disciples with a Teacher upon them, not on their own as are the religion professors on the lands of the world, who do not have any spirit of prophecy or any heavenly counselor to give them to share with their flock.
And as for you, faithful bishop, who accompanied Me twenty two years ago when I laid the new stone for the renewal of everything, and on this foundation I have built the work of My Father for the new birth of the world and for the founding of the new Jerusalem on earth, as it is written for it to come and to be with the people, I am telling you: call Me with tears in your cheeks, call Me to help you to wake up many before darkness comes into to be visible. I know that you are put in chains to the place of My word and to the people of My word; however, I am coming to you with the word and I ask you with tears in My cheek: Call Me with tears so that I may wake up many, for you have chosen to remain among them, to show your holy Orthodoxy and to endure hoping in My coming with the revelation of the truth of My word over those who do not believe that I am this word. You do no longer have power now for Me and for My new and holy confession for a holy life, but you can cry, and I give you power to cry and to call Me to come and help the church of the Romanian people while in need, for she sleeps, she sleeps and does not watch for My coming.
I am bringing you now here, near the spring, and I am bringing you mysteriously on this day of memorial, and, behold, the saints and the fathers lay a blessing hand on your head, to have their power when all need it in time of trial over the church of the Romanian people, who does no longer know his color (White, r.n.) and his law from the fathers. Oh, the helm over the church of the Romanian people is far, far from Me. All the servants on the top will be much despised, soon, soon, after they will have seen their disappointment from their mixture with satan’s pagans, and they will need holy help, for they all have crushed the holy law upon them, which protected them from above from the fathers.
I am bestowing on your head the great blessing of the fathers from heaven, from the eternal life of those who love heaven on earth and I speak over your little heart and mind the peace from above, for there is no longer pace anywhere but only in My word, by which I speak over the earth and with it I mysteriously rule over the world. Oh, peace to you! From the midst of the people of My word, from near the spring I am telling you this: peace to you! Moreover, you are to speak in secret and you are to confess before all the saints and say: «Blessed is the Lord Who dwells in Jerusalem!», into midst of the Romanian people, as it is written into the Scriptures about the place of My dwelling. Amen.
Oh, it is a day of the feast of the establishment, where the Lord has set you, and we, those in heaven, are at the table with you. Next to my day of feast is with his day of feast the first disciple of our Lord, the apostle Andrew. Together we bow before those in heaven and before those on earth who keep our feast. We were together witnesses from heaven on the day of the sealing of the little garden of the Lord twenty-three years ago, and you were witnesses from the earth, together with the witness bishop through whom it was declared the sealing with sanctification of the little garden of the word, and we see this day now and we have something to sigh from.
Now, I am dedicating to You, Lord, this great day of threefold feast, and the apostle Andrew has his prayer prepared before You on this day. Amen.
— Oh, Lord, open the heavens for the sons of the Romanian people to see You, as for two thousand years I have been waiting for Your glory into the midst of this nation, which I sealed by Your name before my coming to You through the cross, by the way of the cross with sufferance, Lord. I was faithful to You in pains and through the cross, and now I am waiting for Your gift, Your glory on the Romanian land, the joy which I have been waiting for two thousand years, Lord, and behold, the joy is being born little by little and it becomes complete, and I have been waiting, like all those in heaven, for the time when Your day of glory will comprise the haven and the earth in it, and Your saints will have their day of comfort too, the day of joy. I was Your witness on the day of the sealing of the little garden of Your word and I set the power in the gates over the garden so that this little garden may be Yours and not of the world, and Your bishop of that time spoke the word of sealing and Your will was done through us in heaven and on earth at the same time, on that day of testimony.
Oh, brother bishop, do not forget, do not forget the great moment when you had a mysterious ministry near those in heaven on that day when your word was written over this little garden for its sealing. You are written in heaven with that day and no one is able to go up into heaven to wipe you out from the book of that day. Oh, keep yourself in the book with the spirit of your heart, because this leaf cannot be torn down from the book. I am asking the Lord to enshroud you within the spirit of the faith, which you had on that day, and you should fight as much as my prayer is for you before the Lord.
Oh Lord, glorify Yourself in him for You, for he was Your witness and then it was written a day of testimony in heaven and on earth, and I am coming down on this day, as this day is a great feast; it is a threefold feast, Lord. Amen.
I am embracing you as in a little cloud with the word of the power from above and I say: Peace to you, sons! Behold, on this day we are writing into My book with you thirty-one years from the day when the foundation stone of the building of the ark (shrine) of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem was sealed with the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as I the Lord, called the white stone from where I speak (Apoc: 2/17; Apoc: 3/12; Apoc: 19/13) and reveal the spring of My word (Apoc: 22/1) half time of the seventy-year time of the mystery of My coming as word over the earth, and behold, in a little while, We are writing this accomplished number, the second half time of the mysterious week, of the number seven, (Daniel: 9/27) for with God it is counted as in heaven, not as on earth, sons, and this work is written in the Scriptures and there is no one to reveal on earth the time of the Scriptures and all the works as they are written, for all see to their own things, not to God’s, and I, the Lord, cannot to not fulfill jota by jota everything the Holy Spirit announced that it would be fulfilled and worked for all the fulfillments as they were written as no one on earth has been to read, watch and wait for their fulfillment and the Lord, Who comes, fulfills and glorifies Himself by fulfilling and confirming. (The discovery of the source of the word in the middle of the time of the biblical week - seventy years - that is, thirty-five years after the beginning of the descent of the Lord`s word on earth in 1955 at the feast of the Holy Easter, through the sixth trumpet - Saint Virginia - the discovery of the source of the word after thirty-five years, year 1990, after the „revolution” to topple the dictatorship of the communist red beast led by Ceaușescu, time of great tribulation and spiritual darkness, „revolution” which began on December 16, 1989, r.n.)
Let us look at that day when I overcame all the obstacles and prepared the occasion to lay the foundation stone to build with it the coming into the light of the work of My word by My trumpet, little Virginia and then by her disciples, oh, sons.
Thirty-one years ago, I was on a day of service of the marking and sealing of the little garden of My word and of the building of the ark, oh, sons. (1991.07.22) Of all those who were at that time, I have only you, and I have near you those who believe now the work and the fulfilling of My word. Then I had here the bishop, the witness on behalf of those who are sitting at the helm of the church of the Romanian people, and then he was taken from your presence, though he left a prophetic word that this work of word will advance with or without him, since he did not do or does not do it, and this word of his is written in heaven before the throne of God’s glory, and it has great power this great word of the heart, the mouth and of his faith.
Oh, then I had at My bosom the one who carved in stone the image of My trumpet, little Virginia, and this stone at the foundation of the new building was laid, and for this, I, the Lord, will take care of this long confessing son of My word and of the place I had chosen to work in this city on the earth of the Romanian people.
Then I had a little handful of disciples, but they found it proper, one by one, to step aside, but you have remained with Me, sons, and today I thank you and I exhort you to prayer to pray here for the forgiveness of all those who, from the beginning of the work of My word, have gone word.