My work of the word on earth is the salvation of the creature fallen from life; it is the man’s coming out of the dwelling of the dead, and then My visible coming in the man’s eyes, for him to receive his entire nature from Me, and the whole creation to receive its life before death, which was installed on earth when the man died, for the man, made by My word and by My working hand, died; the man made by God died.
Those who do not have hope in God are sad for their life that passes, because they either forget it or do not make much of Me, the One Who was well pleased to be born as a man on earth, to die as a man and then to be raised to life for each man who is born of man and then dies, and to bring everyone back to life, as it is written into the Scriptures about My calling, about My descent from heaven into My trumpet to raise the dead at My calling, and then they, together with those who are alive in their bodies, will be taken up into the clouds as I was also taken up at My ascension into heaven from the eyes of My disciples, and we will meet each other in the sky, and afterwards we will be together forever for this is written. However, I want to teach the man to believe this. Amen, amen, amen.
While I went up near the Father I said to My disciples: «I will be with you to the end of the age». The man made the age to come to an end for him, but it does not also come to an end for Me, because I am, I am Who I am, and the man built by My hand and by My Spirit is no longer, and I have been looking and waiting for him to come and no longer pass. Amen.
When I ascended to the Father, when I hid My face from the eyes of My disciples in the day, which is called My Ascension into heaven, I was covered by a cloud so that the man was not able to see Me afterwards and in such a way that the man to always look for Me and do nothing else, because the man does no longer wants to be with Me. I hid so that the man may stay with Me and not forsake Me, and that he may want to dwell with Me. This is what I wanted from the man when I ascended from the eyes of those who were looking at Me after they had asked Me about the restoring of the kingdom to Israel. I wanted to send them as My witnesses on earth to teach every man to dwell with Me and not without Me, and not to seek to know the times and seasons, which the Father had set within His own authority and which do not come to an end. Then I, having told them that they would receive the Holy Spirit to be able to confess Me through them, I let Myself be taken away by the cloud from their eyes and My archangels appeared to them saying: «He will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». Amen. Behold, this is the way I come, and I come going, and the man passes by Me and does not see Me. The man passes by God and he does not stop and keeps on passing by, and the time looks at him and at his time, for the man spends his days and he wants his days not the days of the Lord.
It is not the time which passes but the man, and the Lord is always in the beginning, the same always, waiting for the man to come back, the man who passes away. The time does not pass, the time comes and is, but it is the man who passes and does no longer come and is no longer. The time always comes but the man does no longer come and he does not want to know about his coming. He waits for My coming, but I tell him that he does not wait for it and that he has never waited for it. Oh, it is not the time that passes but the man does and he does no longer come back, and he passes by Me and does not stop to want for Me and to stay with Me, if I stopped him to see Me and to get used to Me, for he who gets used to Me does no longer want Me and then he wants himself instead.
Behold, people of Israel in whose midst I was born as the Son of man to die like a man, and then to come to life killing the death, which the man has incurred upon him, My people, to whom I appeared two thousand years ago, did not know Me in order to come to Me, and they do no longer come to Me if they wait for My coming without making haste to wait for Me, but I tell them that they do not wait for it and that they have never waited for it.
Oh, the man does no longer believe in his coming to Me, into My dwelling with him on earth; the man does no longer believe, the man who has forgotten that I became the Son of Man two thousand years ago in order to make God into man. Before My becoming the Son of Man, Job said: «But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives. In the end, he will stand upon the earth. After my skin is destroyed, then in my flesh shall I see God, Whom I, even I, shall see on my side. My eyes shall see, and not as a stranger. „My heart is consumed within me.”» Oh, he spoke so right about Me, and how much and how truly he confessed Me, and I lifted him again and I made him a body again, and Job saw My glory with his own eyes, with his newly made body, and then he received his honor and glory, which he had from My hand by his righteousness, for I loved him and I spoke well of him in heaven and on earth, and after I tore him, I brought him to life again for this longing was consuming within him. But the man does no longer have any longing after his resurrection and he does no longer have faith that I am and I do not pass away and I come going as Daniel the prophet spoke about Me: «The Son of Man, Who comes on the clouds of the heaven and Whose dominion is everlasting and shall not pass away, and the saints of the Most High shall possess it forever and ever». Amen.
Oh, My people, I am above you in the sky with the saints of My kingdom, for they had possessed it on earth because they loved Me and they also have it in heaven in those that are not seen and they have it as their possession forever and ever. Amen.
Oh, how shall I wake the man’s mind to come to his senses? In time of trouble and in pain he remembers many a saints that he knows in heaven and that were also saints on earth. When the man prays to the saints, he confesses the resurrection of the dead and his faith in resurrection, for all saints were the people on earth. Even, I, the Lord became man on earth from a man and confessed the resurrection of the dead, for that is why I came to be seen among the people.
Behold, there is a resurrection and the saints rule over it rejoicing in the sky above you when you make a memorial to those who came to Me and to those from the dwelling of the dead, who wait for the day and for the light of the creation from where they fell through the man built by My hand, who died and he saw God afterwards, and since then the man has been waiting for the resurrection and for the age that is under the Father’s dominion forever and ever, which are and do not pass away; they do not pass away like the man, for the time does not pass away but the man does. However, I have established you on earth to be faithful to the resurrection of the dead and I teach you to work with Me for the salvation of the fallen creature from life and for the taking the man out of the dwelling of the dead, which he has built for himself, pulling himself out from Me.
Oh, sons, it shall not be the Lord’s coming but the man’s coming, the man’s resurrection, for the Lord is, and he waits for the man to come. Amen. First, there comes the resurrection of the dead, and then I, with the glory of My appearance from the clouds, as I worked and ascended in the cloud from the eyes of those who were looking at Me asking Me about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. I had to perfect My kingdom on earth, not Israel’s, but they, not understanding God, did not understand the mystery of My kingdom until after the Holy Spirit had come upon them, Who confessed through them My kingdom over the earth.
Oh, there is a great joy and there is a feast among those who wait in the dwelling of the dead! Oh, it is a great joy for the saints who wait from Me the reward of their love of God! May your memorial of those who wait waiting for you to declare their waking up, which all the sinners will pronounce, let alone those who believe looking for and earnestly desiring of My day! The sinners will go to the grave and will say: «Come out, you from the graves so that we may take your place because we can no longer endure God’s wrath!». However, those that are faithful to the resurrection of the dead, which will be before My appearance in the clouds, will declare their resurrection and those who are asleep will wake up and will come to life, and this Scripture is to be fulfilled, so that those who are asleep may confess, and they will be dressed in a body preaching the work of My word, the voice of the Son of God, heard by those in the grave for their waking up at His voice, as it is written into My Scriptures about the resurrection of the dead and about the life after their resurrection, the life of the age to be. Amen.
— And as for us, the Lord God, the Lord of the living, bring us to life, for You are the beginning of our resurrection, and we call You in one voice: call us outside! And we will listen to you. Amen, amen, amen.
— Oh, this is the Scripture that I have to fulfill now, and I will take you out of your tombs and I will give your life back and you will sing the song of your life and the glory of the Lord, Who wakes up those in the graves, so that He may rest from His sighing and to rejoice over the man’s coming back, over the man’s coming, for it is not I but the man who has to come. Amen.
Oh, Jerusalem of My word, which is heard by those in the graves! It is not I that I have to come, but the man has to come instead, and this work I have to work with you between heaven and earth, for the time does not pass away but it rather comes, and it is and it waits for the man to come, and I command him: let him come! Let the man come to God! Amen, amen, amen.