The Word of God twelve years from the laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down with the saints and with the angels in tens of thousands of thousands above the manger of My word in the last days and I bless with a new word the memorial feast of the laying down of the foundation stone for the building of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem on the Romanian land. Amen.

I am Who I am, and I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth. I celebrate in heaven and on earth My day of victory of the end of the human age and of the beginning of the age of the kingdom of the heavens on earth. There have passed twelve years since through My word, born of the Father, and with your hand, those that are My sons and settlers here, in the garden of My Holy of Holies, and with the blessing and with the unforgettable testimony of My bishop, anointed from above by My word in your days, Irineu, the faithful one of My coming, I laid down the foundation stone of the altar (or shrine) of the Holy of Holies, for the ground under it is the table on which he was established by My word to stay. And he did, and then He confessed, because by this building of unfathomable mystery I fulfilled the little white stone, and on it, My name from the end of the time, for it is written in the Scriptures for the end of the time: «His name is the Word of God». Amen.

I told you to write on this stone all around it: «Behold, the Lord is coming with the tens of thousands of His saints!» and I wrote Myself if you did not write. I wrote because I said to be written this way, and this writing of Mine witness in those that are not seen, from all that are not seen, but they are, adorning and testifying about the little garden of My word, through which I am over it. Amen.

Peace to you! And write into the book of the testimonies a day of feast as twelve years have passed since the laying down of the foundation stone of this building and of the fulfilling of this Scripture of New Jerusalem, established on earth by My word, which comes with the clouds with all My heaven of saints and angels.

Write into the book in which you bring together all My word that is upon you; write for twelve years ago I had My faithful witness, the bishop Irineu, Whom I, the Word of God, set on the chair of My church, the church of Jesus Christ, and I wrote his name on this stone, and this means his establishing over this time, as a witness of My coming and as word on earth, and his word in that day was set near My word and his word testified and it remained written into My book, and My book is called the Word of God, My name from the end of the time. Amen.

Oh, sons, chosen and anointed by My word in this time of My second coming from near the Father! I have come now as word on earth to establish the kingdom of the heavens and the end of the world, for the end of the world is holiness, son. And if you do not hear, I hear, and it is heard from margins to margins by My word, which flows and does not stay, and by which I, the One Who am, testify with the word in heaven and on earth that even I cannot erase your name on this stone of beginning, and you cannot erase it too, and nor those who did not receive you on My behalf with the news of the new beginning, of the new heaven and of the new earth on the Romanian land. Your name is carried by angels and saints from margins to margins in heaven and on earth, and so is your protection and your little crown, which no one in heaven or on earth can take it from you, for you have remained to testify, and the prophecy, which the Holy Spirit spoke through you, cannot be erased either; the prophecy for this land on which I, Who I am, established the fulfilling of the announcing of My coming and of My kingdom with those who are My faithful, the holiness, which brings the world to an end; for I established the New Jerusalem on earth in the year of 7500 from the making of the world, and from My birth as an infant from the Virgin mother, the churchly year 1992, for I built the altar from the table of the Holy of Holies in the first three months of this year, (The ecclesiastical liturgical year starts on 1st September – see also about the Julian and Gregorian calendars, r.n.), and in the fourth month, on the 12th day of the month of December, I sealed with My name and with your name the holiness and its sons and the land under it too, and I wrote with it the end of the world and I came out above all who want to be. And behold, I am the word on earth and I reign through it and give with it to each one according to one’s own deed, for it is written in the prophets: «Behold, take heed of the word of the Lord: A voice of tumult from the citadel, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord that renders recompense to his enemies», and «The Lord will destroy them with the breath of His mouth». Amen. And as for you, by your testimony of that day, you have remained My faithful witness, a testimony that was no longer erased, even if the opponent, the man of lawlessness, brought you forward to strike Me with the stone, put by his unbelief into your hand. But the stone will turn back against all who did not receive you on My behalf, for whoever did not receive you, did not receive Me either, and again a Scripture was written as that one of two thousand years ago, when My people did not receive Me when I came from the Father to bring its salvation and its repentance for the forgiveness of its sins.

You are My faithful witness. There are twelve years in a row since your word has been testifying from near this little white stone, which I wanted to give it as a gift to the church of the world from which I chose you to be Mine, and I have exalted you because of your faith, to give through you the hand to all those who wanted to become sons of God through holiness and the apostles of My word, which comes with the clouds, and which is taken by the four winds and went from margins to margins, so that the nations of the world may come to this mountain of Mine to receive My glory to their holiness, for the holiness is the end of the world. Amen.

You have been in chains for such a long time, but I secretly send you the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and I enshroud you with His protection and I tell you: peace and happiness to you because you are patient for the fulfillment of the endurance, until I send away all My enemies and yours, either by their resurrection, or by their condemnation, for I speak this word in order to fulfill it. Amen.

Oh, rejoice, you, saints and angels, who come with Me from glory, for the Father gives us a new celebration for the day of the glory of the feast of today and He is glorified with His word through His Son. Amen.

And as for you, sons who set the word of the feast of today into the book of the laying down of the foundation stone of the altar of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, pass then into the book of My trumpet, Verginica, and we will have rest in it with the Father and with she, for she is the foundation stone on which I have built My church again in the last days, for in My days with it on earth, I said that My first church would be built again and that the holiness would be again on earth, and this will bring with it the end of the lawlessness, which has appeared now to stop the way of My coming through those who love the lawlessness, but it is written: «Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth, and bring to nothing by the brightness of His coming; … because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved».

We pass into the book of My trumpet and we make you grow with My word and My Father’s and with the word of My trumpet, Verginica, whom I established as the foundation stone of My church from the end of the time, sons. Amen, amen, amen.


The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit come into your book, Verginica. Let us put growth over the holy people of the New Jerusalem.

Come sons, who open to the way of the Lord, and be open gates, for if I always had you this way, I would always keep awake every child of this people.

Come My Father and the Father of My people, come and give them growth as to some of Your children, for You are the Father and You have Me as an obedient Son, so that You may grow them into My image and after My likeness. Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, people of My Son, I do not want the heaven to see that you are pretentious, for you have My Son as your example, and I am your father and mother and I grow you and I keep you away from the evil one that would blow against you, and I feed you with My Son, and you are indebted to love God and to listen to Him and to love Him, so that this may be the reward of His love for you and that you may not owe it to God. Amen.

There was once an obedient child who loved his parents, who, according to his little age, was working with his little hands, according to his power, love and obedient mind, at some things in his fatherly household. He went to school and saw the children of his age that they were taking from the market those that their eyes and mind wanted. And seeing what they did, he thought to buy something from the market too, although his parents took good care of him with everything he needed. His mind of a child desired, but he did not know how to come to fulfill his desire and to be able to have what to buy things and goods with as the other children. He came from school and did with industriously and love all his work that he always did in the house and in the courtyard, and in the evening he took a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote to his parents their debt, which they had to give him for all the work of his hands, and this is what he wrote: the debt of My parents for my work which I did in the household:

- 10 lei – because I bring wood and make the fire; (Leu - Romanian currency, r.n.)

- 10 lei = because I bring water;

- 10 lei = because I bring grass to the poultries;

- 10 lei = because I cradle my little brother;

- 10 lei = because I clear out the courtyard;

Total sum = 50 lei

And when his mother got up the next morning to get him ready for school, to lay the table for him, to put into his schoolbag bread and fruits and then to wake him up and get him ready. Looking into his little bag, she found the little note and read it and run into tears worrying for his little heart, which was touched by a spirit that was not part of the education that he had received from his parents, for they were bringing him up, teaching him concerning everything he had to understand between him and his parents for his obedience and for his protection against evil. And his mother, being wise for the life and for the teaching of the life, added on the paper next to her child’s calculation, writing this:

- Nothing = because we take care of you to grow up;

- Nothing = for your little clothes and shoes;

- Nothing = for our protection given to you against evil;

- Nothing = for our care when you are sick;

- Nothing = for your food and teaching.

Total sum = nothing

And she took the tear stained little note and put it into on his little schoolbag. And the child, rejoicing for the money, went to school and then he looked to count them and he also found on his little note her mother’s calculation. His heart started to sigh and in this way he came back home and went down on his knees embracing his parents and begging them to forgive him because he had this thought, strange to his obedience and love for his parents, and he asked them for their teaching and then he learned to keep out from staying without their teaching upon him all the time in order that he might not become a prodigal son, a slanderer and hidden from his parents, as many of the children in his time were.

Oh, children of My Son, I do not want the heaven to see that you are pretentious, for you have My Son as your example, and I am your father and mother and I grow you up and I keep you away from evil and I feed you with My Son and you have to love God and to listen to Him and follow Him as He teaches you, sons, so that this may be the reward of His love for you and that you may not owe it to God.

Oh, children who are taught by God! I, the Father, tell you that the one who hides will be stung with remorse, as the reward for hiding is painful and you have your way to God to tell Him everything about your being and to get free from burdens and heaviness with which the man goes even beyond his limit (The death of the body, r.n.), if he does not know to put them down until he gets there. The man does not know, and he has no teaching upon him by which to seek to get out of the darkness, to seek the one who cleanses him from everything that he has, which does not take after God. The man does not want and does not know to seek the one who shows him his mistake and not to flee from that one. The man cannot flee from his mistakes if he has some mistakes that are not cleansed by God. And as for you, child of the holy people, if you flee from the one who tells you your mistake, you do not know to be a Christian of Jesus Christ, My Son, but you are like the world, if you want to do this.

I have come into the Verginica’s book, and I have come with My Son to teach you in Him, people of the teaching from above. Whoever is not a student at the school of the New Jerusalem he does not get any prize and no one knows him and no one testifies about him. The prodigal son asked his father for the right of his inheritance to waste it away according to his heart and thus he lost everything that he earned in the house of his parents; he lost the sonship right, the right of the heir of his parents, but no harm comes to the child who stays under the teaching of his parents. He who reads this parable that I give you now, the one, together with the pretentious child, let him understand if he reads and let him understand spiritually, for it is one thing to be a servant and another to be a son, but he who wants to turn into a servant from a son that one has nowhere to learn from if the does not look for a teacher. He who does not speak about his thought and about everything that he speaks to his teacher, that one has not got any gift at all, for the teacher is the greatest gift that a man can have, and the man cannot have another gift, and I say again: let him who hears this word, understand.

I have taught them, Son; I have taught them and I give You to them; as a Teacher and as an example of My child I give You to them, so that they may know what it means to have God as their father and their mother. Amen, amen, amen.

— Oh, Father, glorify Your Son, and I will learn from You to fill with My glory from You those that lay My teaching over the sons of the New Jerusalem, Father.

Oh, My people, I have ordained My teachers upon you and I made them the light of the world, My word upon the earth. Learn to listen to God through them and that you may not be pretentious and that you may not owe it to God, sons. He who does not deny of his own self and keeps it and takes after it and not after the light of the world or after the word of the life, that one cannot listen, that one cannot be a scholar in order to receive instruction and to correct himself from any mistakes he has done.

Oh, Verginica, (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) how beautiful the Father has taught them! How beautiful, how beautiful!

— Oh, Lord, how happy is the child who loves his father and his mother, for that one tells them every thought and then he receives instruction and remains in love. My book, in which we have written ourselves down today over them with such a nice teaching, is a day of school, and happy are the sons of the New Jerusalem, who love Your school from above, Your book, the word of life, Lord, for they know what it means to be a son and what it means to be a servant, and he who knows this, that one remains a son and he remains in Your love. Amen.

I also give you instruction from near the Lord. Do not forget to be sons. The Lord does not want to see that you are pretentious, for the Father has given you now His Son as an example. He has brought you up as sons, for He has His Son, Who listens to Him, and He has given Him as an example so that His Son may bring you up in His image and after His likeness. The sons have everything that their father and mother have and they do not need anything from them but instruction all the time, for this is how the child stays; he always stays under the instruction and love of the one who gives him life and this is what it means for the son to be a child. The Lord has given you a path to Him. Value it, sons. He, who loves walking in the way, walks that way and he does not look to the right or to the left, but only on the path and only with instruction. Seek for the Lord to be well with you, and you with the Lord, so that the heaven may see you thus and that the Lord may take care of you then, because of His care for you and for Him with you. I would ask those who stay as a guide from the Lord to bow to those who do not bow with mercy before the Lord for great is the Lord’s pain that comes from some like those people who have no mercy on His labor and work among you and over the earth.

And as for you, children of Jerusalem, I exhort you towards the longing and towards the love of the Holy Spirit and towards the prayer that does miracles, and all those who have received good education from the Lord stand up and put your shoulder for the great preparation of the gospel from margins to margins of the Lord’s coming with His salvation and judgment, for the glory of the Lord’s coming is coming closer with every moment lived by you in this glory. Amen.

And as for You, Lord Word, bless the walking of Your people with the news of Your coming and with Your kingdom, for their glory on earth. Amen, amen, amen.

— I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, speak with much power and I say: go, Jerusalem, go, for God, the Word, announces Himself with His coming and with His kingdom on earth with you into the midst of the Romanian people. I bless with My word full of grace and truth, with the breath of My mouth, the work of the preaching over the entire earth, of the Son of God, Who comes with the clouds and becomes a word of the Holy Spirit over the earth. Go with the news of the kingdom of the heavens, go, Jerusalem, go! Amen.

Oh, pass from your body into your spirit, children of the New Jerusalem, and be My disciples and be My witnesses from margins to margins, for the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will take from what is Mine and will teach you the walking into My name over all the nations of the earth, starting with you, who are of the Romanians, disciples and sons, and all and everything will serve you, seeing you that you serve to My coming and to My dinner of word with the nations on the earth, who will hear of My glory and will come near to it and will drink of the new wine of the new kingdom, which is coming with the new birth of the world, as it is written into the Scriptures. I have started the kingdom of the heavens with you on earth, and he who is holy let him be holy still and to become a river of the river of life, for any perfect disciple is like his Teacher, and he will receive the reward of a disciple from My hand on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
