Write, sons who receive God, write from Me and place My word into its book, and peace to you, oh, sons, as it is a day of holy feast in the memory of My ascension to the Father, after I had finished My work for which I came to become flesh on earth and to redeem from the wages of sin the man built by My hand and his descendants as well, oh, and write so that those who were, those who are and those who will be, may know that I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, after I had given My soul and Spirit in the hands of My Father, I still had work to do, as I had not finished My work, because I went and knocked at satan’s doors and I frightened him when I met him, because I set him aside from My way and I entered at him and worked out the deliverance of Adam and Eve, and then I also worked at the deliverance of many righteous and holy ones and I came out victorious with them, and only after that I went and raised My body from the grave and then I rose from the dead to life. (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. - The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.)
Oh, sons, I still had work to do after that because I had to further prove My divinity and the truth that I was the Son of the Father, and I went on staying on earth and working with all the power given by the Father and I set My disciples to work further leaving them My being under the mystery of the bread and wine, the mystery hidden from ages and unrevealed to the angels, oh, and only then I went to be with My Father, only after I had enriched them with all of My things for them for eternity, making them poor of those that are temporary, which would have prevented them to be totally Mine, because man, you are not poor when you do not have all things, but you are poor when you do not have the love for God with everything, that is, with your soul, with your body and with your spirit, and it is enough for you not to lose God, Who is your life on earth, and then your eternal life with Him, as if on earth, you do not have Him fully and sufficiently, in the same way you will have Him beyond this life here.
Behold, sons, the poorest ones are the rich, those who have everything, those who gather all their lives, and this only to leave them one by one and they are left with nothing for eternity, but those who are rich in God have joy with Him on earth and in heaven, and this mystery I taught My disciples and I left them in it as heirs of the kingdom of heaven even from the earth, and then I sat down on the throne of the Father’s glory on His right side and from there, I spend time with those who are poor on earth, because they have Me and I am enough for them, and this is the mystery of those who follow Me by self-denial and with a holy cross, with a holy life like Mine, as they consider death everything that on earth might tear them away from Me and then from their eternal life, which is not enriched like the man on earth, as it is otherwise, it is enriched with the things from eternity, because where the heart of man is, there are also his treasure and his life, as it is written.
Therefore, speaking about this day of holy feast, I have told you My mystery with My people on earth and about My sitting on the throne next to the Father, the Full Master of God’s sons on earth, who are poor of those that are perishable and rich in the working grace and resounding by its works as I remained over the ages the eternal Son of the Father Who sent Me to put the people back on the way, to their home, rich even from here with the heavenly things, which are to wait for them at the end of their work.
Behold, sons, what ascension means! It means the fruit that remains and its kingdom in it, but My work, worked from the earth and up to heaven, is not understood by man, and not even by the Christian man. Man always sins. Man has got used to sin. He knows about the heavenly mystery for man, but very little does he want to know, because man loves sin and the taste of sin and for sin he separates from God. Oh, what shall I do to him? He says that he cannot do otherwise, and he is right if he is only a man and that is all, if he is not a son of God by love.
You cannot be God’s son but only by love, man, for love heals the man from sin. There is no one to tell you this, but I, the Lord, am telling you. Love does not leave any time for you to sin, it does not let you die unless you separate from it in order to sin, to indulge yourself with your lust. I, however, bring before Me a people and teach it to do My will like those in heaven, because otherwise man falls under sin, after he has known that sin is his death whenever he gives in to sin and dies through sin.
He who comes after Me is the one who does no longer turn to sin, and I greatly suffer for the man who does not know to keep himself in God after he has joined himself with the Lord through His body and blood, and through it, the man may have life, and to have it forever then.
And if I have spoken about the mystery of My ascension at the end of My work on earth two thousand years ago, behold, sons, We are sitting in a council with you for the work of the meeting of the great holy days of Pentecost and of My trumpet, Virginia, celebrated now in a special way in heaven and on earth in the midst of the people, with which, I say, that I have remained, because even some of them are stopped on the way at some of the customs, which they do not want to pass, just as souls cannot pass customs when they have nothing to compensate for the sins committed on earth. (The twenty four customs of the air – see “St. Theodora`s journey through the aerial toll-houses”, - aerial toll-houses, r.n.) I, however, go on with the preparation of the remaining people and encourage them on the way on which I have set them to fulfill My whole will, My word upon them, and We are making a counsel and working according to it, We, those from heaven, and you on earth, and We are bringing before the Father the fruit worked by the counsel, sons.
I am going to come with the saints in groups-groups, in tens of thousands, as it is written about My coming and about My companions, and with Us, are also coming those who have gone to sleep from Adam and up to you, for you remind Me day by day of their resurrection, of their eternity with Me.
We are going to set the table of Pentecost, we are going to sit at the table, but we will not clear the table of the meeting. We are going to remain here above the citadel for seven days until the birthday of My trumpet Virginia is fulfilled and then we are bringing her celebration before the Father and then we are also going to share the book of My history with her, and at the table there will be that feast for a hundred years since her birth on earth, oh, because it is great, great, sons, the mystery of My work with her! All the heaven marvels and the saints are amazed at the mystery of My second coming on earth by My word springing from this stone through which I have fed My people for more than twenty-five years, (From 1955 to 1980, r.n.) and this stone has kept Me, and she was the voice of a trumpet over earth, oh, but all the people who took My word of preparation believed, but the Christian of this word was not able to fulfill God in him, rather he only enjoyed and believed, therefore, I was not able to raised him step by step to My glory with him. I, however, wrote the history of My word and My trumpet and of those who suffered for a while together with her on My way full of lions and wolves as long as I had sounded from this pipe of My voice, and then she came up to heaven. Afterwards, she came back as I had prophesied what it would happen with her, because this is how the saints work, sons, they come back and work from heaven for the people, and Virginia’s work was the greatest in comparison with all the other saints, because I dwelt in her and I was the One Who was speaking not she, and the Lord had no longer been speaking so much over the earth up to her time, oh, it had not been so, sons, from the beginning of the time and up to My Virginia, there had no longer been any of the Lord’s work like this, oh, and Virginia is great in heaven; however, whoever reads in My word through her and does not understand My mystery, I have nothing to do more for the man’s mind and then for his faith and life with God, after that for such a long time I have spoken over the people with My last word and especially now, when I am calling out over the nations and over the kings, and I am going everywhere with the glory of My word which flows over the citadel and it divides into arms all over the earth, for the day of My glory is coming near and I must be ready with the new announcement, with My love from the end of the time, oh, and man cannot do yet what I want him to do, for he has got tastes, he has got his work, he has got his things, just like those of two thousand years ago, who did not have time to know Me, to receive Me, to believe Me that I came for them, and behold, all the time under heaven man cannot work with God as I have My angels at the work which I have to do and which I work with the angels and with the saints, for man has got his own works, and God suffers from the man’s lack of love, from his carelessness concerning the country from above and which mysteriously waits for its citizens in it, with the table set, with joys and imperishable beauties, and I, the Lord, still stay face to face with the man’s carelessness, who only believes My word and that is all.
However, now, sons, we have taken counsel and we are going to work accordingly, We and you, and you with Us, and next to you I have hastily set to work the servants who have come to join to the preparation of the feast and of the symbols which will speak over time about this great feast of the heaven on earth, for I have raised workers with love and they are working in My service with haste, and we have made the book of My trumpet and then the renewed cross on the hill, and another cross here in the garden, oh, and new garments for the celebration too, with which you will beautiful dress, royally, sons, and then the pleasant joy of the heaven on the feast table, and fulfilling Christians at the table with those in heaven, with all the preparation and the symbols from the feast.
And I, the Lord, am blessing and accompany with heavenly goods those who have joined with you for the beautiful organization of the day of feast, and peace to you, sons, and My peace and theirs too, of those who diligently are staying now in My service together with you so that we may prepare all things, and I, to give blessing all over!
I am giving you strength, I am giving you love and I am giving you from heaven, and we are going to work according the counsel taken now, and for what is still to be known, I am going to come and sit in counsel again and meeting through the word.
Now, we are celebration here in the citadel the memory of My ascension to the Father and we are sharing joy and hope and we are giving each other holy strength, for holy and angelic powers are at your service now.
And My blessing can, sons, and peace to you under My blessing! Peace to you, peace to you, peace to you, oh, sons! Amen, amen, amen.