I have been waiting at the gates of My word since before dawn. I, the Lord Jesus Christ, have been waiting at the gates because I have word in Me in this day, and it has to take its place in its book. Amen.
It is the moment of the elapse of the day of today, of the Sunday of this day, weak children in the gates. Before dawn I have been waiting for you to be able to come in the word. Oh, let the day of this feast not elapse without settling Me as word in the book, because since I came down among you last time, I have also gathered word in the book, children sons, and without it among you, and after it takes being in Me, it is hard for you and it is hard for Me, for My word is hard when it speaks, and it cannot speak. Yes, sons, it speaks and it also cannot speak, because if it does not settle down on earth, it presses Me down, and My pressure also presses you down, for you are My gates, and I am heavy within the gates, and I would be very much comforted in such a way that My people may not forget what you are, for whoever does not forget this helps you while in difficulty and it does not make any pressure on him, and the one who helps you for My difficulty with you does not pressure you down, but on the contrary, that one takes great care and he takes care of Me and of you, and he does no longer takes care of himself, and this means God in man, and this does not mean the man in man.
Oh, children charged with My great word, which is born of Me! Let us give you power so that you may also give Me being in the book, for otherwise this burden breaks your body, for God is hard when He cannot work, when He is weak in the man that He is pleased with. I, the One Who I heal My weak one, I am weak in him when he cannot work for Me because of his weakness, and that is why I heal him and I always lift him up for Me, because if I lift him up for him, is of no use to him, that is to his soul. When I heal the weak one, that one falls even in a greater sufferance if he does not know what to do for his healing from Me, and it hurts Me very, very much, My people, when the man does again wrongdoings after that I, the Lord, heal them at his request or because of My mercy on him, so that he may thank Me afterwards and not to do what he wants with the gift of My mercy.
Oh, what a great example of teaching I have left by the healing of the paralytic! When I found him on the side of the pool, which was giving healing by its angel, he was helpless. As sick as he had been for such a long time, not being helped by anyone from among those that were gathering there for the healing of their people’s weaknesses, I had mercy on him, and coming closer to him, I asked him: «Do you want to be made well? Arise, take up your mat, and go to your home, and from now on sin no more, so that nothing worse happens to you».
Oh, My people, who, after he is forgiven of his wrongdoings, who else takes care that he may no longer go wrong so that nothing worse may happen to him? Who, sons, who on earth? For two thousand years no one has understood My word settled upon the one who had been weak for thirty-eight years after I healed him at the pool of the sheep, there where all were looking for their own healing, and they were not looking for each other’s healing. However, I worked otherwise. I sought the one who did not have any help on earth to come to the help given by the angel from heaven.
Oh, My people, on earth the man does not let himself be helped by God, for this face means something else than what the man knows what it means, for behold, the one who is helped does not know, then, to avoid evil in which he was so that it may not happen worse to him. That one owes obedience and he must no longer go wrong, but if he does not listen and goes from bad to worse, then he is punished worse even by his many wrongdoings after that. I helped the one who had no one to help him on earth, and that is why I have been teaching you to have mercy, to do merciful actions to those who have no one to remember them after they leave their body, because for those that left their bodies the deed is even greater, just as for those who are still on earth and who go wrong again and again and then they remain not healed, since they always have to be helped, and they go wrong again. Those that left their bodies cannot be helped by anyone but only by God and by those that are like God.
Oh, great is My teaching on this day of memorial of the paralytic that was healed by My heavenly mercy! Oh, My people, the man does not need to have any claims to be helped by someone, but rather he needs to be helped only when he is helped, and he has to let himself be helped then. Oh, man, you are not that one who you think you are, but you are the one whom another one sees how you are, for it is another one that sees you and not you, because the man cannot read himself alone, but only the one before him reads him the way he is, the same as a book is read after someone opens it. However, with the man is something else, and it is not as with a book that you have to take and open to see what it is in it, what it writes in it. The man cannot hide, but he is the one outside of him, for it is seen outside of him that he hides in himself, for the man’s hypocrisy is the most read book of the man’s way of being, and he becomes heavy around, and this is the sign that he is not true.
Oh, My people, I gave you advice, son, and I told you that if you do not know to bind a wound, at least do not make a wound, for the blood of the wounded cries rejected to the one who wounded him. I have established exhortations of all kinds into your midst, because I want every man to learn from Me, only that I may have a way to speak in you, My people. The paralytic that I healed did not forgive Me then from the wrongdoings of his life, for which he suffered, even if I told him not to do wrongdoings anymore, because in that case it could have gone worse to him than it had been before, that is to separate himself from God even worse than before, for the man’s separation from God is his greatest punishment.
Oh, man, do not hurt any man and then run away without binding the wound, for the blood of the one who suffers from you, cries out to Me by his wound. But there is even a more severe wound than that which you make in secret to your brother. This is even more outrageous, because My honor in your brother is hurt, that which you make to the one who loves Me with pain for My sufferance, is a wound made to Me. If something of what is Mine in you makes you suffer because of your neighbor, and he does not know, your neighbor is in the darkness and he does not know his darkness, for whoever makes a wound and then he does not bind it, that one is in the darkness as regard to his brother that is wounded from him.
Oh, My people, wound against wound is great sufferance for Me from you, and I do not want you to be like the one who said: «I have slain a man for wounding me», but on the contrary, you should get up and first bind the wound of the wounded one, and then you should also bind yours, and this means the law of the Lord with you, My people; oh, and how much I wanted that every man may receive this heavenly teaching and to settle it down upon the man on earth then! You are the people, which has been taught by God, but the man from the world has nowhere to receive the teaching of life from the same as you have it from Me.
Oh, sons, you should not be self-lovers and proud within you and for you, for these lead to pretentions and then to separations among brothers from those that are earthly among brothers. It is not good to stand before the heaven wounded by each other, for you are Christians and not world, and woe to the one who deceives himself with that which is fleeting, and behold, sons, I have not come on earth to judge between brother and brother, because if I do this, one of them remains guilty. I have come to lift up the guilt; the guilt, which the man does not want to carry, and he cannot carry his neighbor’s if he cannot carry his. However, I come as a healer upon the man, for I have got teaching of life, and I tell you for every man that slander does not heal, it does not refresh man’s soul and it has to be removed from man. The one who does not receive your slander, it does not mean that he is not your friend or that by this he does harm to you, but it rather means that he does you good, that he removes the occasion of this sin, which the man has been committing for seven thousand years against another man, and, which even harder than this, it is against God, My people, and the man does not know how this comes.
Oh, it makes Me suffer greatly when I see the one who says that he loves Me, and he does not know how to be Mine, how to give himself over to Me to be Mine. Oh, the man does not know to make sons for Me, to give forth fruit to Me and then to give it over to Me. Many parents give their children to the devil, for they say to their children „Go to the devil!”. when their children make them angry. However, the devil does not take them; it leaves them to their parents but they are not theirs anymore, but they belong to the one whom they gave them over by their spoken word, and then by the given child, the devil has got the parent too, and it draws the parent too, for it cannot be otherwise. However, with God is not the same, and if you give your child to the Lord, he is no longer yours, but if you still keep him into your heart and in your care afterwards, oh, he is not as with the devil, who leaves him to you, but it is otherwise. Behold what happened in My people with all the children and parents whom, I, the Lord, do not have them as Mine. Many parents have done the will of their children and as a result I have lost both the parents and the children. Many children have done the will of their parents and I have lost both the children and their parents. But the parents who have given their children over to God and then they have not sought with care to them, they have understood My significant speaking when I spoke two thousand years ago: «Allow the little children, and do not forbid them to come to Me».
Oh, My people, the one who says that he loves Me but he loves his child too, that one actually does not love Me. Whoever loves his child, that one cannot love God, for the measure has to be wholly with Me, My people. Whoever loves his child, that one is an idol worshipper, he is the lover of the fruit of his sin, and he is not ashamed to do this, and the one who loves God with a quarter of a measure makes Me suffer from a deep wound. Oh, this is how the man knows to love Me, My people, and behold, woe to the one who does not know to be My disciple when he says that this is what he is!
Oh, it is not possible half a measure; it is possible neither with God and nor with the people! It is not possible for a man to give himself half to the devil, even if you hear him that he has committed only half a sin. Oh, this is otherwise. It is enough only to forsake God only for a moment and this means treason and the man does not know what the healing from God means then when he comes to Me to be alive after that. I told to the paralytic man not to go wrong anymore, not to commit sin anymore so that it might not happen worse to him, for sins upon sins, after the man knows them that they are sins, they are the most severe punishment for the man, who gives what is eternal on what is passing away.
The Jews got upset with the one who was healed from his weakness because I told him to take his mat and walk to his house. They rebuked him, telling him that it was forbidden to take his mat on a day of Sabbath, for his healing was on a day of Sabbath. However, he took upon his shoulders the mat of his sufferance, which had no longer been a burden for him to carry, but it was his healing, because I took over his burden, because I did not come into the world to judge the man but to heal him instead, and I came to take over his guilt and I told him not to commit another one so that it might not happen worse to him, so that I might not suffer worse from the man, My people, because the punishment from the man is heavy to Me. Every sin is a punishment for God; it is My punishment, because I was born to take the man’s guilt over to My shoulders. Oh, how comes that the man does not want to take after Me or at least to carry the humility from his wrongdoings with humility? He has always been asking Me to take it away from him, and I have been merciful to him, I still am merciful, and I have been charged by the man, for the man is not able to carry his punishment that he works for himself.
Oh, My people, I have become very weak in man. I am the paralytic man in man, and this is what I am in man, and I do not find any healing for My wound, but I rather find wound upon wound from man.
I weep for Myself and I weep for you, children charged with My great word, which is born of Me and which does not find any dwelling place and fulfillment in man. Oh, I have much weakness in you whenever I am hurt from the sides in you, for whoever knows Me with you, seeks for My good over them, and they look for their will with you, and this means weakness for you, merciful children, but mercy should be rewarded with mercy, merciful children. However, I strengthen My merciful people to take care of My burdens upon you, and in a way that they may become light and pleasant all the time and that they should work with great watching over their dwelling with Me and over My dwelling with them, and we should be gentle to each other, and to work this out with great humility. Amen.
Oh, My people, I wish that I may have only life, only love, only obedience and fulfillment from your midst, for I have not come to judge between brother and brother, but I have rather come, My people, to take the guilt upon Me, to lift up the guilt, and in such a way that you may live the same between earth and heaven, for we have to make a new heaven and a new earth by the spirit of love by which I made the world, My people. Amen, amen, amen.