The Word of God on the third Sunday after the Passover, of myrrh-bearing women

I say to you amen, sons of Jerusalem: the work of the Holy Spirit is coming upon you to eat from it and to grow by it, as I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, from My birth and up to My Father, was brought up by the food of the Holy Spirit, Who is from heaven upon the earth, and you have seen and heard of the Scriptures and from the heavenly book how I was brought up and how I revealed Myself on the earth. The time is coming and the time is closer and closer to clothe you My people, in a great visible glory, and that is why I ask you sons and daughters from the people to choose to be male and female disciples for Christ, the Son from heaven, the Son from the Father.

Peace to you, peace to you, peace to you, sons and daughters, My children, people of New Jerusalem! Well sons, we are surrounded by My holy women, by My female disciples, who were then as you are now. They were then and you are now. Behold, I also had women with Me and they were Mine and were taking care of Me, of My apostles and My disciples, but they were not fleshly but rather spiritual. They were a people as they are a people now. They all were a family, as My people is a family of God now. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and where the lot fell on them, there they were working. They were working where it was needed and no one made any condition to oneself on the earth; no house on earth, and not a specific place on earth. I did not move you from your place My people when I draw you to My work. I remained to your place and into your condition, and even so you were not giving yourself to Me as much as you could do it. I did not take you from your family to be in My family, as I took the apostles and disciples and the holy women and many others who were chosen their love for the soul and for the heaven. Who else among you I moved from one place to another place; I did not say to anyone to separate except from sin and from the opponent of this work of cleanness and resurrection. I have not gone from country to country by now, but now I will go and I will take disciples with Me from place to place. Amen.

Peace to you, sons and daughters! I tell you as My myrrh-bearing women: rejoice! Rejoice over the kingdom of the heavens, which is given to you! Rejoice over My growth upon you, as behold, I gathered you together as for an earthly lesson, and I give you a lesson, a lesson of holiness and good behavior and of discipleship in Christ. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, need to have disciples, man and women, and they have to love Me, and to know how to love Me. Why should they love me? Because I am the Love and they have to love the Love.

Oh, My loved disciples, My little disciples, how good it is for the man to be wise and how bad it is for the man to be simple. What does it mean to be wise, and what does it mean to be simple? I speak so out of My great zeal, the godly one, as I want to make you wise and intelligent, for if the Christian remains simple and ignorant, he will lose Me. The intelligent man is the one who does not live without Christ and without God’s will in him. From where can the man know what Christ’s will is so that he may fulfill it?

Oh, sons and daughters, oh My disciples! I came then through the Virgin and I became Man, and I let My exhortation about which was written into the Scripture, and I said what the man should do to have Me and to have eternal life, such as I have eternal life and I am called the One without death. The man who has Christ has all he needs if he has Christ, but here it means nothing at all and that is everything, as My people by now understood. My people did not look into the Scriptures to know how it comes to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as they, who became My disciple then, would sell everything they had so that they might not be mixed up with them, and they would give themselves and their belongings to Christ’s disciples, and would enter My family whose had I was; I, the Lord, I, the Son of the Lord, and they would go from place to place with Me, and they and I, were seedsmen. What do we seed? We seed the kingdom of the heavens in the man and upon the man. Those who did so with their life, were wise and gained the kingdom of the heavens. You should not believe son of today, that if the Lord’s disciples died in their bodies seven thousands years ago, they are dead. This does not mean that they died. The bodies have passed away seven thousand years ago, because Adam and Eve put the death into the bodies, but only the bodies have passed away for a while, and you will see that these holy bodies have passed away only for a while, and they will get up soon, soon, that they will appear soon, soon. Sons, do you believe that the myrrh-bearing women and they who are now with Me at you have come with their bodies at you? The saints have heavenly powers, and they have power to take their body back, and if they have, they have taken their body and are within the body, but their body is like Mine after the resurrection. I passed with My body through the wall and through a closed door. I did no longer use My pace on the road after the resurrection, and I moved from city to city and I went among those to whom I appeared. I carried My body from place to place by the power of the Spirit. The spiritual body is not seen by the fleshly bodies, but it is seen by those that are spiritual.

Oh, sons, sons, it is written into the Scriptures: «If the man has hoped in Christ only for this life, he is most pitiable of all men!». Behold, the man loses the endless life for the one now. The spiritual life is endless. He, who lives a spiritual life in his body, goes on with it, if the body passes into its rest until the resurrection of the new body. But he, who has a fleshly life in his body, he puts an end to the life of the body and receives the reward for the deed of the body; he goes for hard work; he does not go for a spiritual life near the Lord, Jesus Christ. The wise man knows to rule his house well and gets hold of spiritual eternity. The fool does not know what life is. He thinks that the life means only the time of the body and stays carelessly and builds whatever he wants, and then he finishes because his body dies, and then he sees that he was fool and he has deceived himself. My disciples did not think and do not think this way. They think in terms of holiness and choose the heaven on earth, and I pass them into the imperishable and forever comforting things, because the reward of their heavenly life on earth leads them there. The simple man chooses his flesh and those that are seen by the flesh. My work with you for forty years has been the work of ascension into the heaven, but My people did not want to be wise, and it remained with his body on him, poor Christian. But I will also have wise people and it is good for a man to be wise. The fool remains in his body and thinks like the fleshly man. The wise man elevates himself with in thought and heart to the Man of the Love. I am the Man of the Love. I am He Who gives the man love and eternal life through love.

The man, who has his body defiled by a fleshly lust, stinks before the heaven, and the heaven does not give wisdom to such a man. The thought of such a man stinks, and the spirit of the clean man rejects the spirit and the body of the man that is defiled.

It is a great thing for the man to be wise. Only the man who chooses the heavenly love and grows it within him with wisdom is called a wise man, as I and My followers up to you did. And I say again: blessed is the simple man; that is the man without God’s love, who comes back like Mary Magdalene, My loved myrrh-bearing women, more loved than each and everybody of that time. She loved sin and flesh passionately, but she gave an even greater love when she came after Me to love Me. He, who loves Me, does no longer sin with anything. He, who loves Me, does no longer love his own self; he does no longer loves the deeds of the flesh, and rather he loves the deeds of the Spirit of Jesus Christ in his body.

Oh, how much I have loved Mary, Mary from Madgala! Why did I love her so much? Because no one loved Me more, and I fed her with the love of the Holy Spirit, and it was done much love and she had loved Me since that time and until now, and she will love Me forever, and Mary is My bride. Mary, this daughter, stood up against Pilate after I seated by My Father. She could no longer bear this pain; that is, to be accused by someone as guilty; however, she took Me out from under the guilt that I was condemned by and testified Me as God from heaven. Behold love! She was the first one that I appeared to after My resurrection, and only then to the others. She was convinced that I will not perish and that I will be alive in My body. She believed what I told her; as I told her that I would be alive again on the third day. All doubted, but she did not doubt at all, and after I My resurrection, I went to her first.

Oh, what a great reward the faith has in those that I, the Lord say! Oh, sons, how many things I have told you by the words of this work! Behold what I show you today! I show you the children from My garden, which believed all My words, and that is why I fulfilled and fulfill through them, because they believed what I told them. Sons, sons, do believe in My words and do not play with them. He, who is playing with My words, will have great pain and great shame will seize a man like that. That one will be persecuted by angels and people. Sons, do not play with those that I have spoken upon you. If you were sinful, do as Mary did and love God, so that the grace may be multiplied in you, and by My grace in you to love Me. Replace the deeds of the body with the deeds of the spirit, as it is a difference between a Christian and a disciple. The disciple does not let himself be guided by feelings, but the Christian sometimes do, sons. By now I have called My people Christian. But why did I call it so? Because he was under the law of the flesh, the law of marriage and the law of given into marriage; he was under the law and not under the grace. But now I will call it people of disciples, men and women, who serve one another in love. That is why I have taught through the sons of My garden the young man and young girls from the people not to choose someone that they might care about in their soul, and rather they all may care the same, and to care about Jesus Christ, the same way as the work of My first disciples was; who were going where they were needed in the Lord’s service, and not being bound by anyone and by anything, they could answer to the heavenly works.

My book goes up with the people step by step. Read and see how much time I have been speaking with the bodies of this people, and the people remained only flesh; and today many are only flesh. Oh, I have asked Myself now, why the one who came into this people really committed this sin, if he was not a lover of Christ, and if he wanted to be only flesh? This was a great error, and woe to the one who leads astray the little one of Mine!

The apostles ask you; My disciples ask you; My myrrh-bearing women and My female disciples, who love Me, ask you to be like them in love and that you may not be yoked with a foreign yoke of discipleship in Christ. I am the Lord; I am your Bridegroom; I am your husband, young man and young woman from the people. Behold how many brides I have had. This is how you should also work if you want to be written as My disciples. Mary of Magdala, My myrrhbearing woman, served the apostle John; she served My Mother after I was seated by My Father; she served there where she was needed in Christ’s work. All My people did the same. He, who does not want it this way, shall get out of My disciples, so that My little ones may not stumble. Do no longer stay into My people if you do not want to be with Me and with the heaven. Do no longer stay, as you cause and offense if you pose as My disciple into My people without being My disciple. Withdraw from My people and stay with the outside world, so that those from My people may not believe that you belong to My people.

Sons, those that withdrew into the world in their flesh too, were not of My people. They have sinned very bitterly if they came in at this table. They did and do as Judas did, and sit at the supper of My word and take the morsel from the table and then run and do the deeds of the flesh and of the darkness of the body. Do not stumble over the one tossed by the wind; do not stumble over the simple man. The simple man is the man who chooses his own self, who chooses the will of his heart and his fleshly desire. I tell you to be wise, sons. He, who loves something else than Jesus Christ, is not a wise man. I need wise sons. Well sons, do you want to be wise? If you want here is what I tell you: rejoice! Rejoice loving God during this time when the world do no longer love God.

I have the Holy Spirit come down upon the children of My garden, and I pass through their speaking with the word of the heavenly teaching.

Sons from the garden, the Holy Spirit is giving you today a new language. Get up one by one in a heavenly feast and give the language of the Holy Spirit upon these disciples. I in you and you in Me, into a work of the Holy Spirit! I have called sons and daughters close to the manger, so that you may teach them the work of the male and female disciples, to teach them what joy means, and rejoice with them sons, and make disciples of disciples. Teach them to flee from the sin by the love of God, not by the fight against sin. He, who fights against sin, still has something else to do until he does a work of love for God. Get up to work, sons. Receive the Holy Spirit and give the Holy Spirit. Amen. Behold, the shepherds stand and look at you as the teachers of the Temple looked when I was speaking in the Temple at the age of twelve and then afterwards. First learn and only after that sing. May My word be blessed in you; may My word be blessed! I am the Word, and I am in you. I come in you, and from you go into the disciples. Behold, I come in and out through the invisible doors and work through you. Prepare sons, as you will stand in front of the multitudes and you will teach them the love of God and the resurrection of the body and of the soul.

May you be blessed, apostles and disciples, men and women! May you be blessed, teachers and interpreters of the heavenly words. May you be blessed, overseers of the Holy Spirit. May the kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit be blessed! Amen, amen, amen.

Christ is risen! Rejoice, and I also say: rejoice in your Lord, Jesus Christ!

Peace to you, peace to you, peace to you! I give you My peace, sons of the New Jerusalem! Amen, amen, amen.
