The Word of God

… Behold My flowers, the holy prudes, holy martyrs, armies of angels, holy martyr virgins now come and sing to you. Well children, well children with your heart full of joy, oh, well My flowers! I am glad for you and for your joy as well, for in this night of plagues and debaucheries it is only you that pleased Me. Oh, I sit and cry, as the earth is full of grave sins which have been done this night, debaucheries worse than in Sodom and Gomorrah; drunkenness, murders, abortions. I cannot look down on My earth. I cannot look because of the transgressions horror. The body laid hold of the soul, for a lustful and bloated body is a dead soul. Oh beloved, food and self-indulgence brought the man Adam out of Eden. Food and disobedience and immorality will fill the hell.
