The Word of God

… Peace to you! Peace I give to you! Amen. Learn the symbol of peace. I want nothing without peace. I bring peace from the holy heaven. I have built the peace. If I had not come with peace, it would have been hard. Peace from Me, you blessed sheep! Peace to you, My people! Peace between you and your Father! I give you a command: love one another as I have loved you and let the peace be strong and holy among you. Value one another! It is better for you to die than not have peace among you. I conquered the world through peace, for the world did not conquer and remained at one point. The world prepared for Me a lot, but I overcame through peace. Christian, you buy to build a house, but you do not build peace. It is useless to lay brick upon brick if you do not have a good heart. Beware of strife, for the first word I said when I came down from heaven was „Peace!” It is not like what the man says, „Cheers!” Oh, all the time when I open the gates of heaven, quarrel it is heard. Oh, how the Christian will condemn himself because of this quarrel.

Come to your senses, children, for we will climb the mountain, up there, with many sheep, but I do not know if all of them will reach the mountain, for they are getting sick walking on the way. We will stay many moments on the mountain and afterwards we will come down again to the sheep pen, and when I start whistling My trumpet, all the sheep will come to Me, My child.

Wake up! Do not be drunk in this time. Oh, you drunkard man of this time, who cast your own eyes and make them dirty! It is better for you to get them out than to remain in the world, for this is a crazy time.

I tell you once more that we will go up the mountain with many sheep and we will hear what we have never heard, and will see what we have never seen, and Christians will be as many as the stars, there where we will be.

I have come down on earth to build a house and to enrich you, for this work that I do with you is great. Sons, pray so that you may not lose it, for many come to Me empty and ask Me to give to them.

My child, do not look at the bad man, for this is a heavy sickness. Unbelief and disobedience of man is the most contagious sickness.

… I came to the remnant of Israel, of the ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I called you on your name, and I knew you by your face that you belong to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Do not be against God, for it is not only I who will judge you, but your ancestor and your forefather will judge you as well. Oh, no one will go down to the bottom of the water if there is obedience.

My children leave as the fishermen left their nets and came to Me. Leave as the shepherds left their sheep and came to Me. Leave as the carpenters left their work and came to Me. Do not be with empty hearts. My child no one can buy a dry nut; not even a penny will you receive on it. Sons, I want you to be a model. Do you not want to be a model? Oh, not go to the fair market on holiday and not buy anything.

… Someone always says: „I do not want to conceive more children; I have four children.” But why he does not say this way: „I will sleep in another bad?” Behold, no matter how I put it, it is still not good for you, Christian. Intercourse between man and woman was for sons bearing and not for lust. Oh, the beasts have taken it ahead of man. If, at least, My teaching was valued by the Christians, for I cannot say this thing to the pagans. Brother and sister, God forbid that the children may be conceived in your belly out of the lust that you have. Do not be upset with what I tell you; this child will be sick all the time, will be mischievous and someone may ask: „Why is this child sick or evil?” Oh, you have not thought at the Lord, Jesus Christ, but rather you thought how to do you lust. If the death came at that hour, it would be hard for you. I am ashamed of this sin. Be frightened of this thing. I gave a command to ease the arms of the women and they said that it was him that could not do it. Brothers, he who is a Christian, let him work according to My command. Who is not a Christian, let him work according to his own will.

Oh, sons, strengthen My vessel (Through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) so that he may receive nothing of these things from the Christians, for these things are so hard when they come to Me! Be good and clean yourselves of these words. Sons, I do not praise you now; praise is left for the end. Prepare yourselves, for behold, the evil spirit has prepared to swallow the Christians. Unless you become like infants, you will not get into My kingdom.
