The Word of God

… Well children, there are many children who wait at the gate of the garden; they look and pray to Me to open the gate for them, for there is a lot of room inside, many seats, lights, and the seats shine. I told them: „It was not I who closed them, but you with your deeds, for you persecuted the believers who were trying to follow My Word; you cursed the sun, the moon, the saints and instead of prayers you blasphemed and persecuted. You did not pray and had no faith. You had malice, for it was with faith and prayer, feasting and good deed that you could open the gates of heaven.” Here My children, I came down to you to urge you, to tell you where you fell down from, what deeds you closed the gates of the city with.

Oh, when I go to My Father in heaven, He asks Me what the children on earth are doing. „Well,” but I cry and I am very upset with all that you do. Oh, how many times I have spoken to you and urged you to all that pleases My Father! You say that you are angry that I do not speak to you, but I too go so many times angry from you. I am coming down from the glory and I am going back distressed for I find unbelief, strife and coldness and so many others which should not be among Christians. Look, if you have faith and love among you, I will come down to you again.

… Here is what kind of faith is among you: only critics and you judge one another. Satan has laid all kinds of traps to catch you into his snares with lie, slander, malice, pride, greed, arrogance and all sorts of these. You have cleansed yourselves of some of these but you still have so many. Clean yourselves of all. Fight for life and death for the time is short.
